Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 38

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Paragraph two invalidates everything the prosecution has tried to accomplish. It just gave every juror the right to say Life, with no justification.

Yeah, its interesting isnt it.

I probably have interpreted it all wrong. The way I take that 2nd paragraph is like this.

"No matter what evidence you may or may not have heard during this trial, you can vote any way you want".
I wish JM closing argument was televised live. He's a fantastic orator. I'm sad that we won't be able to listen to his closing argument tomorrow. But we are neatly there. Nearly time for Jodi to go to prison!
Look carefully. She knows. She says AFTER VERDICT.

Here is what she said:

"I'm recording everything so you'll be able to see all of this after verdict."

She's also card carrying media, Paul Sanders is not.
Mark Henle ‏@HenleMark 29m29 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
#JodiArias looks toward family members during the sentencing phase of her retrial Monday.
View attachment 69950

Mark Henle ‏@HenleMark 19m19 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Judge Sherry Stephens talks to the jury during the #JodiArias retrial Monday.
View attachment 69952

Mark Henle ‏@HenleMark 24m24 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
#JuanMartinez (center) and defense attorneys Kirk Nurmi (right) and Jennifer Willmott during the #JodiArias retrial.
View attachment 69951

The attorneys and judge look fed up!
I don’t think she will get the DP. THIS jury hasn’t heard or seen all the really awful stuff, the autopsy report, Dr. Horn, anyl of De Marte’s previous testimony, etc. How many of the photographs of Travis’ body did they see?

THE FIRST jury saw and heard all of that and THEY COULDN’T GIVE HER THE DP!!!!!!!, so I doubt this group who has heard less, seen less, know less will be able to do it either.

Pity. I hope I have to eat my words.

They have heard all that.
OH OH. I think that is a big no no. The 13th juror, Paul sanders almost caused an issue when they accused him of recording it, and he showed them his pages of shorthand. If she is a reporter, she must know that tape recorders are not allowed.


Due to be Released Shortly After Verdict : On ''Obsessed Trial Watchers'', Freelance Reporter, Tammy Rose along with Jen Wood from The Trial Diarieswill take you inside the courtroom as these real life dramas unfold

(can I post this to a blog page?)

Jodi made a huge mistake with this defense. If she'd moubted a normal mitigation defense it might have been life or hung. She just couldn't do it. She says she doesn't want to do this, to expose Travis. But it doesn't come off that way at all. It comes off as excuses, excuses, excuses. I think even if there were a juror believing like #12, that killers like Jodi just don't deserve death, she should have played to them. Even someone who doesn't like Jodi very much might still think, but she doesn't deserve death.

But this relentless assault on her victim will be her undoing. It would be one thing if Travis WERE abusive. But he wasn't. And they choose to paint him as evil because he watched *advertiser censored*, had a nickname and flirted with women? Even that juror will be angry and floors that they are trying to concvince them Travis deserved to die. And then there the disgusting pedophile lie that no one believe. If that doesn't give her death I don't know what will. It's a 30th stab wound. It's conplerely remorseless. It undermines what she is trying to present. She's probably happy now that she got her way on so many things.

I hope it's some consolation to her when she gets death.

I agree with you. IMO, even though this is not the same jury from the first trial, I think they "get it". The ONLY mitigation, (if you can call it that) has been what a bad bad man Travis was, except that he wasn't. And there was no proof. Someone upthread posted a pic of Travis with the stab wounds to his back. They will see these again, of this I am sure, and I just can't see ANY way that they WON'T give her death. And to me it would be one thing if she just killed him, like poisoned him, or JUST stabbed him, but NO not Jodi, she went WAY overboard and killed him three times over. I am sure that she meant for him to die in the shower, easy peasy, no mess, no clean up, but that darn dude didn't die easily and hence the result. If I were on a jury, there is no way I could give her life based on the THREE different ways she killed Travis, and almost decapitating him THAT was the worst IMO.
I just want to add, JA and company NEVER admitted to Borderline. So we can throw that one OUT.
Now I probably won't word this right...

But do you all think that this jury will vote for DP, in a sense out of their need to "punish" JA for her crime as well? For example the first jury got their "say" by voting GUILTY! Could this jury feel as if they would let the Alexanders down, would let JA get away with it somehow, if they too don't give their own version of "guilty" but this time by voting for "DP"?

I did not explain that right. But could that be a motivation?
Haven't seen it, but heard they paraded MD's children in front of the court as a mitigating factor. Jodi doesn't and won't ever have that. In fact, she's never gonna have heterosexual sex ever again!!!

Yeah, Don't be so sure. There are stories of Women convicts having hook ups with Jailers.
I just want to add, JA and company NEVER admitted to Borderline. So we can throw that one OUT.

They did. It was one of the mitigating factors they presented in opening statement.
How many jurors have we lost during this incredibly poorly managed retrial which was slated to end over two months ago? TIA
I wish JM closing argument was televised live. He's a fantastic orator. I'm sad that we won't be able to listen to his closing argument tomorrow. But we are neatly there. Nearly time for Jodi to go to prison!

I remember JM's first closing's description of how JA killed Travis 3 times/ways - stab into his heart, slicing his throat, and gunshot into his head. But I don't remember JM spending too much time emphasizing JA trying to kill his reputation and the memories of his loved ones of him. This trial has been all provably false character assassination from the time JM finished his initial 5 day case recap until today. It's a shame we'll have to wait to see his closing or even read a transcript.
IMO, This defense put on nothing about how to save her and everything to try and bring up what a bad guy that TA was and that won't work. Not here. *advertiser censored* is not going to save her life. AS much as someone may find *advertiser censored* abhorrent no one is going to say.. Well okay then he deserved to have his throat slit and stabbed to death oh and a shot through the head for good measure.
In the end the jury has to believe that somehow this crime was motivated with self preservation and it wasn't. Not even a little bit. She planned this and she did it with Malice.
Now I probably won't word this right...

But do you all think that this jury will vote for DP, in a sense out of their need to "punish" JA for her crime as well? For example the first jury got their "say" by voting GUILTY! Could this jury feel as if they would let the Alexanders down, would let JA get away with it somehow, if they too don't give their own version of "guilty" but this time by voting for "DP"?

I did not explain that right. But could that be a motivation?

From what I have seen, juries are about and try very hard to keep personal feelings like that out of it and follow the law.

I think they get what they are deciding and will decide accordingly and keep their need for vengeance or a sense of duty out of it. This is a very huge decision that weighs heavily on people. I Don't think this jury will do that. They will want to make sure they're doing what they think is right. .
How many jurors have we lost during this incredibly poorly managed retrial which was slated to end over two months ago? TIA

There are 12 jurors and 2 alternates. We have NOT had a mistrial due to juror attrition as so many feared, so keep faith.
Can't blame the holidays and the Super Bowl on JSS. It'll be over this week.
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