Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/20 thru 2/23 - Break

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Dang, I missed Juan dropping the camera in the first trial. Was he standing when he dropped it, or was he crouching (as Arias said she was ;)) and dropped it from less than a foot off the ground to illustrate minimal/no damage?

I mean it wasn't a hot potato. She didn't fumble it up into the air like an NFL field goal kicker trying to throw a pass.

He was standing, and it was both completely unexpected and hilarious! :floorlaugh: P.S.: IT DID NOT BOUNCE.
Can someone tell me where on Beth's site Travis' journals are, or are they there at all ? I couldn't find them under Travis' writings, or anywhere else I have looked there. TIA
He was standing, it it was both completely unexpected and hilarious! :floorlaugh: P.S.: IT DID NOT BOUNCE.

Juan is great. The defense must be so jealous that they have to twist and pull reality into all sorts of unnatural shapes to try and make their client look innocent and all Juan has to do is present hard reality and their case falls apart.
Can someone tell me where on Beth's site Travis' journals are, or are they there at all ? I couldn't find them under Travis' writings, or anywhere else I have looked there. TIA

Go to members home; third column; Travis' writing.

OOPS: I guess you've already seen that. Sorry
Something that Zervakos said in one of his interviews really struck me. Paraphrasing here, but that JA had been a normal young girl living a normal life UNTIL she met Travis, and that meeting Travis changed the TRAJECTORY of her life. That struck me as odd because it was nearly verbatim what Willmott said in her argument, that if not for meeting Travis, Arias would have continued being a friend, artist, in good relationships blah blah blah, lie, lie, lie....But for the fact that Travis came into her world and changed the trajectory of her life...........
Zervakos mimicking that phrase exactly really bothered me for some reason. Like he just wanted to believe Willmott so much that he even used her words to describe HIS DECISION. Odd. For me, anyway, it was just odd.

I guess he didn't read the journals... JA had problems years and years before she even knew TA and if you add in the anger examples that were also recorded by her in her journals and again referenced in that long email to TA(damages to her apt in Monterey that her damage deposit was able to cover, kicking in walls, breaking things, etc. how destructive she said her anger was), then it's not a hard leap to see that it had everything to do with JA and although she may not have been happy at the time of any of these "incidents", as an adult she was and is culpable for each and every one of them imo.

Vol.2, P.35, Oct.26/07:
"I spoke w/Matt McCartney for the first time in 3 months. He's thoroughly convinced I should commit myself. I don't think I need to do anything that drastic. I don't need to be on suicide watch. But I haven't felt this broken since Sarah & Cindy cut me down in everyway they could-right before Bobby did the same for the zillionth, yet not the last, time. That was in 1998. Well, actually, I've been down so low before during 2 other occasions in addition to the one mentioned above, and it's strange, now that I have a testimony of the gospel, why have I only recently begun to consider suicide like it's some kind of option for me?"

Vol.4, P.44, Feb.7/08:
"In fact, I was feeling downright depressed. I remember waking up in my bed in Palm Desert, and having that same similar feeling weighing upon me. So I can't really attach my depression to any one person or circumstance. I can even go back further to Monterey, in my little apartment off of David Ave, and I was depressed then, too. The only thing that motivated me to clean my quarters was if I was expecting Darryl & Jack, or if Mr. Meazell said he was going to drop by for maintenance purposes."
Fonseca tomorrow,nothing like beating a dead horse, again again and again! What can she possibly contribute?
I read an article that after these witnesses the killer gets to dazzle us with her eloquence, grammer and syntax (gag me), then Juan and the DT do their closing arguments. Can they complete all this by Thursday? Million dollar question....

How can she allocute when the crux of the secrecy argument was that she is not capable of public expression because of her 'nervousness'? And the reason why she never finished her testimony? *eyeroll*
The only time I ever questioned Juan (in the trial we could see) was when he dropped the camera. I thought that was a bit over the top. In retrospect I realized this camera was in evidence, had gone through a washer, was not useful to anyone except to Juan in that moment. He was able to demonstrate how he could drop a camera and although startling (sic?) it was not enough to enrage someone to attack or murder. (IMO)

First trial video of JM showing the shower pic sequence pre-murder:

The final non-lethal shower pic appears ~34:00 in that video, showing TA seated on the shower floor, knees bent because of the confined space, and looking very concerned. The witness notes that 4min20sec has passed between the previous picture showing TA standing with his back to the water and the next pic of him seated. I imagine JA unloading all her grievances on him during those 4 min. ... while holding him at bay with gun/knife. It didn't happen, but when in the photo sequence was JA supposed to have dropped the camera and caused an enraged TA to jump up from his immobilized position on the floor and attack her?
Can someone tell me where on Beth's site Travis' journals are, or are they there at all ? I couldn't find them under Travis' writings, or anywhere else I have looked there. TIA

Do you mean Vol.6 under Jodi's Journals? Pages 1-19 in that one are TA's.
First trial video of JM showing the shower pic sequence pre-murder:

The final non-lethal shower pic appears ~34:00 in that video, showing TA seated on the shower floor, knees bent because of the confined space, and looking very concerned. The witness notes that 4min20sec has passed between the previous picture showing TA standing with his back to the water and the next pic of him seated. I imagine JA unloading all her grievances on him during those 4 min. ... while holding him at bay with gun/knife. It didn't happen, but when in the photo sequence was JA supposed to have dropped the camera and caused an enraged TA to jump up from his immobilized position on the floor and attack her?

Between the 5:30:30 and 5:31:14, then you see her dragging him by 5:32:16.
How can she allocute when the crux of the secrecy argument was that she is not capable of public expression because of her 'nervousness'?

By video? She's allegedly quite adept at those...
I guess he didn't read the journals... JA had problems years and years before she even knew TA and if you add in the anger examples that were also recorded by her in her journals and again referenced in that long email to TA(damages to her apt in Monterey that her damage deposit was able to cover, kicking in walls, breaking things, etc. how destructive she said her anger was), then it's not a hard leap to see that it had everything to do with JA and although she may not have been happy at the time of any of these "incidents", as an adult she was and is culpable for each and every one of them imo.

Vol.2, P.35, Oct.26/07:
"I spoke w/Matt McCartney for the first time in 3 months. He's thoroughly convinced I should commit myself. I don't think I need to do anything that drastic. I don't need to be on suicide watch. But I haven't felt this broken since Sarah & Cindy cut me down in everyway they could-right before Bobby did the same for the zillionth, yet not the last, time. That was in 1998. Well, actually, I've been down so low before during 2 other occasions in addition to the one mentioned above, and it's strange, now that I have a testimony of the gospel, why have I only recently begun to consider suicide like it's some kind of option for me?"

Vol.4, P.44, Feb.7/08:
"In fact, I was feeling downright depressed. I remember waking up in my bed in Palm Desert, and having that same similar feeling weighing upon me. So I can't really attach my depression to any one person or circumstance. I can even go back further to Monterey, in my little apartment off of David Ave, and I was depressed then, too. The only thing that motivated me to clean my quarters was if I was expecting Darryl & Jack, or if Mr. Meazell said he was going to drop by for maintenance purposes."

Anybody know about Sarah & Cindy cutting her down??? Who are they? What was that all about??
Anybody know about Sarah & Cindy cutting her down??? Who are they? What was that all about??

Wow! She's talking about Sarah and Cindy cutting her down 9 years after it happened!!!

Travis would never have had a life!
Owns Sammy's Café in Provo??

Sorry, I didn't go so far as to sleuth him down personally, just that he apparently lived in Tucson, had a daughter, was a respected Mormon, was willing to pursue JA with calls and messaging, at least according to JA... it was Ms.LaV that gave up his name during her testiphony, so I suppose you could continue on with that?
The only way Travis changed the trajectory of Jodi's life is that he was a bigger fish to hook. She escalated her stalking and violence, not because of anything Travis did or was. Her stakes were higher. After a taste of his good life, she wasn't going to support herself or go back to her closet of a room at Granny's in Yreka!
I agree with you. I do think Jodie was different after meeting Travis, as in more determined, more forceful, and more revenge-filled. But Travis did't cause the changes. He was a victim of the changes.
Wow! She's talking about Sarah and Cindy cutting her down 9 years after it happened!!!

Travis would never have had a life!

Probably girls from high school... calling her names or some such. I know in the journals one of JA's "cons" for moving back to Yreka were her "skeletons".
All this makes me wonder if Geffner, Laviolette and Samuels didn't work with her on passing her test with the prosecution's experts after she failed the one they gave her.
Perhaps it wasn't a slip when Geffner mentioned testing in 2008 on the stand. If he could ignore statements from anyone who dared say anything bad about his Jodi couldn't he pick and choose which tests he admitted to giving her?
I think, if memory serves correctly, she took the MCMI for the defense team. Samuels dx'd 'Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified' (or PD-NOS) which means that she exhibits significant problems in personality functioning but can't be neatly diagnosed using any of the existing PD categories.

I think they did pick and choose what tests they administered deliberately. What they weren't happy with, they simply manipulated in one form or another. The MMPI (State) is considered a better forensic tool - it's almost 600 questions and is written in such a way that malingering is often evident. The MCMI (Defense) is about 175 questions and is normed against clinical patients - as such many don't consider it appropriate for forensic use.

I can't recall if DeMarte used the MMPI or the MMPI-2 but 2 is by far the most popular and well researched. IMO, the defense used what psych tests would most likely slant in their favor.

Go to members home; third column; Travis' writing.

OOPS: I guess you've already seen that. Sorry

That's his 'journal' ? I looked over that and it appeared to be some other form of writings, like really long, philosophical, theological type stuff for Sunday School or perhaps a book, or something? And hard to read too. Oh well, all I have to say is :doh: and thank you very much Myvice. :seeya:
The stark difference between Geff/MF and DeMarte - despite the theatrics - are that DeMarte stayed with the facts. She didn't try and "go behind" the words to find other meanings. She didn't make huge leaps from one data point to another - they were there or not, and she kept the facts very simple. She didn't appear to have any confirmatory bias. She backed up her thoughts with evidence, not "35 years of experience" that seemed to give credence (in their opinions) that the leaps were factual. If in fact there were data to back up these leaps, then it might be more believable. For instance, if they could cite numerous studies done that said proved "85% of all broken fingers for which no medical attention is sought are caused from DV perps" (not a real statistic btw)

BBM And IMHO there was such a stark difference between their testimony, I have to think it struck the jurors. JD presented facts, examples and data points. Did they confirm JD's diagnosis? Of course, that's why she presented them; but that doesn't mean she didn't look at all of the information available. For example, the Purple Plum, JD presented what she felt was probative. Geez, she didn't mention what the lunch special was that week or if JA got a nice note next to a tip, but that doesn't mean she didn't look at everything available.
Sorry, I didn't go so far as to sleuth him down personally, just that he apparently lived in Tucson, had a daughter, was a respected Mormon, was willing to pursue JA with calls and messaging, at least according to JA... it was Ms.LaV that gave up his name during her testiphony, so I suppose you could continue on with that?

Oh, I am not sleuthing him, just wondering if it was the same one. I will find out.
That's his 'journal' ? I looked over that and it appeared to be some other form of writings, like really long, philosophical, theological type stuff for Sunday School or perhaps a book, or something? And hard to read too. Oh well, all I have to say is :doh: and thank you very much Myvice. :seeya:

That and the bit I pointed out from Vol.6,P.1-19, is all that was left apparently, all the rest TA had said was stolen. I thought I had read somewhere that the Hugheses may have had some of them, though perhaps that was in relation to his blog and not his written journals?
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