Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 27, Part 2

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I've been waiting for it. The 13th juror, Paul Sanders, has just put up his blog about yesterday in court as of 7 minutes ago at

Thank you for posting that. So, in the January/February 2007 time frame, who was the ex-boyfriend JA told AA she was getting back together with? Too early for that to be Travis. So AA has his hands down her pants, she is (according to her) having sex with Travis, and she is getting back together with an ex all at the same time.

And, less then one month into her and TA being "official" (don't believe it for a second) she is already complaining that he isn't ready to commit? What a psycho she is.
The jurors are not dumb. So if it takes this long for both sides to state the valid mitgating factors in this case; then this means that all involved are using Travises gruesome death to entertain their careers. This is nothing but shenanigans. Bottom line. Its merely for ratings and publicity.


It isn't taking "both sides" this long to state the valid mitigating factors in this case. It is taking the DEFENSE this long. Juan has been pushing to have this finished when it was supposed to have been done, last month. It is the defense that is causing the delays, the numerous motions to stall, the not having witnesses ready to testify, etc. As we saw yesterday Juan had two witnesses testify. And if JSS (can't believe I am defending her but here goes) wanted to do this for "ratings and publicity" then she would have this retrial of the sentencing televised like the trial was the first time around. This is how the justice system works in Arizona. Juan is doing his job. JSS is doing her job. The defense is doing their job at a snails pace while stalling every chance they get.

Thank you for posting that. So, in the January/February 2007 time frame, who was the ex-boyfriend JA told AA she was getting back together with? Too early for that to be Travis. So AA has his hands down her pants, she is (according to her) having sex with Travis, and she is getting back together with an ex all at the same time.

And, less then one month into her and TA being "official" (don't believe it for a second) she is already complaining that he isn't ready to commit? What a psycho she is.

JA was living with Darryl at the time. Either she was referring to him or she lied to Abe.

ETA: JA also has a habit of telling the guy she's "with" that there is another man in her life to make him jealous. Perhaps Abe wasn't showing JA the interest that she felt she deserved so she made up the "ex boyfriend" thing to get him hooked.

id ignore it,seems like someone is here just to cause aggrivation...i might be wrong

If someone is causing aggravation, put them on your :ignore: list and you won't see their original postings.

ETA: You won't see their posts until someone else posts a response that includes their original, as has happened to me a few times in the last 12 hours. Apparently I made a wise decision on another trial to place two on my ignore list. :biggrin:
JA was living with Darryl at the time. Either she was referring to him or she lied to Abe.


Either one is equally plausible. Was MM around at this time too? Not secret witness MM but her ex boyfriend MM.

ETA: your ETA is equally plausible as well
Either one is equally plausible. Was MM around at this time too? Not secret witness MM but her ex boyfriend MM.

With all of JA's overlapping I'm not sure if Matt M was in the picture or not. I know that Matt M was the one before Darryl though.
I can't believe a juror didn't ask what CMJA's reaction was when he did that. Granted Nurmi and Willmott probably wouldn't have let it get asked out loud, but at least it would've been on the record once all the records are all unsealed in 2525.

Just a note: You have the best sig on the board. :happydance:
Nah...she was fishing all right but I don't think she had an intended target going in. At this point she already had Abe on the line but was looking to throw him back and catch a bigger fish. She obviously thought she'd found the prize winning catch when she learned more info about TA from her friends after meeting him and especially after he brought her to the banquet and into the executive area during the speeches. Although she did still keep Abe in the bucket for a while...just in case. ;)


ICA, and not only did she think she found a prize in Travis, I'm sure she felt it was her due.
WARNING: The subject of this thread is the retrial of Jodi Arias not what is wrong with the Judicial System in Arizona. Please take any political discussions to the proper thread. This thread is for the trial discussions only.
I don't like Twials! (Trials by Tweet)
More from TA's May 18, 2008 blog post (his last), reflecting on turning 30:

"Around then I realized it was time to adjust my priorities and date with marriage in mind. Not to ask some one on a date because I planned on marrying them, but to date someone to look for the possibility of marriage with them. This type of dating to me is like a very long job interview and can be exponentially more mentally taxing. Desperately trying to find out if my date has an axe murderer penned up inside of her and knowing she is wondering the same thing about me"

I recently reread his blog , looking for what occurred in May 2008 that may have triggered her rage. The ax murderer thing jumps out only because of what came next. I don't believe he meant it literally, or that he was expressing fear of JA.

We know JA would have read this blog entry at the time. From her perspective, imo, what would have been hugely significant and very insulting is the gist of what he's saying. That he needed to work on himself. That he was attracting the wrong kind of woman because of flaws in himself.

Summed up in the one line that nobody he'd be interested in marrying would be interested in marrying him.

Is there any doubt that JA thought that was aimed at her? And that he had just said to the world that not only would he never marry her, but that he didn't even LIKE what she represented?
BBM: LOL . . .Gotta love the Juanisms ❤️ . . .oh how I wish we could have seen these exchanges in court today.

Remember when KCL and others WSers and locals had M&Ms made with Juanisms on them!? She took them to him in court at the end of the trial. :loveyou:
Is there any doubt that JA thought that was aimed at her? And that he had just said to the world that not only would he never marry her, but that he didn't even LIKE what she represented?

Exactly. I forget which came first - that final blog post or JA's long email to Travis expressing hurt that he hadn't publicly recognized her pivotal (not) contributions to his new blog - but his describing gold-diggers as lazy thieves who live off the work of others and noting his fear of dating a woman with "an inner axe murderer" surely hit home with JA, mainly because she knew so many Mesa peeps reading it would immediately think TA had her in mind. TA's public "outing" of her was unforgivable and literally unbearable imo. He couldn't be allowed to live and do more of that sort of thing if she was ever to have peace.
The one thing said by JA in the first trial that was truth is her "I couldn't keep my lies straight" comment. And boy does this ring loud and clear in so many aspects of this case. All of the recent discussion and comments about her PPL history-when it started, where was she living, who was she with, when was she with them, all her tales are wrought with lies. It would be a tremendous sleuthing effort, but it sure would be something if it could all be laid out, cross referencing all her stories, all the testimony of others, all the documents, emails, texts, show that her entire tale is a jumbled, delusional mess. The whole issue raised by Juan of whether or not she and Travis ever were "dating" at all is so pointed. I think if they were, the DT would have been able to provide texts or emails from Travis to corroborate. But they haven't. They've got nothing. Nada.
I see this one, Josie, but nothing else since yesterday. :thinking:

Must have been deleted or I am slowly loosing my marbles 1 by 1
Probably wouldn't surprise me if I was due to the trail :sigh:
Exactly. I forget which came first - that final blog post or JA's long email to Travis expressing hurt that he hadn't publicly recognized her pivotal (not) contributions to his new blog - but his describing gold-diggers as lazy thieves who live off the work of others and noting his fear of dating a woman with "an inner axe murderer" surely hit home with JA, mainly because she knew so many Mesa peeps reading it would immediately think TA had her in mind. TA's public "outing" of her was unforgivable and literally unbearable imo. He couldn't be allowed to live and do more of that sort of thing if she was ever to have peace.

I just checked. Arias sent Travis the email on May 16th, 2008. Travis wrote the gold digger post on May 18th, 2008.
Knowing they never had a relationship, even if only for a brief 5 months, is like finally finding the key to unlock all of her lies.
Agree! Taking it a little further I think she photoshopped herself into a lot of the vacation photos that she never went on. I also believe she got the sex tape by using a voice mimicking program and that is why the defense teams expert (not) Neumeister had to enhance Travis's voice ONLY! I also believe the nude photos were taken at a different time. Hers were during one of her break ins and his were taken during a different break in. Notice the difference in lighting. I still think she downloaded them to his camera that last day and that is why they were all thumbnails.

Even Travis' emails and messages are suspect since we know that she snooped into his accounts. I would rely mostly on Travis' friends and family to figure out the truth. I think we can agree now that Travis and Arias went on a few dates (I wouldn't even call it steady dating) and had sex a few times. Yep, that's it! I also want to say something in regards to Arias giving her ex-boyfriends food and money. She was not a pushover. If she ever paid for anything or gave anything to anyone it was with the calculated strategy of getting something even better back--give a penny, take a pound. There is not a charitable bone in her body. She was never meek or gullible. This is not a case of a woman with low self-esteem and confidence. She only gave of herself, her body, time and energy when she knew that it would benefit her. Some reporter a few weeks ago said that Arias did not love herself. I beg to disagree. We're here because she thinks too highly of herself. Narcissistic mistress of manipulation and so much more.
I just checked. Arias sent Travis the email on May 16th, 2008. Travis wrote the gold digger post on May 18th, 2008.


On May 16th she begs for him to acknowledge her, and tells him that it hurt he never told his friends that she was his girlfriend.

Two days later, May 18, he writes in his blog for the world --including all his friends-- to see , that he has been attracting the wrong kind of women. The kind he would never marry. The kind that bring out the worst in him.

She took it personally. As a very public smack down, and as a FU reply to her twisted attempt to guilt him on the 16th.
It's becoming clearer to me now that Jodi has amplified this relationship in her mind even more than I thought before. I thought they did have a long distance thing and then broke up. I am so convinced now, especially after reading her letter and hearing Abe's testimony, that they were never official. It's all coming together now.

Jodi and Travis met, engaged in a flirtation, dated a little, but he seems to have definitively decided she wasn't the one. When she was in Cali she tried hard to get him to commit to her. He liked her but didn't want to take it further. She rationalized in her mind that the only reason he wouldn't committ to her and make her his girl was just to keep crazy Deanna happy. She was in a battle for his attention and devotion and was never worthy. She complained to the Hughes' to make him commit and they played along because they liked her before realizing they'd been had.

The goal was to make him get her to move there. Eventually he tells her it's never gonna happen so she just takes the initiative and moves there anyway, with great resistance from him. The rest of it was her finding ways to insinuate herself into his life, knowing she could always take advantage of his good nature. Can I keep my stuff in your garage? Can I use your car? Can I get some money? Can I get a ride? Oh, is this your bed? Where'd my clothes go? And it always felt like she was so close, so close to winning him. But it just wasn't going to happen.

She convinced herself that they were just on the DL, they were really together but had to keep it underground. But why would Travis do that? When he was with someone, he was with them. He made it known, they were together, he called her his girlfriend. Jodi never got this from him. I never saw any evidence that he held her in the same regard as Deanna or Lisa or Linda or any other girl. She was just another girl he got his rocks off with. And so she had to convince herself in her mind that it's just because she's more special. They were star crossed lovers. Never got the timing right. Travis did love her the most but there were people in his life that we're keeping him from her. So she had to drive a wedge between them. Still didn't work.

Travis should really have put up better boundaries because every time he slept with her it gave her a glimmer of hope. Her obsession with him was deep. All she wrote about, talked about, thought about, wanted was Travis. She had to make this go away because she was finding it impossible to move on. There was a journal entry that I believe encapsulates her need to kill Travis. It basically said there was something that needed to be cut off at its source, shut off like a light. This was Travis. She would only have freedom when he was gone. When Flores was grilling her, just before she changed her story to the ninjas, she's crying and seems close to confessing. "I had to move on."

What's happening now isn't so much hatred of Travis (though that's part of it) as it is a need to convince the world of what the truth of them was, of what she knows she and Travis were. She knew more about him than anyone. Was treated differently than anyone else. Meant more to him than anyone. Make her fantasy a reality in his death. She's done a darn good job too. And Travis isn't here to tell full truth of it and what she put him through.

Agree! Taking it a little further I think she photoshopped herself into a lot of vacations that she never went on. I also believe she made the sex tape using a voice mimicking program and that is why Neimeister had to enhance Travis's voice only!
I also believe the nude photos were taken at a different time. Hers were during one of her break ins and his were taken during a different break in. Notice the difference in lighting between her photos and his photos. Her dark hair is shown in a different photo of her in a white coat with snow in the background. I am assuming that it does not snow in June in Arizona, or pretty much anywhere they went.
I still believe that she downloaded those nude photos of them to his camera and that is why they were the only ones that were thumbnails. If any of them have dates on them, she told Flores in her interview that the dates on photos can be changed.
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