Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 6 - Part 3

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That is because it is all a ploy from the DT to get a leg up on future appeal. What mattered was if this ploy worked to help with with her future appeal (it didn't). It's all about planning now. They will throw anything out and see if it sticks.

Beth's thoughts don't make sense to me as is.

It had to be CMJA 's decision to take the stand. Couldnt force her to or prevent her from doing so.
It's exactly what she promised to do if the State rejected her plea deal to second degree murder. She promised if her case went to trial for first degree she would be forced to "expose" the dark/ugly side of Travis

And she knew all along the DA/Juan would tell her to go pound sand. She knew they were never going to accept a 2nd degree for such a premeditated heinous crime like this one.

She just uses that excuse to justify her grinding Travis deeper in the ground.

There again, everything is always someone else's fault. Its like she is saying 'See, look what YOU made me do.' "Its all YOUR fault.' GAG!
I also believe this happened. If nothing else, some journalist willing to get in trouble for the cause. I find it a little bit presumptuous that anyone could say this could not have happened. The other 2 sources could have been standing near the courtroom door just awaiting someone to make this exact "mistake".

The stumbling into the courtroom thing is possible, actually, because IIRC there are two courtrooms on that floor, with courtroom numbers on them but not judges' names, and you could open the wrong door. The doors wouldn't be locked and there are no guards at the door. JSS could have instructed her bailiff to stand by the door but I doubt it would occur to her to do so. But then how would there have been THREE sources for the story?
Hayden said there were 3 sources.

I believe there were two tweets. One was from her favorite reporter and another was reported by Katie as a JA supporter. Of course, she would have to share that information with her supporters. LOL This is a guess on my part. jmo
I also believe this happened. If nothing else, some journalist willing to get in trouble for the cause. I find it a little bit presumptuous that anyone could say this could not have happened. The other 2 sources could have been standing near the courtroom door just awaiting someone to make this exact "mistake".

I am confused about that. How will Troy Haden get in trouble? Reporters always have inside sources. I don't see how he would be in trouble for what his inside sources told him. If that were the case reporters would be in trouble all the time since they are constantly leaking information and say it came from inside sources.

Speak for yourself!


My feeling is this: If people don't make a big deal about Arias having the courtroom cleared, then it simply won't be a big deal. Let her play her games--it's all she has. The judge totally called her bluff. Okay JA, you can have a cleared courtroom. One more thing you won't be able to argue for an appeal. Fine. No biggie.

If you look at the big picture and take the long view you'll remember that in a matter of a few more months she'll be sentenced and off to Perryville. And that will be that. She'll be gone for the rest of her life... certainly gone for the rest of many posters' remaining lives since Arias is younger than many by one to three or more decades.

So no worries. None of this will ultimately matter in the long run. She's already been convicted--keep reminding yourselves of that. That was the most important outcome of this case! Worrying beyond that is wasted energy and wasted emotion, and just plays into the goal of the murderess to create drama. Don't give in to that. Yawn and carry on! IMO.
Might be cheaper but we are witnessing the defendents rights at any cost as it is...she could sequester them now.

A jury can't be sequestered willy nilly.

A defendant has to show good cause why it is reasonable to presume that (a) jurors are exposing themselves to prejudicial information
AND (b) that they are being influenced by that information.


Demonstrate that media reports, etc., are having an actual impact on the trial.

Both standards are very difficult to meet, which is why Judge Stephens has denied previous motions for sequestering and media blackouts. The current media blackout is based on the alleged effect on witnesses, not jurors.

Of course this makes it all the more perplexing why there's a blackout for Arias' testimony (if Arias really is the secret witness). I can only guess that, in true Arias style, she's blackmailed the court - if JSS won't let her testify in private she won't testify at all, which will be tantamount to denying her right to present mitigating circumstances.

It's equivalent to her real world MO, where she corners people, away from prying eyes and ears, to tell them her lies. Except that this isn't a house party, or camping trip. It's a court of law, with 12 people who are going to end up comparing notes. And one of their big questions is going to be, why the secrecy?

Luckily, Juan is going to ask the same question.
I am confused about that. How will Troy Haden get in trouble? Reporters always have inside sources. I don't see how he would be in trouble for what his inside sources told him. If that were the case reporters would be in trouble all the time since they are constantly leaking information and say it came from inside sources.


He will not have to reveal his sources because 1st amendment. It could be false info. We'll have to wait and see.
That post by justiceforall is going to blow up in her face, I think. The judge is not going to be happy about being tricked into closing the courtroom. I think she leaked it to be able to get a mistrial. Juan will be all over this.
Man, I do NOT care for Nurmi....not in the least, but I KNOW he does NOT want to be there with her. He looks.......MISERABLE. Beyond miserable. It is comical, that is if the whole thing weren't so tragic. Did he willingly take this case? I cant remember...

I am sorry, I have no sympathy for KN. Imo, he is just as bad as the defendant. And I really don't hate defense attorneys. I am very aware they are needed to see that justice is done and to make sure the defendant has a fair trial. But every now and then one will come along that makes me want to gag. KN is one of them. I have only detested 3-4 defense attorneys for the way they presented their cases in all the years I have kept up with criminal trials.

There is a correct way and an offensive way to ask questions of any witness. The questions asked of Det. Flores were totally inappropriate in the way they were phrased in KN's gutter ball filthy way. I have learned to detest this man almost as much as his client. For him to say he doesn't want to be there he sure seems to enjoy all of the sex questions and to KN it seems everything of importance is about sex, sex and more sex.

I find him totally unprofessional and quite unethical at times. KN knows that JA is lying more than anyone yet he puts her on the stand and pretends he doesn't know. He has seen the evidence ...........he knows even the last jury knew she was lying but if he openly admits he knows she lies then he can get himself in trouble with the bar. But he knows and everyone knows he knows all too well just how quickly his client will lie in a nano second. But even though he knows she is going to lie through her teeth he puts her on the stand anyway.

I have no respect for him nor JW and it isn't because they are defense attorneys but it is how they both have acted in this case throughout.

He may think it will be better for him professionally if he tried to get off of this case. I just think it is a tactic to save face for being the attorney of one of the most hated defendants ever known.

I believe he was a public defender at the time and went into private practice after becoming her attorney.
Hi! RadarLuv. Nurmi used to work for the public defenders council & when he did, he was assigned this case. So was Washington. Some time in, he left the defenders & went into private practice. He had trouble launching that because of this case and its requirements but try as he might, he could not get released from the Arias defense. At one time, he might have escaped (who knows?) but Arias implored the court to retain him as her chief counsel, in writing. Do you think she may be a bit fickle, having read her latter day screeds against him?
I haven't seen what she wrote about him. Or maybe I have but erased it from memory. It is amazing how much I forget over the sourse of a year!

Hi! RadarLuv. Nurmi used to work for the public defenders council & when he did, he was assigned this case. So was Washington. Some time in, he left the defenders & went into private practice. He had trouble launching that because of this case and its requirements but try as he might, he could not get released from the Arias defense. At one time, he might have escaped (who knows?) but Arias implored the court to retain him as her chief counsel, in writing. Do you think she may be a bit fickle, having read her latter day screeds against him?
I definitely have zero sympathy for him. Never have. There are many miserable people I don't care for, he is but one.

I am sorry, I have no sympathy for KN. Imo, he is just as bad as the defendant.
I believe he was a public defender at the time and went into private practice after becoming her attorney.
No way, not even a single percent, did any of the Alexanders leak who is on the stand. I don't believe that to be in any way a possibility. They are never, ever, ever going to risk a mistrial by leaking information. The have been waiting for over 6 years for justice for Travis. There is no way they would risk making it an even longer wait. Whoever leaked it, I would stake everything I own that it wasn't an Alexander.

I have to agree with you 100% on this one. They are beyond ripped apart by this and there is no way that they would jeopardize the trial.

We still don't know if the reported identity of the secret witness is correct. If it is correct, it is entirely possible that Arias leaked this to Troy Hayden, since he is still on her call list.
I just saw this on Facebook, if not allowed please remove.

Well if one of her supporters leaked this, and if she did, probably at the direction of Arias...then JSS should wakeup, and know she has been made out to be the fool in all of this.

If they can trace who put this out before the media even found out then heads should roll.

Of course Arias will deny, deny, deny, but if she had contact with the leaker at some point in time then JSS should open up the courtroom for everyone to come in and see the testi-liar testify.

If she is trying to get a mistrial, I don't think this will work. Even if it is known she is the one on the stand one but the jury has heard her testimony or her long drawn out PR presentation like last time.

I have jumped ahead here so you may have discussed his already. Does anyone remember when the dog and handler came into the courtroom. It was either the CA trial or this one. Everyone was wondering what was going on. I think someone said that they do that to all the courtrooms on a regular basis to check. (I am thinking contraband of some sort). So I think someone could actually just walk into the courtroom unannounced. Just a thought. I will now go back to reading. Thanks for all your posts.
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