RI RI - Linda Carman, 54, Point Judith, 18 Sept 2016 *SON ARRESTED, dies before trial*

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The grandfather's estate was $42 million. He left his children $21 million. I don't know if the grandchildren inherited anything directly.

Nathan had been living in an apartment in Middletown, Conn. in 2013. He purchased the house in Vernon, Vermont after his grandfather's death.

And it's a huge house for just one 21 YO Kid!! Weird!!
This guy is like a living version of Adam Lanza, where the family tiptoed around him instead of dealing with him directly.

YES. There are many disturbing similarities! The absent father (to be fair, this may be recent), familiarity with guns, Autism Spectrum Disorder (Aspergers), being the victim of bullying in school, not fitting in, a mother unable to gauge the degree to which her son was a danger...
And it's a huge house for just one 21 YO Kid!! Weird!!

Interesting description, illustrates to me just how disordered he had become: "A neighbor said Nathan Carman had moved into the Vermont house about two-and-a-half years ago. The neighbor said he kept to himself and was often seen working on the house by himself. Newly installed windows still had Andersen stickers on them, many were open without screens. The front door has no a doorknob. Building debris was strewn across the lawn." (Source: http://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-rescued-boater-carman-search-warrant-20160927-story,amp.html?client=safari)

And from (http://www.wcax.com/story/33270019/police-investigating-vt-man-who-survived-shipwreck): "His former neighbors in Connecticut described Nathan Carman as a "ticking time bomb waiting to go off" and told police they called him "murder boy" based on his propensity for violence."
YES. There are many disturbing similarities! The absent father (to be fair, this may be recent), familiarity with guns, Autism Spectrum Disorder (Aspergers), being the victim of bullying in school, not fitting in, a mother unable to gauge the degree to which her son was a danger...

And Lanza killed his mother to get her guns.
Well, it could have been just a coincidence, those things do happen, one family member dies, (even mysteriously) and then another a short time later.
Looks like the deceased had a large family, so Linda was not the only one to inherit his fortune therefore, neither will Nathan be the only one to inherit Linda's inheritance?

So sad I live in Middletown but didn't know Linda my gut is he planned this out knowing they would never find her body in the ocean this guy is sick. His father flew in from California to get his son if I was the father I would be very careful

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Nathan and his father arrived at Nathan's house in Vermont on Tuesday together. Nathan and his father each said Nathan needed time alone to process what happened and recover. His father was interviewed from Linda's house in Middletown, Connecticut. So I don't think they are together. His father plans to stay in the area indefinitely to help Nathan.
Crazy! Is it 100% confirmed that she entered the boat alive and voluntarily? Seems strange she would go on an isolated fishing trip with him if others close to him were getting security due to him being a ticking time bomb, and him being suspected of a previous family murder.
Parents of kids with special needs often don't recognize how much they enable them or make excuses for them. The scale of enabled behaviors creep slowly toward really dysfunctional until something happens. It is a little bit like parents who can't separate when they have a junkie for a child and they keep making excuses while doling out cash or forgiving them for stealing the family heirlooms. My guess is that he probably didn't kill her outright but did something like begin to sink the boat and take off with the life raft so she went down with the boat. The Adam Lanza comment was pretty spot on.
Well, it could have been just a coincidence, those things do happen, one family member dies, (even mysteriously) and then another a short time later.
Looks like the deceased had a large family, so Linda was not the only one to inherit his fortune therefore, neither will Nathan be the only one to inherit Linda's inheritance?


Maybe it was not for the money and maybe he was not finished,iykwim!
Wow! You have to read this article!

In April 2011 Nathan, then 17, was in a psychiatric hospital after the death of his horse. Nathan's parents and grandfather were in a physical altercation in a waiting room over money and who would make decisions for Nathan.

John Chakalos offered Linda's unemployed husband Earle Clark Carman a job and he refused. Chakalos said he would no longer support them and that he had only being doing so for Nathan's sake. When John tried to leave, Linda blocked the door, yelled profanities, and punched him in the face, scratched him, and kicked him. Her husband tried to pull her off and she punched him in the mouth. Linda told police her father (who would have been about 84 at the time) had started the fight by pushing her. She said that her father was worth $300 million and she was going to get her share. Linda was charged with assault of an elderly person and breach of peace. The charges were dropped in July because John did not want her prosecuted.

In August 2011, Nathan ran away. He took a bus south, bought a scooter near Richmond and headed for Florida. cHe had 2 framed photos of him and his horse and $4000. Police close to the North Carolina border answered a call about a suspicious person near an old store and discovered Nathan looking for a place to sleep.

In December 2013, John was murdered, Linda apparently told police Nathan did not show up to meet her at 3am for a trip they'd planned. However, when police began to focus on Nathan as a suspect, she told her attorney that Nathan could not have done it because they were fishing together at the time. Perhaps those statements are not inconsistent--it is hard to tell from the few facts presented.

Nathan threw away a computer hard drive and a GPS unit. Police found a shotgun and ammunition in his apartment. They also found a receipt from a New Hampshire store showing Nathan had purchased a gun that was the same caliber as used to kill John and that he had not told the police about. That gun was not found. The attorney advised Linda that she and Nathan should not take polygraphs. He said that Linda did anyway, and she passed. Nathan did not take a polygraph.

Was Linda ever a suspect? Did Nathan and his mother live in the same place in 2013? She had a house in Middletown but how long had she been there? Was Nathan's apartment part of that property?

It sounds as if Nathan had no reason to kill his grandfather. From what Nathan and his father say, the two were very close. And the Boston Globe article sounds like John was willing to provide for Nathan but was cutting off this daughter and son-in-law.
The sinking is suspicious but the Globe article quotes people from the marina saying the repairs Nathan did should not have caused it to sink. He removed trim tabs, which are screwed on, and filled the screw holes with marine sealant. The person quoted said that he would have then covered it with other material and he did not know whether that was done.

A family member of mine was on the replica tall ship HMS Bounty that sank off North Carolina in Hurricane Sandy almost 4 years ago. The owner and the captain knew the boat was unseaworthy, the wooden frame in bad shape, engines trouble-prone. They had to run pumps to stay afloat at the dock! The crew was directed to use DAP (a cheap sealant not intended for marine use and available at places like Home Depot) instead of a more expensive marine grade sealant in caulking in dry dock in Maine. They left New England bound for the Gulf Coast. The crew was largely unaware they were heading into the Storm of the Century because their info came from the captain. They did not have cell reception or wireless. And they trusted the captain who said they would sail far out to the east to avoid the hurricane. Instead he sailed the unseaworthy vessel straight into the eye. The ship rolled and sank A crew member and the captain died. The others, thank God, survived the harrowing rollover and most eventually were able to inflate two life rafts and with great difficulty climb in. The first mate was injured and on his own in the water for hours before being rescued, battered by the waves. The 14 survivors were rescued by the heroic Coast Guard who braved conditions beyond the operating limits of their aircraft and put their own lives in jeopardy. The following year, my siblings and I watched the livestream of the Coast Guard/NTSB hearings gavel to gavel. I learned more about caulking and sealants than I ever wanted to know.

The moral of my long aside is that Nathan may have sealed the screw holes with something he thought was appropriate. But we don't know what kind of training or knowledge he had of proper techniques. Given the condition of his home, with construction materials strewn about, new windows with sickers still on them, a missing doorknob on the front door, and windows wide open without screens, it doesn't seem like careful and considered workmanship. The South Kingstown police are investigating to see if the work he did made his boat unseaworthy. If they did, he could be charged with endangering his passenger.
Now I don't know whether to think Nathan, his mother or his father killed the poor grandfather...they might all have had some sort of motive, no?

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