*REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

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Do you have the same compassion for Joseph Duncan? Penny Beadreau? Couey?

They were kids once too? Just like Casey. Just like Caylee.

Pretty is as pretty does. Inside Casey is like every other murderer. Only worse than some. It was personal for her. The baby she killed loved her.


This post and the someone's post about feeling sorry for Hitler, BTK, etc., changes my mind every time I start to feel sorry for her. Casey didn't have the chance, at least that we know of, to have more children and murder them too. Or become a serial killer. Maybe that's why it's so hard for me to grasp....she's just 22 years old. It seems so young to be so hideous. At the same time, she's immature enough to kill her child to spite her mother.
I do in some way feel something for KC, maybe a small bit of sadness, since I started thinking KCs' defense will be multiple personalities, Zanny being the one who killed Caylee, I believe her high priced lawyers are really going to make a bigger name for themselves, they will put on the defense that their client has multiple personalities, that in itself is going to attract alot of media, and IF they were to get her off, how great would that be for them. So maybe I do a little, feel sad for her, I think she is being used, as a guinea pig, maybe. This case has gotten so crazy. I look forward to the trial! And then the movie.

The judge ordered psychological testing for Casey early in the case. If there were any indications of multiple personalities, or if the defense were planning to use that as a defense, they would have her in treatment.
The judge ordered psychological testing for Casey early in the case. If there were any indications of multiple personalities, or if the defense were planning to use that as a defense, they would have her in treatment.

That's a thought. Maybe they do and we're not privy to it since it's private medical info?
using false idenities to cover your actions does not equal MPD -

KC in no way qualifies for any kind of legal insanity defense
I wonder how those who feel sorry for KC would feel if they actually had to deal with her on a daily basis? It is not just that she would steal you blind, twist and distort the truth, use you for whatever they needed and ultimately discard you without a backwards glance when you were no longer an asset to them. There is more to it.

By some means they manage to twist things so that those around them end up looking like fools, or like they are the evil ones..their family members wind up with all sorts of strange things happenening to them.. over time they lose their spouses, jobs, their homes, their friends. It is a slow insidious process of poison.

People who care for sociopaths, narcissists, anti-social personality disorder (or whatever the latest term might be to describe them, and whatever small degree of difference abides in those subtle distinctions) wind up in an Alice in Wonderland world. They will turn the normal world upside down in their efforts to help them, losing all credibility, all sense of proportion..
I have seen far too many basically honest decent people fall down that same rabbit hole, dragged there in the wake of these people.
I suppose it is harmless enough to feel sorry for KC, no one here is apt to ever be involved with her in real life. What concerns me is that so many decent people would become CA's and GA's and LA's in the event they encounter a real life Casey. An enabler of a horrible person.
Perhaps if any good is to come of this sorry situation, it might be that it serves as a wake up call for decent people everywhere to take a good hard look around them, at their own family and circle of aquaintences, and draw some boundary lines. Learn what the KC's of the world look like, and then distance yourself from them before they harm you.
And no, I don't feel sorry for KC.
This post and the someone's post about feeling sorry for Hitler, BTK, etc., changes my mind every time I start to feel sorry for her. Casey didn't have the chance, at least that we know of, to have more children and murder them too. Or become a serial killer. Maybe that's why it's so hard for me to grasp....she's just 22 years old. It seems so young to be so hideous. At the same time, she's immature enough to kill her child to spite her mother.

I'm betting that she has done some other pretty evil things in the past. Not to this extreme, but you'd think that if she was inexperienced with murder she would have atleast batted an eyelash afterwards!
When all is said and done, it's going to be very interesting to hear what old friends have to say.

I am unable to feel sorry for KC. Whatever mental deficiencies she may have that allowed her to do the unthinkable, I feel that she falls far short of the criteria for true mental illness. She was not some underprivileged project kid with no parents in the home and horrible living conditions. This is a girl who had options and chose not to avail herself of them for whatever perverse reason she may have. Certainly Cindy and George would have lovingly taken custory of Caylee ,and KC could have allowed her to grow up and thrive. She would have still been able to have access to her beautiful daughter, while at the same time enjoyed her freedom to party or sleep around or do whatever it is that it was so damn important for her to do that she killed her child.

When I look at KC, I see a pretty young girl who manipulated everybody in her world to do her bidding. She let her friend believe she would soon be living with her in the Hopespring Dr. house, then KC wiped out her bank account after her friend loaned her car to her. She stole from her invalid grandfather, her hardworking mother and brother. She cursed her father who was trying to ascertain the location of the gas cans she had stolen from him. Every chance she had to tell the truth was obfuscated by more and more lies and wild goose chases. She cries only when she pauses to reflect upon her future behind bars. She doesn't mourn her daughter. She mourns the loss of the party lifestyle that drove her on.

Many have speculated that she was victimized by some form of abuse, and I agree that her behavior is common amongst abuse survivors, but that alone doesn't convince me she was ever abused. It's also common amongst sociopaths, of which she is one. If she were abused, then it's time to fix that problem. She is no longer a child. She is a woman of 22 years who has a young daughter. If the alleged problems from her past were causing her to act erratically and she felt as if she were on the edge of a breakdown, as has been reported, there are doctors, hospitals, therapists, online communities devoted solely to helping abuse victims recover. I don't know if she had insurance or not, but I would venture to say that if Cindy knew that KC truly felt unstable in emotion, body or mind, she would move heaven and earth to get her the help that she needed to work through her issues. Cindy is a nurse and has access to many medical resources. I just don't see how she is to be pitied as the facts emerge in this case.
The judge ordered psychological testing for Casey early in the case. If there were any indications of multiple personalities, or if the defense were planning to use that as a defense, they would have her in treatment.

Since the defense lawyers aren't really saying anything, maybe she is in treatment. Or maybe they (defense lawyers) haven't met "Zanny" yet. Maybe Zanny will show up in court tomorrow.
I don't care what psychological issues KC may have had going against her in life...If she is a harden psychopath who just can't help herself, or she's just a misguided young woman, whatever, the reason...OF COURSE I feel SAD for her! What human wouldn't? But feeling sad for HER and wanting justice for her innocent child are two different things.
There is no way I could feel sympathy for KC. She shows no remorse for what she has done and continues to play the "poor me...I am the VICTIM". She is not capable of accepting responsibility for her actions and therefore is not deserving of any sympathy. Many of us were brought up by dysfunctional parents, drunks, abusers, or were sexually abused by others as young children, and worse, but, we did not choose to take the path that KC did........we raised our kids and protected them......we did not throw them away like a bag of garbage just because we wanted to party.
Children who experience child abuse & neglect are 59% more likely to be arrested as a juvenile, 28% more likely to be arrested as an adult, and 30% more likely to commit violent crime.
14.4% of all men in prison in the United States were abused as children and 36.7% of all women in prison were abused as children

What I am not sure of in reference to the stats above is if the abuse suffered was "mom held my child first"?

Physical Signs of Child Abuse
1. Unexplained burns, cuts, bruises, or welts in the shape of an object
2. Bite marks
3. Anti-social behavior
4. Problems in school
5. Fear of adults

Emotional Signs of Child Abuse
1. Apathy
2. Depression
3. Hostility or stress
4. Lack of concentration
5. Eating disorders

Sexual Signs of Child Abuse
1. Inappropriate interest or knowledge of sexual acts
2. Nightmares and bed wetting
3. Drastic changes in appetite
4. Overcompliance or excessive aggression
5. Fear of a particular person or family member

Signs of Neglect
1. Unsuitable clothing for weather
2. Dirty or unbathed
3. Extreme hunger
4. Apparent lack of supervision

The only person...The Only Person I feel sorry for is Caylee
fyi, my point is that I don't think KC suffered a horrible childhood
I do feel a sense of concern and some compassion for Casey.
Cindy and George lost their beloved Caylee, and without
a doubt, they will lose their only daughter to the prison system, which is appropriate IMO.

No ONE wins in this situation. There is so much pain, due to the fact that
Casey made such bad choices concerning her darling little girl.

Even if Casey is convicted, there are NO winners IMO. Not the prosecution,
or the defense.Caylee deserves justice, and Cindy and George deserve to feel peace
for the loss of Caylee, and that void will always be there.
Children who experience child abuse & neglect are 59% more likely to be arrested as a juvenile, 28% more likely to be arrested as an adult, and 30% more likely to commit violent crime.
14.4% of all men in prison in the United States were abused as children and 36.7% of all women in prison were abused as children

What I am not sure of in reference to the stats above is if the abuse suffered was "mom held my child first"?

Respectfully snipped.

It may not indicate abuse, however... I feel it did set a precedent for what would later become the battle of "Who's Mommy?" between KC & CA. If statements we have heard are true then it stands to reason that there was a lot of animosity between the two over the parenting of Caylee. That just feels to me like emotional abuse. Many may not agree with me and that's quite okay :D

Perhaps I'm what is known as a bleeding heart, I don't know. But I do feel sad that KC took the route she did. She had a beautiful little girl. It saddens me that she couldn't see what life could really be with such a precious angel. She will never know the true joy that comes with watching your child grow-up and becoming their own little person. Yes, I know, she took that away herself, but that doesn't mean that I can't be sad for her as well.
That's a thought. Maybe they do and we're not privy to it since it's private medical info?

If she were insane she would not have been released back into society on bond 2 different times and sent home. She'd have been in either the jail psych hospital (not sure how big that jail is where she is located, some have hospitals, some don't), forensic hospital or psych ward!
The judge ordered psychological testing for Casey early in the case. If there were any indications of multiple personalities, or if the defense were planning to use that as a defense, they would have her in treatment.
I bet all of her damned personalities lie!

How in heavens name could any psych. diagnose her of anything. They rely on questions and answers!!

I don't suppose normal clinical training covers anything like KC?
Do I feel sorry for Casey? Not in the least, if she were feeling overwhelmed or didn't like being a mother she had choices other than murdering her child.
Do I feel sorry for Casey? Not in the least, if she were feeling overwhelmed or didn't like being a mother she had choices other than murdering her child.

While, like I stated before, no matter the circumstances, I do feel sorry KC. But I cut her no slack in regards to punishment for her actions. YOU are SO right. She had CHOICES! And her option of so many choices, makes her crime all the worse. Some peeps speculate that her motive was to be with new bf TonE. If freedom was what motivated her, then she had such an easy out. GA and CA would have became Caylee's legal guardians in a heartbeat, it would seem....(all the more reason why I don't buy into this theory of a reason for her to kill Caylee).
She had a controlling mother, but I dont think theres any evidence she was really abused. She told BFs her bro bugged her to have sex with him , and her dad abused her, but she's a pathological liar -- she may have been trying to make herself look like no man could resist her, and her dad's "abuse" may have been the few times he dared to correct her and told her she needed to behave more responsibly. LA is not the father of Caylee so any speculation about that being the reason for her lack of empathy for her child is out the window.

Anyway even if she had been abused so were others of us and we did not end up killing our children.

I really think she must be like wired wrong. She seems to fit the definition of a sociopath. I have struggled with my feelings because if she is indeed "wired wrong", shouldnt I feel sympathy for that? I mean, I am sure thankful I was not born that way. In one way I do feel some sympathy for someone who is given such a beautiful gift and has nothing in their own nature to appreciate it and nurture this gift , at least not if that conflicts with their own desires and sense of entitlement to do whatever they want.

Listening to her phone call with Kristina C, her friend whose kids had play dates with Caylee, where Kristina is saying she'll just die if anything happened to Caylee and Casey only says What a waste, total waste talking to you...... it is pretty hard to feel sympathy for her then. I think that call should be played in a loop for CA, GA and LA to help them get over their denial about KCs character.
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