REVISIT There wasn't a babysitter, Casey didn't have a job,What's going on?

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My brain has been all over the place with this. I'm afraid Casey was doing something sinister with Caylee, but there has been no mention of anything on this subject from LE.
Could this be something that Caylee was beginning to talk about and Casey got freaked out that Caylee would spill the beans, making it a partial motive?
Remember the night at the end of May when Ricardo said Caylee and Casey were spending the night. They all went to sleep. Early in the morning when Ric woke up, Caylee was gone. Casey said her mother called in the middle of the night and told Casey to bring Caylee home, so she did. But early on Cindy denied this ever happened. We do not have access to the phone records for that time frame to verify one way or another. Of course, KC could have taken her home and Cindy just doesn't remember, but the big question still remains. Where was Caylee really staying while Cindy was working and Casey was running around?
I have the same fears as you shgrbkr and have wondered about this a lot. I think that generally, she took her around with her during the day. Also, from what we've seen, KC was prone to sneaking back into the house once her parents left so perhaps, she and Caylee were spending afternoons at home. I wonder mostly about the evenings when she would go out and Caylee was with her. Hopefully, if she was drugging her to sleep, this was only happening in the last couple of months. Surely, if it had been going on longer there would have been symptoms???

I've also wondered if she sometimes was leaving her places that were seemingly empty/abandoned...Initially, I thought it possible that Caylee could have been left (drugged and sleeping) in the empty Sawgrass appt. (or the model suite). The Oveido home, while it was un-occupied, also came to mind...

I don't know if we'll ever really know.
Pink Panther,

What is the Oveido Home? I have been wondering about this from the beginning. I have always felt that she was drugging Caylee and leaving her some where to sleep in her car seat in an unrented apartment or a house that was empty. Here in FL we have lots of people that go up North for the summer and come back in Oct for the winter. Lots of houses have been up for sale or just vacated because of losing them. There is one week that Cindy did not have Caylee or see her and KC said she was at the Nanny's. It is the week CA went back to work June 9th. She had her the week before because she was on vacation. So who had her after that week? She died June 16th, but where? If she left the house as GA says, why do we think she died at the A's house? Could she have overdosed her somewhere else and took her back to the A's house and placed her under the playhouse until she could figure out what to do with her? What about all of Caylee's stuff? I know she didn't take much, but what did she do with the car seat?

Please if you know where the Oveido home is let me know, I have been checking some things out. KC asked CA for one more day, I think she needed to clean up something or get rid of something. I sort of believe she may have staged this to look like a kidnapping gone wrong. She may have left her body in an abandoned house or apartment to make it look like Zanny killed her and just left town.
Pink Panther,

What is the Oveido Home? I have been wondering about this from the beginning. I have always felt that she was drugging Caylee and leaving her some where to sleep in her car seat in an unrented apartment or a house that was empty. Here in FL we have lots of people that go up North for the summer and come back in Oct for the winter. Lots of houses have been up for sale or just vacated because of losing them. There is one week that Cindy did not have Caylee or see her and KC said she was at the Nanny's. It is the week CA went back to work June 9th. She had her the week before because she was on vacation. So who had her after that week? She died June 16th, but where? If she left the house as GA says, why do we think she died at the A's house? Could she have overdosed her somewhere else and took her back to the A's house and placed her under the playhouse until she could figure out what to do with her? What about all of Caylee's stuff? I know she didn't take much, but what did she do with the car seat?

Please if you know where the Oveido home is let me know, I have been checking some things out. KC asked CA for one more day, I think she needed to clean up something or get rid of something. I sort of believe she may have staged this to look like a kidnapping gone wrong. She may have left her body in an abandoned house or apartment to make it look like Zanny killed her and just left town.
Bern - The Oveido house has been discussed a lot here. This is one thread where you can find more information:

You can also use the search function (up at the top of the forum) and type in "oveido"...Lots of other threads will come up!
I agree, PinkP, she probably went back to the house. One thought I had was that kids that age generally take naps in the afternoon and it was starting to get so hot she couldn't leave her in the car seat to sleep and she didn't have gas money to drive around all afternoon with the airconditioning on.

I don't believe for one minute that CA didn't ask Cay. what she did during the day.
CA made the comment she always called Casey on her way home from work to catch up on the day about what Caylee did. She did not go into the answers she was always getting from Casey about it tho. However, it was a routine according to CA for her to call.
CA made the comment she always called Casey on her way home from work to catch up on the day about what Caylee did. She did not go into the answers she was always getting from Casey about it tho. However, it was a routine according to CA for her to call.
Right. That was in CA's interview and it was probably KC's queu that it was time to leave the house...
How in God's name did KC reason away having a need for a "nanny"? She had no job, no $, etc. I am unaware of any nanny giving free services.:waitasec: Especially overnights and weekends? Sorry if this question has been answered...Hi to all here at WS! And yes...already addicted.:)
She only had a nanny in her twisted mind.
Just as she only had a job in her twisted mind!
She loved to lie, embellish and exxagerate everything to impress people!
Casey is truely one sick, evil, little witch!
Okay, Cindy said that there was a babysitter that came to the house, and then Casey switched to Zanie. We know there is no Zanie and no job for Casey, but clearly -- Casey was leaving the house going somewhere when she was supposed to be working. Where was she going, and where was Caylee during this time?

This is the question that everyone wants answered ..

I hope LE has the answer ..
How in God's name did KC reason away having a need for a "nanny"? She had no job, no $, etc. I am unaware of any nanny giving free services.:waitasec: Especially overnights and weekends? Sorry if this question has been answered...Hi to all here at WS! And yes...already addicted.:)


sooo many unanswered questions, we are all trying to figure out.............:behindbar
imo it's simple. She's not a mastermind at anything. I think she drove around,used CA's credit cards (1000's), ate lunch out, visited friends and/or looped back around to the house and stayed there while parents at work. She dropped Caylee off to CA at work sometimes when she was telling CA and GA that she had to work that night. Think it went on for a long time but in June it all started to catch up with KC. Stealing from CA and GrandParents and Caylee was starting to talk more.
KC was the Nanny
Xanax or some other drug was the Nanny
CA was the Babysitter when the other two weren't available
That's all - no one else - just those two
I have a question-

Isn't a "nanny" someone who usually stays or sits with the children in their own home?
I have a question-

Isn't a "nanny" someone who usually stays or sits with the children in their own home?

While my children were growing up, several neighbors had live-in Nannies.

I had several babysitters from the neighborhood and also my mom or sister would help out when the need arose.

Nanny is a pretty fancy name for KC to use, especially that she's only 22 years old and had no money or job to pay the so-called Nanny! :furious:
the whole case is simple as huckleberry pie

here it is

when the phone company records are shown in court that has all the numbers ever dialed or ever received on casey's phone(s) and all are accounted for such as known family members and known friends

and there are no missing numbers or phantom numbers to a phantom babysitter ............pfttttttttsttttttt well well well

the case is over - DONE - OVER - COOKED (as in cooked goose)

anyone can say anything they want to whoever they want but in the court room we have this little thing called PROOF and if you are going to use a
babysitter as the killer well then there has to be something to show that its even plausible - so far not a thing to show the babysitter even exists

bye bye adios your toast

its over - :crazy:
The Anthonys had to know that Casey wasn't working. She had to be either stealing or borrowing money for groceries, like, all the time. Didn't they ever ask her why she couldn't even pay for groceries for herself and Caylee? Or pay for anything at all? I mean, what would her excuse be for not having ANY money EVER at all? So they had to know. The only alternatives would be that she was stealing so constantly that she could cover up the joblessness OR she was getting money in some other illegal way, which I sort of doubt.

Unless we are eventually going to hear that she did have some job, but it doesn't sound like it.
The Anthonys had to know that Casey wasn't working. She had to be either stealing or borrowing money for groceries, like, all the time. Didn't they ever ask her why she couldn't even pay for groceries for herself and Caylee? Or pay for anything at all? I mean, what would her excuse be for not having ANY money EVER at all? So they had to know. The only alternatives would be that she was stealing so constantly that she could cover up the joblessness OR she was getting money in some other illegal way, which I sort of doubt.

Unless we are eventually going to hear that she did have some job, but it doesn't sound like it.

She didn't have any money because her "paycheck" was used to pay the "nanny" :crazy:
At almost 3 years old, wouldn't it have made more sense for Casey to put Caylee in a more structured enviroment like daycare that cost much less than this supposed "nanny"? Who would pay someone almost their entire paycheck so they could be away from their child while a babysitter shleps them around all over town(the beach, Universal, etc as Casey lied)? If it were even true that Casey was working, she would have been working odd, irregular hours. What kind of stability would poor Caylee have? Why didn't the grandparents act more concerned?
I have a question-

Isn't a "nanny" someone who usually stays or sits with the children in their own home?

I guess Casey wasn't aware of the definition of the word, she just liked the way it sounded to her friends. :crazy:
My question, didn't Cindy, George or Lee know the meaning either?
This family just keeps getting more and more bizarre.
They didn't question her about the sitter/nanny because they are afraid of her. If they said "Casey what are you doing today" Casey "going to work" A's "Oh well is Caylee staying with the nanny" Casey "yes" A's "uh, okay"
They knew she had no job, they knew there was no nanny. They were and are afraid of her and the truth. The A's failed Caylee. They knew something was off and did nothing to stop it.
Where was Caylee during the time she was neither with Casey of her Parents, drugged and put somewhere. Someone noticed a red rash around her mouth in several of the pictures and that, I think, is from the chloraform.

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