Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias #3

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I don't get a chance to post often, but I read all of the retrial posts each night.

I think that these donations are going to backfire on Jodi. IIRC last time Jodi brought up her "good deeds" of donations it was while she was giving her "surviver" speech and Juan couldn't question it. This time if Jodi gets up on the stand I would think he could bring it up and make her donations work against her. He nay even have a witness that he can bring it up through their testimony if she doesn't testify.
The way I look at it Juan has it covered, and the 'Jodi' fund is out a couple of thousand dollars that they cannot use for her appeal or her families travel.
It is disgusting that this money is being donated in Travis' name though.
This woman unless they just got married is a probably long time wife of a high profile detective....she should definitely know better too to say nothing of not really being smart in terms of having any personal info out there. There are many people that don't like her husband....just not smart.[A/QUOTE]

i just don't understand tweeting at all. Do you start fom the bottom or the top? Who really cares what the detective's wife wrote or what her opinions were? Sounds immature to me at best. Reminds me of Hollywood actors who are quoted tweeting about the foods they have eaten, the places they have been or the people they are mad at. Self important. I don't care to read this stuff. Does Nurmi really think any of this is important?
If these tweets are from a fake account it just shows the lengths to which Jodi will go even being locked away in solitary. What damage could she do if she were in general population? That would be my concern.
I'm actually shocked that if this is proved to have been Flores' wife, and I'm afraid it was, that anyone in her position would risk her husband's career and reputation like this. It's just not done. That said, I hadn't heard about the judge's *advertiser censored*'t. remarks, but it strikes me that those comments would be much more prejudicial than anything Mrs. Flores said...this woman had that strong of a dislike for JM and that's who JSS assigned to the jury? Wow. I'm surprised that JSS didn't seal this motion if for no other reason than to keep that quiet.

Also, I thought the info from that dismissed jury member came out after the trial - didn't she say several times those details would have to wait until then? If so, there were two bits of info talked about that were probably under seal. I don't think this would rise to anything like a mistrial, but some kind of sanction for Flores would be in order. I doubt the Mesa PD is real happy with him either. As for the rest of it, I think it's regurgitated whining that JSS has already ruled on at one time or another. Just one more attempt to delay and pad the record for appeal.

I also would like to know who she was DMing with - obviously someone she thought she could trust, but that in itself was frightenly naive of her. She was probably unknowingly going on and on to one of the JA supporters who was playing TA supporter for her benefit and to see what they could get out of her. And btw, the blog linked up thread with those DMs is owned by one of the JA supporters that is said to do exactly this kind of thing and has been mentioning Flores' wife on twitter lately. Please do not go to her blog.
I'm actually shocked that if this is proved to have been Flores' wife, and I'm afraid it was, that anyone in her position would risk her husband's career and reputation like this. It's just not done. That said, I hadn't heard about the judge's *advertiser censored*'t. remarks, but it strikes me that those comments would be much more prejudicial than anything Mrs. Flores said...this woman had that strong of a dislike for JM and that's who JSS assigned to the jury? Wow. I'm surprised that JSS didn't seal this motion if for no other reason than to keep that quiet.

Also, I thought the info from that dismissed jury member came out after the trial - didn't she say several times those details would have to wait until then? If so, there were two bits of info talked about that were probably under seal. I don't think this would rise to anything like a mistrial, but some kind of sanction for Flores would be in order. I doubt the Mesa PD is real happy with him either. As for the rest of it, I think it's regurgitated whining that JSS has already ruled on at one time or another. Just one more attempt to delay and pad the record for appeal.

I also would like to know who she was DMing with - obviously someone she thought she could trust, but that in itself was frightenly naive of her. She was probably unknowingly going on and on to one of the JA supporters who was playing TA supporter for her benefit and to see what they could get out of her. And btw, the blog linked up thread with those DMs is owned by one of the JA supporters that is said to do exactly this kind of thing and has been mentioning Flores' wife on twitter lately. Please do not go to her blog.

For those of us who don't do tweets...what the heck does DMing even mean? Can everyone please speak English here?
Lamb Chop,
is it proper for everyone to post all these tweets and then regurgitate them when we don't even know if they truly came from the detective's wife? Isn't this conversation really getting away from discussion of the facts of this case and the importance of seeing CMJA locked away for good?
What did the tweets from Mrs. Detective Flores say?
I am thinking the defense would like to have brought ALV and Samuels back for this phase but they do not want to testify again because they were discredited the last time around. Wise decision on their parts if that is the case. But, Arias et al. are in a snit because they see it as JM being so mean and nasty he scared away the witnesses so now they don't have them to fall back on.

Martinez's style is not for everyone but he is competent and takes his job seriously. If he sees witnesses that are blowing smoke he will expose them. Prosecutors nationwide do this routinely; it is their job. And if I recall correctly, JW tried discrediting the prosecution experts. It's not the state's fault that her attempts failed miserably.

Maybe the DT should not have used those two experts in the guilt phase. They might have been more useful in the penalty phase. Or perhaps they intended to use them for both. Whatever occurred, JM exposing them for what they are is not grounds for dismissal. The prosecutor did his job. The defense did their job, too. Problem is, their client was guilty of Premeditated Murder and all evidence pointed to her guilt. The best experts on the planet would have been unable to refute the evidence and this motion to dismiss based on the killer not getting a fair trial because the prosecutor is good at his job is just another DT whine, IMO.

Still, I wish the killer could just be sentenced to life in prison, taken away in her stripes and chains ensemble to be locked up for the rest of her days. People think she will thrive, but I bet she won't. Oh sure, tweets will claim she is doing well and is hopeful of a successful appeal, but those tweets will not be based in reality. How great would it be if she could just be---gone!
Crowd mentality and the "burn her at the stake" type of sentiments show how absolutely ignorant people can be. The Internet reveals all of that and more. It's exactly the kind of behavior one would expect in a middle east or third world country. We have a system here, backed by a constitution. I realize a lot of people don't remember that or even if they do they don't care, but darn if it isn't troubling to see how many idiots there are.

As for the food bank or any other nonprofit, they should not have to spend their time and administrative resources (which costs $, btw) to address other peoples' feelings about who donated. It's not their fault and money is money. I don't think they should have to refuse a donation. It's not like there's any quid pro quo.

Maybe if JA hadn't blackmailed the family by saying she'd trash TA in trial if she wasn't offered a deal, then proceeded to do just that when her plea was rejected, people would not react to her the way they do. And maybe if her supporters weren't so loose with their facts and didn't continue to trash TA with even more garbage than was testilied to in trial, everyone could be more civil. Just saying that the behavior is definitely not one sided. As for the nonprofits, it's their choice about whether or how to react, and this one did by making their statement publicly. If she intends to associate her name with theirs during trial, I can see why it's their business to know ahead of time.

Back to the info in the motion, unless they had permission from the author, those copies of the book shouldn't have been given back to her. And also, what possible use could someone else's version of the trial or opinion about her as written in a book be mitigating evidence? Guess she can say that media and authors make money off of her, but is this really something a jury would think is a good thing? Between this and the pinwheel drawing that was sold, methinks the county might need to tweak their rules about what is and what is not acceptable materials between a defense team and the inmate.
Lamb Chop,
is it proper for everyone to post all these tweets and then regurgitate them when we don't even know if they truly came from the detective's wife? Isn't this conversation really getting away from discussion of the facts of this case and the importance of seeing CMJA locked away for good?

I believe we are discussing the motion that the defense filed yesterday, of which the tweets are a small part. The motion says that they are Mrs. Flores. I don't know that they are not, but I also don't know that they are. The motion says that the defendant feels remorse, and we know that's not true, so grain of salt and all.

Please note: I never linked to anybody's blog. I transcribed the Direct Message tweets from the defense team's motion to dismiss which was posted on's web site . I didn't do a great job (I can barely read it) and it's no loss that the transcription was removed by the moderator. I also posted screen shots from this PDF, and that post was also removed.
^^^ All very good and valid points LinTX, thanks for the reminder of her blackmailing (attempt) of his family.

She is one sly and cunning psychopath- I'll give her that. Unfortunately its going to get her a fast pass to hell. I think she finally realizes this.
I'm actually shocked that if this is proved to have been Flores' wife, and I'm afraid it was, that anyone in her position would risk her husband's career and reputation like this. It's just not done. That said, I hadn't heard about the judge's *advertiser censored*'t. remarks, but it strikes me that those comments would be much more prejudicial than anything Mrs. Flores said...this woman had that strong of a dislike for JM and that's who JSS assigned to the jury? Wow. I'm surprised that JSS didn't seal this motion if for no other reason than to keep that quiet.

Also, I thought the info from that dismissed jury member came out after the trial - didn't she say several times those details would have to wait until then? If so, there were two bits of info talked about that were probably under seal. I don't think this would rise to anything like a mistrial, but some kind of sanction for Flores would be in order. I doubt the Mesa PD is real happy with him either. As for the rest of it, I think it's regurgitated whining that JSS has already ruled on at one time or another. Just one more attempt to delay and pad the record for appeal.

I also would like to know who she was DMing with - obviously someone she thought she could trust, but that in itself was frightenly naive of her. She was probably unknowingly going on and on to one of the JA supporters who was playing TA supporter for her benefit and to see what they could get out of her. And btw, the blog linked up thread with those DMs is owned by one of the JA supporters that is said to do exactly this kind of thing and has been mentioning Flores' wife on twitter lately. Please do not go to her blog.

No, the info about the juror came out immediately. I remember very well. Just see the vid I posted.

Also, that's exactly what it appears SW was doing based on some of those screen caps. She was pressing her to reveal more info and Mrs. Flores didn't seem to know who she was talking to.
There are more than 3.942 million (2012) people living in Maricopa County, Arizona.

The defense cost of this trial has been currently shown as $2.5 million.

Do the math..........just off the top of my head, that's apprx. $6.34 per person, over a 5-6 year period, a bit over a $1 @ year.

Sure, there's the cost of the jail, (relatively cheap thanks to Joe), the prosecution, judge, etc., etc., but it's NOT enough to throw a fit about.

CMJA's funding projects should be thrown into a refund account for the defense. She's not indigent if she's making money, no matter how little.

Thank you Bernina for this post. It does help :)
Lamb Chop,
is it proper for everyone to post all these tweets and then regurgitate them when we don't even know if they truly came from the detective's wife? Isn't this conversation really getting away from discussion of the facts of this case and the importance of seeing CMJA locked away for good?

Since it is an issue and has shown up in the latest Motion is can be discussed. The tweets should not be copied here because we do not know if they were actually from CF. Regardless let's not criticize her yet when we really have no proof. I read the tweets and did not think there was anything wrong with them. She has a right to her own opinion. The rules aren't different for CF than they are for other citizens. Being married to a police officer does not mean you give up your right to free speech, or tweeting, as the case may be. If there was something Det. Flores should not have shared with her, that is on his shoulders and not hers. For all we know Mrs. Flores came here to get her information because we are soooo on top of things here. :giggle:
So, yep seems like that is what happened. SW orchestrated this. She started asking her for info, as herself, then took it to DM to get secret info from her that she thought she wouldn't reveal out in the open. Screen cap and off to the DT.

Just wow...
Secret info? How would she have had any?
I'm not saying she would. I'm saying SW was pumping her to reveal things that she could use against her.

OK, good to hear. For a minute there I thought there had been some "secret" info provided.

So far though, no evidence of any. Just the same type of gabbing about the trial and the defendant, etc., that was happening, on JVM and NG, Dr. Drew. It was fodder for everyone, as this type of trial will be.

Even JA herself was tweeting via her pals.
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