Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 26, Part 2

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I thought that question was very pro-prosecution even with the statement "I understand the cycle of abuse....." I took this to mean: "Don't go blahblahblah about the cycle of abuse, I know about it already and understand what people mean when they talk about cycle of abuse. What I really want to know is.... [the rest of the question?]."

I read the question as "I'm also a psychologist so you can cut passed the bullchit babble and get to the dirty if she was abused WHY would she drive so far and exert so much effort into seeing her abuser"
How DOES Matt M feel about Jodi now? What did Juan mean about that?

I don't know but wouldn't you just love for him to come in there for the prosecution and blow all her lies right out of the water? Never going to happen though because he would have to admit to some underhanded stuff himself I would think. I say give him immunity and have him tell all. ;)

salacious: [adj.] relating to sex in a way that is excessive or offensive [Merriam-Webster]

Today JM said to Geffner that the exchanged messages between JA and Ryan Burns "were salacious". I hope that means we'll see them during rebuttal. I bet JA was sexually "aggressive" with RB, like with Abe and probably numerous others. I'd like JM to call Ryan Burns during rebuttal to illustrate JA's cold-hearted manipulations.
I'm left-handed also. I've never held my pen or pencil correctly, and I write sort of upside down like some other left-handed people. My thumb, index finger, and middle finger are holding the pen. My middle finger is pressing down really hard on my ring finger. It would be difficult to write normally if you had a broken ring finger. As someone said earlier, Jodi will probably start writing with her right hand, trying to outsmart everybody. But she said she was ambidextrous in the last trial.

Hello fellow leftie! I don't write upside down, I keep my hand straight and my pen fingers aren't pressing down on the ring and pinky, I drag those along the page (my son is cracking up at me practising all this so I can explain it lol). This would be painful.

The only way I could imagine it wouldn't be is if the break was injected with anesthetic, you were on lots of pain killers, you were drunk out of your tree or you were stoned. All of which would change your writing anyway.
I believe JA may have doctored her journals before or soon after the killing, but do the words "the law of attraction" even appear in them? Or did the concept arise during the 40 hrs. ALV interviewed JA?

Well she said in a blog post that she wasn't following the "Law of Attraction" for about 6 months pre murder. Which is when all the abuse supposedly happened. Why can't JM bring that blog post in?

<snip for the bit I missed>But she said she was ambidextrous in the last trial.

Some people say that because they can use things right handed (number pad on a keyboard, tin opener, power tools etc that are made for right handed people) not because they can write with both.

I've got no idea what she meant. I can do my signature with both hands (practised it) but my writing with my right hand is so bad, you can tell it's not my normal one.
Yes, apparently Matt is married with a family now. Oh, and they come first, according to him, even over Jodi. That ought to make his wife feel real good- not!
Iirc, Matt actually said he'd lie for her which is why Juan was able to say that unopposed.

And why he never testified in the guilt phase or the first mitigation phase. I guess he's just letting the DT know if they bring in an affidavit from him, he's bringing in that comment.

although normally a young woman who presents as JA does would not be as likely to receive the DP as, for example, a hulking tattooed guy with scars on his face or similar, I think there is one thing that could alter that. And I think that "thing" is exactly what she has chosen to do. And that is to attempt to demonize the victim, especially in regard to the pedophile allegations. I'm not sure false claims of regular DV would be enough. But accusing the guy you slaughtered of being a pedophile, based on only your word first expressed years after the crime and the hearsay of a nutcase from AU, now THAT might just tick off even the most wishy washy members of the jury.

Especially as TA presents as something very far from a pedophile, even according to JA's own testimony. What kind of pedophile has simultaneous threads of conversations and potential relationships going with multiple women? A pedophile may be married to a woman, for cover, but I'm pretty darn sure he isn't constantly dating and pursuing new women and spending huge amounts of time being with them and talking to them. It's completely ridiculous.He didn't do anything typical of pedos. He was exclusively with grown men and women.

I was looking at an article a law firm did to help churches, schools and similar identify pedophiles. I couldn't find a SINGLE characteristic that TA exhibited. He lived with other people, worked with adults, didn't have girlfriends with kids, didn't coach little league, had tons of friends and was constantly with other people. The whole idea of presenting this pedophile "evidence" to the jury is just beyond the pale as far as I'm concerned. And since, IMO, it is not good faith mitigation evidence, I really question the propriety of an attorney allowing this to be introduced. I just hope it backfires as spectacularly as it deserves.

Over 25, Single, Never Married, Does Not Date: Although these indicators, by themselves, means nothing, they bear significance when combined with other characteristics of a pedophile. Often, pedophiles do not marry and have trouble performing sexually with adults due to their sexual preference for children. They may also have very little dating experience. However, a pedophile is still capable of engaging in sexual relations with an adult. For example, a pedophile may marry in order to gain continuous access to stepchildren and/or friends and acquaintances of the children in the home.

Lives Alone or With Parents: Of course, the fact that a man or woman lives alone does not mean that he or she is a pedophile. However, an individual that lives alone and who possesses many of the other characteristics provided in this paper should raise suspicions.

Excessive Interest in Children: Although it is difficult to determine if a substantial amount of interest shown to a child or children is excessive, Lanning states that the old adage "If it sounds too good to be true, maybe it is" may apply. Of course, this may be difficult to determine if the pedophile is employed in a position in which he primarily deals with children, such as a youth counselor or child care worker. Evidence that the individual spends a great deal of time outside of work with children may be more indicative of a problem.

Young Friends and Associates: Many pedophiles frequently socialize with children and become involved in activities that young people are interested in. They often spend a substantial amount of time at schools, arcades, malls and other places that children frequent. Depending on the age and gender preference of the pedophile, they most often have friends that are very young or may be teenagers.

Limited Peer Relationships: Most pedophiles have very few close adult friends because they are unable to share the most important part of their life (their sexual interest in children) with most adults. Frequently, however, if a pedophile has a close adult friend, there is the possibility that the friend may also be a pedophile, since, as Lanning states, "Only other pedophiles will validate their sexual behavior." Again, speaking with neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances may elicit important information about the pedophile’s social relationships.

Access to Children: In order to gain access to children, most pedophiles place themselves in situations in which they can be around young people. Pedophiles may not only marry to gain access to children, as mentioned above, but may befriend a woman for the sole reason of getting closer to her children. In addition, a pedophile may become employed at a job where he will be in the presence of many children (teacher, camp counselor, photographer, babysitter). He may even become involved in a position where he can eventually specialize in dealing with children (minister, doctor, dentist, police officer, social worker). As Lanning mentions, "the pedophile may also become a scout leader, Little League coach, and so on.

I swear that presenting this type of testimony is basically malpractice in my mind in a DP mitigation case. Maybe I'm wrong. But how many defendants in the penalty phase actually choose this type of allegation as their "mitigation" evidence. This is just pure Jodi. She can't help herself and I hope it works just as it should-ensuring she gets the DP. All she had to do was put on a remorseful act. But she won't do it. She'd rather continue her revenge against Travis. I guess I do think that this behavior too just needs to be condemned by society and that's part of why I do hope she gets the DP. I don't want to see an increase in defendants and their lawyers feeling this is a viable method of manipulating a jury.

I tend to agree and the sentencing phase of a DP case is where I worry the most.

Because when potential jurors are first asked if they can give out a DP sentence, I feel that SOME people just make an honest mistake about it.

I dont think people intentionally lie. I think they honestly feel they can do it but when the reality sinks in during the trial proceedings I think some people have a change of heart as they become honest with themselves.

See before the trial starts, they firmly and honestly think they can do it if the defendant deserves it. But once the trial proceeds and things get personal I think some people just struggle with that type of verdict and they begin to have a lot of inner turmoil within themselves.

Hardly any one of them has ever had to deal with something so important and when they originally thought they can do it, I think some find out that they really can't. And I worry that there will be a small number that fall into this situation and they will use any insignificant excuse to validate why they cannot give the verdict of the DP.

It doesnt happen all the time since many have been given the DP. I do think it does happen like this in some cases and this is the sort of thing that worries me the most. That they all would basically agree that she deserves the DP but 1 or 2 wont be able to give out the death sentence when it comes to signing on the dotted line. And at the beginning of the trial, they thought they could.

All JMO of course.
Seems this hack had a list to items to disclose to jury. None was evidence, hope someone reminds the jury.

BBM ~ Juan will! He has already brought up the secret code magazine that Geffner had no clue about.

Juan will hit it home when he bring the jury back to the secret code magazine. :)

What was Geff's answer to this:
1:28:58 TrialDiariesJ In your opinion of a heterosexual male is it normal for them to view girls and boys? #jodiarias #3tvarias

(thank you to Bernina, I pulled these tweets from her post on the sidebar thread):

Jen's Trial Diaries &#8207;@TrialDiariesJ 24s25 seconds agoPhoenix, AZ
In your opinion of a heterosexual male is it normal for them to view girls and boys? #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries &#8207;@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute agoPhoenix, AZ
Geff- Yes...we can have non exclusive that are attracted to kids and adults #jodiarias #3tvari

to me he didn't answer the question, which seemed to be going on with more than a few of his answers
I don't know but wouldn't you just love for him to come in there for the prosecution and blow all her lies right out of the water? Never going to happen though because he would have to admit to some underhanded stuff himself I would think. I say give him immunity and have him tell all. ;)


yes, yes and yes! That would be one way to redeem himself- if not for himself then his wife and children.
Telling an officer of the court you'll lie if called to testify seems like a sure fire way not to be called by proactively impeaching yourself.
We [emoji173] you Curious, please come back

Yes, do come back. CMJA has caused way too many problems with her lies. She has no power here at WS, we should all agree to disagree. It was said today by someone here that the murderer was intent on ruining relationships etc. She cannot and will not ruin the bond we all have formed here!!!!! Trial by tweet SUCKS, and so does anyone associated with that evil fake $^%#!:loveyou:
So, we know JM now knows the weak points (and will be plenty prepared for rebuttal), but so does the DT - how might they try to counter that? They haven't rested yet.

They've got nothing IMO, unless they can dig up someone overnight. If they had more, they wouldn't have had to try and get all this secret testi-phony in via the Geff.



Oh wait, I almost forgot, they can totally discredit DeMarte with all the copyright issues! :rolleyes:
Hello all...I read here often, but rarely post. I watched the first trial in its entirety, and have followed this penalty phase here and via Twitter. During the first trial, I was often pessimistic after jury questions. This round of questions seems to resoundingly favor the prosecution, in my opinion. While there are some that appear to at least consider the defense's position (like the ones asking for opinion on DV), I don't sense the same conviction in those as I do in the ones that favor the state. In other words, I think at least some folks on the jury are very pro-prosecution right now, and I don't read any questions that seem to have that level of conviction for the defense. I am very encouraged. Before Juan's cross of Geffner, I would have said that there is no way she would get the death penalty. Now, I think there is hope.
If I were on this jury this is what would glare at me. It is easy to see the DT as slime and I sincerely believe they are...but...JA could have, at any time, directed the DT to stop the slime and just DEFEND HER. She is the boss of her defense and I hope the jury considers the mechanics of this trial as they consider her punishment. Show remorse? She'd rather let her...please!!!

Exactly. This is the only case I have ever witnessed where the defendant is literally asking for the DP.

She continues to trash both the victim and his family when it is totally obvious to most that he nor they do not deserve any of it.

Even if we try to give the DT some of their allegations, the totality of the case solidly proves that there was nothing that Travis did that warranted Jodi butchering him up. And for JA to be bashing him and his family like she is doing it is just beyond belief.

And even when you try to give the DT the benefit of the doubt on some things, along comes a juror question that asks Geff if there is any corroborating evidence whatsoever of abuse other than JA words and he flatly says "NO". And NO evidence of child *advertiser censored* either.

And yet this entire case, JA and DT keeps on trashing Travis and his family. She is practically begging the jury to give her the DP. It is mind boggling.
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 14s 14 seconds ago
Geffner says no way she re wrote journals after she killed Travis or she would have added the DV #jodiarias #3tvarias

Nope, no, no Dr. Geff remember she was pushing the ninjas did it .... no way was she thinking DV yet.
I took Juan's remarks about Matt McCartney and the fact that he would lie for Jodi as pretty straight forward- he has evidence (that he can prove) that Matt McCartney would and did in fact lie for her. More importantly, when he asked Geff if he knows how he feels about her now- as a two prong attack- since Geff doesn't know, I take that to mean that 1. Matt is no longer in the defense teams pocket and 2. He no longer supports the defendant- nor is he willing to lie for her anymore. I'm pretty certain with Juans threats to him previously (probably perjury and possibly accessory charges) and with the passing of time- Matt no longer supports her or has good feelings towards her. That is my opinion, anyway.

I seem to remember something like that, too.

Also, as to the pedo, why would Jodi go out of her way to tell a mutual friend of theirs, just after she murdered Travis how she envisioned the future with her and Travis' kids playing together. And wasn't she still in the fog at this time and did not know if he was dead for sure?
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