REVISIT Autopsy Report - Skeletal Dispersal

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Hi, I don't know where to post my question so hope this is OK.

What do you think the shroud is that Dr G speaks of in her report?
Hi, I don't know where to post my question so hope this is OK.

What do you think the shroud is that Dr G speaks of in her report?

When they lifted up the "plastic bag mass" at the dump scene, they set it on a white plastic tarp which was then placed in a white Tyvek body bag. The "shroud" is the plastic tarp that they wrapped the "mass" in before putting it in the body bag.
This is just so ad. The whole family is just evil. I could not parade around like everythng is ok like the A's do especially after all this. Ugh - makes me sick and sad.
Hi, I don't know where to post my question so hope this is OK.

What do you think the shroud is that Dr G speaks of in her report?

My take on that is, it is similar to a sheet. As the investigator's found remains they were placed on the shroud in the same position as they were found at the site. Then the shroud was placed in the bag to keep everything from jostling around.

Just my interpretation though.
What all of this information is telling me is that the body was not moved after KC dumped it there. All of the vegetation growing through the blanket, hair, etc...shows that. The towels confirm that the bags had begun to leak in the trunk of KC's car. The bags would not have survived multiple movings. Caylee was killed, bagged fairly immediately, placed in the trunk and dumped after a few days. That might be the reason for JB's snippiness. The defense would likely want us to believe that the reason a child's itty bitty bones were not all found is because the body was placed where it was back in oh say...when KC was in jail. Unfortunately for the defense and for the A's all of this information is just one more nail in the coffin for KC. The evidence points nowhere else but KC for both the crime and the body dump.
My only hope after reading these posts, is that Casey has her radio on tuned in to the talk shows today! :behindbar
Hi, I don't know where to post my question so hope this is OK.

What do you think the shroud is that Dr G speaks of in her report?
I didn't see any mention of a "shroud" in her report. I may have missed it though. Can you reference it?

Never mind - I found it now! Thanks!! :)
Reading this autopsy report is so sad yet it proves that KC dumped her after the early stages of decomposition, and the body was left there during the hurricane and during the fall UNTIL she was discovered in December. The body was never moved.
Guys, I cant read these reports, I am too upset just from reading threads - is it definitely true the hyoid was NOT found?

Same here. I can't read them. I took a break from this case because of some health issues - and now I feel myself literally getting sick again. I can not believe that a human would have such disrespect for their own child. Everything has gotten to me, but as I was just telling some friends on another board - reading about the hair being matted up just brought Caylee alive for me again. I thought about how soft babies are - brushing their delicate hair, caressing their soft baby skin, kissing them on the head and smelling their wonderful baby smell - just taking in everything sweet that they are. I just don't understand how Casey could have killed her own child like that - and then leave her out in the woods to slowly decompose. It's beyond heartbreaking. It makes me feel hatred (for Casey) - hatred I didn't even know I could feel for someone I've never even met.
Reading this autopsy report is so sad yet it proves that KC dumped her after the early stages of decomposition, and the body was left there during the hurricane and during the fall UNTIL she was discovered in December. The body was never moved.

Exactly. Well said/written. The writing is definitely on the wall for KC. When you combine the vegetation, the studies the FBI did on pizza, squirrels and dead children (sad), the paper towels in the darn trunk covered in Caylee's decomposition...there was no nanny. There is no story other than KC did it. The body was dumped and was not moved. If the defense doesn't plead this out they are dumber than dumb.
Oh Gawd....I didn't read through to the part about the paper towels. I think I'm going to be sick. Casey...casey...casey. My gosh - unbelievable. I also seem to remember that dryer sheets were found in the trunk (maybe to mask the smell?). This just goes to show that she knew what she did was wrong (trying to clean it up). She's going she should.
Everytime I start to read...and get to where animals drug parts of her articulated little body...I start crying...I can't finish.

Maybe someday...
Everytime I start to read...and get to where animals drug parts of her articulated little body...I start crying...I can't finish.

Maybe someday...

i did too and believe me it wont get any easier.
Oh Gawd....I didn't read through to the part about the paper towels. I think I'm going to be sick. Casey...casey...casey. My gosh - unbelievable. I also seem to remember that dryer sheets were found in the trunk (maybe to mask the smell?). This just goes to show that she knew what she did was wrong (trying to clean it up). She's going she should.

Can somebody tell me where the part about paper towels is???? I must have missed that......TIA
Exactly. Well said/written. The writing is definitely on the wall for KC. When you combine the vegetation, the studies the FBI did on pizza, squirrels and dead children (sad), the paper towels in the darn trunk covered in Caylee's decomposition...there was no nanny. There is no story other than KC did it. The body was dumped and was not moved. If the defense doesn't plead this out they are dumber than dumb.


What do you mean when you say,"the defense doesn't plead this out"?

Do you mean that they should tell Casey to admit and take a lesser charge???

After reading everything today I would bet that's what is going to happen, the autopsy report is very damning to Casey, I think anyway.

What do you mean when you say,"the defense doesn't plead this out"?

Do you mean that they should tell Casey to admit and take a lesser charge???

After reading everything today I would bet that's what is going to happen, the autopsy report is very damning to Casey, I think anyway.

There is no offer from the state to plea out to a lesser charge. She could plead guilty as charged or JB would have to initiate an offer to the state that says don't execute my client and she will plea out. That is not going to happen.
Good lord.....reading this report turns my stomache. Now I think we all knew ever since the body was found, bones scattered, that there was obviously animal activity with the remains.

But is anyone else sickened with the images that come to mind when you read this report?

I wonder if the A's have read this, and if so, how on earth do they maintain their support for their wonderful daughter?

Simply horrible, completely disrepectful treatment of this little soul's body after her passing, which lord knows how horrific that was. I am officially sick and with renewed disgust over this situtation.

I don't care what nobody say. That's why I love me some Nancy Grace. Because she continuously reminds us that little Caylee's body was dumped like trash.

So sad. RIP precious Caylee:beats:

What do you mean when you say,"the defense doesn't plead this out"?

Do you mean that they should tell Casey to admit and take a lesser charge???

After reading everything today I would bet that's what is going to happen, the autopsy report is very damning to Casey, I think anyway.

Not to go off topic but yes. I think that is what the defense should do. JMO.
I also believe that the walls are closing in: The defense can't say that the body was moved after it was removed by KC from the trunk. The bags were in such a weak condition and her remains :( were leaking all over the car. It would have made a huge mess in anyone's car, move them again. As for why the dogs hit on the yard I don't know. I can assume that maybe she was bagged and put in the yard for a short period of time and then placed in the trunk? I don't know.
OMG, I just read the paper towel part.....that makes me sick to my stomach....ugh....
how awful....sorry I am OT....would they just please get this over with!!!!!!

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