Ron and Misty Have Brushes With The Law 12/30/09

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I don't know-that's why I stated it's never been proven as a fact who the victim is.

Did Misty say she AND Ron did not know them in Feb. or just her? I didn't listen to the Levi show. TIA

Her answer on the Levi show was that she didn't know him back then.
I don't know-that's why I stated it's never been proven as a fact who the victim is.

Did Misty say she AND Ron did not know them in Feb. or just her? I didn't listen to the Levi show. TIA

Twall, Ya know, I can't remember if she was just referring to herself or she included Ron C in that statement...I'm too tired tonight to go back and listen..
I'll check it out again tomorrow...
IDK when she stayed with Charlie. If I had to guess I would say Oct, Nov time frame.

I wish I could verify his mom's situation. This is getting very convoluted, to say the least.

I remember friends being mentioned about that time. There was also the time when she was supposedly in Nashville. I was there myself around Nov 14, and for some reason I thought she had just left or we thought she'd be leaving asap 'cause of some court issue.
Twall, Ya know, I can't remember if she was just referring to herself or she included Ron C in that statement...I'm too tired tonight to go back and listen..
I'll check it out again tomorrow...

If you find out different, I'll agree, but logic tells me RC may have known the name but unless we're really missing something, not much more. My logic is that if Misty just met him and she & Ron were together all that time and seemed to be joined at the hip, it's unlikely RC and the J guys (remember there are 2 of them) had any connection at that point.
CJ and KJ were married - filed for divorce in 9/2000 - not sure if it was ever finalized as records show judgement of dismissal.

the KJ married to a TPJ has a different middle initial so not same KJ from what I can tell.
So there are two Kathleens with the J last name in Crescent City?
If the KJ that was arrested is TJ's mother than she was 16 when he was born...
and cj was 28...yikes!
So it is a possibility that Timothy and Charles jr could be brothers...
Timothy J has an air conditioning repair business.
Twall, Ya know, I can't remember if she was just referring to herself or she included Ron C in that statement...I'm too tired tonight to go back and listen..
I'll check it out again tomorrow...

She only made reference to herself.. She stated she did not know any of them last February..
Did anyone else hear CJ say in a voice message to Misty that he felt like he had been set up because Ron was waiting for him on Buffalo Bluff Road? Now how would Ron know when CJ would be on that road so he could harass him? My theory:

Sounds to me like Ron and Misty set CJ up to get arrested. Misty called CJ from Tyler St. and asked him if he could come and get her and if she could go back and stay with his family because she got into a fight with a relative on Tyler and didn’t want to stay there anymore. He says yes and goes to Tyler to pick her up. While he is on his way she leaves with Ron. When CJ gets to Tyler someone there tells him Misty isn’t there and she left with a friend so he leaves.
There is only one way in and out of Tyler and that is on Buffalo Bluff road which is where Ron was waiting for him. CJ mentions this
on a voice message he left for Misty that she played on Levi’s show the other night. He said he felt like he had been set up because RC was waiting on him at Buffalo Bluff road! CJ took the bait, the trap is set and Ron is ready to spring it. He follows CJ and starts harrassing him. If RC is caught he can just deny it and state that he would never drive like that when children are with him. He even uses innocent children in his lies! CJ and RC have a grudge against each other, that is obvious but I don’t know why. I think he has info about Haleigh and it involves RC so RC has to threaten him into not telling LE just like he did with Tommy and the headless rat. RC must have thought Misty was getting a little too close to CJ and his family so he had to reel her back in and do some damage control with CJ. If CJ instigated the incident and was following Ron how could Ron read the plate # he recited to Misty to give to the dispatcher if CJ was BEHIND him? Did Ron memorize it when he drove by CJ when he was “parked in the middle of the road”? I think Ron thought that CJ would not fight back or call 911 but he did. You can clearly hear RC passing him on the 911 call. I don’t know when CJ found out that Misty was in the truck with RC. Maybe he saw them together earlier in the day, earlier in the week and was mad because Misty told him and his family she was done with him and CJ was mad that she lied and used his family.

RC and Misty always play the innocent victims. And once again Misty was right there beside him to back up his lies just like she did Feb. 10, at RC’s g-mas house when RC got arrested for assaulting Tommy C. and once again at the rat incident.
Someday it will backfire on them.

What I posted above is not all proven facts-just my thoughts and opinions which we are freely able to express here!
Twall, I totally agree with your #495 post.. I believe he was set up by BOTH Ron and Misty.JMO
But was it the Sr. Jones or his son? BTW..At the present time I'm not believing Misty when she says she and Ron did not know them back in February..JMO
Hopefully, CJ can and will tell how long he has known them.:dance:
Twall, I totally agree with your #495 post.. I believe he was set up by BOTH Ron and Misty.JMO

I'm with you on that one Emeral. I believe CJ was set up also. Maybe Misty told CJ some information about what happened to Haleigh or the events surrounding Haleigh's disappearance and this was Ron's way of trying to descredit CJ. Maybe Ron was thinking that if he started this mess, and had Misty call 911 on CJ no one would believe that Misty ever told him about what happened surrounding Haleigh. I don't know if I am getting this out right but I thought I would take a shot at it.

Ron puts Misty in the middle of it once again, to make it look it look like she's the one with the problem with CJ and not him.

Wasn't it after this event that LE told us that they had new info regarding the days leading up to Haleigh's disappearance and the day she disappeared? My thought is, what did Misty tell him?

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