*REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

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Does anyone sympathize with KC:

After I heard that she told a friend she thought she was going crazy and wanted to be institutionalized, I felt a pang or two of pity. At least she showed signs that she knew her mind was slipping into a very dark place. And I think that's what happened... her mind slipped into a very dark place. But the fact that she's not displaying one iota of remorse makes it very hard to feel bad for her.

IF she was really seeking help, I still can't say that I feel sympathy for her, but as those who have a sociopath or two can attest, I have no proof of this, but it is very possible that KC's "cry for help" wasn't really a cry for help, but simply a cry for sympathy and attention from her friends. Just like the miscarriage claims. Sociopaths thrive on sympathy and attention. They want you to feel sorry for them. I believe it is very possible this was the case and she really may not have felt she was slipping anywhere, but instead just trying to get more attention and never had any intention of getting any help. However, it is also in a sociopaths nature to go as far as committing herself to get more attention and sympathy. They rarely think of consequences of their actions. I may be wrong, but I doubt it.
I don't believe that some people are "evil." I do believe that the human brain can be diseased and that even when a person knows what society says is right and wrong they don't internalize it. They don't "feel" it. Many people have said that Casey is crazy or nuts or wacky. We recognize that something is wrong, but legally it does not rise to the level of "not guilty by reason of insanity." I feel sad for people like Casey because even though medical science has learned a tremendous amount about the human brain, there is still so much more to know. My brother has MS and sometimes has uncontrollable twitching. He wants to stop his hand from balling up, but he can't. The brain impulses are beyond his control. Today we understand what MS is to a degree, yet, it wasn't that long ago that people with seizure disorders or uncontrollable physical symtoms were labeled "lunatics" and institutionalized. I think with further study, we may come to understand that people like Casey are not capable of controlling their behavior. I don't pretend to have a solution to what society should do with people like this. Certainly someone with no impulse control is dangerous. I am not suggesting that we, as a society, say they are not responsible and just let them go. What I am saying is that we should at least consider that mental illness is an illness and therefore the victim of the illness is deserving of some compassion. We can hate the deed but not the person that commited it. I hope in the future we have a better understanding of brain functioning and that medical science might be able to intervene and treat the Casey's, Bundy's and Scott Peterson's of the world.
Sorry you're a member of the Double Sociopath Club--I'm a fellow member, and this describes my experience very well. I've said it before and will say it again: Cindy and George Anthony did not make Casey what she is today. Rather, she made them what they are.

(respectfully snipped)

I know your post makes this clear, but I just wanted to reiterate: Casey Anthony is not suffering anything more than the momentary flashes of irritation and temper she experiences when, say, she gets frushtrated her parents won't just let her talk or, maybe, when the commissary is all out of Herbal Essence shampoo.

She is NOT suffering the loss of her child. She utterly lacks humanity. She is missing a microchip--nothing said or done to her in her early life could have changed that.

I know this is near-impossible for those who do not have first-hand experience with sociopaths. Heck, it's near-impossible, at times, for those of us who do! They are charming, and manipulative, and can convince you that they are worthy of your compassion.

For those of you feeling it for Casey Anthony---please realize that this is what is occurring. You are another victim of Casey Anthony, on a very small-scale level. And you'd better believe she revels in it, if it's reported to her.

Oh BetsyB! :blowkiss: You can always tell which posters have a true blue sociopath intheir lives by the way they handle thoughts of KC. And I do believe that without having experienced it firsthand it is impossible for people to fully understand. There have been many times when I have wished that people here could meet one of mine in particular but then I remember that they will just become victims as well.

There are times when I have wondered what I would have done in this situation if I were CA. Once Caylee was found, I certainly wouldn't have continued to support her in the way that they have. But before she was found, I have often wondered if I wouldn't have done things the same way as Cindy did in the beginning. One of my sociopaths has a case of what we call Ostrich syndrome worse than the other. We cannot discuss ANYTHING negative. If we do, he shuts down and often even disappears for long periods of time and won't let me discuss anything with him.

I wonder if this was the case with CA and KC. There is a possibility at first that CA was being so nice to her only as a show to make it seem like she was on her side to keep her talking and get the truth. I have had to act in deceptive ways like this in the past with one of mine. Everything is a game with them and if you don't play the game, it's game over! They shut down and you get no info.

If I were desperate to find my granddaughter (no matter if I believed her dead or alive because I would have enough respect for her to not leave her out in the woods alone) I would play the game. Appear supportive and be nice even when it is obvious that I am annoyed and over it (think the "lost" jailhouse tapes and what CA looked like) just to keep her talking and try to talk circles around her faster than she is around me to gain as much info as possible. If I were still desperate for the truth, I may continue the game forever. Just throwing it out there because I don't know this is what CA was/is doing. But it is what I may have done. I kind of think at this point CA may have gone mentally off the deep end. You normally don't have to play these games under the watchful eyes of the worldwide media.
O/T You are so lucky to go to the Crystal C. I would love to go there just once in my lifetime. I love Robert S. He is a wonderful minister. I hope that things work out for him and his son and the church. It would be a shame for it to have to close. If it's meant to stay the Lord will take care of the details.
This is where faith comes in ;)

Oh I agree but I don't live in CA. I watch on T.V. Of late, the pastor of the church I attend has been a guest speaker. I tuned in last night unaware he was the guest and was pleasantly surprised. Then, when he began describing the panic he felt when he thought he may have lost his child, I thought "Wow that's the emotion everyone is looking for from KC". That's why I mentioned it here.

Around 1999, I was 10 miles away from Garden Grove, just passing through, and did not have time to visit. That bummed me out.
I don't feel sorry for Casey at all. It isn't like this was her only option. She could have handed Caylee over to her parents or her brother or even placed her for adoption but instead she chose to end Caylee's life. So totally selfish.

I guess one of the reasons that I feel so strongly about Casey is because I have been on the losing end of a murder case. So many people are hurt and damaged when something like this happens. Lives are never the same again...ever. It affects people emotionally, physically and mentally. There is never a good reason to murder another person unless it is in self defense and of course murdering Caylee wasn't in self defense. You can't imagine the damage losing a loved one to murder leaves behind.

I respect other opinions even if I don't understand them. But I listen to that little girl sing "You Are My Sunshine" and it is my undoing. What a precious little thing she was. What kind of a person does it take to murder a little child of 2 years old but a selfish selfcentered sociopath who doesn't care about the path of destruction that she is leaving behind or that her little girl will never have the chance to grow up and graduate...fall in love and get married...have children of her own...grow old with her mate. Casey didn't care because her whole focus was on Casey. She didn't care about her parents or her brother or even her old gramma and grampa and how it would hurt them. May the other mothers in prison treat Casey like the piece of scum that she is.

I'm sorry for what you've been through. What does Dr. Schuller say, ask God to help us turn our negative experiences to positive influences. Easier said than done but not impossible with God's grace.
I feel sorry for all the KC's of the world.............

They will never know all the beauty the world has to offer....
They will never know the joy and mysteries the world has to share.......
They will never know the love and compassion that was waiting for them......
They will never know the gracious assistance in their times of need....
They will never have anything..........Because of their greed.........

If they only had known- If it's not worth waiting for, it's not worth having......
Do I feel sad for Casey? My answer is no. I hope that she is punished for what she did.
I read an article about how casey will go to her grave not telling anyone the truth, with a feeling of satisfaction that she is getting over on all us dummies. Her psychology is so twisted, I don't think the defense can overcome it. I think the reason she prances and smiles and preens and looks smug is because she thinks, "They think they've got me! I'll show them I'm not bothered a bit!" She has no clue that this attitude is damaging her image irrevocably. All she cares about is not letting anyone think she's hurting for one minute by being arrested, in jail or on trial.

I hope the defense can't overcome it when proven she is quilty. Who wants her out possibly bearing more children. Not me.

I can't understand, for the life of me, that type of iron will (or sociopathy?).
I hope she gets her just deserves here on earth and then God will take care of the rest. He knows our hearts regardless of our charades.

I tell my son "Remember, God sees everything you do." You are never really alone because God (who talks to mom!) is watching. I'll be his conscious until I'm sure he has one.
God forgive me if it's a failing, but I've absolutely no compassion for the KC Anthonys of the world who murder / rape / abuse innocent children. God will ultimately judge KC however, while she lives... render unto Caesar.... and she must first answer to Man's law.
Sorry you're a member of the Double Sociopath Club--I'm a fellow member, and this describes my experience very well. I've said it before and will say it again: Cindy and George Anthony did not make Casey what she is today. Rather, she made them what they are.

I'm not so sure. They were grown-ups already when she began showing them her stuff. It was their job to pay attention to her antics and try to address them. If they did so, they are not sharing.

I want you to know I am only commenting on the A's. I sense your frustration and I trust you know more about this than I do. It's like any other problem, i.e. house destroyed, your soldier dies, cancer, until YOU experience it, you don't REALLY know the pain, etc.

God bless both of you. Sounds like you did the best you knew how to do.
I feel no sadness for Casey.

I feel sad for the people who have been her victims, and the list is long.
IF she was really seeking help, I still can't say that I feel sympathy for her, but as those who have a sociopath or two can attest, I have no proof of this, but it is very possible that KC's "cry for help" wasn't really a cry for help, but simply a cry for sympathy and attention from her friends. Just like the miscarriage claims. Sociopaths thrive on sympathy and attention. They want you to feel sorry for them. I believe it is very possible this was the case and she really may not have felt she was slipping anywhere, but instead just trying to get more attention and never had any intention of getting any help. However, it is also in a sociopaths nature to go as far as committing herself to get more attention and sympathy. They rarely think of consequences of their actions. I may be wrong, but I doubt it.

I see your point. Some on these boards dispute the theory that KC is a sociopath, because she doesn't fit the MO. I don't have a wealth of knowledge about the definition, so I don't have an opinion.

We'll never really know if KC's cry out for help was sheerly for attention or was because she really felt like she was slipping into the dark zone. I tend to believe the latter, because she later said "I'm OK" and I believe that was the last we heard of it. She didn't keep harping on it. And... obviously... she DID fall off the deep end. I believe she genuinely felt it happening, but didn't know how to deal with it.
This thread it truly making me sick. Like I said before, what does it take, Casey making a home video discribing her killing Caylee then stuffing her in a laundry bag and throwing it in the woods? Because THATS WHAT SHE DID PEOPLE. Let's not look too deep into it, Casey is a murderer. Any amount of "trauma" poor little Casey might have went through doesn't mean . She didn't rob a bank, SHE KILLED HER OWN CHILD. This thread should be deleted, for this question to even be asked is absurd to me. I hope Casey gets the death penalty
God Bless Caylee.

That's just the hard-nosed way you see it, california. I personally don't see it that way.
No I do not feel sorry for her the least bit. We all have choices to make and she made hers. Now she has to live with the outcome of her choices. She could care less IMO about anyone but herself. I do not feel sorry for her parents, especially CA. I do feel sad they lost a wonderful little grandchild, however, their actions during this whole thing made me not feel anything for them except disgust. They had to know Caylee was not alive, whether they wanted to admit it or not, they had to know. They never once asked for the so called kidnappers to bring her home.

KC can use whatever excuse she wants to as to why she did it, but she said so herself - she is a spiteful b*tch and that is why she is evil to the core. So no I do not feel sorry/sad for any of them.
I don't feel bad for her as a person, I feel bad for the situation. I feel sad that something horrible happened in this family and the series of events of casey's entire life. To think of her being born, to think of her being a kid in school, to her first kiss....something most definitely not all correct with her in the head, but to think of her living her life and to never realize (her, her parents or her friends) that one day she would be a murderer of her own child. It's just such a sad situation, and I can't say it could have been avoided. If she felt this way towards Caylee at only 2 years old, then caylee never did have much of a chance.

So again, I don't feel bad for casey as a mother or as a person who deserves my compassion. She most certainly doesn't, she is cold and heartless. But I do feel bad for the entirety of the sitution and everyone else who is personally involved, including the grandparents. I don't like them, but it's got to be torture what they are going through and how they must feel about themselves now.
NOT AT ALL - KC had choices and options she chose bad ones . There were other

paths she could have followed. Lots of people come from less than ideal homes

and managed to make productive loving lives for themselves and their children
Yes, I do feel sorry for Casey. I feel sorry for her because she will never have a normal life, she will never see Caylee's first day at school, her prom, her first date. She will never know what a mother really feels like. I feel sorry for Casey because she lacks empathy, understanding, compassion. She will never have the chance the "feel" anything for anyone but herself, regardless of where she sleeps at night. I feel sorry for Casey because she will never have the opportunity to be rehabilitated. Her life and the way she lived her life had many, many choices. Unfortunate for her and all those around her, Casey's decisions, whether planned or accidental, paved the road ahead of her.

That's just it...

Most of the time, when parents lose a child, the circumstances are beyond their control.

Casey did have choices. Caylee didn't.

Casey SHOULD be held responsible for her actions. She is not more deserving of sympathy than Joseph Duncan or any other monster who made similar choices.

Aside from the most vile remarks, I have really enjoyed reading this thread. It was first created on the day of the indictment. I am the further est thing from a bleeding heart liberal you can imagine, and I do support the death penalty.

We are planting a garden this year for the first time, and every time I smell freshly turned dirt, I think of Caylee, and the terrible day that KC was digging in the A's yard. It's a scene that sticks with me for some reason. I can literally see little Caylee laying limp while KC is digging - and KC gets mad because it's too much trouble.

I don't feel sorry for KC because she's in jail, because I think she deserves it. I do feel a tremendous loss over the whole situation because, indeed, two lives were effectively lost needlessly. The solace for me is that Caylee is in perfect peace and KC is where she belongs.
I do in some way feel something for KC, maybe a small bit of sadness, since I started thinking KCs' defense will be multiple personalities, Zanny being the one who killed Caylee, I believe her high priced lawyers are really going to make a bigger name for themselves, they will put on the defense that their client has multiple personalities, that in itself is going to attract alot of media, and IF they were to get her off, how great would that be for them. So maybe I do a little, feel sad for her, I think she is being used, as a guinea pig, maybe. This case has gotten so crazy. I look forward to the trial! And then the movie.
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