Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/20 thru 2/23 - Break

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Dec 19, 2008
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Please continue with your discussions about the court session here.

Dr. G did two DAPS testing for CMJA. But the second was for "flavor" only and wasn't used for anything else. So why did Dr. G show it to the jury?
Dr. G did two DAPS testing for CMJA. But the second was for "flavor" only and wasn't used for anything else. So why did Dr. G show it to the jury?

I'm guessing that flavor was yucky.

Justice for Travis
Every time I read a tweet about his "flavoring," I kept on thinking of instant coffee commercials from long ago. Weird association, no?

I just now realized my associational logic: fake expert is like fake coffee.
Every time I read a tweet about his "flavoring," I kept on thinking of instant coffee commercials from long ago. Weird association, no?

Associating coffee with Geffner? If you happen to remember the brand name, be sure to let us know, because I don't want to try any of that. :gaah:
I am so competitive. I do not want JA and cronies to "win". I feel like one of my fourth graders (former teacher). THIS IS NOT FAIR!
Then I remind myself that JA has been convicted of first degree murder. She will never get out of prison according to most legal experts including our own AZL.
I cannot understand how someone who was so brutally murdered can have their reputation be dragged through the mud. Something is so wrong with our justice system. The accusations about Travis are based on lies or partial truths told by someone who has everything to gain with no outside verification.
I want to give a small look into my experience with PTSD. I'm surprised at some triggers/non-triggers. It's not as cut and dried as one might think. And I'm positive each experience is unique. I'm surprised that some things I would think would bother me don't. And some very mundane things bring me to my knees. But one thing I can attest to is my reaction is immediate and undeniable. The butcher doesn't have PTSD. JMO
Is Dr. G finished? Is dr. F up Monday??? Thanks
I've been dealing with a lot of personal stuff. It appears I missed a lot. Jodi's journals were released? I'm gonna have to go to BK's site soon and read them.
Associating coffee with Geffner? If you happen to remember the brand name, be sure to let us know, because I don't want to try any of that. :gaah:

I also vaguely remember a commercial for Maxwell House, or such like, with a man with a bushy moustache sipping his yummy instant coffee. Okay, this is just getting weird! :eek:

He is so suspect of any religious person having reason to lie to him that it makes me wonder if he isn't an Atheist. Especially since he does not seem to have any problem lying on the stand under oath.

Or.... Satan? :D.
Since we're at a pause, I wanted to draw attention to a tweet by Tammy Rose earlier today saying that Juan would be "short and sweet."

Well, to be literal about it, yes Juan is short, but he is also a very sweet person. Even via trial by twitter, we have seen reports that he personally escorted witnesses Deanna Reid and psychologist DeMarte on their walk to the courthouse. Yesterday, he accompanied Steven Alexander.

People can criticize him all they want, but there's nothing in his job description that requires him to put himself out there to that extent. He might be a pit bull, but he's a very sweet one. :)
Dr. G did two DAPS testing for CMJA. But the second was for "flavor" only and wasn't used for anything else. So why did Dr. G show it to the jury?

I'd like to shove the test right down his throat, and I am not a violent person. BUT I WON'T.
I have been following this trial from the beginning. I'm a long time lurker and have never posted until now. I got hooked on trials with OJ when my daughter was an infant. She will turn 21 this year. What? This trial is craziest I have ever observed. I don't understand how anything the defense team has put on is mitigation. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what this is all about. I will be glad to see the murderess hauled off into the sunset at Perryville. Life, death, obscurity, she deserves it all. If I was an Arizona tax payer, I'd be livid. Also I have enjoyed reading all of your thoughts and comments!
Also, after Fonseca we will have the computer expert and then one more? Would that be Dworkin? It would be stupid to call them both since Dworkin gave some pretty conflicting testimony to Sue Smith.
Bringing this over from the last thread:

Odd that the person he believes that he can take their word is the liar herself. He should have had a psychiatrist for himself while he was speaking to her to keep from being sucked into her magical world. If he paid attention in school, he would know that is recommended.

He is so suspect of any religious person having reason to lie to him that it makes me wonder if he isn't an Atheist. Especially since he does not seem to have any problem lying on the stand under oath.

I would like to add the following;

I apologize to any Atheist that I might have offended with this comment. Sometimes in the heat of the trial my posts do not have the clarity that they should. I in no way think that all Atheists are liars. I have known many throughout my life and most were good honest people. I was only wondering aloud if Geffner ascribed to any religious beliefs because of his blatant lying testimony and that saying he did not believe would give him the freedom to lie for secondary gain.
Also, after Fonseca we will have the computer expert and then one more? Would that be Dworkin? It would be stupid to call them both since Dworkin gave some pretty conflicting testimony to Sue Smith.

Nuff said. Desperation.
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