Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 30

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BBM: Please don't let this haunt you. Mormons firmly believe that you have a chance in the afterlife to repent, and be forgiven. JA may not have known that since she only "dabbled" in the religion, but she didn't ruin his chances of going to Heaven and seeing his family again. I feel in my heart that Travis is ok. He got to see his Dad and Mama again, and was there to welcome his grandma home when she got there. I hope this brings you some comfort. (Sorry I haven't been around to help with questions, was in the hospital over the weekend.)

Thanks, PofO, for your calming words. Not to worry: I don't have a Hell in my value system. I was just making a point that JA was torturing TA with his value system.
no surprise on nurmi's latest motion,he knows demarte will crush anything that any of their 'doctors' have said so he doesn't want it in
I thought a lot last night about what bothered me so much about yesterday's testimony and this retrial in general. Besides the obvious.

What I find most objectionable is the magnitude of the invasion of a defenseless murder victim's privacy. I understood the good faith comment about hoping Travis had time to repent as he was being slaughtered.

What I can't abide is that this trial has taken us to a place where we, people who never knew him, are discussing whether or not Travis had anything for which to repent, and whether or not he repented. Is there anything more private than what someone has to say to God? I don't think so.

The same with the endless sickening discussion of Travis and sex. Again, what a terrible violation of his privacy! I fail to see why his family would find it supportive of them to have folks analyzing the what's and it's and when's of Travis' sex life. It has to be an utter nightmare for them know that is happening.

I know that nothing we say or do here affects what happens in the trial or the people directly involved. But there have been too many days, for me, where it felt like to even listen to the hateful ugly lies being told by her to destroy innocents was to be complicit somehow. Really, like being a bystander to a crime. Its a terrible feeling.

Thanks for the replies saying not to go. Sorry for sounding like a drama queen. Maybe a solution for the weary and too tattered of us is to leave when the DT is doing its ugly but be here to cheer JM and his fight to let Travis rest in peace. May try that out.

I totally agree with everything you have said Hope. None of us go out in in world everyday to our jobs, or errands of everyday life and tell everything we do in our private sex lives.

Travis is no different than any other guy his age that is not married or engaged. If he were not Mormon, this would not even be an issue. It's very sad, heartbreaking actually.
She is not permitted to argue self-defense in this phase.


But, I am still wondering how Travis' behavior, especially with other women is relevant. So he had sex with other people. This seems to go against the pedo charges. And even if true, Jodi never used it as a reason she killed him. Do [should] migrators go to Jodi's state of mind....and not Travis'. I am finding what is being allowed by JSS so not relevant.
So if there's a motion to preclude the Det and now a motion to preclude DeMarte, does this mean no testimony for today? Anyone know?
Slightly OT, but how many in this case will retire once it's completely over? I can't imagine starting again after this circus!
Truth Detector: I think you're exactly right with your point about JA cajoling TA into "florid" sex right before she planned to kill him, so that he would die in a state of unrepentance that while alive would get him excommunicated from the church. Maybe that's even why JA had KN ask the Bishop what would be the result of someone participating in the phone sex. JA wants everyone to know that not only did TA deserve to die by slaughter, but that he went to Hell (sorry, if Hell isn't the term LDS uses, but I think you catch my point). And that this is specified by a Bishop, no less.

You said it better: There can also be zero doubt after all this non-mitigating trash, that just as many of us have speculated, JA went to his house with the intent of murdering him immediately after sex so that he would die in a state of unrepentance.

And... doesn't the fact that JA intended to "kill him in sin" prove that that also is especially cruel!!!
has anyone ever heard or does anyone know any conclusion to who broke into demarte's house during the first trial and stole her laptop which had her trial info on it for the ja case? i've never heard another word mentioned about it, and was hoping perhaps someone had. probably wishful thinking.

Haven't you heard? That was all a setup between DeMarte/Flores/Juan/Mesa PD so that their conspiracy to frame a totally innocent victim would succeed.
Not sure how useful this is but as at least an initial checklist seems fairly spot on, though obviously you would need to know how to test and score these attributes. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm way off base.
Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: Factors, Facets, and Items[10]

Factor 1

Facet 1: Interpersonal

Glibness/superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Pathological lying

Facet 2: Affective

Lack of remorse or guilt
Emotionally shallow
Callous/lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

Factor 2

Facet 3: Lifestyle

Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Parasitic lifestyle
Lack of realistic, long-term goals

Facet 4: Antisocial

Poor behavioral controls
Early behavioral problems
Juvenile delinquency
Revocation of conditional release
Criminal versatility

Other items

Many short-term marital relationships
Promiscuous sexual behavior

Early factor analysis of the PCL-R indicated it consisted of two factors.[12] Factor 1 captures traits dealing with the interpersonal and affective deficits of psychopathy (e.g., shallow affect, superficial charm, manipulativeness, lack of empathy) whereas factor 2 dealt with symptoms relating to antisocial behavior: (e.g., criminal versatility, impulsiveness, irresponsibility, poor behavior controls, juvenile delinquency).[12]

Hi Val. Unfortunately, the Psychopathy checklist can't be used to discuss JA--but I am hoping that DeMarte will go into detail on the floating profile and the other highly elevated scores on JA's profile. I have always wondered how JA managed to avoid actually being diagnosed with a Anti-Social based PD--I really believe she meets criteria for NPD. But such is the slippery slope of diagnostics in the field of Psychology.

I strongly support, and there is a desperate need to make a distinction between DSM PD diagnoses in the context of a Forensic modality versus a purely Mental Health modality.

But, I am still wondering how Travis' behavior, especially with other women is relevant. So he had sex with other people. This seems to go against the pedo charges. And even if true, Jodi never used it as a reason she killed him. Do [should] migrators go to Jodi's state of mind....and not Travis'. I am finding what is being allowed by JSS so not relevant.

Out of all the things that anger me about this trial is the fact that JA and TA had a very short lived "relationship". The DT is making it sound like this has been a long-term relationship. It wasn't and Travis tried so hard to get rid of her. If she was a DV victim, why would she stay "friends" with TA? If someone successfully flees DV, they would not turn back much less drive 1000 miles to go see their abuser.
Before things get going today, I want to thank Frigga and Curious in Indiana for explaining my post MUCH more eloquently than I could. I was really down and their taking time to do so meant So much.
when are we meant to be starting today? didn't see a time or anything yesterday
A quick and dirty breeze through yesterday's thread makes me greatful that I was too busy digging out of 20 inches of snow to check in on the slime highway.
I think you've hit a new low when you find yourself barking at a bishop, no?

But, I am still wondering how Travis' behavior, especially with other women is relevant. So he had sex with other people. This seems to go against the pedo charges. And even if true, Jodi never used it as a reason she killed him. Do [should] migrators go to Jodi's state of mind....and not Travis'. I am finding what is being allowed by JSS so not relevant.

The theory is that Travis's behavior, combined with Jodi's mental illness, caused her to be super stressed out to the point where she wasn't thinking rationally about whether or not to murder him.
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