Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 38

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G'afternoon Y'all,

When this is all said and done, will we be able to read what all those sidebars were about?
Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner · 32s32 seconds ago  Phoenix, AZ
No jury yet but the judge is meeting with defense and prosecution at her bench #JodiArias #TravisAlexander #abc15
The buck stops with JSS. Whatever the DT did, said or got away with, JSS allowed. It's that simple for me. She's a lackluster judge. I've been following trials since 2011 and this is the first time I've seen a courtroom so out of control.

I have been following televised trials a little longer, since Eichman. I've seen worse, Lance Ito for instance. This time the process went off the rails.
Jarrett Seltzer @JarrettSeltzer · 13s 13 seconds ago
Wilmott says something to maria, maria gets up and leaves the courtroom #jodiarias
From MK:

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 41s42 seconds ago

Bak in courtroom 5 C, where the sidebar never ends. #jodiarias
... and my inside information is becoming more and more limited because we (me and MDLR) are under constant scrutiny now! Thanks- MK
Are any of you surprised the judge is going to banish everyone to the overflow room? I'm not. Not at all. There is just no way in heck any JSS supporters can spin this to support the judge. She has no control, none.

Actually, as long as the media can hear her, let the judge do it. Show the jury AGAIN that everytime a Jodi speaks, the courtroom is empty. This would speak volumes to me, as a juror.

More volumes than my old encyclopedia Britannica from the 60's for sure!
From MK:

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 2m2 minutes ago

The question now:

Will #jodiarias allocute?

If so, it will be like the groundhog seeing his shadow: six more weeks of trial.

Hmmm ...
OMG...can't believe what I'm reading. Travis didn't deserve any of this! Being slaughtered then trashed in a court of law. Really, really feel awful for you and your family and loved ones.
This case has to hold the record for the most sizzlebars in history.. REDONKULOUS/.
I've never heard of a judge getting credit if a defendant is found guilty or if they receive the death penalty. The judge's job is to follow the law. Clearly, the COA disagreed with this judge and I don't think it's bashing to judge to agree with the COA. IF JA gets the death penalty, it will be because of the prosecutor doing his job and the jurors believing the aggravation outweighs JA's mitigating factors. NOTHING to do with the judge. IMO.
AZL Question if she is still here:

I think I understand why the foreman said jury directions/voire dire should change. BOTH the previous foreman and #12 who was just kicked shared "death penalty reserved for serial killers" (#12 shared in voire dire, previous foreman perhaps shared in voire dire but DID share in interview)

Considering that as a fact (I may be incorrect)... but then AZL, if the law doesn't screen them out, but only screens out those that could consider death.... and they know that Jodi isn't a serial killer... is there no alternative except to seat those without an automatic kick as to qualifying to be seated?

I guess this is a loophole?

Your thoughts AZL? TIA

Either he said something less absolute than that, or upon further questioning he agreed that he would follow the instructions regardless of his preexisting thoughts on the subject.

Surely to all that is sacred JSS is not going to grant her the request to allocute in secret--AZL can JSS do this after both the COA and ASC said no?

So, what happens should JSS deny her request to send public and media to overflow room? Does she still have the option to allocute or not? If she decides not to, what legal problems exist then, if any?

I think JSS has learned at this point that she can't conduct the proceedings in secret. It would be completely appropriate, however, for JSS to kick everyone to the overflow room. No constitutional problem with that.

Yes, Jodi would still have the option to allocute if JSS refused to send everyone to the overflow room. If Jodi decided not to allocute at that point, of course it would be brought up on appeal as not being a voluntary choice. Which is why JSS needs to grant that request--it takes care of an appeal issue without stepping on the rights of the media or public.

Is it common to lose jurors during deliberations?

In high profile cases it's been known to happen. In regular cases no not at all.

It's less common to lose jurors during deliberations because once they are allowed to talk to each other, that removes the one rule they are most likely to break. :)

But if deliberations go on for very long, you always have the chance of a juror getting sick, having a family emergency, etc.

All we have right now are rumors: No witnesses. Allocution. Closing arguments.
Maybe the defense will bring a couple of people to testify. Or maybe JM will allow one more Alexander family member to give a statement. Then maybe Jodi will give an allocution. Who knows?
I would pay to be up front and personal with Jodi while she gives that allocution. What can she say that wouldn't make someone sneer and snicker and laugh? Uhm, "he made me kill him?". Or, "he looked at *advertiser censored*". Or how about how he deserved what he got. I bet she wears a purple sweater to boot. She doesn't cry well and she doesn't know how to feel remorse. I mean, put it all out there Jodi. So what? It will never help me understand why. That's all I want know is...WHY? She is evil. Period.


Victim impact statements are done at the beginning, so there will be no more of those.

What do you think about the judge allowing affidavits from witnesses who probably never planned to testify? Thank you.

It should have never been allowed. It was pure insanity.

ETA: that was one of her decisions that had me scratching my head.

The judge has to allow hearsay in this phase as long as it is "reliable." I personally can't understand how hearsay is ever reliable, but that's the rule. And since the rule is so nonsensical, the best policy to avoid being overturned on appeal is to let it in unless it seems to be a forgery (like the pedo letters).
A lot of people mention Wendi Andriano.. But does anyone know how many women JM has actually tried to get the DP for?

Yes, he put Wendi on death row.. But what is she is the only one he got the DP for? What if the others he tried got life? Do we have any idea how many female DP cases JM has had?
I don't have the answers to that, but that's in response to those who think AZ wouldn't give the DP to a woman. Juan has also put men on Death Row. Scott Falater comes to mind- the Mormon who claims he killed his wife while sleepwalking.
The Alexander family's faithful presence in court has spoken more effectively for Travis than any victim impact statements they could offer.
I'm wondering about the victim impact statements in Arizona. In some trials, victims get up and say things like, "You've taken our greatest source of strength away from us just because he didn't want you! You stalked him, stole from him, took his privacy away from him, and then you slaughtered him!! I hate you!!! I hope you rot in hell, you crazy psychopath!!" I want at least one of Travis's siblings to say something like this.
J. Dhamer's victims impacts were EPIC! Lots of yelling & screaming at him. Bailiffs had to take some out of the courtroom!
TA's family here front row full. Sky behind them. MDLR just walked in and sits next to JA
Does anyone know the answer to my previous question? Will the reporters be able to tweet from the overflow room during her addressing of the jurors in private?

Yes, they will have audio in the overflow room.
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