Romanian Church Wants Pregnant 11-year-old Rape Victim to Give Birth

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Amraan--Yes she can go to Britian. From what the mother said, it sounds to me like she will see to it that her child has an abortion. I agree with her.


The girl's parents have discussed plans to potentially take her to Britain, where abortion is legal up to 24 weeks.

"We wish for her to get an abortion with all our hearts," the mother was quoted saying in Evenimentul Zilei daily.

"Only an abortion would make her a child again."
The little girl is only 11 years old. My daughters age.
If my child was raped and concieved, she would get an abortion. No doubt about it.

I do find it disgusting how so many women use abortion as birth control.
The little girl is only 11 years old. My daughters age.
If my child was raped and conceived, she would get an abortion. No doubt about it.

I do find it disgusting how so many women use abortion as birth control.

I agree it should not be a form of Birth control ... (meaning it should not be done many times) after one or two "mistakes" you maybe should be thinking about how to prevent that from happening!
Thanks guys:)

I wanted to comment on something else too... In the one article it shows a picture of the priest trying to talk to her but she is totally turned away from him.

I cannot imagine having to let this priest talk my 11 yo out of a decision I as her parent have made.
I mean trying to guilt this poor child into this is absolutely appalling to me.

It should also be noted that all the stories about women bearing children conceived by rape are adult women not and 11 yo little girl. IMO an adult women has more insight into what she can emotionally handle and a much better understanding of what responsibility she is taking on by having a child produced from a rape.
An 11 yo is hardly able to make those same decisions.

If I understand correctly the little girl was permitted to go to Britain?

Romanian girl travels to Britain for abortion

BUCHAREST (AFP) — An 11-year-old Romanian girl who became pregnant after allegedly being raped by her uncle has travelled to Britain for an abortion despite being given last-minute permission to undergo the procedure in her native country, officials said Monday.
"The girl and her mother left for Britain on Saturday evening," the mayor of her village, Neculai Nicorescu, told AFP.
They left the day after a government panel had ruled that the girl could have an abortion in Romania, despite the country's tight abortion laws.
Romanian girl travels to Britain for abortion

BUCHAREST (AFP) — An 11-year-old Romanian girl who became pregnant after allegedly being raped by her uncle has travelled to Britain for an abortion despite being given last-minute permission to undergo the procedure in her native country, officials said Monday.
"The girl and her mother left for Britain on Saturday evening," the mayor of her village, Neculai Nicorescu, told AFP.
They left the day after a government panel had ruled that the girl could have an abortion in Romania, despite the country's tight abortion laws.
A bit of topic, but I hate reporters!! Allegedly being raped????:furious:
A bit of topic, but I hate reporters!! Allegedly being raped????:furious:

Until it's 'proved' in a court of law . . . yes, i know an 11 year-old cannot give consent. it will also be down to the rules of the news agency, AFP. goodness knows how much they pay their lawyers for advice.
Hugs to you, Dee. It is never an easy decision.:blowkiss:

That said, I have no regrets. I made peace with my choice and with whatever little soul may have been knocking at my door long ago and harbor no guilt.

If I were in the same situation again, I know I would make the same choice. Had I chosen to carry my second unplanned pregnancy to term, the resultant child would have been severely addicted to drugs and/or suffered from FAS - and those are best-case scenarios.

For me, the selfish choice would have been bringing the pregnancy along in the chemical dumping ground that was my body at the time. Some women even get arrested when they make that choice and the child is born addicted.

I live every day knowing that the soul that was trying to come aboard at that time in my life found a better vessel for itself. Heck - maybe it even came back to me when I was able to offer safe passage. :)

That's a good way to look at it! Thanks and hugs to you too! :blowkiss:
I just saw this interview with the girls mother. I didn't realize that the Romanian govt had released this girls name at a press conference (!!!) and the press there actually printed it? That is just screwed up.

"...details of Florina's plight were leaked to journalists - by whom, her mother does not know. A press conference was called by government health officials. There, says Roxana, the translator who has befriended them, Florina's name was revealed without her permission and subsequently published. "
The quote is about 7-8 paragraphs down from the second picture.
I figured her name was out there somewhere. I mean they had her picture in the paper.
Although I disagree with the abortion I am outraged that this girl's name was published. She was violated once and now she has been violated again.

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