Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 3

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Wonder if she had a knife (like the hunting type) since her days with her first boyfriend (the Vampire) guy, the one with the picture of lines of coke in the background? I remember when throwing stars and folding knives were kinda the rage some 30 years ago - maybe he was part of that legacy? Just a thought

wasnt his name Bobby? I menopause brain lol
wasnt his name Bobby? I menopause brain lol

His name is Bobby Juarez. I imagine she got the knife from the same place she got the gun. Seems like she's more of an opportunist than someone who thoughtfully plans everything out.
A Chair of Importance._______The lead investigator, working cooperatively with the prosecutor before & during trial, is privy to protected information. There is the theory of the case and all the nuances within that. He knows the strategy which will be employed and its strengths and problems. He is aware of the evidence, much of which he has discovered, and which evidence is solid, which uncertain or lacking. He shares in speculation about the defense, its evidence and arguments, also what surprises they may spring. This is precious, this case the prosecutor has carefully constructed of so many elements. As I said, it is protected information. Not that it is a state secret sealed for all time. That would not fit a government of, by and for the people. However, the information is to be released at a pace controlled by the exigencies of trial and conceived strategy. It is not to be spilled or misrepresented or published in any manner untimely.
The chair is a position of trust, in our case, well invested. Let no one compromise it.
wasnt his name Bobby? I menopause brain lol

That rings a bell. Didn't JA leave home to live with him in high school? And didn't she sneak into the town library after he'd just used the computer to find out what he'd looked up? My memory is foggy too, but I seem to remember JA starting her stalker career as a young teen with Bobby, if not earlier.
That rings a bell. Didn't JA leave home to live with him in high school? And didn't she sneak into the town library after he'd just used the computer to find out what he'd looked up? My memory is foggy too, but I seem to remember JA starting her stalker career as a young teen with Bobby, if not earlier.

"It's not her fault the computer has a back button!"
That rings a bell. Didn't JA leave home to live with him in high school? And didn't she sneak into the town library after he'd just used the computer to find out what he'd looked up? My memory is foggy too, but I seem to remember JA starting her stalker career as a young teen with Bobby, if not earlier.

I dont know/cant recall about living w/ him, but I recall Jodi looking in his computer.
So I'm confused because I've always heard they never found the gun.. They DID find it? And did it match the bullet in Travis?

They never found the 25 caliber gun that was taken from her grandparents house and that she used to kill Travis. After the killing,
she bought a 9mm gun.

-to get over her fear of guns
-to use on her male companions that she was going panning for gold with if they attacked her. one does
Renee110 doesn't remember any tweet that mentioned the knives in books found by Mendez in her second rental (escape) car. That has been on my mind too before dawn. Since it was evidence in the guilt trial, it is fair to disclose now. For me it's important because it replicates the weapons used in the murder~knives plus gun.

I wondered why it was not brought up but the condoms were.
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I noticed when Mendez had only just started to mention what was in the trunk, there was an immediate objection. Makes me suspect that the weapons found in the car have been ruled out in some of those sealed negotiations so JM won't be able to bring that in. Seems anything that points to her as being anything other than a physically abused, emotionally traumatized very, very young girl forced into sex with the monster she accidentally killed will be kept from the jury. In order, of course, to eliminate any cause for appeal...

The whole testimony about this yesterday was interesting to me because the facts that a gun and knives were found in her getaway rental car were ruled by JSS to be too prejudicial and weren't allowed in last years trial. So I was surprised yesterday that they told THIS jury that a gun was taped to the engine. I didn't hear anything about the knives though. So does this mean that evidence of gun was allowed but that the knives are too prejudicial?
I thought it was just the opposite - didn't see tweets about any weapons yesterday, but remember in JA's direct last time she talked about the camping trip being the reason she had to buy them for protection.
She injured that finger and tendon when she slashed TA to death. Testimony from Ryan Burns and at least one other person at trial is that she had bandaids on at least 2 fingers, which would have included that one. Makes complete sense that's when it happened. She claimed it happened earlier in a knife-slipping incident at TA's house. But we know that's another of her lies.
There were no "negotiations" about not bringing in evidence about weapons. That simply is not something JM would agree to. If a ruling was made on it, it would have been done by the judge, not something JM would just be okay with. Not all weapons necessarily have anything to do with this murder, and those that don't won't be entered as evidence, but any weapon JA had access to or had in her possession can be used as evidence if it's determined to be relevant to the case.
Hey everyone, Good morning :) I keep thinking of that meeting yesterday, everyone was in the same room. It must have been so horrible for Travis' family to be in the same space as the murderer. And why did Travis' sister smile at Nurmi, was that tweet even true? I am very happy juror #9 was let go. I couldn't believe she was even let on the jury. I pray for Travis' family to help them get through another very hard day.
Does Jodi get automatic appeals of the guilty verdict paid by AZ or does she finance her own?
For those who may have missed it, Travis' shower scene is eerily similar to the shower scene from 'Psycho'

I think JA lived a virtual reality via movies. I can imagine her spending many hours before the mirror repeating pages of dialog, trying out various inflections, facial expressions, and body movements, as she realized probably by age 12 that she wasn't "normal" but needed to craft fake personas which changed depending on who she was with at the time.
@ericksonvision: If Judge Stephens thought she could control the tone of the coverage by banning TV from the #JodiArias courtroom, she's failed miserably.
"Fashion Report" from WAT:

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 30m 30 minutes ago

In the courtroom at the #jodiarias trial. Nurmi is seated. Has a lime green tie on and no jacket at the moment. Eeeaannnd we wait.

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 6m 6 minutes ago

Mike B is in a light salmon top with salmon tie. That's all I got. Other cases before judge Stephens at the moment. #jodiarias

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 5m 5 minutes ago

One attorney in here now looks like wolverine. Or elvis. #jodiarias

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 2m 2 minutes ago

Willmott is here. Deep salmon jacket and black skirt. Still hearing another case with some guy up who speaks no language. #jodiarias
@TrialDiariesJ: Jen Willmott and Kirk Nurmi are here #JodiArias #3tvarias
This go-round JA fought to keep cameras out, but what about last time? A certain appeal issue if JSS allowed them now.
Does Jodi get automatic appeals of the guilty verdict paid by AZ or does she finance her own?

she will get an automatic appeal funded by the taxpayers if she is sentenced to death, if LWOP she has to stump up the $$$
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