Role Play- Prosecution Opening-Closing Statements Case Strategy

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When the defense complained about discovery not being turned over to them on Monday, and the acknowledgment by the SA that 10% could be looming out there, I think all of us information starved individuals got a bit excited.

Having said that, I remember anticipating major bombshells in the past, and being disappointed.

So what if we have already seen the majority of the SA's evidence....what if what we know now, is all they really have?

Let's just say that is the case, we know all we are going to know...YOU ARE APPOINTED AS THE LEAD ATTORNEY for the State..... answer the following questions; ***please base your answers on the FACTS that we KNOW, not presumptions of possible evidence still looming**

1. What is the most important evidence that you are going to build your case strategy on?

2. Who are your three most important witnesses (not including expert/technical/forensic)?

3. From which fields do your 3 most important expert witnesses come from?

4. What is your opening statement?

5. Do you, as the prosecuting attorney, anticipate your case is strong enough to prove 1st degree murder?

Here's my opinion:
1. The 911 call, the decomposing head hair found in the trunk, the admission from Casey that she was lying to investigators for NO GOOD reason while taking them on the wild goose chase at Universal.
2. Amy Huizenga, Tattoo artist, George Anthony
3. Bug, Plant, and Medical Examiner
4. Beautiful Caylee was last seen alive by her grandfather George Anthony on June 16th, 2008 while with her mother, the defendent , Casey Anthony. Caylee was reported missing July 15th, a month later, by her grandmother, Cindy Anthony, the same day that Casey's car was found abandoned at a tow yard. Caylee's car seat, and favorite baby doll were found inside the vehicle, as well as a decomposing head hair of little Caylee found inside the trunk of the same vehicle. On December 11th, 2008; Caylee was found deceased down the street from her home, with a blanket from her bedroom, inside a few trash bags, that were encased by a canvas laundry bag. Caylee had her mouth and nose covered with duct tape, that was entwined in the hair of her head. The remains were determined to have been there since mid June, or Early July, by the plant experts. Casey Anthony lied to law enforcement by insisting that she had spoken to Caylee by phone on July 15th, the day she was reported missing. The evidence shows that Caylee Anthony was deceased before this alleged phone call, and that no phone call ever existed. Listen carefully to the sequence of events that Casey Anthony experienced during the time her daughter was supposedly, just missing with the nanny. No doubt you will see for yourselves that it was indeed Casey Anthony that was responsible for her daughters death, and not some imaginary nanny that she would wish us to believe.
5. I believe that I can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey is guilty of First Degree Murder.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have been brought together as a result of the failure of a mother to report her daughter missing.... A mother that to this day, stands by her statement that her child has been kidnapped at the hand of a caregiver that she trusted to protect her child.... At the hand of a caregiver that not one person has been able to prove even exists or ever existed. THis mother, when forced to face the issue of a missing child, chose to lie, lead astray, and otherwise distract the very people that were attempting to locate her missing child. The extent of Ms. Anthony's truthful statements have not reached beyond her full name, date of birth, and current address. Ms. Anthony, for reasons unknown, has failed to offer any information that could explain what really happened to her daughter, Caylee Marie. THis mother, when confronted with evidence of her lies, has lied again in a more grandiose fashion to attempt to cover her previous lies. We shall prove that not only is this mother responsible for the death of her child, Caylee Marie, but that she has invested considerable time and energy in an attempt to cover her tracks. Her actions demonstrate premeditation, as well as motive, and opportunity. The smoke and mirrors that the defense will present, are little more than an attempt to distract you from the facts at hand. The defense will attempt to discredit forensics, expert testimony, entymology, computer forensics, et al...but at the end of the trial....we are confident that their attempt to discredit testimony based upon technicalities, will be apparent. The State of Florida is confident that you, members of the jury, will be able to filter out distractions, and focus on evidence presented as a whole. The State of Florida recognizes your ability to be responsible, thoughtful jurors, as opposed to the defense which assumes you are mere puppets in their "comedy of errors".
Opening Statement: "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury -- 31 days! Thank You."

Closing Statement: "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury -- 31 days! Thank You."

Death Penalty Sentencing Phase: "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury -- 31 days! Thank You":tsktsk:
It's really that simple.
Let's get this case moving!!
Caylee is waiting.
I`m going to have to give this some though. I do believe the prosecutor should pause for the entire three minutes it would take for Caylee to lose consciousness- dead silence and then explain that was how long the baby struggled looking into her Mothers icy cold eyes. Then pause again for another 3 minutes and look straight at the jury and tell them this is how long it would have taken for her to die. All that time, 6 minutes, her Mother could have changed her mind, saved her child....saved herself.

I`m going to be a lawyer in my next incarnation so this is fuuuuun!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen:

31 days, 31 days it took for anyone to call LE for a missing beautiful little 2 1/2 year old girl. 31 days and the mother, KC, never once called LE to find her. Nothing the defense can offer you will be truthful. Nothing the defendant has ever said has been truthful. In fact, in order to assist LE in finding her daughter, she wastes their time parading them to her place of employment that she did not have. 31 days....I rest my case
Good one!
You could play them the tape of KC telling LE she reported the missing cell phone, and then the 911 call when a protester showed up on her lawn.( I guess she wanted her phone back)
Here's mine:

Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury,

There is one thing you need to focus on in this entire trial, one thing that the defense, the defendant, and even her family is going to try to make you forget. One thing they cannot own up to, one thing that they'd rather you not focus on at all.

You will hear statements like "She didn't kill her kid." Or "She didn't kill that kid." You will hear words like "grandbaby", "child," "snothead", and more. You will see a lot of photos as well, from the crime scene, from and about the defendant herself. In fact, they want that to be the focus, the defendant *motion to the defendant* and the defendant only.

You will her a lot about her lies, or "mistruths" or "half truths" as they've been called. You will hear, basically, a LOT about the defendant, and also a LOT about this case, forensics, finger pointing at other people, lots and lots of testimony and witnesses and evidence.

The one thing that they will try to shield you from, make you forget, is what this trial is all about. How will they do that, you ask? By denying the murder victim a name, a name they don't want to say, a name they are afraid to say.

*hold up a beautiful picture of Caylee* Never forget this picture. Keep it in your mind though you will see many, many other photographs, including ghastly photographs of her remains. Instead, remind yourself of this picture at all times.

And never, EVER forget that she, this tragic murder victim, has a name. CAYLEE MARIE. *put picture down*

Never forget that Caylee Marie existed.
Never forget that Caylee Marie was an innocent, not even three year old little girl full happiness and sunshine.
Never forget, as will be proven, that she had NO DEFENSE against what was done to her by her MURDERER, yes, not MOTHER OF THE YEAR, but MURDERER.
Never forget that Caylee Marie deserved a life full of love and happiness, but instead, as will be proven, was abused, ignored, and ultimately thrown away like trash not all that far from her own home.
Never forget that all her MURDERER has done since the moment of Caylee Marie's death is to make Caylee Marie nonexistent, to move on from Caylee Marie, and as will be proven, to her own Caylee Marie free life of stealing, sex, and partying.
Never forget, which will also be proven, that Caylee Marie's MURDERER first started doing just that for thirty one days, and at the end of that time, it was the grandmother who called police and the MURDERER never wanted or intended to.

It is up to you, the jury, to give Caylee Marie the justice she deserves. Don't ever forget that Caylee Marie was a real person. And don't ever forget, even in death, that she still has a name.

*hold up picture again* Please don't let the defense, the defendant, or anyone else take this sunshine, Caylee Marie, away from you. Hold Caylee Marie in your hearts and minds, and only then will justice be properly served.

*then play the video of Caylee with her great grandfather in closing*
You guys are awesome!!! These opening statements are amazing!
Amazing posts all. The only thing I can possibly add is that I would begin by counting out 31 actual seconds.




and so on. And then:

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we just sat through 31 seconds of silence together. It is an uncomfortable length of time to sit in silence together. I ask you now to imagine that your 2 year old child was missing for that length of time. You expected to pick her up, and she was not there. She has vanished. I ask you to consider what you would have done in your panic, in your fear, in your grief, during those 31 seconds. Would you have called her name? Would you have phoned a friend or family member? Would you have begun searching anyplace you could think of to find her? If an hour later you still could not locate her, what then would you have done?

"You are going to hear about a mother who, when her child went missing, waited not 31 seconds, but 31 DAYS, to notify anyone of that fact. Who never, indeed, contacted law enforcement to help find her missing child..."

And then I would launch into one, or a blend, of the compelling statements already posted.

ETA: Props to karn--the silence is so compelling! If we were the team, could we save your 3 minute silence for closing, after the duct tape evidence was presented?
ynotdivein the counting off is really brilliant. Yours at the front end, mine at the back. I saw an amazing case on In Session last fall. I think it was Juan Mendez Jr in Florida but I can't find a specific reference to it.
Anyway in the Pros closing they had a large banner that said reasonable doubt covered so you couldn't see it. As the pro was explaining reasonable doubt, for each fact known he removed a section, until you could clearly see reasonable doubt through the few pieces of paper that remained. He explained reasonable doubt didn't mean the jury needed to have every piece of the puzzle, just enough to see clearly. It was so dramatic and explained perfectly.

The TH's sure seemed to think it was brilliant, at least the non criminal defense ones lol!
All so clever and brilliant! The only thing that I would add is that which makes chills run down my spine every time I think of it...the 'phone call' Casey received from Caylee and Zanny, quite conveniently on the day Cindy finally got hold of Casey. There is only one person who had stood to gain from Caylee being thought to be alive at that point, and that was the person who killed her.

For me personally, this little lie is what would make me convict Casey with no doubt whatsoever, even though my heart still does not want to believe it.
I've been dreaming about this moment! You all have great ideas so I hope you don't mind that I'm incorporating some of them with mine.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, let me introduce you to Caylee Marie Anthony (show video of Caylee singing "You Are My Sunshine"). It was the last time she would ever sing that song:

(Slide show in background with pictures of Caylee). Caylee was everyone's sunshine. She was an adorable, smart, loving, beautiful child with her whole life ahead of her. Yes, she was everyone's sunshine - everyone, that is, except her mother's. Casey Anthony became pregnant at 18 and had a baby at 19. A baby she didn't want. You will hear evidence from Casey's friend Kiomarie Cruz that Casey wanted to give Caylee up for adoption but her mother, Cindy, wouldn't let her. You will hear and see evidence that proves that Caylee didn't fit into her mother's hard-partying life style. You will also hear evidence that proves that her boyfriend, Anthony Lazzaro didn't want female children. Anthony Rusiciano, another former boyfriend of Casey's will testify that Casey referred to Caylee as "the little snot-head." Ladies and gentlemen, we will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey Anthony murdered her daughter and was planning it for months beforehand.

(Stop slides) The last time anybody saw Caylee Anthony was on June 16, 2008 and she was in the company of her mother, Casey. From that point on, she was never seen or heard from again. We will show that Casey disappeared for over a month and lied about her whereabouts to her family. For 31 days her parents demanded that she allow them to speak to Caylee and she refused. You will hear testimony from Amy Huizenga that a desperate Cindy Anthony called her and begged her to take her to Casey. Tony Lazzaro will testify that Cindy and Amy showed up at his house and that Cindy demanded that Casey come with her and take her to Caylee.
Mr. Lazzaro will also testify that during the preceding 31 days Casey stayed with him and Caylee was nowhere in sight. When he asked about her Casey told him she was "with the nanny."

And that brings us to the nanny. You will hear a wild story about a nanny named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez who supposedly kidnapped Caylee. You will hear veteran police officers testify that this person doesn't exist. Evidence will show that Casey searched on her computer for an episode from the TV program "One Tree Hill" that was about a nanny who kidnapped a child. You will also hear that Casey lied about her employment and took the police on a wild-goose chase to a job she never had.

You will hear testimony about computer searches that Casey did on how to make chloroform and neck-breaking months before Caylee was murdered. You will hear testimony from the world's leading forensic scientists that there was a large concentration of chloroform found in Casey's car trunk, as well as maggots and death wax. The Anthonys, as well as several police officers will testify that the odor of a decomposing body permeated throughout Casey's car.

Ladies and gentlemen, the body of Caylee Marie Anthony was found in the woods less than a mile from her home on December 11, 2008. Several pieces of duct tape covered her mouth and nose, tightly enough to hold her jaw shut. Dr. Jan Garavaglia, Medical Examiner will testify that the manner of death was homicide.

The State will prove that during the unbearable, oppressive Florida heat in June, Caylee's little body was decomposing in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car. What was Casey doing during that time? You will hear testimony and see evidence that Casey was partying, shopping, renting movies and getting a tattoo that says "The Beautiful Life" in Italian.

The defense will try every trick in the book to try to deflect attention from their client but it won't work. We will prove that Casey Anthony murdered Caylee Anthony in cold blood on June 16, 2008. (Show slide of Casey in blue dress at Fusian) Ladies and gentlemen, this picture was taken on June 18th, 2008, two short days after the last time Caylee was seen alive. I ask you, does this look like a grieving mother to you?

The State will prove that Casey did not tell anyone Caylee was missing until pressed by her own mother Cindy, which was 31 days later. She led the life of a single 22-year-old who never had a child. Yes, Casey Anthony was planning to murder her daughter for months and we will prove that she did just that on June 16, 2008. The evidence will show that Casey Anthony is an accomplished liar and promiscuous party-girl. It will also show that she's a cold, calculating, sociopathic murderess who won't let anything get in her way. (Slides of Caylee) Caylee's life was ended by the one person she trusted most in this world - her mother. Caylee deserves justice so she can finally rest in peace. Let's make sure, together, that we get justice for Caylee.
You need to be working for the state!!! You are great!
That really was excellent autumnlover!
Wow, autumnlover, you nailed it! It lays it all out in an easily understandable way, and paints a true and accurate picture of Casey's vileness. I love the part about the defense trying every trick in the book! Awesome job!!!
Thank you so much for your kind compliments. I can't wait to hear the State's opening and closing statements. I have a feeling most of us are going to be in tears for Caylee and cheering LDB and JA on as they convict her killer.
Bumping for additional ideas... (With thanks :seeya: to ZsaZsa for reminding me of this thread when you mentioned Odom's NG comment about keeping 2 blown-up photos of Caylee posted in the courtroom at all times.)
Haha, sometimes I have these utterly dumb moments, like in this thread where I refer to Ashton as "Ashcroft"

Let's just say that is the case, we know all we are going to know...YOU ARE APPOINTED AS THE LEAD ATTORNEY for the State..... answer the following questions; ***please base your answers on the FACTS that we KNOW, not presumptions of possible evidence still looming**

1. What is the most important evidence that you are going to build your case strategy on?

Here's my opinion:
1. The 911 call, the decomposing head hair found in the trunk, the admission from Casey that she was lying to investigators for NO GOOD reason while taking them on the wild goose chase at Universal.

tweety's response BBM...

Funny, the defense is now hoping that all three of these items will be thrown out of evidence.... :waitasec: I'm sure this is simply a coinky-dink of great sleuthing happening here AND in the defense offices. Right?

:seeya: guys!
tweety's response BBM...

Funny, the defense is now hoping that all three of these items will be thrown out of evidence.... :waitasec: I'm sure this is simply a coinky-dink of great sleuthing happening here AND in the defense offices. Right?

:seeya: guys!

Surrrrreee it is. Hi Jose!:seeya:

I guess we are on his ipad right under his FB icon - geez!

Thank you brave souls who have written opening/closing arguments - I am going to be so on edge waiting for Ashton to present his - I know for sure it will be chilling. As far as closing - that is going to have to wait until at least midway through the trial to really hone in on any perhaps "weak" spots, but I am certain it will be just as hair raising for us to listen to.

I also think the prosecution is not saying Caylee's name during the hearings only so they can stay impersonal and objective to wade through the rubbish Baez et al is trying to pull. At trial I think we will hear Caylee's name at every possible opportunity.
You guys are amazing!

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