*REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

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Since Caylee was a family member, yes I feel sorry. The rest of them are just specks in the cosmos to me and I'm sure KARMA will catch up. Believe me, they can't lie their way out of KARMA.
Yes, I see you as very much both sympathetic and empathetic and yes, re the "heat" for trying to understand what the heck makes these people, especially Cindy, behave the way she does.

Which is why above I was careful to say "when I dis-engage" or meaning I have to stand a LONG way back and just look at the whole thing as emotionless as I can, to try to come to some sort of observation. I couldn't make my comments without it, because up close, trying to understand it makes me crazy.

I just re-read your earlier post #542. I think you did a magnificent job of being able to disengage to get to the root of that family dynamic. I am going to re-read it often because I think that might be the very thing that can help me feel less angry and frustrated with them. I have a really hard time dusting off all the crud, to be able to stand that far back and keep my emotions in check.
I just re-read your earlier post #542. I think you did a magnificent job of being able to disengage to get to the root of that family dynamic. I am going to re-read it often because I think that might be the very thing that can help me feel less angry and frustrated with them. I have a really hard time dusting off all the crud, to be able to stand that far back and keep my emotions in check.

Have I ever heard a more magnificent expression?:blowkiss:
I do not feel any sympathy for ICA and GA. They appear to be cut from the same cloth.
I do feel sympathy for CA. She got dealt an incredible cruel hand by fate. Hopefully Lee is a great deal of comfort to her since I do not think GA is.
She was the breadwinner for the other two and I think both of them robbed her blind.
If Caylee would have been killed by a stranger, I believe , you would have seen quite a different reaction from CA. From day 1, I think she suspected/knew ICA was the killer. And probably feels she drove ICA to it, however, she should blame GA genes.. She loves her daughter and will go thru hell to protect her, many a mother would, regardless of heinous crimes.
Her reaction has been offense in this tragedy. CA is not a bad uncaring person IMO, circumstances made her a control freak with ICA and GA in the house. She visited her ailing father every two weeks even though he probably did not remember it the next day.
She has hidden her emotions from public, got awfully skinny there for a while and probably cries a lot in private.
I do wish they would take the death penalty off the table for her sake.
I also wish posters stop picking on her appearance, she looks very good for her age IMO. But go ahead and pick on ICA or GA though.
i only joined this site because of the casey anthony case and my obsession with it. i have read every document dump, watched every video, read AND heard the transcripts from all involved, and I KNOW that kc is guilty of killing her child.

i, like 99% of you, have been condemning her. she's wrong.

but right now, even after the gj hearing, the picture of her in the unbuttoned blue shirt and white glasses, the flippancy at the press conference and the crocodile tear, i actually feel bad for her.

even though she killed her child, even though she stole, lied, and cheated friends and family... even though she failed her parents and dropped out of school and lied to her grandmother, and even though she was promiscuous and had a child without a husband... is she undeserving of our compassion? because of all these actions we can safely say that at some point she was a victim too. of something BAD.

you might all think that she is evil. but right now, i don't. i feel that she is incredibly lost and scared and ripped off... don't know by who, but someone affected her... right now i honestly feel very sad for her.

this does not mean in any way that i understand or support her actions. i just think that if anyone could get to the point that she did in her behavior, then that in itself, is very tragic. she is not okay with it... no way.

okay... it's late, i'll read this when i wake up, i had a long day. but i really feel this way right now. i'm probably just being insane.

peace in the middle east,

Absolutely. Very sad for whoever is innocent in this ordeal, who lost Caylee in such a terrible way, and on top of that has been treated so horribly for two years. I also feel sad for whoever was damaged and ill enough to commit this murder, if that is what happened.
I feel very sad for Casey. If she harmed Caylee, she did something completely out of character and inexplicable, according to all her friends. They said she would never hurt Caylee in any way or let her be missing, either. So that is such a tragedy if she suddenly had such a radical change in her personality, whatever the cause (medical problem? mental breakdown? delirious from sleep deprivation? drugged by someone? introduced to some drug? who knows) that she either harmed Caylee or was unable to protect Caylee or take the right actions when she needed to.
I feel sad for her if she's guilty, but obviously all the more so if she's innocent but was too lost in fantasy or some kind of haze to realize what was going on when it was happening or to know what to do since then. Terrible case. Very sad.
It goes without saying that I feel saddest for Caylee, of course. I hope the whole truth does come out so justice can be done for her.
Absolutely. Very sad for whoever is innocent in this ordeal, who lost Caylee in such a terrible way, and on top of that has been treated so horribly for two years. I also feel sad for whoever was damaged and ill enough to commit this murder, if that is what happened.
I feel very sad for Casey. If she harmed Caylee, she did something completely out of character and inexplicable, according to all her friends. They said she would never hurt Caylee in any way or let her be missing, either. So that is such a tragedy if she suddenly had such a radical change in her personality, whatever the cause (medical problem? mental breakdown? delirious from sleep deprivation? drugged by someone? introduced to some drug? who knows) that she either harmed Caylee or was unable to protect Caylee or take the right actions when she needed to.
I feel sad for her if she's guilty, but obviously all the more so if she's innocent but was too lost in fantasy or some kind of haze to realize what was going on when it was happening or to know what to do since then. Terrible case. Very sad.
It goes without saying that I feel saddest for Caylee, of course. I hope the whole truth does come out so justice can be done for her.

Her friends also admitted they didn't know the real Casey. It certainly wasn't out of character for her to harm Caylee. Dr. Green said Caylee was 'savagely abused'.
Absolutely. Very sad for whoever is innocent in this ordeal, who lost Caylee in such a terrible way, and on top of that has been treated so horribly for two years. I also feel sad for whoever was damaged and ill enough to commit this murder, if that is what happened.
I feel very sad for Casey. If she harmed Caylee, she did something completely out of character and inexplicable, according to all her friends. They said she would never hurt Caylee in any way or let her be missing, either. So that is such a tragedy if she suddenly had such a radical change in her personality, whatever the cause (medical problem? mental breakdown? delirious from sleep deprivation? drugged by someone? introduced to some drug? who knows) that she either harmed Caylee or was unable to protect Caylee or take the right actions when she needed to.
I feel sad for her if she's guilty, but obviously all the more so if she's innocent but was too lost in fantasy or some kind of haze to realize what was going on when it was happening or to know what to do since then. Terrible case. Very sad.
It goes without saying that I feel saddest for Caylee, of course. I hope the whole truth does come out so justice can be done for her.

Neglect and possibly drugging her is also harm. Just because her friends couldn't see any physical harm or witnessed it, doesn't mean she was all lovey dovey and caring in private. Words can hurt, neglect can hurt, and if she was doing anything to make Caylee sleep so she could text and get on the computer, that is abuse and that shows she didn't care one bit for Caylee. Plus, her friends didn't know the real her, only what she fooled them with. Really good manipulators can make you believe they are best person on the planet when really they are the worst. I am not taking what her friends said about her as truth.

I don't feel a bit sorry for someone who never should have been a mother in the first place. And I don't feel sorry for Cindy, who enabled Casey and allowed her to turn into a monster instead of trying to get her help and be a good parent to her. Yes, Cindy has had hardship, but it's hardship she brought on herself, and hardship she could have prevented by tackling her problems head on and not just believing hogwash and going along like everything was okay.

LG, I agree with almost every word of this and your earlier compassionate, insightful post, except the part I bolded.

I don't think they have recently 'lost their minds' because it is evident (among other things, but especially in the emails between Rick & Shirley and between Rick & Cindy) that they kept denying and lying to protect ICA for a very, very long time. Casey was like a cancer that took over that family and they refused to treat the illness responsibly. We have evidence that they chose to remain in denial about her pregnancy into her 7th month. I've seen the pictures, the pregnancy was obvious - I don't believe CA didn't know....I believe she chose to not face it because it was going to rock her world...the perception she liked to portray to others --- of the ideal Christian family. CA was a nurse...she knew. WTH was she thinking? I have no clue because a 7 month pregnancy is not just going to 'go away'....she knew better, but chose to not deal with it. Same thing about 'not knowing' that Casey didn't work at Universal. I think it would be impossible for a control freak like CA to live in the same house with someone for 2 years and not be aware at some point that she was lying about working there. Honestly, I think CA's photo must appear next to the word DENIAL in the dictionary. I do believe GA tried to face the problems (like going to Sports Authority and confirming that she had no job), but in doing the 'right' thing, he got lambasted by CA..."What are you doing checking up on her? KC is going to be so mad!" HELLO. WTH CARES if she gets mad??? Not, OMG...we have got to address this! Really, CA makes my head hurt even trying to understand her thinking.

I do have empathy for all of them to some extent, however, especially Cindy STILL TO THIS DAY is doing the same thing - making excuses and enabling Casey....even encouraging her to lie....anything EXCEPT encouraging her to accept any sort of responsibilty for ANY of her actions. Not just Caylee's murder. She still minimizes her pathological lying by calling them 'half-truths' or saying she 'mis-spoke'. Let's call them what they are: LIES. Lots of lies. And, not little white-lies.

GA & CA haven't done their daughter any favors by continuing to enable, minimize, and make excuses for her. Although I don't blame CA for Caylee's demise, I do think her choice to ignore the obvious and refuse to be a responsible parent led to Casey continuing snowball into more tragic crimes. They need to take responsibility for thier failures in parenting just as much as Casey needs to for her actions. It is all about responsibility, to me. And none of them acted responsibly. So, I don't think they recently 'lost their minds'. I think they just never thought it would come to anything so tragic.

I don't know. I am one of the biggest push-overs, empathetic, sympathetic people ever. I defended CA & GA for a long, long time. Dysfunctional to the nth degree, but there are many, many dysfunctional families, so I can forgive that. What I can't forgive or overlook, is their refusal to accept any responsibility for the part they each played.
:snooty:I just don't understand a Registered Nurse not insisting her pregnant daughter get pre-natal care until 7 months!!!
:snooty:I just don't understand a Registered Nurse not insisting her pregnant daughter get pre-natal care until 7 months!!!
Ya know, me along with others questioned this when it first became public. It's in the archives somwhere. Anyhow, because of the HIPPA laws, there was/is no way for us to know if ICA didn't see an OB. And there is the sonagram of Caylee that ICA had at one time. Also we weren't able to view any of the medical history of Caylee either.

I believe that ICA did have prenatal care earlier than 7 months only because CA would have insisted on it, and she would demand to know the baby was healthy. Far be it if Caylee had been born with any defects. She wouldn't have fit into CAs perfect world. Which is exactly why CA lied to her brother.

I am pretty dang sure both LE and the SAO know. Whether it becomes part of the trial, I don't know.

Just another tic on the list of the indifference I have for any member of the A clan.
:snooty:I just don't understand a Registered Nurse not insisting her pregnant daughter get pre-natal care until 7 months!!!

ITA. I really hope she was a better nurse to people outside of her immediate family. She certainly had blinders on when it came to people in her own household. I mean come on, what did she think Casey had, a large tumor? Something just isn't right there. I'm thinking it's possible she knew before seven months.

I do think there probably was some kind of care, but it was hush hush. I think she didn't want other family and friends to know about it until Casey was showing so much she couldn't be in denial publically anymore. If she is any kind of good nurse, she got Casey prenatal care.
Ya know, me along with others questioned this when it first became public. It's in the archives somwhere. Anyhow, because of the HIPPA laws, there was/is no way for us to know if ICA didn't see an OB. And there is the sonagram of Caylee that ICA had at one time. Also we weren't able to view any of the medical history of Caylee either.

I believe that ICA did have prenatal care earlier than 7 months only because CA would have insisted on it, and she would demand to know the baby was healthy. Far be it if Caylee had been born with any defects. She wouldn't have fit into CAs perfect world. Which is exactly why CA lied to her brother.

I am pretty dang sure both LE and the SAO know. Whether it becomes part of the trial, I don't know.

Just another tic on the list of the indifference I have for any member of the A clan.

She didn't have pre-natal care until she was 7 months because she lied to her parents and told them her expanding girth was due to 'female problems', and said she wasn't pregnant because 'you have to have sex to be pregnant' and they believed her! This carried on until the entire family was confronted by Cindy's brother Rick at his wedding and forced to seek medical advice.
...here's the link runs in autoplay

Found a doco about psychopathy you can view online....interesting.


I don't really think Cindy and George could have changed her, but they stayed in denial for way too long.
That documentary is one of the most engaging & informative I have seen on this subject.
Thank you . I do agree that her parents could not have changed Casey with out her undergoing psychiatric testing .Even then there is clearly no cure.:banghead:
That documentary is one of the most engaging & informative I have seen on this subject.
Thank you . I do agree that her parents could not have changed Casey with out her undergoing psychiatric testing .Even then there is clearly no cure.:banghead:

I agree with that too - but doing nothing and letting Casey fester and get worse over the years is not something they should have done either. They should have tried to do something to get her help before she grew into a monster. Going into denial and letting Casey get worse and worse resulted in Caylee's death. They knew she was sick and they did nothing to try to help her. So no sadness towards them from me. Putting on blinders and keeping her problems to the immediate family was the worst they ever could have done.
Caylee's loss is terribly sad - but sadness for anyone in the family or for ICA? Nope, nada, zippo.
She didn't have pre-natal care until she was 7 months because she lied to her parents and told them her expanding girth was due to 'female problems', and said she wasn't pregnant because 'you have to have sex to be pregnant' and they believed her! This carried on until the entire family was confronted by Cindy's brother Rick at his wedding and forced to seek medical advice.
:snooty: I'm not buying that Cindy believed that lie. An RN is going to know that no woman "bloats" that much from "female problems", and even so if it were true, she still should have sent her to a Gyn!!! Plus, there have been women who have conceived without the guy entering them, he just had to be in the vicinity... Cindy could have insisted on a pregnancy test!
No, I do not feel any sadness for Casey's or her parents. Being an R.N. myself, I have no respect whatsoever for Cindy.
I agree with that too - but doing nothing and letting Casey fester and get worse over the years is not something they should have done either. They should have tried to do something to get her help before she grew into a monster. Going into denial and letting Casey get worse and worse resulted in Caylee's death. They knew she was sick and they did nothing to try to help her. So no sadness towards them from me. Putting on blinders and keeping her problems to the immediate family was the worst they ever could have done.

The depth of their denial blows my mind.
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