Reward money

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Jun 19, 2010
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Pete K. announced the reward money was increasing today to 20,000, and could "possibly reach 6 figures." A bit later, he alluded to the fact that the city had "limited resources" when it came to the investigation (we saw a lot of this talked about in Kyron's case).

Where is the reward money coming from? And will it even produce immediate tips now that he announced the possibility of it going even higher?
Didn't he also say he didn't care if it was third hand knowledge ??

That will bring all sorts of calls I would think...
Pete K. announced the reward money was increasing today to 20,000, and could "possibly reach 6 figures." A bit later, he alluded to the fact that the city had "limited resources" when it came to the investigation (we saw a lot of this talked about in Kyron's case).

Where is the reward money coming from? And will it even produce immediate tips now that he announced the possibility of it going even higher?

Thanks for starting this discussion. I am wondering all of the same things.

Does any of the reward money come from private donations? If so, I sincerely hope people direct their money to this reward fund instead of to BD directly.
I wonder if any people now think, "Oh well, no reason to bother to come up with info for a measly 20 000, I'll consider it when it hits six figures."
I wonder if any people now think, "Oh well, no reason to bother to come up with info for a measly 20 000, I'll consider it when it hits six figures."
Maybe, but for someone of limited means (who also has, for example, a rather expensive drug habit), if the reward stays stuck in the mid 20s, they might just realize that it will never get higher and they might as well stake their claim on the reward. Twenty thousand dollars is a lot of money. Sure, 100k is more, but if it doesn't look like the reward is going to go higher, someone might take the 20k over nothing.
Yep he said i don't care if something you heard form a friend or a friend of a friend
Maybe, but for someone of limited means (who also has, for example, a rather expensive drug habit), if the reward stays stuck in the mid 20s, they might just realize that it will never get higher and they might as well stake their claim on the reward. Twenty thousand dollars is a lot of money. Sure, 100k is more, but if it doesn't look like the reward is going to go higher, someone might take the 20k over nothing.

I agree. If more than 1 person knows where Hailey is (which is probably very likely), each person has to trust that the other person won't run to LE with the information and claim the reward first. It's a gamble and it seems a lot of folks in the CC area probably could use at least 20K.
Heck, I have it wrong. It is 15,000.00, not 20. Sorry!
If the reward is currently 20k, and it's supposed to increase by at least 80k, does that mean there is someone out there who is planning on donating all that money? Or is the town of Colorado City considering donating 80k+ to the reward fund?
If they make up such a big reward, does that mean they really think someone not involved is holding info? And if not involved in a criminal way, how would someone know where to find her? Can someone plead out to a lesser offense and still claim a reward?
I've heard on many facebook pages (I won't post here) that people are donating directly to the reward fund.

Also, when I look at reward funds, I'm reminded of Roy Kronk who found Caylee. He "only" rec'd 5K. I'm sure most of that went to defend himself against Baez's accusations that he planted the body. Poor guy.


If they make up such a big reward, does that mean they really think someone not involved is holding info? And if not involved in a criminal way, how would someone know where to find her? Can someone plead out to a lesser offense and still claim a reward?

IMHO anyone involved in the crime of Hailey Dunn is not eligible for the reward. I would be appalled if this was not the case.

For example, if BJD came out and said "I know where SA hid her" - give me the reward. I'd rather see her rear in jail than ever put a penny in her hand.

The only way I can see this reward handed out is 1) if a searcher found her, or 2) a stranger happens upon her body.

If someone found her that's in any way shape or form associated with BJD or SA - no way jose.


Remember when Leonard Padilla offered a $500,000 reward for anyone who could produce a live Caylee?
No one could have ever received that reward money, Caylee was already dead.
In this case they have changed the reward to be given to someone, even if Hailey is dead, even if it doesn't lead to a conviction, they want her body period.
If there are people out there that don't want their property searched, they might be more apt to want it searched, in case Hailey's body is on it.
Someone might know a little something, that never came forward before, because they didn't think they would collect if Hailey wasn't alive.
There are a lot of unsavory people connected, to people in this case.
Not all people do things out of the goodness of their hearts, sometimes they need a little coaxing, like a large sum of money.
If they make up such a big reward, does that mean they really think someone not involved is holding info? And if not involved in a criminal way, how would someone know where to find her? Can someone plead out to a lesser offense and still claim a reward?

All i know is that i made a note during the PC today that PK said whoever came forward "may not get prosecuted". i would guess if their involvement was neglible enough, they could still get the $$. Especially if they heard something "second or third hand" as he also stated.
All i know is that i made a note during the PC today that PK said whoever came forward "may not get prosecuted". i would guess if their involvement was neglible enough, they could still get the $$. Especially if they heard something "second or third hand" as he also stated.

I thought maybe he meant if one of the drug connections heard or knew something they could come forward and not be prosecuted for their own connection (drugs) to the person or persons responsible for Hailey's disappearance.
Yep he said i don't care if something you heard form a friend or a friend of a friend

That's quite a comment. Maybe he said that so someone who's heard about Hailey's demise will call in........especially if that someone needs drugs or money for other ahem activities.

All in all I thought the reward comments were strange but purposely said that way.
All i know is that i made a note during the PC today that PK said whoever came forward "may not get prosecuted". i would guess if their involvement was neglible enough, they could still get the $$. Especially if they heard something "second or third hand" as he also stated.

Perhaps appealing to an "associate" of SA's who didn't get their hands dirty?
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