*REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

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KC.. I don't know her personally but I do, deep down, know her very well.. I have lived around and with such people much of my life. They lie, steal, and cheat, from their families, friends, co-workers, and anyone who falls under their spell.. occassionally they kill. They have no remorse, no pity. But they count on other people's willingness to forgive, to feel sympathy for them, to give them a second chance (or 3rd, 4th or however many chances they may say they require). They never change though, they never look back with regret or sadness at the carnage they create.

Save your sorrow for someone who is worth feeling sorry for, and Lord knows there are people all around us who need out support and care. KC is not one of them.
I guess my dilema comes down to a simple matter of what age you make the transition from adorable, loved child to despicable adult.

Perhaps very easy to say:

3 yr old Caylee = Innocent child, loved by millions.

22 yr old KC = Monster reviled the world over.

At what age do your sympathies change?

There is a part of me that is ashamed to say it, but I don't believe I would feel very sad for a twelve year old who lied like she has when it is so blatantly obvious that is she guilty, strutted around and smirked that face that she does/did and behaved the way she has. I think I'd probably feel the same way and want to walk up and smack them across the face.

I think once you are old enough to know, no matter what age that happens to be for each person, how very wrong it is to take another persons life, you are then open for less sympathy from people. Perhaps that is not an age discretion, but one based on maturity. Your question make me think of the episode of CSI, with the brother and sister and the sister was a genius. KC reminds me of that girl as well. I would not have felt sorry for her if she had gone to jail.

However, I do not believe there should be an age distinction for sympathy for murder victims. I think it is equally sad, not matter how old you are.
Facing your problem and admitting it in public is a good first step!

Now attend some meetings. BHLA?

I am NOT a bleeding heart or a liberal, but I agree with you that people are not born evil. However they can become irreversably so early on. Not all, or even many, evil people can be "helped". Society has to decide whether to get rid of them (DP) or lock them away.

I have never got this close to a case, and have never felt such strong personal animosity to another human being as do towards KC.

I myself am not sure that evilness is not born into some.

If one IS hardwired for a propensity to be evil, like a defective gene in their brain and you couple that with a history of being raised by neglectful parents.

Even those who fail to make their child responsible for their own actions from a young age till now...then, it's only a matter of time for circumstances to become ripe enough for someone like KC to inflict her wrath on her daughter, Caylee like she did 31 days before reporting her missing.
There is no age when one does not know right from wrong in a real sense.. how old were each of us when we learned not to hurt other people? Can you think of a time when you did not know that was wrong?? We are all born with a sense of right and wrong, even if we occassionally mess up, or make mistakes, we KNOW we did wrong. No one ever actually teaches us these things, although they may well re-enforce the lesson when we break the inner rule of not harming others.

KC too knows right from wrong, just as we all do, but she and her sort choose to live without listening to the inner voice, as long as they are not in pain, they don't care who else is hurt.
Do I feel sad or sympathetic for Casey? I shout an emphatic NO. Very emphatic, in fact.
Inasmuch as I feel that GA & CA & LA contributed to who she became, this IS the 21st century, folks, and the cold hard truth is that at some point in time we all have to GROW UP. And that means making (right) decisions and everything. It was Casey's choice NOT to grow up and branch out on her own....get a job, pay rent, pay a real (live and not made up) babysitter like the rest of us, pay her bills and for her cell phone, pay for the gas that we use to get us to and fro.....etc. Bottom line: It was her choice NOT to do these things and to live in her dream world.
The only sad thing out of this is that Caylee PAID WITH HER LIFE. Geez, even her freakin' family STILL isn't standing behind her. They are still surrounding the monster mother that they continue to create.
Yikes....what kind of world would we all be living in if we were allowed to just do away with someone because they interfered with, say, our rabid sex lives? We'd all kill our parents, ministers, teachers, relatives, cops, children, spouses, etc, etc, etc. I do not feel one bit sorry for this snotty little b*tch. SHE CHOSE TO DO THIS. I chose not to.
God wants us to HATE the sin but love the sinner. His love is perfect. But I cannot find it in my heart as of now to feel anything sympathetic or empathetic for Casey. Each time I think of her, I think of dear Caylee dead and gone and in my mind Casey is guilty as sin. And I would like to admit here and now that as of this week I believed that LA had good sense and was a good person in a bad situation.And I posted that I thought he was speaking of Caylee when he kept mentioning CMA, CMA, CMA . And I really did. That was until I read the deposition docs. To know that to this day he truly believes everything that his sister tells him, well I no longer think empathetically of him either.
I do still have good feelings about George. At least so far...
I myself am not sure that evilness is not born into some.

If one IS hardwired for a propensity to be evil, like a defective gene in their brain and you couple that with a history of being raised by neglectful parents.

Even those who fail to make their child responsible for their own actions from a young age till now...then, it's only a matter of time for circumstances to become ripe enough for someone like KC to inflict her wrath on her daughter, Caylee like she did 31 days before reporting her missing.
I find it hard to believe that a new born can not be brought up contrary to any "evil gene"
that might be present? I don't know but hard to be fatalistic about a new born?
I don't believe in an 'evil gene' as such, what I do believe in is an overwhelming type of will, that can over ride the inborn sense of 'do what is right'. and yes, that evil sort of will is inherited. Or can be. I was born into a family that had many such people. I CHOSE not to be like them. I could have been, but will can be turned in many directions. I used my gift of a 'greater than normal will power' (for lack of a better word or description of what I mean) to live a moral life. KC too could have been a force for good, she took the other path though, and every member of her family has paid dearly for it, and the weakest paid the most heavily.
KC.. I don't know her personally but I do, deep down, know her very well.. I have lived around and with such people much of my life. They lie, steal, and cheat, from their families, friends, co-workers, and anyone who falls under their spell.. occassionally they kill. They have no remorse, no pity. But they count on other people's willingness to forgive, to feel sympathy for them, to give them a second chance (or 3rd, 4th or however many chances they may say they require). They never change though, they never look back with regret or sadness at the carnage they create.

Save your sorrow for someone who is worth feeling sorry for, and Lord knows there are people all around us who need out support and care. KC is not one of them.

I agree. Let's feel sorrow for those less fortunate or the true INNOCENT VICTIMS in the path of a monster such as Casey Anthony!

Save the empathy and the sympathy for the murdered children, for the ZFG's of this world. And for the families who've dealt with these creature's for many years! Although C & GA seem to be trading in their grand daughter's sweet memory for her monster of a mother, I still feel bad for them. They just don't know how to love their evil child without pardoning her every crime, which is a shame. But I still have some empathy left for them. They are still victims of their child. I have no respect for them whatsoever, but that's different. I haven't one iota of respect for the undignified, misguided and love-sick brother LA, but I have some empathy left for him. He is also a victim.

Casey Anthony is the worst of the worst. She took the life of her baby because she was hateful, jealous and because she got in the way of her own attention, happiness and freedom. She stole from her child, her parent's, her grand parent's and anyone who was foolish enough to call her friend. She lied to every single person who came across her sorry path.
And, she didn't give her baby one second of the compassion or empathy or sympathy people seem so willing to extend her! No.
She murdered her and threw her away like garbage then walked away without ever once looking back. She won't even give her own child the dignity of truth now that she's caught! The evil that she's done means nothing, it's all about what she wants. To get out and move on once again. She has "fixed her but good" and just wants her phone, her internet, HER life back.
She is getting exactly what she deserves. An 8 x 10, 3 square meals and an eternity of complete isolation.

IMO, to give her anything more would be an abomination to the memory of Caylee.
I find it hard to believe that a new born can not be brought up contrary to any "evil gene"
that might be present? I don't know but hard to be fatalistic about a new born?

It's the old "nature vs nurture" argument!

Some people have grown into wonderful loving parent's, despite years of horrific abuse.

Then, we have those brought up in the best of loving and nurturing homes who become serial killers?
i feel sad about the fact that things like this happen at all. while i am unsure if i can say i feel sorry for casey, i can say i don't believe anyone truly wishes for their lives to turn out this way. why it happens, well, that i will never understand.
Hi Woe.be.gone, Mark Geragoss has already said that Casey's attitude and out of cinque behavior will be the one main task for the Defense to overcome at trial, over everything.

O/T Is the elder Pastor Schuller still at the helm. God Bless him for all the good he has done inspiring people everywhere.

Also O/T Have you ever been to Lake Wobegon? I bet you are a Scandahoovian who adores Garrison Keillor - just like me :woohoo:


O/T Pastor Schuller is semi retired (80?) and trying to keep his church on the air due to the changes and tough economic times. To my delight it was my pastor who spoke tonight. He really connects with people. Made me feel kinda bad though cuz I've been nasty lately!

O/T Only on the radio! Yes and Yes!:blowkiss:
My thoughts exactly. The weird part is I keep thinking that she is just going to break down, like there is apart of me that just cannot accept that someone is really capable of what she has done-- its just not possible. But it is.

Everyday people hurt one another. I can't understand it. Bang, bang you're dead over a pair of shoes. I can't figure out why some people want to have children. I'm not judging but I, personally, would hate not being able to feed my child or provide him a roof, etc. I don't get why it's so great to have a child if you can't even take care of yourself.
It's the strangest thing, I hardly ever think of her. I'm in a neutral place. If I did "allow" myself to think about her, I don't think it would be good for my blood pressure.
No- I do NOT feel sorry for casey, nor do I feel her childhood "exempts" her (or anyone for that matter) from respecting the sanctity of life that is due to all people.

She knowingly took another human being's life, that alone is vile enough; that she murdered the one person in life that looked to her for love, security and protection... THAT leaves me devoid of words to aptly describe my feelings.

That someone could look into the eyes of their precious child...eyes that trusted her mommy...then murder that innocent baby.... there are NO words..:furious:

No.... I don't feel sorry for Casey at all!

She is not insane and she knew right from wrong. The only thing that I do feel sorry for her is..that she had Cindy A., for a mother... and even that doesn't excuse all her lies and stealing before Caylee was supposedly "abducted" by the Nanny.

Jose Baez is the one who *IS* totally insane for taking on this case....PERIOD.

No- I do NOT feel sorry for casey, nor do I feel her childhood "exempts" her (or anyone for that matter) from respecting the sanctity of life that is due to all people.

She knowingly took another human being's life, that alone is vile enough; that she murdered the one person in life that looked to her for love, security and protection... THAT leaves me devoid of words to aptly describe my feelings.

That someone could look into the eyes of their precious child...eyes that trusted her mommy...then murder that innocent baby.... there are NO words..:furious:

ITA what you said:blowkiss::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
and welcome. Kudos to you and coming forward and saying how you feel!

Like you, I've watched this since day one, and don't have any compassion for her. If the LE could give me one shred of evidence that there's the slightest bit of doubt about Caysey, then maybe I'd change my mind.

But no - if she's convicted, Lord be with her. I sincerely believe she did it, and have no qualms saying it.

Besides, she's getting some pretty nice treatment. Chocolates, bottled water, and whatever her heart fancies. Strangers are keeping her account full, and she's getting 3 squares a day, and doesn't have to work.

No difference than home if you ask me ;) Except for the s,e.x. of course.


and welcome. Kudos to you and coming forward and saying how you feel!

Like you, I've watched this since day one, and don't have any compassion for her. If the LE could give me one shred of evidence that there's the slightest bit of doubt about Caysey, then maybe I'd change my mind.

But no - if she's convicted, Lord be with her. I sincerely believe she did it, and have no qualms saying it.

Besides, she's getting some pretty nice treatment. Chocolates, bottled water, and whatever her heart fancies. Strangers are keeping her account full, and she's getting 3 squares a day, and doesn't have to work.

No difference than home if you ask me ;) Except for the s,e.x. of course.



Hi Melanie :blowkiss: I am with you.. I do not feel at all sorry for her but i do pity her soul--
I don't feel sorry for Casey at all. It isn't like this was her only option. She could have handed Caylee over to her parents or her brother or even placed her for adoption but instead she chose to end Caylee's life. So totally selfish.

I guess one of the reasons that I feel so strongly about Casey is because I have been on the losing end of a murder case. So many people are hurt and damaged when something like this happens. Lives are never the same again...ever. It affects people emotionally, physically and mentally. There is never a good reason to murder another person unless it is in self defense and of course murdering Caylee wasn't in self defense. You can't imagine the damage losing a loved one to murder leaves behind.

I respect other opinions even if I don't understand them. But I listen to that little girl sing "You Are My Sunshine" and it is my undoing. What a precious little thing she was. What kind of a person does it take to murder a little child of 2 years old but a selfish selfcentered sociopath who doesn't care about the path of destruction that she is leaving behind or that her little girl will never have the chance to grow up and graduate...fall in love and get married...have children of her own...grow old with her mate. Casey didn't care because her whole focus was on Casey. She didn't care about her parents or her brother or even her old gramma and grampa and how it would hurt them. May the other mothers in prison treat Casey like the piece of scum that she is.
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