*REVISIT* Could We Have Gotten a Confession from Casey?

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I don't know much about tactics, except for what I see on TV.

I bet Horatio Caine could get the truth out of her.:detective:
Hook up a monitor in her cell & pipe in a life-stream from Fusian.....

show her what she's missing!
Im gonna be frank and Honest. I use to lie ALOT when I was younger ALOT my mom use to call me a Habitual liar as well. So even though I would lie alot one thing that always got me telling the truth or admitting what I did wrong was GUILT. Im not to sure if casey has a heart though so who knows if that would even work as her.

But I think the LE should hit casey with a crudload of guilt.

Isnt it funny that now a days I cant tell a lie..............AT ALl.

also alot of my Lieing if you will stemmed from ..........how I was treated I wonder if casey felt like an out cast in her home as a child which eventually made her the liar she is. Who knows.
I would use every dirty trick possible. Get her drunk and send in a good looking man to seduce her. Get her to think that if she would only confess then they could work on their future together.

Or I'd try to set up the scene from A Few Good Men where Tom Cruise has Jack Nicholson on the stand and he gets him so damn mad Nicholson slips up and tells the truth.

After I found out what the truth is... well I can't tell you about what I'd do then, the fewer people that know the better.


Yes! I was wondering why they don't go this route.

Honestly, I think they have to put an end to her running the show. The parents and brother should withdraw all support - like the rest of us, they know she is lying and they are not doing her any favors by letting her dig herself in even deeper.

I realize she cannot be denied counsel but the media don't have to put him in the spot light as he is going to say nothing other than repeat her lies.
LE needs to work out a deal with TonE. Send him in for a jail house visit. Have him sweet talk her, telling her he wants her to come to Las Vegas with him on a promotional deal he's been offered by the Fusian there. Give him pictures of the Las Vegas Fusian club, and pictures of the apartment he's put a deposit on. Have him tell her he's leaving in two weeks, and tell her she's got to get this situation she's in cleared up in time to go with him. For a girl who loves the club scene Casey can't resist!

Seriously, I don't think Casey is going to confess. The only possibility of getting a confession from her is if her support system - her family - is pulled out from under her. They are her enablers. As long as she feels they believe her lie, she will continue the lie. I don't think her family is willing or able to withdraw their support.
Does anyone think Caylees birthday will make her crack and fess up. Especially if she spends her daughters birthday without visitors in Jail?
Since she seems to be both a sociopath and a pathological liar I don't think she will crack until sometime doing the trial..if there is a trial.

I think if they get enough evidence , go to a GJ for the death penalty and go through the first 6 months or so of trial motions ..then when push comes to shove and it is not dismissed I think she will talk inorder to get a plea bargain.

Until then she will not..because at this point she has nothing to gain by admitting to any part in this crime.

She has only been charged with neglect of her child..not murder of her child..so why confess to a murder when that is not on the table yet? She's too crafty to confess to something she isn't on trial for yet.
I honestly don't think she will ever admit to what she has done. She seems like a very selfish and immature person to me. I think that she actually thought that this STORY she had would fly and she would continue to do exactly as she wanted. She reminds me alot of Scott Peterson.....

But if anyone in her family can get it out of her, it would be her dad. She has zero respect for her mom and could care less what she thinks but her dads another story, I think.

I just think if anyone could wear her down, it would be him at this point.
I don't think she is someone who is going to confess. As matters stand, there is a limit to how much time she will have to spend in prison if she is convicted of the charges against her. She won't incriminate herself on murder charges or help LE gather evidence against her -- why would she? Better for her to take her chances that LE won't find evidence on their own to charge/convict her. I haven't seen any guilt or even real worry about her daughter. After all the bad publicity, she seems to be trying to conform her conduct to some degree of acceptability, but it rings false with most people now. She's too strongly disliked to ever get a break.

I was amazed on reading the search warrant affidavit at her degree of audacity and cunning, right in the faces of LE. Can you see yourself calmly taking them to your fake place of employment, telling the security guard you lost your ID, striding purposefully down the hallway to your office, before the 12th hour "oops, I lied." I think she's still working a plan in her own mind, and have no idea whether she feels she is succeeding. She's put a lot of time and distance between herself and Caylee and any evidence of what happened. There was probably more to come, but unfortunately, nobody stole the car from the parking lot, with her handbag and the car seat, etc. in it. If so, those would be gone and the owners of the lot wouldn't have had it towed. That led to her family locating her and starting the search for Caylee. Sorry about how long this is! Oops. But not feeling so hopeful she will EVER help.
I still maintain that her father is the only one who can get a confession out of her. She only breaks down when he is around.
Have him arrested for the murder of Casey and see if that causes her to crack..
She only shows emotion around him..just maybe the thought of her father going down for it would cause her to crack wide open..
I still maintain that her father is the only one who can get a confession out of her. She only breaks down when he is around.
Have him arrested for the murder of Casey and see if that causes her to crack..
She only shows emotion around him..just maybe the thought of her father going down for it would cause her to crack wide open..

OOOHHHH, I like that one. Does anyone know if Tony's been in to see her?
IMO, LE should go in and tell her "Your parents confessed" on Caylee's birthday. That will make her crack. I've had to deal with a sociopath for the last 16 years and I'm pretty sure that would work. Oh, and completely cut off communication between her and her parents. They run out of steam when they have no audience.
IMO, LE should go in and tell her "Your parents confessed" on Caylee's birthday. That will make her crack. I've had to deal with a sociopath for the last 16 years and I'm pretty sure that would work. Oh, and completely cut off communication between her and her parents. They run out of steam when they have no audience.

She will never crack if she believes someone else has confessed, even her family members. That would just make her day..she would not save anyone else, not even to say her own soul..and that especially includes her family. If she has murdered her own daughter, she sure won't stop anyone else from saying they did it..she has no feelings for anyone but herself..she is a true sociopath.
What we need now is an interview!!!!! Greta or Nancy or someone pretty big needs to set up an interview. Signs are showing Casey is getting frustrated, feeling isolated and probably pizzed off! That's a good thing! Now if someone can just get a mic in front of her face, we will get the story (with a loooooot of spin, of course).

I don't suppose her attorney will let her give interviews - but you know what, reporters don't have to ask him.......

I would be shocked if Casey confesses. She'll lie til the very end. I'm sure it's been a pattern for most of her life - lie and stick to it, even though other people don't believe the lies. Eventually the other people throw their hands in the air and give up. Casey thinks the same thing will happen this time. She's wrong.
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