Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 37

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It's also, again, not their story. They didn't see Jodi go in. They said she would wait around, while he was unaware, while he was in there and then when he came out she'd rhn away. He never knew she was there. It sounds like they saw her doing this and it sounds like she always did this when he was in the bathroom. He clearly did not even hear that story and ran with it when Juan told him about it. It's completely ridiculous.

Sky told Shannon Hogan that JA would follow Travis around room to room; she never let him out of her sight. He likely resorted to making phone calls in the bathroom because he had zero privacy anywhere else. And even in the bathroom he wasn't safe from her her snooping, because yes, she would wait and listen outside the door then zoom off when she heard Travis opening the door.

And this is when JA had only known him for a few months.
I was hoping a juror would have asked about Geff saying in Oct. 2013 'his role changed' - why did it change and what role is he playing now that he didn't in the first trial? How can you take the same test results and use them in a different manner for the retrial than the first trial? Isn't her psychological profile the same? Does she suddenly suffer other complaints depending on what defense the DT wants to use this go around? I really wanted to read an elaboration on his changed role and JM's challenge of it.
Dr. Samuels was the one that diagnosed her with PTSD. And admitted to JM in cross that he should have done it over, since he did it when she was still on the Ninja story. His test was basically thrown out as invalid because of that, but JW or Geffner didn't include that information to this jury. JM did get Geffner's admission that she lied on the test though.

Geffner also said this time around, Samuels invalidated the test. And today he used it as confirmatory of PTSD? Right.....
Completely agree. It just perfectly brings together the fact that the DT will take any situation and, based little or no fact, fit their narrative around it to make Travis sound like a disgusting pervert and Jodi like his subservient sex slave.

Travis went into the bathroom and summoned Jodi for oral sex and Jodi went like she was told and waited around. "I'm here for your *advertiser censored*, sir."

And it's not even what the Huges' said. They said she would wait around for him while he was in the bathroom and then run off when he came out.

It was a very stupid, ill informed thing to say. All the bias. Right there.

BBM :silly: Thanks for that. That made me laugh out loud! Actually, I've been quietly laughing--in a heh heh heh sort of way--all during JM's cross. I love it when a professional liar gets his come-uppance.

BTW, and in the same spirit as BritsKate upthread, I got a fabulous hair cut today, something else HRH JA will never ever experience. Shallow to say, I know, but . . .

I have a fantasy.

Imagine the Arias courtroom this morning.

"All rise for Judge Roland Steinle."

"Good morning. Be advised that I am now the presiding judge of the State of Arizona vs. Jodi Arias re-sentencing trial. My docket has been cleared to hear only this trial and bring it to its long overdue conclusion. Therefore, court will commence at 9 a.m. each day, with one hour for lunch. Meals will be brought in for the jury; counsel may wish to brown bag it. There will be no continuances for any reason, other than at the behest of a juror.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you may expect to commence your deliberations on Wednesday, February 25th, at 9 a.m. sharp.

Mr. Nurmi: all existing motions before this court have been denied. If you cannot resist the urge to put pen to paper again, be sure to address your pleadings to the Court of Appeal. You have, I understand, three witnesses to take the stand after Dr. Geffner. Please advise Mr. John Smith that he will be required to testify under his own name. Each of your witnesses will be allowed one half-day to complete their testimony - the afternoon allotted to cross examination.

Miss Arias: You realise, of course, that if your fragility prevents you from continuing your testimony in open court, the same precedent will apply to allocution.

Henceforth, there will be no secrets; no sidebars; and no in chamber meetings.

You may proceed."

Can I please use your fantasy also! How sweet that would be!
Correct me if I'm wrong but is there not medication for Bi polar as opposed to BPD? Are they trying to sneak in bi polar as an untreated condition she had that she is medicated for now so it wasn't her fault?

There is definitely medication for bipolar disorder. All kinds. But Jodi's mood swings don't seem like bipolar disorder, IMO: she turns around on a dime. Sometimes, bipolars can have "rapid-cycling" like that, but it's not common. And with medication, you can get very evened out. The medications don't work for everyone, though, and it does take a while to come up with the right combination of drugs to minimize side effects.

But I also think Geff is mixing up BPD and bipolar....
I have been gone all day still catching up but I have to say:

Lying for gain=Bob G.

en's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 23s 24 seconds ago
Juan says Geffner made changes to Daps after he got DeMartes notes...
Geffner says well I did after speaking to you #jodiarias #3tvarias

Also, he admitted he used WHITEOUT on result sheets!!!!
Tammy Rose @News20Chopper · 1m 1 minute ago
Q: Is it normal to change how a test is administered. #JodiArias

A: We're trying to adapt and this is not a normal situation. #JodiArias


Oh, I see how it's done now. Tests are administered differently depending on if it's a normal situation or "not a normal situation". ;)

Thanks for the clarification, Geff.

Yes and only the DT are allowed to modify.
Just a little note from Jen/Trial Diaries: Juror #1 is not the psychologist's daughter, she is with Homeland Security and was previously in the Air Force. Takes a lot of notes, is observant and seems sharp. Jen thinks she may be possibility for foreman if she makes it onto the jury. Doesn't sound to me as if she'd be someone that would fall for defense tricks, but might catch on to why JM mentioned it?
Just a little note from Jen/Trial Diaries: Juror #1 is not the psychologist's daughter, she is with Homeland Security and was previously in the Air Force. Takes a lot of notes, is observant and seems sharp. Jen thinks she may be possibility for foreman if she makes it onto the jury. Doesn't sound to me as if she'd be someone that would fall for defense tricks, but might catch on to why JM mentioned it?

I will say Jen is the one who told me juror #1 is the psychologist after I asked her myself. So...that happened.

Eta: ok I'm mixed up. I didn't ask if juror #1 was the psycholgist I aksed if it was a male or female after Jen said #1 was a psychologist

@TrialDiariesJ: @The13thJurorMD That one too but juror 1 is a psychologist

@MeeBee23: @TrialDiariesJ @The13thJurorMD juror 1 male or female? Jc. Thanks.

@TrialDiariesJ: @MeeBee23 @The13thJurorMD female
I have been gone all day still catching up but I have to say:

Lying for gain=Bob G.


Also, he admitted he used WHITEOUT on result sheets!!!!

I know right, freaking unethical as hello!!!! Professionally, he is required to cross through the mistake/error and forbidden to use whiteout :bang:
He assumes Mormons will lie but wasn't Jodi a Mormon??

JA was just a convert. She did not have the pioneer heritage that true Mormons have. I imagine Mormonism appealed to her as she thought she was a goddess. Mormonism teaches that after death, Mormons will be gods and goddesses of their own planet.
I will say Jen is the one who told me juror #1 is the psychologist after I asked her myself. So...that happened.
Hmm, she just talked about it on today's lunchtime video. Also, I thought she was the one that clarified the 'psychologist' is not one, but her mother is - she said that this juror had some experience/knowledge with testing, etc because of some background that works with them, like someone in special ed possibly.

eta: maybe she originally thought that she was one and found out differently?
eta#2: Just remembered that in today's comments about juror #1 she also said she seems friendly with the psychologist's daughter on breaks, etc. So these are 2 different jurors...
Hmm, she just talked about it on today's lunchtime video. Also, I thought she was the one that clarified the 'psychologist' is not one, but her mother is - she said that this juror had some experience/knowledge with testing, etc because of some background that works with them, like someone in special ed possibly.

eta: maybe she originally thought that she was one and found out differently?

Apparently so.
There is definitely medication for bipolar disorder. All kinds. But Jodi's mood swings don't seem like bipolar disorder, IMO: she turns around on a dime. Sometimes, bipolars can have "rapid-cycling" like that, but it's not common. And with medication, you can get very evened out. The medications don't work for everyone, though, and it does take a while to come up with the right combination of drugs to minimize side effects.

But I also think Geff is mixing up BPD and bipolar....

I would call it conflating...
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