Reward money

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BBM-That is my thinking and I also think if that is/were the case then that person should be thinking of "immunity from prosecution" instead of a "reward". I'm sorry but it would be a cold day in hell(o) before I would give a reward to anyone that participated in any way, shape or form to Hailey's disappearance or demise.

There was just that dancer's death in Vegas. The BF's friend helped him dispose of her body in 2 plastic totes filled w/concrete and LE let him off scott free. The guy didn't come forward on his own either, LE tracked it all down and he finally gave it up. I couldn't believe he wouldn't be charged with something, but LE felt it was the lesser of two evils and putting the BF away was their main goal.
She has family in Oklahoma ,Flordia , PA, and I believe virginia although It may be a rumor.
I think the Chrismas holiday would bring about transportation methods that may not have been considered at the time. Of course we do not really know who was in town or where all people in there circle of family and friends were that day.

I personaly hope the same thing you are hoping but this case as it stands could really go anyway and the very 3 sided presser has not helped me with direction in this case.

I agree. With this bunch....anything is definitely possible and I'm not ready to rule out her being snuck out to somewhere or leaving. BD might have let her know that there was no way her father could get custody of her because of the drug charge.....and she just wanted out. Tho leaving on her own I think would have been found out by now.
My goodness - if I knew anything about the whereabouts of Hailey Dunn, I'd provide the information for a dollar. Then I'd donate said dollar.

What has the world come to when we have to advertise oodles of money in order to find someone. Jesus must not be happy!



Remember that some of the people who are associated with Shawn, don't think like the rest of us.
Shawn could have said something to someone, before Hailey went missing, while he was getting high, as to where he would hide a body, where it wouldn't be found
If this person thought that they couldn't receive the reward, because it wouldn't produce a live Hailey, they might not want to rat their buddy out.
Offer enough money to these types of people and they might not think Shawn is such a good buddy.
If in fact Shawn is the guilty party. IMO he is.

I was really thinking the new terms of the reward would pick up the number of searchers. Could be more people are out looking on their own now and not in groups. Driving along and checking just along the road sides. Recreation time is here, so people are more apt to be out and about riding bikes, motorcycles, ATV's, hiking, camping, etc. I hope people who are putting out those flyers go to many of the outfitter stores and places that sell recreational vehicles, etc. Letting them know she may be out there and for them to keep an open eye. Maybe a 100 mile radius or something. CD could ask thru the media and his website for these people and business owners to print the flyers off and post them at the parks and their businesses for him. NOW is the time to get the ball rolling on searches for her; it's a good 7-8 months of weather and opportunity. I don't want for winter to come and she still not be found. Ugh...

Maybe the reason it hasn't gone national, is because LE has let the national press know that they pretty much think SA is the perp and HD is more or less in the area. Thing is, if there were other people involved, after the fact, then she could have been moved anywhere.
IMHO, with all the family in-fighting, this is a good time for that official reward amount to be increased.

Let's hope that someone gets fed-up with this nonsense and decides to cash in.

Info/family garbage downstairs.
Remember that some of the people who are associated with Shawn, don't think like the rest of us.
Shawn could have said something to someone, before Hailey went missing, while he was getting high, as to where he would hide a body, where it wouldn't be found
If this person thought that they couldn't receive the reward, because it wouldn't produce a live Hailey, they might not want to rat their buddy out.
Offer enough money to these types of people and they might not think Shawn is such a good buddy.
If in fact Shawn is the guilty party. IMO he is.

ITA! I think you are right about someone with knowledge relating to the case, however small, hearing "live Hailey" and knowing that's not the information they had to report...also BJD's insistence on not dwelling on dark, dirty places and death. I think LE and PK are trying to get their hands back on the reigns here, and redirect the thoughts of people in the area. Take back the power in their investigation, KWIM? If they offer a large sum of money for ANY information (which they have in the past, but the plea may have largely been overshadowed by needs for a "live sighting") they can maybe shake something out of someone who thought it was not important or pressing to report their information before, for whatever reason. Also, with Spring and Summer approaching, I wonder if they are simply trying to keep their reward at the front of the public view when people are likely to be out and about in areas they haven't been all Winter?
If LE really thinks that someone may have an idea where Hailey could be, the issue of the reward should be plastered everywhere around the counties involved thus far, as I feel it would be a local. It should be made prominent that the reward is for info leading to her current location, so that the person knows that it is not only payable upon recovering Hailey alive. I don't usually think rewards do much good, but this is a rare case full of law-breakers and borderline lifestyles, and it might just work. But LE needs to really push the reward issue.
Is there any media that outlines where the money is coming from? I reached out to PK with questions regarding how the fund was established and what it is filed under, IE: for profit, unregistered NPO, NPO...I havent received an answer yet. Is it completely separate from the funds for searchers?

Is there any media that outlines where the money is coming from? I reached out to PK with questions regarding how the fund was established and what it is filed under, IE: for profit, unregistered NPO, NPO...I havent received an answer yet. Is it completely separate from the funds for searchers?


The Reward Fund information has been, IMO, sketchy from the beginning.

While researching for my "lengthy" post in the "official poster thread" (Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Has anyone found the latest Official Reward Poster?), which has some info about the reward fund....I found the following: (this isn't included in my other post in "poster" thread).

- an anonymous reward that began as $1,000 has now grown to $10,000 and is being offered for Hailey's safe return or information.

The reward for information leading to the safe return of Hailey Dunn, 13, has been increased to $25,000, according to the Colorado City city manager. As of this morning, the anonymous reward was $10,000.

Kampfer also said Tuesday that the reward for information leading to the whereabouts of the teenager had grown past $10,000 but has not yet reached the $25,000 figure that was prematurely announced earlier in the day.

Search authorities also said the reward for returning Hailey officially stood at $15,000. Officials said they had erroneously reported the reward as being $25,000, apparently because some of the money was pledged but yet not donated. Nevertheless, new billboards put up Thursday announced the reward as $25,000.

Searchers want to remind people that a $5,500 reward will be given to anyone who has real information on how to find the teen and $10,000 for the person who brings Hailey home safe.

I have driven myself crazy in an attempt to determine where the $500 went, in between the $10K raised to $25K&#8230;no it&#8217;s not, it&#8217;s more than $10K but less than $25K&#8230;ok, it&#8217;s $15K&#8230;but we&#8217;re going to tell everyone it&#8217;s $25K (via billboards and posters already printed and distributed)&#8230;ok, never mind it&#8217;s $5500 for info and $10K for recovery. IT JUST GREW $500&#8230;AND NOT ONE SINGLE WORD IN MEDIA OF DONOR&#8217;S / CONTRIBUTIONS ASIDE FROM THE EARLY MENTION OF ANONYMOUS.

It appears from early reports that the reward fund donations were collected prior to the "official" launch of

However, according to the most recent MSM article about the carwash, searchers and volunteers collected monies that will go toward reward and search fund. :waitasec:

About $300 was raised. Half will go to the volunteer search fund and half will to toward the reward for Dunn, which is now at $15,000.
Mods, if this not ok to post please let me know. It's from HFH FB page telling where peeps can make a donation to reward fund...this is not a the bank or City Hall. I wonder how they are tracking and if refundable after a time period? This is "cash" not pledges and the contact/person releasing this info is Donna Madrid...CC Secretary.

Note: I did notice this info is not on the Official Site of HFH (blog). Guess they don't want to give the viewers a choice: search vs reward. ???
If anyone else receives a response from the citymanager, let us know please. This just seems like a no brainer-I am puzzled by this.

It seems that the two are tied together when it comes to fundraisers, but managed separately? And then there is a reward amount for information, and reward money if Hailey comes home safely....define safely?

I am wracking my brains to think of another situation that is similar to how this one is being seems somewhat like ICA, with the EXCEPTION that bio relatives of Hailey's do not appear to be handling the money directly.
Why are they issuing receipts I wonder? They arent an NPO, correct? They dont have NPO status.

So what are the receipts for?
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