Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 7

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Defense has gone, and Juan showed Autopsy photos, showed tape with Flores interrogation where JA lied and lied, Flores testified where Nurmi just kept saying you said gunshot was first. ME testified where he said gunshot last. Nurmi this time around in his opening statements and ever since just keeps talking about a "mentally ill young girl" so I guess they are going with JA is mentally ill….and this all took about 3 days. Last Thursday Tanisha and Steven gave their very moving and emotional VIS in the morning, and then Nurmi promptly after lunch asked for a sidebar and after that JSS threw everyone including media out of the courtroom and threw the First Amendment in the burn pile by saying that JA's mitigating witness could testify in secret and no one except jury, counsel and TA's family could hear it. AZ Central's lawyers then filed for a stay, which JSS denied, and then AZ Central then went to COA and that was heard today. COA granted the stay. After Nurmi was told no secret court (and by the way he told COA he wanted ALL of the rest of this case heard in secret) he said I have nothing more to do today. JSS couldn't decide what COA meant by their ruling, dismissed court for rest of today and no court until Wednesday, but she and the attorneys will meet tomorrow to decide what COA ruling means tomorrow at 1:30.

In other words, business as usual.

Oh and in the first 3 days, 2 jurors excused. One for family emergency, and one for approaching Beth Karas asking her if she was Nancy Grace (at lunchtime and she had taken her juror badge off)

All this and many think the super secret witness is Jodi herself.

and he is still saying JA was the witness on Friday. Does anyone have any further info about this? That just doesn't make sense to me. I'm thinking if she was on the stand it was to set up the witness testimony. But that to me seems suspect-if JS ruling was for ONE witness as Nurni said, then how could she also be covered-is it a cutesy, oh, she's the defendant, not a witness? Cause I don't see how that could work-how there is ANY way for a defendant to testify in secret. It just boggles my tired mind.

I envy those of you in sunny AZ, except for the secret trials part.

Last week there was something about Jodi being the "witness" and Jodi setting up the pedo letters to be slipped in and Juan couldn't exam her about them, unless she or a witness opened a door.

and he is still saying JA was the witness on Friday. Does anyone have any further info about this? That just doesn't make sense to me.
I'm thinking if she was on the stand it was to set up the witness testimony. But that to me seems suspect-if JS ruling was for ONE witness as Nurni said, then how could she also be covered-is it a cutesy, oh, she's the defendant, not a witness? Cause I don't see how that could work-how there is ANY way for a defendant to testify in secret. It just boggles my tired mind.

I envy those of you in sunny AZ, except for the secret trials part.

BBM: No further info but this is my :twocents:

I think it is CMJA ...

I went back and re-read the tweets from the morning and afternoon of October 30, the day JSS closed the courtroom for "mystery witness," looking for something -- anything that would be a "clue" ...

- I did not see any tweets regarding any of the previous defense witnesses -- such as Alyce, Samuels, DB, y'all know the rest of the names -- being in court. I have no doubt that IF any of the previous defense witnesses were in court, one of the media would have spotted this person and reported on it.

- There was a tweet that CMJA's mother was in court, and there was a tweet that her father was NOT in court. Also, we know her auntie has NOT been in court.

- It was tweeted that CMJA put on a "jacket" ... may or may not be important ... but no telling when it comes to CMJA ... maybe she wanted to try to look important ... lol !

So ...

None of the usual suspects for the defense were spotted, unless they went into the court in disguise ? I know, far fetched ...

Or maybe there is a "secret door" they went in and waited in a "secret room" ? I know, far fetched ...

But IMO, absolutely nothing is far fetched when it comes to this trial !

JMO and :moo:

and he is still saying JA was the witness on Friday. Does anyone have any further info about this? That just doesn't make sense to me. I'm thinking if she was on the stand it was to set up the witness testimony. But that to me seems suspect-if JS ruling was for ONE witness as Nurni said, then how could she also be covered-is it a cutesy, oh, she's the defendant, not a witness? Cause I don't see how that could work-how there is ANY way for a defendant to testify in secret. It just boggles my tired mind.

I envy those of you in sunny AZ, except for the secret trials part.

My take? KN knew the media attorneys would appeal the shut out and he knew he had just enough time before any appellate hearing for Jodi to testify in secret... Calculated risk.
I have certainly heard of the Peter Principal. It is alive and well and being displayed in an Arizona courtroom, IMO. This was not the case for JSS to cut her Death Penalty Case teeth on. This was not the case for Willmont to be on to give her the status of being first chair in her next case of being Death Penalty qualified.

The first sign of trouble I saw was when JSS did not want 'speaking objections'. Almost every objection turned into a long sidebar that would be sealed. I've never seen as many sidebars in a trial. Willmont would stomp up to the bench as if there were a corn cobb stuck in a very uncomfortable place. Nurmi would saunter up as if he had all day, and Juan would be the only person seeming professional. JSS looked as if she were scrunching her body halfway over the 'bench' to accommodate counsel. Then the sidebar would go on and on.

JSS has shown no consideration for the jury or their time, IMO. I noticed it with the first jury and now this one. She has granted delay after delay and has no control over her courtroom. Everything has to be secret and sealed. I see she worked in the juvenile system for a time and it has become habit to shut the public out (as it should be in a juvenile court). Well, this is big boy court where an innocent victim was stabbed repeatedly and then shot. Nothing should be secret here, not even the objections, IMO.

I'm sick of the whole thing. JSS has a boss. Why has that boss allowed this circus? Why hasn't he/she guided this first time capitol case judge? Is anyone in charge of the budget? Does anyone care that the longer this circus is allowed to continue the more it is costing the Arizona taxpayers? I care and I don't even live there.

The Alexanders are from out of state and have to spend untold amounts of money to attend these half day sessions, every other day sessions, and also put their lives on hold for all of these 'dark' courtroom days. This is so unfair to them. They have had to listen to filthy lies they should never have to hear about their beloved brother, yet they are there on every court day wanting justice for him. My heart just breaks for them all.

I cannot even begin to say how disgusted I have been throughout the trial and now this penalty phase. I am generally an easy going person and feeling this amount of disgust and anger scares me. I want this over and done for Travis' family's sake as well as the well being of all of us. It just gets worse and worse, doesn't it?

I should post more often rather then let it build up into an overly long post. Sorry I veered so far off answering your post, Renee110!


As DGC said, great post, LaLaw2000! Please post more often. I love reading what you have to say. Do you think that the Judge will give Arias LWP?
Don't shut up! What you have said really mirrors what AZL said too! I <3 our verified Atty's!!!!!! Thank you so very much!!!!!

Boytwnmomm, Gitana! :loveyou:
Now all we need is Minor4th and the Verified Attorneys gang would be complete. :p:loveyou:
Oh and Mormon Attorney, who really didn't post often but when she did.. Wow, tremendously thought inspiring stuff.

Oh the good ol times...
What has concerned me since everyone was kicked out of the courtroom, is the juror's thoughts. All of a sudden, the courtroom is cleared and they are alone with the witness. This, in my opinion, will give more weight to the secret witness in their eyes. "Whoever" this person/witness is, their testimony will be viewed different than anyone else who has testified, especially when the court is opened up again. Whether it be an expert, JA, or her family, this secret testimony has been given preferential treatment and this won't go unnoticed by the jury, even with a million admonitions. The jurors are human. Unfortunately, I believe the damage has been done by JSS.
I was pretty much out of commission today, but what I walked away with from the little I've been able to read...
A) Nurmi should stop reading his tweets in real time. From what's been reported in the courtroom, he spends time looking at his phone, and I, for one, see an easy solution: stop reading!
B) Beth Karas' website has posters who are exercising their first amendment rights. She doesn't seem like the type of person who would allow folks to make threats. Or is Nurmi just referring to her twitter followers?
C) There had to be some knowledge by everyone involved in the case that Nurmi had something brewing. I remember when Beth Karas was asked to stay after the jury had been dismissed. We all thought that it had to do with the juror who approached her (which it could very well have part), but IIRC there was a tweet that something else might have been going on?
D) And, if I'm reading today's events correctly, this should never have been an issue (witness testimony), and overall was pretty much a waste of everyone's time. Someone, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Folks, I don't offer much on this forum even though I've been following trials for years on here. I just have to jump in here and share the secret joy that I've had since the verdict on this particular trial.

Miss Jodi thought she had beat this rap with her lies. She never thought she would be convicted. When she was, she thought she could beat the death penalty (which she still may). For her to understand that sans that jacka$$ foreman, she could very well already have a death penalty hanging around her neck was priceless.

What absolute quiet joy I've had since the verdict in knowing that she has landed herself in the exact same position that she put Travis in.

Who is now fighting for their life?

Who is now begging not to be killed?

Regardless of whatever shenanigans or outcome from here on out, I will forever (and I hope the Alexander family will also) relish the fact that little miss has put herself in the exact same position as her victim.

Begging for her life.

Carry on.
One last thing before I head out for the day: If this was some sort elaborated strategy by JSS, where she calls the DT out on their bluff, why doesn't she seem to know what to do next? If this was all planned and plotted in advance she'd know exactly how to proceed next. No plan B? No bluffing.

Just a bad decision. I hope that was her last one!
One last thing before I head out for the day: If this was some sort elaborated strategy by JSS, where she calls the DT out on their bluff, why doesn't she seem to know what to do next? If this was all planned and plotted in advance she'd know exactly how to proceed next. No plan B? No bluffing.

Just a bad decision. I hope that was her last one!

Just comparing the two penalty phases...During the first penalty phase the Judge allowed cameras. And she did not seem too concerned when Nurmi threw his 'our witnesses are too scared to testify' tantrum. The trial went on without delays. Why all these sudden changes now? Is she admitting that she made several mistakes during the last penalty phase? If so, that in and of itself is quite scary. The Judge isn't allowed to make mistakes. This isn't a little bitty case. It is a death penalty case. The Judge's rulings must be fair and swift with no hesitation on her part.

I don't believe that this was a strategy by JSS. Unless... she would rather have the appeals court make these difficult decisions even at the price of further delays.
Watching an old interview with the Judge from the *other* trial. The question was asked 'Do you think it was good for the Justice System that there were cameras in the court, that this was such a widely followed case?' and the good Judge answered 'Well, in Florida we've always had cameras and I think people need to know how their Justice System works and that's the only way it can work.'
Yes, I noticed that. And I already see some comments that the defense will flag as "threatening." I wish people would exercise a little self control.

But are they really Travis supporters ?
Just reading all the posts from the night. Have to be out the next three days but will check in at night. Seems all of us are in agreement that the bottom line is this defense is phoney, a lie. No witnesses are afraid or intimidated. No one likes to go to a courtroom and take the stand or give a speech before a lot of people, unless they have a gift to do so. Jodi, KN, JW, MDLR. All phonies. We are all sick of it. But the worst of the worst is JSS for allowing her courtroom to be used in this way. Remember KN at the appeals court stated (paraphrased) that in November, 2013 JSS told him if any witnesses were threatened she would close the court. Just wow. Cave much, judge? Be transparent Judge. Prove there are death threats and above all, don't close spectators out of court. Take a stand for the first amendment. Grow a backbone. The people of Arizona pay your salaries. They want justice for a young man who was horribly slaughtered. There will be an election for you one day. I hope the people remember and you lose.

As for the Arias parents video, no words of condemnation are strong enough. They are liars just like she is.
I too find this almost criminal- the judge's level of incompetence is startling--- unbelievable
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