Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 28

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Jodi is going to be SEETHING this whole weekend. She hated Juan before and now she's really gotta loathe him!!

I would've loved to have seen her face when Juan asked who had Napolean now. She hates Deanna too!!! Bet she was busy scribbling frantically away today.
I expect a slew of New Motions from Nurmi...they are in total panic mode, at this point. Just saying.....

Yes, and he will probably dig up new witnesses for surrebuttal and require Juan to interview them (a) during young Flores' funeral, and (b) during the superbowl. (sort of being sarcastic, sort of not)
Really? Like that is even necessary after today?

I agree, after today's testimony it isn't necessary at all.

Jake from State Farm didn't do it but Jake Thompson who lived in the Bishop's house did. I think the jury heard that loud and clear.
They could have stayed late. Or come back Friday. Oh let me guess- scheduling difficulties. How convenient.

BBM. Not with the Super Bowl in town they couldn't! And there is never court on Fridays because that's the day the judge hears motions anyway.
TA screamed profanities at Deanna - gone

TA physically attacked Deanna at the bishop's - gone

TA watched child *advertiser censored* at the bishop's - gone

TA admitted to crazy guy he was molested as a child - gone

Geffner's carefully constructed "puzzle" is missing 4 huge pieces and counting.
Maybe they can be posted as spoilers?
So that people who don't want to read her stupid tweets can more easily ignore them.

That's an idea. MK is fine, want to post him that's ok he's harmless. But I really do go out of my way to avoid what she's saying and not give her a lick of attention.
I'm wondering something maybe AZL can answer, the defense interviewed Bishop Parker, they knew what he had to say about the computer and who had use of it and who hadn't, so why aren't they open to misconduct charges for putting that obviously untrue affidavit into evidence?
Hi all

I followed the trial and 1st sentencing phase closely however hadn't been able to follow this phase until this week thanks to a dislocated shoulder getting me signed off work, shame to see the DT haven't changed their approach at all and I don't understand the importance of Mormonism to JA's mitigation?

Anyway I just wanted to ask about a post earlier in this thread (which for the life of me I can't find now I'm looking for it) someone stated that some of JA's supporters actually believe that Deanna killed Travis? Now I'm the first to admit I don't look at anything from JA's supporters but seriously how in earth could they even believe that could possibly be true? How do they think that JA's handprint was found in blood at Travis house? And more importantly how can they ignore the admission that JA actually did kill him??

Sorry if this has been covered before

Well, that's a new one to me. But nothing those people say would surprise me.

Oh, and welcome!!! (Can't get my smilies to work.)
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 23s 24 seconds ago
WIllmott is asking if you can earn your "temple recommend" back
Deanna says yes #jodiarias #3tvarias

".... well, maybe not after 1st degree, especially cruel, premeditated homicide, so no, not in Jodi's case, but she never had a TR to begin with, so..."
AZL....this MM affadivit disaster for the DT. It can't (legally) provide a basis for claiming ineffective counsel, right?

But what a really horrible miscalculation in strategy....

No. If they had NOT used MM's testimony, JA certainly would have cried ineffective assistance of counsel. But now it's in (at JA's insistence IMO) and it's been totally decimated--due to the FACTS, not to any fault of JA's counsel--so no IAC.
Hi all

I followed the trial and 1st sentencing phase closely however hadn't been able to follow this phase until this week thanks to a dislocated shoulder getting me signed off work, shame to see the DT haven't changed their approach at all and I don't understand the importance of Mormonism to JA's mitigation?

Anyway I just wanted to ask about a post earlier in this thread (which for the life of me I can't find now I'm looking for it) someone stated that some of JA's supporters actually believe that Deanna killed Travis? Now I'm the first to admit I don't look at anything from JA's supporters but seriously how in earth could they even believe that could possibly be true? How do they think that JA's handprint was found in blood at Travis house? And more importantly how can they ignore the admission that JA actually did kill him??

Sorry if this has been covered before

It's kind of muddled, but there is this 'theory' that the ninja story was true. And Deanna was the female ninja, and they scared poor innocent JA so much that she just went and hid from the truth. But when she was arrested, she told the truth. But since no one believed her, she was forced by her attorneys to go with the self defense angle. It is something like that anyway and several of them truly believe that hot mess of a story. :eek:
They NEVER had ANY intention of asking him ANY question today.

Why do today, what the TAXPAYERS of Arizona....with SHERRY's sanction WILL pay you to do five days later.

Who cares, if the bishop has to fly back and forth, back and forth, with any luck and Jodi's hex, he might not make it back.

On sidebar one of the tweets said due to super bowl, a witness could not get a flight here?
Wonder who this witness is? DeMarte lives in Az. doesn't she? Also The Bishop could not get a room, hotels/motels are all full. I HATE Jodi for all the trouble this lying murderer has caused. Off with her head
Hi all

I followed the trial and 1st sentencing phase closely however hadn't been able to follow this phase until this week thanks to a dislocated shoulder getting me signed off work, shame to see the DT haven't changed their approach at all and I don't understand the importance of Mormonism to JA's mitigation?

Anyway I just wanted to ask about a post earlier in this thread (which for the life of me I can't find now I'm looking for it) someone stated that some of JA's supporters actually believe that Deanna killed Travis? Now I'm the first to admit I don't look at anything from JA's supporters but seriously how in earth could they even believe that could possibly be true? How do they think that JA's handprint was found in blood at Travis house? And more importantly how can they ignore the admission that JA actually did kill him??

Sorry if this has been covered before
No one seriously believes a word she says.

But that doesn't keep the butcheress and her morbid sycophants from playing macabre games at her victim's expense.
It's my understanding that JSS can't give the DP, only Life, or LWOP

That is correct. No single Judge can sentence someone to death on their own. The US Supreme Court changed that several years ago.

It can only be a decision made by jurors. In AZ and most states it has to be unanimous by a jury of 12. However; in Florida I know it is handed down by the majority vote and it doesn't have to be all 12 who agree. I wish AZ had that rule because if they did JA would have been sent to death row last year.

I remember in the Joseph Smith Florida trial when he raped and murdered Carlie Bruchia (Sp?) the Jury Foreman was a Minister and they voted for death.

I'm wondering something maybe AZL can answer, the defense interviewed Bishop Parker, they knew what he had to say about the computer and who had use of it and who hadn't, so why aren't they open to misconduct charges for putting that obviously untrue affidavit into evidence?

Because it is not misconduct to present the testimony of a witness who disagrees with another witness! The jury can weigh which witness is telling the truth and make its own decision. In this case, that should be pretty easy lol.
Well, I guess we know which way any Mormons on the jury are voting.

:juanettes: :juanettes: :juanettes:
".... well, maybe not after 1st degree, especially cruel, premeditated homicide, so no, not in Jodi's case, but she never had a TR to begin with, so..."
Jodi's probably long been ex-communicated. She never read her bible in Jail, she "dabbled", and she was always a "Jack Mormon" drinking caffeine and having sex anyhow. And murder is #2 sin for the Mormons after adultery.
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