Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 12

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I finally caught up reading all the trial testimony, and I hope the jury has been left with what I'm experiencing right now...a real bad taste in my mouth. Juan did an excellent job putting the defendant in the worst possible light. I hope the jury is sickened by the sight of her.
This braided pigtails were strategy. She premeditated that murder and needed a way for her hair not to be all over the place after she killed him. Braided pigtails sure does keep the follicular DNA down to zero.
How much you want to bet she was following the Pistorius trial... it worked for him, the poor poor traumatized little boy.... :gaah:

Oh gross. No doubt there exists a playbook for coaching the most deplorable and obviously guilty defendants. Their lawyers learn from other cases what works and what doesn't work.

(I'm bolding the whole thing because the thought is so offensive.)
Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN 1m1 minute ago
Dr. F says it would be irresponsible for her to say TA was a pedophile. #JodiArias


No she will just imply that he was ....
Gosh, I meant this very differently than its being taken. Rose said she was 31 now and had never seen it (something to that effect). I really was surprised. I certainly am not proud of it but at 14 I had been exposed to it, for quite awhile, unfortunately. I wish I could take my comment back but its been quoted now a lot. I didn't mean it the way its being taken and now I feel really bad.

Frigga don't feel bad at all. I grew up in the beach city of Dana Point in So Calif and I was a teen during the 70's. Graduated in 1979. I too by age 14 was exposed to at least weed. Alas, many an outdoor or indoor Fleetwood Mac (with Firefall opening ) concerts, Kenny logins , led Zeppelin " Song remains the Same movie in theatres etc etc. It was a great time and I regret NOT. I also was a straight A student. It's just how it was in the beach communities then. I visited many.
QUOTE=Hope4More;11234808]A very long analysis of CMJA's lie that she saw Travis with child *advertiser censored* on Jan 21.

A. The phone calls that day (January 21, 2008)

- a total of 5 calls from T to her.

The first call of the day was from her to him, at 3:53pm. Then:

J to T--- 4:09pm
T to J---4:39
J to T---4:53
T to J --4:54
T to J --5:11
T to J--5:20
T to J--5:48
J to T--5:53

B. The texts began at 5:38pm.

J to T 5:38-- I can't remember. Am I coming 4 you at 10:30 on Wednesday?
J to T, 6:41--can we trade cars before FHE (which starts at 7pm)
J to T, 7:19 ---never mind. Store closes at 8. I'll go tomorrow
J to T, 7:20- --same message about store
T to J, 7:24-- I got a ride to FHE. Now you can just go get it. Let me know when u make the exchange.
J to T, 7:25--I fell asleep. You woke me up. We'll see.
T to J, 7:27--- Asleep? You must not need it that bad. I got a ride so you could go get the car. Now you're just going to sleep?

7:38 J to T - I have a really bad headache..I can barely move.
9:11 T to J - Alright. Get it tomorrow then.
9:16 J to T- Can you talk right now?
9:19pm T to J - Not right now
11:33pm J to T - how long?

C. Her story about that day, condensed and paraphrased from testimony:

Worked at Mimi's Cafe in am, the morning shift. Says can't remember what time restaurant opened, when her shift began, or when it ended. Went to T's directly from restaurant. Drive took approx 20 minutes. Said it was "well before dark."

Walked thru open door, went directly upstairs, might have called his name. Were broken up but she went there almost every day. T needed help with putting boxes in the attic. Discussed her coming over that day? Yes, weeks ahead of time, ok, ok, probably that day. By phone. No morning cell calls. By landline then. Caught in lie. She didn't have a landline then, which JM forces her to admit.

Long back and forth about how it was arranged. Lots of squirming, lip licking. Then.

She helped him with boxes. Left. Came back because she had left the angel. Saw him with photo gracefully falling to floor. Fled. Went home. Threw up. Cried. Drive around in her car. Went to Mormon visitor center. Travis desperately trying to reach her...many many phone calls from him to her. She didn't answer.

D. Context- the restaurant

CMJA testifed that she didn't know what time Mimi's opened, that she typically worked morning shifts, and that her shift lasted 4-6 hours on average.

I looked. Mimi's opens at 7am. Having waitressed then managed a restaurant to pay my way through my first graduate degree, I'm very familiar with how shifts work.

She clearly didn't open Mimi's, which means she didn't do a breakfast shift. She did lunch. Lunch servers most places come in between 10am & noon, and stay through at least 3-4pm, until the dinner shift arrives to prep. FWIW, breakfast and lunch shifts are typically assigned to least skilled servers; experienced servers choose dinner shifts because they can earn significantly more in tips.

Her lunch shift ended no earlier than 2, at the very earliest, and closer to 4pm is more likely. For certain, on Jan 22, the next day, she was first scheduled to work til 4pm, but her shift was extended by an hour.

D. Context- the calls.

The first call made on the 21st between the two was from her to Travis, just before 4pm, consistent with her about to get off work, as is her second call to him, just after 4.

Then there is an exchange of calls, a brief lapse, then Travis calling her multiple times, last call shortly before 6. Travis went to Family Home Entertainment Night on Mondays, which began at 7pm. He likely would have left the house no later than 6:30 .

The calls and texts and Travis going out to FHE establish that it was impossible for them to be together at his house at any time from 6:30- 11:30 pm that day.

The cell calls also establish that the two were in different locations from just before 4 until 5:53. For her story to be true and to have taken place anytime after 4, she would have had to drive to his house, help put boxes in attic, leave, return, witness the dastardly deed, flee, go home, puke, go to visitor center, and return home, all between 5:53 and 6:41pm, when she texted him about trading cars. Note: remember that she testified it was well before dark when she drove to his house the first time.

It is theoretically possible for the whole incident to have taken place before 4pm. To believe that is so: she worked a very short shift at the restaurant (she didn't testify that happened), drove to Travis' house without telling him she was coming, did the boxes leave return thing, drove home, puked, left to visitor center, went in, sat down, cried, went home and slept.

After she woke up, she called him at 3:53, and then again at 4:09, exchanged a few calls with him, or attempted to, then texted Travis at 5:38 to say she couldn't remember whether she was picking him up 2 days later. No response from T. She texted him again at 5:53. No response. She texted him next at 6:41, asking him to trade cars that evening, before he went to FHE. (Note- he almost certainly had already left or was on his way out the door to FHE). No response.

She then sent the same text to him at 7:19 and than again 7:20, telling him never mind about trading cars. He responded to her for the first time by text at 7:24.

He didn't call or text her between 5:48 and 7:24.

Note: her testimony was that she was too upset to speak with Travis....that he called her repeatedly, but she wouldn't answer. He called her all of 5 times that day, all day, and SHE initiated both the calls and texts of the day.

D. Context- the exchanging of cars.

This testimony was confusing in part because JM went at for so long and never really connected the dots why so. Listening to it again, I heard for the first time that JM himself kept switching stories about what car she was driving when.

IMO, one large reason for his emphasis and switching stories was to keep her off guard, and to demonstrate to the jury her process of adopting whatever story conformed to the facts she thought he was using to corner her.

Even less obvious, JM was using the exchange of cars to illustrate how relentlessly she persued him, and how constant was her manipulation.

In her original story on the stand she says she drove away from his house in HER car. JM jumps at that and asks, isn't that problematic since you were driving HIS car. She insists it was hers, he says Travis got a ride to FHE because he didnt have a car...back and forth and back and forth , with JM saying at one point, well you were driving your car, which st some point she doesn't even try to respond to because IMO she can't guess the correct answer.

JM's other point about the car exchange was why in the world was she so concerned about the "pedestrian" issue of a car exchange after just witnessing such a bad deed?

She's quick to deflect, responding that the cars were absolutely NOT a minor thing to Travis. That she was just trying to do what he wanted, which was to exchange the cars. Caught in another lie, because the texts clearly indicate SHE asked to exchange the cars. Travis did not.

E. Conclusions

IMO it is pretty clear what happened on January 21. She worked until 4. She knew he was going to FHE at 7. She likely indicated to him over the previous weekend that she might want to exchange cars. She tried to reach him around 4, he didn't jump quickly enough for her. She ignored the 4 or so calls when he did try.

Nothing stopped him from going to FHE, even her last ditch attempt 20 odd minutes before 7 to at least stall him, by asking to trade cars before he left for FHE.

Knowing he was already at the hour long FHE, she sent him texts in a transparent attempt to make him feel guilty he hadn't exchanged cars. That attempt drew a response, but not the one she was looking for.

Travis tells her to exchange the cars by herself , even after she's complained about having a horrible headache. He goes back to having fun. She asks him if he can talk...he replies no, and doesnt reply when she asks "when?"

All afternoon and night CMJA tries to insert herself into Travis' life, and over that time he is clearly disinterested at best,annoyed with her at worst.

Little to none of what she said happened on January 21 is true. If she saw Travis at all on the 21st it was because she waited for him, uninvited, at his house until close to midnight at the very earliest.

Last note.....JM asked her pointedly about where her car was the next day, Tuesday Jan. 22. Tis an odd thing, no? That she was at his house in the morning, whether he was there or not, and yet she calls him from work that day asking for a ride? She has neither car. (My best guess is she was at T's house by herself in the AM. That she didn't switch cars because it no longer served any purpose, that she carpooled to work explicitly so she could ask him to pick her up. Another manipulation to keep her hooks in him...


Watch from 3:40:00.
During direct testimony, JA said she was driving Travis's car.
Like she said, how did she put it? "Well, it's all same thing, just different versions, I can't keep my lies straight".
Frigga don't feel bad at all. I grew up in the beach city of Dana Point in So Calif and I was a teen during the 70's. Graduated in 1979. I too by age 14 was exposed to at least weed. Alas, many an outdoor or indoor Fleetwood Mac (with Firefall opening ) concerts, Kenny logins , led Zeppelin " Song remains the Same movie in theatres etc etc. It was a great time and I regret NOT. I also was a straight A student. It's just how it was in the beach communities then. I visited many.

Class of '80 here, Bay Area. Did you So. Cal. kids ever by any chance go to midnight showings of the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Lol... Greasy popcorn was never the most prominent smell in the theater.

Also there was a little-known local band some of us kids liked... the Grateful Dead. I sometimes suspected that members of the audience at their concerts were under the influence of more than just the groovy tunes.
Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
11/25/2014 8:00 AM



Defense Exhibits 1-3 are marked for identification.

Maria Schaffer is sworn and testifies.

State’s Exhibit 4 is marked for identification.

The State offers and admits State’s Exhibit 4 in evidence...

Bryan Neumeister is sworn and testifies.

The Defense offers and admits Defense Exhibit 1 in evidence...
The Defense offers and admits Defense Exhibit 2 in evidence.
The Defense offers and admits Defense Exhibit 3 in evidence..

Bryan Neumeister testifies further....

Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
11/25/2014 8:00 AM



LET THE RECORD REFLECT that on 11/20/14 Exhibits 62-64, 249, 488, 494, 440,
623, 741-747, 442, 391, 458, 456, 603, 610, 609, 554, 556, 555, 489, 495, 394, 393, 737, 680,
561, 560, 739, 738, 736, 383 and 740 were temporarily released to the State and returned this

Defense oral Motion to Reconsider Motion for Media Sanctions is heard and denied....

Dr. L.C. Miccio Fonseca, having previously been sworn, testifies further.

State’s Exhibit 748 is marked for identification...
State’s Exhibit 749 is marked for identification.
The State offers and admits State’s Exhibit 749 in evidence.

Exhibit 749 is played for the Jury.

State’s Exhibit 750 is marked for identification.
The State offers and admits State’s Exhibit 750 in evidence.

Exhibit 750 is played for the Jury....

State’s Exhibit 751 is marked for identification.
State’s Exhibit 752 is marked for identification.
State’s Exhibit 753 is marked for identification.
State’s Exhibit 754 is marked for identification.

State’s Exhibit 754 is split and a portion is marked as State’s Exhibit 754.001...
Maybe someone can do the math for me... How many days did Travis and Jodi know each other? How many gazillion texts did they send to each other? What's the average number of texts per day?

Of course, we don't know how many of the texts were from Jodi and how many were from Travis. I'm guessing the number is skewed in her favor.
Yesterday, ILikeToBendPages wrote

... which reminded of some of what I hate about Jodi. The "innocent excuses" to see Travis, if they're even true (I suspect the self-reported one's aren't), are so juvenile and transparent it makes me want to scream. And only partly because they remind me of the sorts of stunts I pulled back in jr. high. Then there's the ridiculousness about Travis calling her of all people to help put away Christmas decorations in his attic (at some vague, unspecified time that they kind of talked about but kind of didn't talk about, or something, she doesn't remember), because obviously he couldn't ask his housemates or anyone sane for help with that. But let's say it's true, she was there helping with the decorations, and he did give her the angel ("He said it reminded him of me." Gah.), and she did forget it and go back 10 minutes later only to walk in on him "engaging in masturbatory activity" with a picture of a young boy (obviously not true, of course)... She said she just walked back into his house because she'd only been gone about 10 minutes. Who does that? And she traipsed upstairs into his bedroom without so much as a "yoo hoo" because I guess his "open door policy" included his house and bedroom even when he was home and even when he had no reason to be expecting her? Because that's what a close friendship they had? And she's trying to sell this nonsense? OK, maybe she did try the "I'll just pretend to forget something then innocently barge back in a few minutes later to get it" trick, but, seriously, who does that?

Also, anybody else notice how often Jodi throws out that something or other took place in Travis' bedroom? We were in his bedroom and... we were sitting in his bedroom and... my purse was in his bedroom and... I had to go into his bedroom and... we were sitting on his bed looking at Mimi's Facebook page and... I was coming out of his bedroom and... I was just hanging out in his bedroom and... My personal favorite (from her interrogation): "We knelt down by his bed in his bedroom and prayed." (You know, for strength to resist their overwhelming sexual urges... but "it didn't work.")

I hate her so much.

eta: Oh hey! ILikeToBend Pages! You just posted! Small world.

edited again to add: Also, it wasn't exactly a "finished attic," was it? Just kind of a space with joists and insulation? And the police didn't find anything there? So where oh where were all of Travis' Christmas decorations and more importantly who helped him move them? Couldn't have been Jodi, because she absolutely, positively would have told us if it had been her. Could it be that she never helped him put Christmas decorations in his unfinished attic? And could that mean she never caught him you-know-what-ing? Hm.....

Awesome post as usual, T-4-2.
Justice4Travis ‏@Justice4TravisA 6m6 minutes ago
30 minutes until we go live for The Trial Hour with Chris Hughes - you don't want to miss it! #JodiArias

Nicole Goodman Esq ‏@msesquirette 7m7 minutes ago
#JodiArias KN to Dr F if you don't have a good answer and it's near the end of trial read slow, ask Nurmi how to answer and answer in the am

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 35m35 minutes ago
No oral arguments at Court of Appeals. No attorneys will be there. COA will make a decision in writing about secret testimony. #JodiArias

Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN 1h1 hour ago
Courtroom emptying out. #JodiArias in deep conversation with Nurmi.

BBM - She will come in with some BS answer memorized. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw this:
JSS: "Dr F, I remind you that you are still under oath. Mr Martinez, you may continue."
JM: "(Something totally different than where he left off.)"
KN: "Objection. He did not allow the witness to finish her answer from yesterday."
JM: "I withdraw that question since she never started her answer."
KN: "Your honor that's not fair. We rehearsed this answer for an hour last night."
Juror question for this 'expert'

Multiple choice. Feel free to say 'yes' to all of the below.

You've made an absolute fool of yourself because:

1. You love money
2. You love Arias
3. You love ALV
4. You hate Juan Martinez
5. You hate all men
Fantastic job, everyone! I wish I could have been here all day yesterday. Dr. F., $275/hr, JM PRICELESS!
This braided pigtails were strategy. She premeditated that murder and needed a way for her hair not to be all over the place after she killed him. Braided pigtails sure does keep the follicular DNA down to zero.

Except it didn't work. Among the blood and her bloody palm print on the bathroom wall, they also found her hair. Forensics FTW!
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