Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 38

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I don't know what we may have in store for us today regarding the shenanigans of the defense. I really do not think that JA is going to change her mind and get up and show remorse. I do believe she is her own worst enemy.
Not looking forward to the closing arguments of the defense team just because they never know when to stop. Does anyone know how long the defense took for closing arguments in the guilt phase. Anyway, it is almost over and maybe the Alexanders will finally get some peace. I hope so.

I think she may change her mind-but only to get up and talk about how sorry she is that she had to kill an abusive pedophile who so many people mistakenly respected and loved. In her brain she killed T Dogg but if they wish, they can still love Travis
She might also plead for LWOP, not for herself but for her poor uneducated (although I bet mom graduated high school!) mom who obviously lacks the book learnin to get on the stand. It's the least she could do for her mother who has been in court every day
Did we ever find out what the other lady juror was accused of doing that got her thrown off the jury?

I am betting it was the DT allegations that got either 1 or both of the jurors thrown out.

The funny thing is if the DT was responsible for that male juror being gone, they lost a juror that would have helped them because he would not vote for DP unless she was a serial killer. The DT didnt think that one through. LOL

I also still dont understand how a juror gets this far and this just now comes up. He should have been vetted out during jury questions.

I kind of wonder if both these 2 jurors were posting stuff on the internet and that maybe how the DT found out some things they said. The DT is constantly searching for any posts made online from jury members of this trial.

That has most likely been the MDLR (sp?) job.
Because we know she was JA internet mouthpiece during the trial on the internet. We have been wondering what she has been doing and that is it. LOL

You can just see how it went down. She was like a tattle tale in grade school. She comes in yesterday and runs to Nurmi + Wilmcott. "I found something. I found something. You will be so proud of me".
I don't know what we may have in store for us today regarding the shenanigans of the defense. I really do not think that JA is going to change her mind and get up and show remorse. I do believe she is her own worst enemy.
Not looking forward to the closing arguments of the defense team just because they never know when to stop. Does anyone know how long the defense took for closing arguments in the guilt phase. Anyway, it is almost over and maybe the Alexanders will finally get some peace. I hope so.
I don't think Jodi will back down and allocute today. I would not be surprised though if she appeals to the COA today and asks for a stay in hopes of a delay. I also would not be surprised if she acts out in court today, or when the verdict comes back. It will be her final FU to the world. She will not go away quietly IMO, and knows there will not be any media allowed to interview her, so she will have her final outburst in the courtroom.
I don't think Jodi will back down and allocute today. I would not be surprised though if she appeals to the COA today and asks for a stay in hopes of a delay. I also would not be surprised if she acts out in court today, or when the verdict comes back. It will be her final FU to the world. She will not go away quietly IMO, and knows there will not be any media allowed to interview her, so she will have her final outburst in the courtroom.

Maybe the "zapper" will get used on her today. :)
I think she may change her mind-but only to get up and talk about how sorry she is that she had to kill an abusive pedophile who so many people mistakenly respected and loved. In her brain she killed T Dogg but if they wish, they can still love Travis
She might also plead for LWOP, not for herself but for her poor uneducated (although I bet mom graduated high school!) mom who obviously lacks the book learnin to get on the stand. It's the least she could do for her mother who has been in court every day

Well, as I said before she is her own worst enemy. If she goes this route she will not gain an ounce of sympathy from the jurors, more like outrage. Whatever happens I believe we all have our moments of extreme frustration today.
I bet Juan's lack of a reply equals the amount of time the jury will consider this last-minute "evidence" - zero.

I think Juan called the DT's bluff in that they probably thought he would want to do follow up on that. The last minute 'evidence' means nothing to us and even less to the jury because we know more than they do. IMO.

*I honestly didn't think I would even live long enough to see this trial end, lol! Nurmi must have a big fish, rich client needing his services NOW to even let this money-making trial end!
I am so anxiously awaiting the verdict!
Its too bad we didnt get to see yesterday's trial day.

The trial-by-tweet was tough to follow how wild or not wild it really got in there.
It seems things got pretty heated between JA and the judge.

I hope when the videos are released that someone will put a montage together of the most interesting days. Yesterday will be one of them for sure.

Im a little surprised that JA even was talking directly to the judge. Shouldnt her DT be doing all her talking since JA is not her own lawyer anymore.
I don't think Jodi will back down and allocute today. I would not be surprised though if she appeals to the COA today and asks for a stay in hopes of a delay. I also would not be surprised if she acts out in court today, or when the verdict comes back. It will be her final FU to the world. She will not go away quietly IMO, and knows there will not be any media allowed to interview her, so she will have her final outburst in the courtroom.

She will get her final FU in I am sure. I don't know if it will be in the courtroom, but that certainly would be interesting.
Maybe the "zapper" will get used on her today. :)
We can only hope. I can see the tweets already. Lol. 1. Bailiff has zapper out. Five minutes later 2. Jodi has been zapped, and then no more about it. Love the trial by tweets.

I second that emotion, and just to add, while everyone here has been wonderful and it feels like a great big family, what would this trial have been without the brilliant work of Juan Martinez? I, for one, have been rapt; fascinated by his nimble mind, legal expertise and strategy, and his relentless pursuit of justice for Travis and the Alexander family. He has been an inspiration on so many different levels. That's my biggest takeaway from this case.

ITA. I was thinking yesterday that during this entire fiasco of a trial I can't recall one instance where Juan made a "mistake" which hurt the state's case. In addition, he has made the DT, and their never ending parade of "faux-perts" look inept, and corrupt. The DT has made countless mistakes and I'm sure the majority were the result of the murderess's delusions and manipulations,

Juan has restored my faith in the notion that truth does prevail. I hope she gets the DP for the sake of the Alexander's, and b/c it was the verdict that the DAs office sought, but if she gets LWOP I'm ok with it.
Agree trial by tweets was tough to follow. When the tapes are released at least we can select which ones we would like to see and which ones to dismiss a carp. The things that I missed to most was watching the expressions of everyone when certain things were said especially when Juan was sparring with the witnesses.
I think Juan called the DT's bluff in that they probably thought he would want to do follow up on that. The last minute 'evidence' means nothing to us and even less to the jury because we know more than they do. IMO.

*I honestly didn't think I would even live long enough to see this trial end, lol! Nurmi must have a big fish, rich client needing his services NOW to even let this money-making trial end!
I am so anxiously awaiting the verdict!

I've said before I can't imagine anyone hiring his through his private practice.
"I'm famous for the JA trial."
"You mean the one that cost $3M?"
"Yeah that's the one. Wasn't I great?"
"Yeah sure whatever. But I can't afford a de facto three grand an hour given it takes you 10x as long as anyone else to do anything. See ya!"
Agree trial by tweets was tough to follow. When the tapes are released at least we can select which ones we would like to see and which ones to dismiss a carp. The things that I missed to most was watching the expressions of everyone when certain things were said especially when Juan was sparring with the witnesses.

Yes. That is the part that is so interesting. During the 1st trial I was constantly watching JA and how she would always sneakily lean over to Wilmcott to whisper things to her.

And her evil smirks at various times when certain evidence was displayed.

There is so much to pick up when watching others.

There is probably a term for it. We have written and verbal communication as 2 forms of communication, and there is that 3rd form. Not sure what to call it. "expression communication" maybe?
I've said before I can't imagine anyone hiring his through his private practice.
"I'm famous for the JA trial."
"You mean the one that cost $3M?"
"Yeah that's the one. Wasn't I great?"
"Yeah sure whatever. But I can't afford a de facto three grand an hour given it takes you 10x as long as anyone else to do anything. See ya!"

A really good point.
Agree trial by tweets was tough to follow. When the tapes are released at least we can select which ones we would like to see and which ones to dismiss a carp. The things that I missed to most was watching the expressions of everyone when certain things were said especially when Juan was sparring with the witnesses.

I would love to be able to see the look on JM's face as JA was sparring with JSS yesterday [emoji4]
I would love to be able to see the look on JM's face as JA was sparring with JSS yesterday [emoji4]

IMO tweets made it seem like St. Jodi of Arias was serene and ready to march head-high to the stake.
I would love to be able to see the look on JM's face as JA was sparring with JSS yesterday [emoji4]


I think yesterday became an "instant classic" day in this trial.
Heres my guess as to the reactions of everyone as JA was sparring to JSS:

Juan: "That's it JA, keep digging your grave"

Nurmi: "WTH? We talked about this over and over JA. You don't want to do this because it will only hurt your case"

Wilmcott: "JA, I said when the time is right. Now is not that time"

MDLR: "***snicker*** That's my girl"

JSS: "If I wasnt so nice, I would order you to be zapped right now"

Court reporter: "I'm definitely getting all this...LOL"

Bailiff: "Luckily I recharged the zapper's batteries last night".
The two days JSS gave JA to describe her childhood abuse, multiple school changes, early servitude in her father's restaurant/s, leaving home at 17, 3 long-term relationships with B-M-D, meeting TA and his dogged pursuit of her in Las Vegas, converting to LDS/TA baptizing her, their idyllic Fall 2006 early days together, .... delivered with her "sweet" persona and entirely unchallenged by JM ... was the best allocution by her possible, given her pathologies. Anything JA could say now would be belied by the lying, remorse-free defense she was all-in for and make it harder for even one juror to be willing to hang the verdict on her behalf.
Imagine if the jury went into the jury room and they went "ok, we'll just have a quick show of hands. Who definitely thinks she should get the DP?" And everyone's hand went up. Would be amazing. Shame it will never go like that though.
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