Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/20 thru 2/23 - Break

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The camera had to have been swinging from her neck or arm on a strap to capture those photos, especially the dragging pictures. I cant see the camera on its own making its way from the bathroom out to the end of the hallway...being kicked around and then back again towards the shower. imo . Thoughts?

I don't think it could have been around her neck or wrist and captured that shot of her pant leg.
I'm pretty sure she stole just the one journal, the one he said covered his time with Lisa. I think the Hughes did end up with the rest of his journals. Beats me how or why that came to happen. Maybe T's family gave them to the Hughes to use in writing their book?

I thought they had the journals first and kept them?

Since it's quite obvious JA is the anomaly of the journal thief, wonder why she would of stole? For content? For spite?
Hi Steve, let me clarify...I used the term "some form of" physical abuse to describe her behaviors prior to her brutally murdering Travis. It is my best guess that, despite the DT claiming this murderer had no history of being violent, JA was physically violent with TA during their relationship. I would further surmise, that the murder was the escalated culmination of her physical abuse. Of course this is only my opinion but there is some evidence that strongly suggests that this is case.

I too believe that JA was violent. That story that she told about TA hitting his own head against the wall and she was afraid that he would hurt himself raised HUGE red flags for me. While I have no doubt that JA could drive anyone to such a level of frustration, it sounded so much like a CYA tale to me. An explanation/excuse in case one was ever needed. There was one other story about TA slapping her face or hurting her arm in a car? It also sounded much more believable if you reversed the names.

I do not believe that TA would mentally leap from tire slashing and hacking his facebook to telling his Dr friend that, if he was found dead, JA was responsible. There are logical steps between those two different events and I think that TA lived that progression. I think that, for several reasons, TA was unwilling to admit that JA was harming him and his comment to Dr H was as close as he could bring himself to come.

I do believe that TA, in the weeks before his death, was becoming very fearful of JA. :cow:JMO
I think Juan needs to remind the jury at closing that JA spent a great deal of TIME after killing TA in that house. She ran two loads of clothes, we all know how long that takes; She tried to clean the place up but realized it was a wasted attempt, there was just too much blood. Although she cleaned herself up enough to not track thru the rest of the bedroom and house. She changed her socks and put her shoes on because they were not left there. I think she put the camera in the washer by mistake, scooped up with towels and etc and I believe she spent a lot of time looking for it before she left. But she knew she was running out of time before roommates came home so she just left, hoping the deleted photos would be enough. Never the less she spent a lot of time after the murder trying to cover her tracts to be a person in a FOG. And driving all those miles in a FOG? I don't think if I was on that jury I would buy a word of it.

The thing that gets me is her stupid lame reasons for not calling 911. If that itself it not remorseful, I don't know what it.

Speaking of 911 calls, the 911 call made, they had JA pinned right away when they asked if anyone has been threatening TA.

Wish Juan would play this for the jury - ** 911 call **
I listening to trial JW - Lisa D. and Lisa and TA dated on and off for 8 months and their final break-up was end of Feb08. More than TA and JA. And so much dead air with JW.

It's weird to hear a second time. :scared:
I thought they had the journals first and kept them?

Since it's quite obvious JA is the anomaly of the journal thief, wonder why she would of stole? For content? For spite?

I would tend to believe this, especially if TA was aware of things going missing I would bet he gave them to someone he trusted for safekeeping.
It looks like a very short day tomorrow according to JSS's calendar, so far. Nothing else so far scheduled this week either but that's usual. Surprised there's a 10:30 am trial too tomorrow. It is time to cut the crap and show remorse once, an ounce? just a sliver? an induced tear via onion juice, something? Dr. F might as well not humilate herself much more. jmo

CR2008-031021 2/23/2015 9:30 Trial - Continuing State Of Arizona
Jodi Ann Arias
CR2011-005961 2/23/2015 10:30 Trial - Firm State Of Arizona
Travis Riccx


A friend came to visit me recently who had been traveling and had a layover in Phoenix on each end of the trip. He remembered my interest/obsession in the Arias trial so he thought about dropping in one day if there was seating. He happened to be there when Willmott was questioning Geffner and was fortunate to get a seat. Some of his observations:
1. Unbelievable poise and dignity from the Alexander family, even during what he called the most atrocious and demoralizing testimony
2. Willmott’s voice was incredibly distracting with the whines, the “junior high school snobby girl voice”, inappropriate laughing and giggling while questioning.
(My friend is a college professor who speaks very well himself and as a former colleague I can attest to his popularity and excellent teaching style. His work in the legal field as a part of the commissions overseeing teacher standards and practices has given him courtroom experience as well.)
3. The “overtly indulgent” attitudes of the defense attorneys with repetitious and insistent interruptions, the “arrogance of entitlement” by assuming before asking/demanding a bench approach and the incredibly leniency the judge allowed them to do this.
4. Realizing this was resentencing in mitigation, he was still shocked at the number and extensively detailed accusations and assumptions made about Travis Alexander and done so without corroboration.
5. He wasn’t sure at first Nurmi’s role except as teammate to the shrill and demanding Willmott during bench approaches. He said Nurmi was so glued to his phone he was reminded of his teenage nieces who would forego listening to conversations, listening during their favorite musicians’ concerts in favor of checking social media constantly. Nurmi would read, scroll, make weird gestures, look around at the gallery, write something down, continue scrolling, totally glued! He thought at first he was the media spokesperson for the defense team whose job it was to keep up on media interpretation and reporting via tweets!! Seriously!
6. He counted Geffner replying “35 years of experience” more than a dozen times before he quit counting. He said it was the only “fact” he could decipher in Geffner’s very longwinded conversational toned answers directed to a jury who looked like they could use a stiff drink!
7. The “fancy pancy lady” (later told was MDLR) was quite concerned with her telephone as well, so much so she didn’t respond to several gestures from Nurmi to get her attention for something. He thought her physical proximity and general attention to Arias was strangely “suggestive” and was surprised how much physical touch between the two was allowed.8. He found it very odd and alarming to see so little presence from jail officials. The one guard was not “at attention” in a physical way that suggested he could jump up and intervene should it be necessary. The environment was more like what he would expect to see in a divorce hearing than a capital murder case.
9. After an hour listening to Geffner display and explain his “colored sex chart like a 5th grader at the science fair”, he saw juror’s postures gradually slumping down farther into their chairs! He described the boredom factor as easily a 10 out of 10, and the believability factor in the negative numbers. As he told me, it was like to Geffner, “words mean whatever I want them to mean”, and “Having 35 years experience I know the motivations and meaning behind every written word, and I have the authority given 35 years experience to take words out of context, combine conversations, label conversations as being sexual if I believe it makes the victim look bad.” Again, he had to remind himself about the difference between guilt and mitigation phase, because he was alarmed how these suppositions could be made without contest.
10. He had a few chances to actually see Arias from the side. He said it was ridiculously dramatic how she stood in rapt and serious attention with posture and glasses as the jury entered and left, staring them down until they were out the door, then immediately went into smiling “princess mode” who immediately was attended to by her handmaiden MDLR.
10. There were a lot more observations and interpretations, but one last one that stood out and may be viewed controversial by folks, was the “unprofessional, undisciplined and flippant actions and attitudes” from several court watchers that appeared to know each other well. His experience and expectations of anyone attending court is to respect the court at all times, not come joking and rumbling out of the courthouse laughing and teasing each other as though they had just left a party. I thought that was a bit harsh, but he said it wasn’t everyone, not at all. But the few that seemed to be a “clique” were so goofy acting and almost playful leaving the courthouse even as family members were exiting, counsel members, even jurors and media who were not there for the entertainment as the specific group he was referring to.

I have pages of notes he took and pages I took from what he told me and will gladly share if anyone is interested. He knows much less about the details and history of this case, but is familiar enough to know what Arias is, what she did, how it was done and the defense spin. Anyway, I find his observations interesting.

BBM: Just letting you know that someone that goes by Bourbon on another forum used this part of your post in a thread making it appear it was firsthand knowledge to them. I have seen several of our posts copied and being claimed by her/him. One of mine showed up there also. I am not a member of their site, or I would tell them personally to knock it off. I doubt I am allowed to name the site though????
I listening to trial JW - Lisa D. and Lisa and TA dated on and off for 8 months and their final break-up was end of Feb08. More than TA and JA. And so much dead air with JW.

It's weird to hear a second time. :scared:

It's my impression that TA and JA never "dated", that the boyfriend/girlfriend thing was a figment of her imagination. Note that in her May 16, 2008, email to TA, Jodi is ticked that he never called her "girlfriend." I've also never seen any evidence they went out on actual "dates". Travis and Lisa went on actual "dates", as did TA with Mimi, Deanna, and the young woman for whom he bought the ring (I forget her name). JA's quest for a standard "dating" relationship with TA was dead in the water very soon after they met, IMO.
Neesaki- I posted the link for you in the Travis journals/text thread. I'm not sure if you can get straight there without logging in. If not, go BK site, Members, Navigation, Trial Info, JA Journals. T's is the first part of Journal 6.

I'm finally starting to get it , lol. So Travis' journals are in CMJA's journals ? I guess because she stole them :scared: How weird is that ? Never would have guessed. Thank you so much Hope ! :seeya:
The camera had to have been swinging from her neck or arm on a strap to capture those photos, especially the dragging pictures. I cant see the camera on its own making its way from the bathroom out to the end of the hallway...being kicked around and then back again towards the shower. imo . Thoughts?

It's possible the strap broke or came loose while they were struggling initially, especially if TA pushed her down trying to get out of the shower, capturing that ceiling shot and then like JM suggested, JA accidentally stepped back onto it while dragging him back to the bathroom and then kicked it out of the way while trying to get him into the shower stall.

Edit: Scratch that, apparently the strap was still in its original packaging inside the camera bag in the loft. So if TA pushed her down while trying to get out of the shower then JA may have still had her finger on the button, accidentally snapped a pic and then dropped it... etc.

That the box was on TA's desk downstairs, the bag beside the love sack in the loft, pics taken in what looks like a possibly stealthy way in the bedroom and shower of TA, then pics deleted and the new camera dumped in the wash doesn't sound to me like TA was a willing participant. As I've said previously, a photographer with any experience, would know how to use a timer to take selfies... and as far as I've been able to find, there were only the six nude shots, two of TA(one sleeping, second holding up a hand in protest looking like he was surprised, then the four of JA with none of them having both TA and JA in the same pics, in fact the ones with TA only show the Vaseline blue bottle and 2? of the ones with JA show only the smaller white KY bottle)
It's my impression that TA and JA never "dated", that the boyfriend/girlfriend thing was a figment of her imagination. Note that in her May 16, 2008, email to TA, Jodi is ticked that he never called her "girlfriend." I've also never seen any evidence they went out on actual "dates".

TA did call JA his girlfriend on the sex tape. They also went on alot of trips together, some even overnight but that was in the beginning. Very shortlived.
I don't want to bash the Hughes, I do think in their minds their intentions are good. But it has always rankled a bit that they fell for Nurmi's pedophilia accusations lock, stock & barrel. If an attorney for the person accused of killing my friend came to me with that kind of stuff, I'd be really skeptical, but iirc, Sky immediately bought it, even asking what age group Travis preferred.

It is hard to figure out how the Hugheses just fell for whatever the attorneys told them but maybe it's because they are not the sharpest tools in the shed. Maybe they are nice people who are just not very sophisticated. They may have believed lawyers to be honorable citizens who command respect and never stopped to think that these were defense lawyers with an agenda. I wish they had behaved differently but I do not think they were disloyal--I think they were naive.
It's my impression that TA and JA never "dated", that the boyfriend/girlfriend thing was a figment of her imagination. Note that in her May 16, 2008, email to TA, Jodi is ticked that he never called her "girlfriend." I've also never seen any evidence they went out on actual "dates". Travis and Lisa went on actual "dates", as did TA with Mimi, Deanna, and the young woman for whom he bought the ring (I forget her name). JA's quest for a standard "dating" relationship with TA was dead in the water very soon after they met, IMO.

I agree, they may have met up initially at the PPL events and done some travelling, but it sure seemed to be mostly a convenience relationship(online, date for PPL events, BoM achievement, sexual exploration) and not a real dating thing, especially since JA wasn't Mormon to start with. TA was pretty strict on his standards for a mate compared to what he seemed to view as acceptable for a playmate.
Personally, I think JSS had a hiccup in her life that may have effected her schedule (I know the one sudden delay in Dec.(around the 18th to 23rd?, I believe), she had no other cases scheduled at that time (two court days, no court on Friday and picked up the next Monday or Tuesday, then the decision she made about secret witnesses in 2013? came back to slap her in the face via defense. That's my thoughts on my daily followings anywho, I can be wrong and wear it well when deserved.

eta, ah, maybe it was before that time. my apologies.
Ok, why does Nurmi start asking CH about Gus here? He asks him to verify a particular text exchange between him and Gus and Nurmi asks him to write down all his phone numbers (his/Sky/homephone) and then seals it?

Very uncomfortable exchange going on.
It's possible the strap broke or came loose while they were struggling initially, especially if TA pushed her down trying to get out of the shower, capturing that ceiling shot and then like JM suggested, JA accidently stepped back onto it while dragging him back to the bathroom and then kicked it out of the way while trying to get him into the shower stall.

Heather Conner (crime scene technician) testimony 1/9/13

#213 . . . opening .. . camera bag from loft area in residence - there is a strap inside . . . it looks like it is in it's original packaging it shows sony . . . it is the only strap inside the bag . . .
BBM: Just letting you know that someone that goes by Bourbon on another forum used this part of your post in a thread making it appear it was firsthand knowledge to them. I have seen several of our posts copied and being claimed by her/him. One of mine showed up there also. I am not a member of their site, or I would tell them personally to knock it off. I doubt I am allowed to name the site though????

Must be J Q. ..... nope, not allowed to name it.
BBM: Just letting you know that someone that goes by Bourbon on another forum used this part of your post in a thread making it appear it was firsthand knowledge to them. I have seen several of our posts copied and being claimed by her/him. One of mine showed up there also. I am not a member of their site, or I would tell them personally to knock it off. I doubt I am allowed to name the site though????

Seriously, people do that? Why?
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