Ron. C. #13

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OK let me try this. At 8:21 am Dispatcher calls 1228 and asks him to 2-51 be enroute to Signal 76. She tells him that Waleka 1 tried to call in and they can't reach him by radio. That he went to 216 4th ave regarding the signal 40 of a 4 wheeler the complainant being Ronald Cummings and he was irate with the operator taking the call. 1228 enroute code. 1230 signs on enroute code also. Sierra 1188 signs on and asks dispatcher to call Waleka 1's phone and the complainant to ascertain 10-13 status.

Sierra 1188 cell phone not answered on phone with complainant checking 10-13 1230 is in the area Dispatcher says as per grandmother that all is OK. 10-77. Sierra 1188 also responds and asks for LE tec.

The above bolded is part of a post posted by Grandmaj in the scanner thread. There was info. flying around the net yesterday that RC had reported his 4-wheeler stolen Monday morning. No one heard the original call and there is a way to go back and listen to previous dispatches/LE radio communications. Grandmaj did this and her explanation of the communication is above. Signal 40 is theft. 10/13 is condition/status.
Seems like RC was not very nice to the dispatcher whose job is to HELP HIM.
Did he forget where he put his 4-wheeler?

As I understand it, but I could be wrong, someone called in a complaint against him one day last week and claimed he was harrassing them..Something about a stolen vehicle of sorts...And NOW he claims his 4 wheeler was stolen..Imagine that...LOL
It is the responsibility of both parents to be able to support their children. Why should the male/female thing even come into play, in this day and age? I, my mother, and my grandmother (who was born in 1894) all worked lifelong to help support ourselves and our children. Fate intevenes in our lives via divorce and death, and there is no guarantee in life that someone will support us and our childern. This has far more to do with RESPONSIBILITY than with parental roles.

I respect your opinion kamky.

I once was a single parent with no viable means of supporting my child. I found a way to do so that kept me in the home with her and paid the bills. I am of the mind that a young child needs the nuture and support of it's Mother or a nurturing Mother figure. I do not fault Crystal for being unable to work due to disability and having been pregnant and caring for a young infant. I do fault her for not doing something about the drug issue. I would pay more taxes to keep Mothers in the home with their children until school aged. I believe with all I am, that good nuturing during the formative years of life can change some of the ills of our society.
I respect your opinion kamky.

I once was a single parent with no viable means of supporting my child. I found a way to do so that kept me in the home with her and paid the bills. I am of the mind that a young child needs the nuture and support of it's Mother or a nurturing Mother figure. I do not fault Crystal for being unable to work due to disability and having been pregnant and caring for a young infant. I do fault her for not doing something about the drug issue. I would pay more taxes to keep Mothers in the home with their children until school aged. I believe with all I am, that good nuturing during the formative years of life can change some of the ills of our society.

I agree with you 110% on this, Stilettos. Ideally, every child would be nurtured & cared for by their mother (or father, etc.) for the fiirst 3-4 years of life, because these are, as you say, the formative years. And I believe, like you, that this would reflect itself in a much better society with much less criminal activity. Unfortunately, this is sometimes very difficult for the parent to achieve, and requires a lot of creativity. Sometimes, it can be done by cutting way back and living more simply. Or a job that can be done at home. Or a trade-off on child care with a neighbor can be made. Parents or relatives can help, which is ideal. It's certainly not easy, but can be done.
I wasn't sure where to post this so I'm putting it in Ron's thread since it is his interview.

Christmas without Haleigh Cummings

Updated: Monday, 30 Nov 2009, 11:30 PM EST
Published : Monday, 30 Nov 2009, 11:30 PM EST

And once again, Ron speaks to the press with his mom at his side. Interesting that the article states the interview took place in his home. I thought he was living with Grandma?
TY for posting this Djane. It's quite interesting really, odd imho, but interesting...wonder if Ron inviting the media over had anything to do with his 'bad press' during the Thanksgiving holidays?
snipped from article @ link and bbm~

"If I could get anything for Christmas, it would be Haleigh
. No doubt. That's all I want for Christmas," said Haleigh's father Ronald Cummings

:waitasec: if he could 'get' anything for Christmas, it would be HaLeigh..well, uh...ya think? and then of course, this..

"Thanks to all the law enforcement that was involved in helping look for Haleigh. Thanks for all the ones still looking for her. Please continue to look for her. I need to find my daughter. She's not yours. She has a family who loves her," said Haleigh's father Ron.

Ok, maybe I am just totally cynical in regards to Ron at this point, but his words just sound so hollow to me, like he's saying what he thinks he is supposed to say, but it doesn't come out believable at least not to me, but that's jmo of course as per usual...and for those who will say that Ron can't do or say anything right, my answer would be that at this point for me, you are probably right.....unless he were to decide to invite LE over for a chat as well...With all due respect for those that feel so differently than myself (as I DO respect everyones opinions) but I hope that you will respect mine as well when I say, I don't believe a word he says, but I sure hope he keeps on talking...


Yeah, I know what you mean. It seems somehow unnatural and not genuine.
I really wish I could put my finger on why.

Maybe I just find it odd that they didn't mention going ahead and purchasing presents for Haleigh so she could have something to open when she came home? It is almost like they never expected she would be back in the first place.

Yeah, I know what you mean. It seems somehow unnatural and not genuine.
I really wish I could put my finger on why.

Maybe I just find it odd that they didn't mention going ahead and purchasing presents for Haleigh so she could have something to open when she came home? It is almost like they never expected she would be back in the first place.
I can not imagine the pain of shopping for Christmas presents for a child that is missing. I would do well to buy for the one I still had. I can't imagine having to celebrate when my daughter is still missing. Horrid.
I can not imagine the pain of shopping for Christmas presents for a child that is missing. I would do well to buy for the one I still had. I can't imagine having to celebrate when my daughter is still missing. Horrid.

ITA...can anyone imagine that kind of hell? But, by extension... I never could imagine getting engaged or getting married--and I'm not being snarky either...Christmas is a matter of holding it together for Jr, I would think--but the rest of it I will never understand...aside from it being a PR move....JMO etc...
Hopefully she will be smarter in the future and not let Chad take the baby anywhere w/o her before she files for support. rc had custody of the kids when he filed the paperwork....part of the problem she had. Once the kids are in a parents hands and no paperwork is filed, they are considered the custodial parents when they appear in court. This is how I understand the law to read. Florida may be do the same.

I am surprised you are so concerned about CS. You appear to be pretty hard on her and very supportive of the father. You feel it is her duty to support her children even when she couldn't. MO is that it is still the father's role to support his children least that is the way it was when parents had roles and the family mattered.

In my opinion you see what you want to see. I know my heart and I am supportive of them both and hard on them both, I hold them both to the same standard and always have. If you question my opinions feel free to click on my name and review my posts, I know what you will read. There is one set of rules and I don't make them, my country and my God have supplied me with those.

You seem to be pretty heavy on Ronald and light on Crystal. That is my opinion. What I want to know is what exactly do you think would have happened to Haleigh and Junior had Ronald not put a roof over their heads and food in their bellies? Are you of the opinion that he was being vindictive and spiteful by giving them a home and taking care of them? That was his job as their father and now he is being ridiculed because he did it? Who else was going to do it? One of the grandparents maybe? Because in my opinion Haleigh and Junior would not have been with Crystal and Chad if they weren't with Ronald. You might doubt the validity of court documents but I don't. You might choose to believe that Kim P lied about Crystal to make herself look better, but I don't. Kim P went to Satsuma to help a grief stricken mother, those were her words. She didn't receive one dime for the representation that she gave to Crystal. Once she arrived and ordered the court files and spent some time with Crystal, she still did her best to serve her client. Heck, I can admit that, because I am honest. Even though I think what she did with the abuse allegations was wrong in the middle of a missing child investigation, I am not stupid or naive about the lengths that lawyers will go to in order to win a battle for their client. What I was naive about was the truth about Crystal. I won't continue because I am barely on topic with the thread.

To answer your question, yes it is her duty to support her children, even when she couldn't. Better still she could have gotten clean and attempted to do whatever was necessary to get Haleigh and Junior back in her home. I am still trying to understand your last sentence, are you implying that it is the father's job and only the fathers job to financially support their children?
Thanks for posting that Djane.

Looks like Ron's doing damage control following Gma's Thanksgiving Day without HaLeigh debockle, poor Ron had to cut his visit short with his "friend" only to go back to that place/those people who remind him of HaLeigh. I'm sure he skiddattled right back to his "friend" just as soon as the news reporter pulled away. JMHO -

again I go to the timeline thing, every bit of bad publiciy is answered with a feel sorry for Ron reply.....all the while he's still doing nothing to make it right
People are just different. I can't imagine not buying my child presents if I thought there was a chance they were still alive and could possibly be coming home........
The only one I feel sorry for is Haleigh
I think with the new year approaching and no end to this case in sight, Ron needs to do something he hasn't done yet. Grow-up. If he hasn't graduate high school, he could work to get his GED, if he has it, he needs to enroll in some apprenticeship program which would give him the opportunity to make a better living for him and Jr, maybe an electrician or plumber were he could legitimately be his own boss
Did Ron own that 4-wheeler when Haleigh disappeared?
Did Ron own that 4-wheeler when Haleigh disappeared?

good question....

I would like to add another, if you don't mind :)

Are the 4 wheelers used for that mud boggin? (or whatever it was called?)
good question....

I would like to add another, if you don't mind :)

Are the 4 wheelers used for that mud boggin? (or whatever it was called?)

Well, they are certainly built for access to difficult terrain and can go through mud, over rocks, etc. like you wouldn't do with your car. My sons use them to get deep into the woods for hunting and then sit in a tree stand all day. I'm just curious if he owned it back in Feb. of this year, where was it parked, who had access to it and did it fit in the bed of his truck for transport?

Anyone know?
I think with the new year approaching and no end to this case in sight, Ron needs to do something he hasn't done yet. Grow-up. If he hasn't graduate high school, he could work to get his GED, if he has it, he needs to enroll in some apprenticeship program which would give him the opportunity to make a better living for him and Jr, maybe an electrician or plumber were he could legitimately be his own boss
I agree 100% RC needs to go back to school and obtain some marketable skills. I think BOTH Haleigh's parents need to do this. It took both of them to make those children and it should be both of them raising them. No more, Oh poor me, I can't work, or my child is missing so cut out my child support payments. Get off your behinds and get to it!
IMHO... IMHO. To truly honor Haleigh during this season of peace and giving, the Cummings should consider offering up THE TRUTH...Its the greatest gift they could ever give to Haleigh and to themselves....JMO
I agree 100% RC needs to go back to school and obtain some marketable skills. I think BOTH Haleigh's parents need to do this. It took both of them to make those children and it should be both of them raising them. No more, Oh poor me, I can't work, or my child is missing so cut out my child support payments. Get off your behinds and get to it!

I agree with this 100%. The kids didn't ask for any of this. The parents chose this path. Make it right for the innocent children you brought into this world.
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