Ron C. # 11

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MISTY said it...but does Ronald agree with it? We haven't heard from him or his family about the situation. Misty can say whatever she feels like about it, but it does not mean those are Ronald's views at all.

Well, if he disagrees with Misty we should see some kind of a statement from him to that effect pretty soon, distancing himself from her criticism of TES and making it clear it wasn't his opinion at all. Otherwise it doesn't seem likely that TES returns any time soon.
We have learned recently that Misty is now a POI and it appears Ron is going to stand by his woman..
well, I have to a grandmother myself, IF I suspected someone of being involved in the 'disappearance' of my grandchild, I would be screaming from the rooftops and would most likely be in jail myself. I admire the restraint that MG has shown and do believe that if TN thought for a millisecond that Crystal was involved that no one would be able to shut her up....And rightly so IMVHO.
It is MY very humble opinion that Ron IS involved in whatever has happened to HaLeigh. (I believe it is most likely MG belief also) Having said that, I don't 'know' MG, TN or GGS (or any other players for that matter) so I have NO idea how spiteful, vindictive, etc. that they are in normal circumstances, so I wouldn't begin to assume that I do. :)
We have learned recently that Misty is now a POI and it appears Ron is going to stand by his woman..

Yep, but I don't believe that he has much choice if that is the story that she/they are sticking too, KWIM?
On that fateful day, Misty says they took Haleigh to school, then returned and went to bed, woke up at noon and R got ready for work. JR was sleeping, so Misty couldn't go to pick up Haleigh so R did.

Would somebody tell me who was watching jr while they slept?
And I was always told that rc worked hard all that day landscaping.
We also were led to believe that M visited her father in the hospital that day.
So they slept in the bed that day and I guess a maid service arrived and made the bed again because according to the article, if true (and it says LE verified) rc said Misty never slept in the bed, it was still made.

.....I should not let these little things bother me....but they do!
10 miles ! My hat is off to you, Reznor.

Not related to thread, totally. Mods remove if need be. Although, you might break my heart.
My son left 3 weeks ago. Second tour in Iraq. My friends know how much I need to keep busy and healthy while he is deployed. Together we are walking imaginatively using our own roadways and hiking trails to Iraq and back. It is a 13,000 mile hike. We are giving ourselves the duration of his tour to accomplish which is about a year.
It will help me condition for the breast cancer walk I hope to do in the future.
Thank you for noticing my walking! That's what I need to keep going. Hats off to you too!
Well, if he disagrees with Misty we should see some kind of a statement from him to that effect pretty soon, distancing himself from her criticism of TES and making it clear it wasn't his opinion at all. Otherwise it doesn't seem likely that TES returns any time soon.
Tim said he would still come back and search which I take it to mean when he said he would in a few weeks.
I feel like RC making the statement about the bed being made when he got home, it feels like to me that he is saying it, in fear that LE is going to start looking at him, so he must deflect attention away, IDK. I felt like he was too quick to say something to throw MC under the bus. And if this is knowledge he has had this whole time, during the investigation, and continues to keep her close, i don't think it is going to make him look too innocent. or atleast not in my eyes... This is all my opinion..:)
Not related to thread, totally. Mods remove if need be. Although, you might break my heart.
My son left 3 weeks ago. Second tour in Iraq. My friends know how much I need to keep busy and healthy while he is deployed. Together we are walking imaginatively using our own roadways and hiking trails to Iraq and back. It is a 13,000 mile hike. We are giving ourselves the duration of his tour to accomplish which is about a year.
It will help me condition for the breast cancer walk I hope to do in the future.
Thank you for noticing my walking! That's what I need to keep going. Hats off to you too!
This is one Off Topic that deserves a round of applause!


What a wonderful idea! It is positive and inspirational. You should start something with other mothers across the country. Bravo! And thank you for raising such a fantastic son, too! God bless and keep him safe.
We established he did not have to declare the child support, imo. I haven't seen any figures on if or what he was paid to appear on television. He may not have been paid at all. They don't look to be living very "high on the hog" and I am not seeing any flashy new vehicles or a new house today.

He also may have accumulated debts over the years with no child support coming in. Who knows, it's not an issue for me.
I feel like RC making the statement about the bed being made when he got home, it feels like to me that he is saying it, in fear that LE is going to start looking at him, so he must deflect attention away, IDK. I felt like he was too quick to say something to throw MC under the bus. And if this is knowledge he has had this whole time, during the investigation, and continues to keep her close, i don't think it is going to make him look too innocent. or atleast not in my eyes... This is all my opinion..:)

I wonder when he first told LE about the bed being made? Another thing (among many) that is So Odd to me is that Misty said they slept all morning (after taking HaLeigh to school) and that Jr was napping when it was time to pick her up...where was Jr napping? Also in her seemingly rehearsed statement of events that day, she never mentions making up the bed. IDK, I am having trouble believeing that it was ever made that day, so it REALLY makes me wonder about Rons statement being true...and of course wonder when he first gave this tidbit of info to LE. ALL jmvho ....
I wonder when he first told LE about the bed being made? Another thing (among many) that is So Odd to me is that Misty said they slept all morning (after taking HaLeigh to school) and that Jr was napping when it was time to pick her up...where was Jr napping? Also in her seemingly rehearsed statement of events that day, she never mentions making up the bed. IDK, I am having trouble believeing that it was ever made that day, so it REALLY makes me wonder about Rons statement being true...and of course wonder when he first gave this tidbit of info to LE. ALL jmvho ....

It is my understanding Ron C NEVER told LE about the bed being made... TM is the one who told LE that Ron C told him that story...after he found out she failed ...miserably..

It is my understanding Ron C NEVER told LE about the bed being made... TM is the one who told LE that Ron C told him that story...after he found out she failed ...miserably..

TYVM! That's what I thought, but wasn't sure. Just makes the whole thing look worse for him IMO (if that's possible). :liar:

It is my understanding Ron C NEVER told LE about the bed being made... TM is the one who told LE that Ron C told him that story...after he found out she failed ...miserably..

But wouldn't LE have noticed that the bed was made the night they came to investigate the disappearance of Haleigh? I also thought I read somewhere that LE confirmed that the bed was made.
In the link below, it shows that RC told TM about it and it was confirmed by LE.

ETA: but then that makes me wonder LE knew this and didn't pressure her more.... so LE, RC, TN, GGM all knew this (my assumption, as they were so confident that MC isn't involved, so i am assuming they all did speak about what went on that night) that isn't sitting too right with me.
apparently the link isn't working, here is th written part, i copied this from the media / new thread...

Article from TES: written by Member from TES who is with Tim Miller in Orlando!
August 2009
During the intense questioning, which lasted 2 days, Misty broke down in tears as she recounted sexual abuse at the hands of family members and attempts to point fingers at people who she thinks may have taken Haleigh in an attempt to defer attention from herself. Police have asked me not to mention &#8220;who&#8221; as its part of the ongoing investigation. Tearfully, Misty reflects &#8220;My life has not been very good and it looks like its not going to get any better.&#8221;

Misty&#8217;s shocking statements, all caught on tape, have refueled the investigation into little Haleigh Cummings. Detectives from the Putnam County Sheriff&#8217;s Department were made aware of the findings, and although they are not endorsing the release of the information to the public, they were planning on subpoenaing the tapes and any related information. Miller willingly turned the finding over to investigators. Just yesterday, detectives questioned Miller and myself for over five (5) hours concerning our observations and viewed the tapes in our presence as we answered questions about our conversations with Misty Cummings.

The results of the taped interviews according to the experts who conducted them and the police who reviewed them are great for the investigation but not great for Misty.
Now even her husband Ronald isn&#8217;t buying that story &#8220;she never went to bed that night&#8221; he said &#8220;the bed was made&#8221; Police confirmed Ronald&#8217;s story.

It&#8217;s clear from spending time with them, that the Putnam County Sheriffs&#8217; Department is passionate about solving the Haleigh Cummings case. They have worked tirelessly following up on leads, they have a room full of evidence, and continue to search areas of interest. Without divulging specifics about their investigation, Captain Dominic Piscitello is very clear about one thing &#8220;Misty Cummings holds the key to what happened to Haleigh Cummings that night.&#8220;
This all gets curiouser and curiouser. IMO Misty was told by Ron the exact story to put out there. This can be seen from the TV interview where she is asked why she was inconsistent and she looks at Ron to help her with her answer. When he doesn't and just stares at the floor the only thing she can say is "I don't know". I think Misty was talked into taking those battery of tests, with the false hope that she could pass them. When Ron saw that she couldn't, he shifts direction and now points the finger of suspicion at Misty with the made bed story. I wonder what other tidbits he is going to come out with in the near future. Ron is looking worse and worse every day.
This is one Off Topic that deserves a round of applause!


What a wonderful idea! It is positive and inspirational. You should start something with other mothers across the country. Bravo! And thank you for raising such a fantastic son, too! God bless and keep him safe.

Awwww.... You little cutie! Thanks so much. We are working on a website so we can invite others to add their miles. I will keep all posted on the progress of the website.
Thanks again, SS
But wouldn't LE have noticed that the bed was made the night they came to investigate the disappearance of Haleigh? I also thought I read somewhere that LE confirmed that the bed was made.

And I read that LE confirmed that TM had told them what Ron C said...
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