Ron C. #9

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Apr 28, 2005
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I was curious to go back and look at links and see exactly "how badly" Ron was trashing CS because there's been some discussion about it and thought maybe I had missed something. This March 16th interview was after KP was on the scene stirring the pot, I "believe" this was the last interview he gave.

"Ronald Cummings, what do you make of the potential custody battle that you`re facing on top of everything else?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I think that it`s absolutely and utterly ridiculous. All it does is take the focus off of my daughter being gone and put the focus on, Oh, let`s see who can get custody.

GRACE: Now, let me ask you, this Ronald. Your wife -- your former wife -- well, the mother of the children -- hasn`t had custody in how long?

(snipped conversation regarding the fact they were never married)

RONALD CUMMINGS: August the 17th, her 2nd birthday, is when I took physical custody of the children. And I was granted custody of the children in December of `05, and I do have the court paperwork to prove it.

GRACE: Now, Ronald, they seem to suggest that the only reason the mother lost custody was because she missed some court dates. Is that true?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Absolutely not. She missed her first court date. The judge gave her "wah wah" story another try. She showed up, lawyered up. And the truth is, I was a better parent, still am, better provider.

IMO RC could have taken this opportunity to vent all the reasons, truth or lies about CS that would make him appear to be the better parent. But he didn't. He gave this pretty "benign" response at the "height" of the battle. I have yet to hear him say anything "truly" nasty or bad, truth or lie, about CS in light of everything they've said about him.

This was another statement he made after the abuse pictures came out, again he doesn't slander CS just defends himself:

RONALD CUMMINGS: I had nothing to do with this. I`ve been slandered into a sorry father. I would say, in most cases, the fathers don`t get custody of their children. I took good care of my kids the three years I had them by myself.

Regarding the press release from his lawyers where they talk about CS being lazy and watching TV and sleeping... that didn't come from his mouth so we don't even know who told the lawyers that, could have been GGS and RC didn't even know about it...not to mention in the custody docs CS clearly admitted to staying in bed and missing Drs. appts. soooo can someone show me where Ron, himself, has trashed Crystal so badly?
I was curious to go back and look at links and see exactly "how badly" Ron was trashing CS because there's been some discussion about it and thought maybe I had missed something. This March 16th interview was after KP was on the scene stirring the pot, I "believe" this was the last interview he gave.

"Ronald Cummings, what do you make of the potential custody battle that you`re facing on top of everything else?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I think that it`s absolutely and utterly ridiculous. All it does is take the focus off of my daughter being gone and put the focus on, Oh, let`s see who can get custody.

GRACE: Now, let me ask you, this Ronald. Your wife -- your former wife -- well, the mother of the children -- hasn`t had custody in how long?

(snipped conversation regarding the fact they were never married)

RONALD CUMMINGS: August the 17th, her 2nd birthday, is when I took physical custody of the children. And I was granted custody of the children in December of `05, and I do have the court paperwork to prove it.

GRACE: Now, Ronald, they seem to suggest that the only reason the mother lost custody was because she missed some court dates. Is that true?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Absolutely not. She missed her first court date. The judge gave her "wah wah" story another try. She showed up, lawyered up. And the truth is, I was a better parent, still am, better provider.

IMO RC could have taken this opportunity to vent all the reasons, truth or lies about CS that would make him appear to be the better parent. But he didn't. He gave this pretty "benign" response at the "height" of the battle. I have yet to hear him say anything "truly" nasty or bad, truth or lie, about CS in light of everything they've said about him.

This was another statement he made after the abuse pictures came out, again he doesn't slander CS just defends himself:

RONALD CUMMINGS: I had nothing to do with this. I`ve been slandered into a sorry father. I would say, in most cases, the fathers don`t get custody of their children. I took good care of my kids the three years I had them by myself.

Regarding the press release from his lawyers where they talk about CS being lazy and watching TV and sleeping... that didn't come from his mouth so we don't even know who told the lawyers that, could have been GGS and RC didn't even know about it...not to mention in the custody docs CS clearly admitted to staying in bed and missing Drs. appts. soooo can someone show me where Ron, himself, has trashed Crystal so badly?

Thank you ceeker for showing and remind us of the truth, again.:blowkiss:
It will be the truth that finds HaLeigh.
The lies that have been given life will soon be dust in the wind with the truth being brought forward Again and Again and Again.
Glad you made my point!..he never misses an opportunity to discuss his custody. He has yet to answer questions about why misty gets the questions mixed up.

You will see when he is asked about why M does this? he doesn't answer that question but adds "I'm tired of people talking about my,la,la..etc.

I never said RC was trashing CS, if you thought it was me, it wasn't. My point was he brings up custody and answers in full custody questions but never answers questions whens asked about why misty gets things mixed up and will deflect the answer onto CS and custody.

If you notice in videos, he says People are taking away from my child's disappearance and then he talks about the custody and what a better parent he is. Again this man speaks out of both sides of his mouth.
Glad you made my point!..he never misses an opportunity to discuss his custody. He has yet to answer questions about why misty gets the questions mixed up.

You will see when he is asked about why M does this? he doesn't answer that question but adds "I'm tired of people talking about my,la,la..etc.

I never said RC was trashing CS, if you thought it was me, it wasn't. My point was he brings up custody and answers in full custody questions but never answers questions whens asked about why misty gets things mixed up and will deflect the answer onto CS and custody.

If you notice in videos, he says People are taking away from my child's disappearance and then he talks about the custody and what a better parent he is. Again this man speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

I don't see how I made your point, but I guess you think I did and that's ok LOL.

RC, in every video/transcript I've looked at, only mentions CS and Custody when he's asked a direct question about the situation. A question most often sparked by it being brought to national attention by KP and CS in mid march. Or because interviewers, esp. in the early days, were very curious why this "man" had custody. On Feb. 12th:

RONALD CUMMINGS: No, there is not. And I would like for a lot of the false allegations to be discarded. There's been a lot of false allegations made by the mother and her mother. And I just don't -- I don't appreciate it. It's not a custody battle. This here is about finding a 5-year-old missing child, my daughter.

VAN SUSTEREN: What happened? Explain -- explain -- you know -- you know, usually, the mother gets the custody. Why did the court give you custody of your child?

RONALD CUMMINGS: The only way I can honestly answer you that without being rude to others is they chose the better parent and the one who could provide better for the two children.,2933,491368,00.html

Again he's asked a direct question and chooses to answer without throwing mud.

Even Mark Klass said he always brings it back to Haleigh, I guess we can agree to disagree on this issue Whisperer:

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, yes, but what are we talking about here? You know, my heart is sinking as I listen to all of this. And what`s left of my heart, Crystal, goes out to you. Because I understand what it`s like to lose a child. And I understand the fear and the pain that one goes through during the investigation.

But this path that you`re headed upon now is a complete distraction from the point at hand. And this is something that Ron continually reminds people. Find Haleigh. Don`t take the focus off of Haleigh. And what you`re doing now, if it`s true, has a place. But that place is not to be prosecuting this guy on national TV. This is something that should be done in private.

And maybe he doesn't answer the "confused Misty" questions because he doesn't know why. It's possible Misty was asleep and just doesn't know the answers. Or maybe she mispeaks because of a learning disability. I just don't know. But what I do know is that RC doesn't make excuses for it. He's said he doesn't know why she's done that. He's never denied her confusion. He's also said he believes her and feels since she was the last one to see Haleigh that's why he thinks she's being scrutinized. I had a link for that but I'm done with links for the day LOL

And before anyone says "Misty is the key". Misty is the key to the timeline and I believe this quote spawned months of misinterpretation

When asked if Misty Cummings was a suspect, Captain Schauland told First Coast News Friday, "I would not list Misty as a suspect. We just want to get the timeline straightened out. Our most important thing is finding Haleigh. That's more important than anything else. And Misty's the key to that."

Other articles from the same day say write that Misty is the key to the investigation but do not use the exact quote from Schauland which is above.
I was curious to go back and look at links and see exactly "how badly" Ron was trashing CS because there's been some discussion about it and thought maybe I had missed something. This March 16th interview was after KP was on the scene stirring the pot, I "believe" this was the last interview he gave.

"Ronald Cummings, what do you make of the potential custody battle that you`re facing on top of everything else?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I think that it`s absolutely and utterly ridiculous. All it does is take the focus off of my daughter being gone and put the focus on, Oh, let`s see who can get custody.

GRACE: Now, let me ask you, this Ronald. Your wife -- your former wife -- well, the mother of the children -- hasn`t had custody in how long?

(snipped conversation regarding the fact they were never married)

RONALD CUMMINGS: August the 17th, her 2nd birthday, is when I took physical custody of the children. And I was granted custody of the children in December of `05, and I do have the court paperwork to prove it.

GRACE: Now, Ronald, they seem to suggest that the only reason the mother lost custody was because she missed some court dates. Is that true?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Absolutely not. She missed her first court date. The judge gave her "wah wah" story another try. She showed up, lawyered up. And the truth is, I was a better parent, still am, better provider.

IMO RC could have taken this opportunity to vent all the reasons, truth or lies about CS that would make him appear to be the better parent. But he didn't. He gave this pretty "benign" response at the "height" of the battle. I have yet to hear him say anything "truly" nasty or bad, truth or lie, about CS in light of everything they've said about him.

This was another statement he made after the abuse pictures came out, again he doesn't slander CS just defends himself:

RONALD CUMMINGS: I had nothing to do with this. I`ve been slandered into a sorry father. I would say, in most cases, the fathers don`t get custody of their children. I took good care of my kids the three years I had them by myself.

Regarding the press release from his lawyers where they talk about CS being lazy and watching TV and sleeping... that didn't come from his mouth so we don't even know who told the lawyers that, could have been GGS and RC didn't even know about it...not to mention in the custody docs CS clearly admitted to staying in bed and missing Drs. appts. soooo can someone show me where Ron, himself, has trashed Crystal so badly?

Anything that comes from your lawyer is from your mouth. That is how it is seen in a court of law. You hire them to speak for you. It is one of the first papers you sign w/ an attorney.So IMO of course Ron said it...:)
This is a classic example of his double speak. I think most don't listen carefully, because this is not an isolated statement. This is a pattern. He is a master at this. You have to listen and read carefully.
GRACE: Do you know where the cinder block came from that was propping the door open?

CUMMINGS: Don`t have a clue. I don`t mess with none of that, so I don`tknow. I very rarely am in the back yard at all unless I`m washing mycar. So it could have came from around my shed. I`m renting. I don`t know if the previous renters had it or what, but I`e never seen it, I
don`t believe.

GRACE: So to your knowledge, you`e never seen it.

CUMMINGS: Not that I believe. I mean, I may be mistaken and have seen it before, but I know it wasn`t where it`s at now.
You can read the way he operates when questioned. He does this. He twists things up. Master manipulation at work here.
This is a classic example of his double speak. I think most don't listen carefully, because this is not an isolated statement. This is a pattern. He is a master at this. You have to listen and read carefully.
GRACE: Do you know where the cinder block came from that was propping the door open?

CUMMINGS: Don`t have a clue. I don`t mess with none of that, so I don`tknow. I very rarely am in the back yard at all unless I`m washing mycar. So it could have came from around my shed. I`m renting. I don`t know if the previous renters had it or what, but I`e never seen it, I
don`t believe.

GRACE: So to your knowledge, you`e never seen it.

CUMMINGS: Not that I believe. I mean, I may be mistaken and have seen it before, but I know it wasn`t where it`s at now.
You can read the way he operates when questioned. He does this. He twists things up. Master manipulation at work here.

Makes my head spin...
this is a classic example of his double speak. I think most don't listen carefully, because this is not an isolated statement. This is a pattern. He is a master at this. You have to listen and read carefully.
grace: do you know where the cinder block came from that was propping the door open?

cummings: don`t have a clue. I don`t mess with none of that, so i don`tknow. I very rarely am in the back yard at all unless i`m washing mycar. So it could have came from around my shed. I`m renting. I don`t know if the previous renters had it or what, but i`e never seen it, i
don`t believe.

grace: so to your knowledge, you`e never seen it.

cummings: Not that i believe. I mean, i may be mistaken and have seen it before, but i know it wasn`t where it`s at now.
you can read the way he operates when questioned. He does this. He twists things up. Master manipulation at work here.

how is that double speaking. He is saying that he doesn't recall if hes seen it before, but he knows for a fact it wasn't where it was then . Come on now, are you seeing words in there that i am not ?
The above example can be done repeatedly with him.

1. It is repeated with the spanking (I have, never, EVER hit my child), then he goes on to say except when I spank her according to child protection services rules.

2. It is repeated with the bed story. He tells on video that they all three were in one bed; two days later he says a different bed.

3. Two weeks later, he says when asked why is the story so confusing about the beds?..RC responds: "I have no idea Ms Nancy"....

Yet he is the one who told it and told it both ways...this is another example of his speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
Anything that comes from your lawyer is from your mouth. That is how it is seen in a court of law. You hire them to speak for you. It is one of the first papers you sign w/ an attorney.So IMO of course Ron said it...:)

That is so not true. Yes, the lawyers will speak what you tell them too, but they also can speak for themselves. I believe it was GGS that had made that statement iirc .
That is so not true. Yes, the lawyers will speak what you tell them too, but they also can speak for themselves. I believe it was GGS that had made that statement iirc .

After 8-9 years of lawyers they do speak what they want but only what has been said from there client and they add their own words. I do believe Ron would have said this. The thing with men as I see Ron, is they always put out a good front for anyone looking. If you dig behind the scene's they will get aggravated, they do not like to be "scrutinzed" so to speak. They will use distraction's in their words to throw you off.
I do not feel Ron harmed Haleigh in anyway but when he can use the words " Dumb Bi**h Girlfriend" with such ease, why would it be hard to believe he would put Crystal down in such a way ?
This is only my observation and my opinion.
It seems to be getting harder to post on the Haleigh thread , I sure hope we will hear something soon so everyone here on the thread can get back to sleuthing some new facts with our smiley faces on..:)
After 8-9 years of lawyers they do speak what they want but only what has been said from there client and they add their own words. I do believe Ron would have said this. The thing with men as I see Ron, is they always put out a good front for anyone looking. If you dig behind the scene's they will get aggravated, they do not like to be "scrutinzed" so to speak. They will use distraction's in their words to throw you off.
I do not feel Ron harmed Haleigh in anyway but when he can use the words " Dumb Bi**h Girlfriend" with such ease, why would it be hard to believe he would put Crystal down in such a way ?
This is only my observation and my opinion.
It seems to be getting harder to post on the Haleigh thread , I sure hope we will hear something soon so everyone here on the thread can get back to sleuthing some new facts with our smiley faces on..:)

Your right. He may have said that to his lawyers and I think if it was me re; Misty, those words would've been nice compared to what would be spewing out of my mouth to whomever was there . I don't even want to imagine the scenerio. I would be out of my mind . I hope we hear something soon too. Prayers for you Haleigh .:)
After 8-9 years of lawyers they do speak what they want but only what has been said from there client and they add their own words. I do believe Ron would have said this. The thing with men as I see Ron, is they always put out a good front for anyone looking. If you dig behind the scene's they will get aggravated, they do not like to be "scrutinzed" so to speak. They will use distraction's in their words to throw you off.
I do not feel Ron harmed Haleigh in anyway but when he can use the words " Dumb Bi**h Girlfriend" with such ease, why would it be hard to believe he would put Crystal down in such a way ?
This is only my observation and my opinion.
It seems to be getting harder to post on the Haleigh thread , I sure hope we will hear something soon so everyone here on the thread can get back to sleuthing some new facts with our smiley faces on..:)
I don't feel that Ron, nor Misty, nor Crystal harmed this child in any way and that they all love her greatly. IMO, it's more probable that some other misguided family member was frustrated with one or both of the parents and felt that they could somehow affect this child by removing her for some period of time.
All that we see of this child via photos or videos and now, currently, of Jr, show that these kids were safe, comfortable, & trusting with both their parents, as well as Misty. Ron was making a living and providing for his children. He gave them a home, toys, food, stucture and loving and supportive extended family, and I give him much credit for that. I pray that Haleigh will soon be found and reunited with her family and that whoever took her will be determined and dealt with.
I can't understand the cruel rumors and character assasinations being directed toward any of these parents. If it turns out (which I don't expect) that any of them bear responsibility, then would be the time to vent against them. But as of now they are innocent and are grieving victims of this crime. I wonder how anyone could live with their vicious words defaming them after the final truth is known. These are real people and they are in real pain.
Mysticrose, this is absolutely NOT directed towards you...your post just gave me a chance to vent!
What peaks my interest is how RC lets MC crash and burn when asked about her inconsistencies. Their interview on the Today Show, he could've easily helped explain it away with "she was nervous, etc." I'm also interested in his several responses to questions like "what do you think happened?" with his smirky "I don't know, I was at work". Those statements just don't sit right with me.
This is a classic example of his double speak. I think most don't listen carefully, because this is not an isolated statement. This is a pattern. He is a master at this. You have to listen and read carefully.
GRACE: Do you know where the cinder block came from that was propping the door open?

CUMMINGS: Don`t have a clue. I don`t mess with none of that, so I don`tknow. I very rarely am in the back yard at all unless I`m washing mycar. So it could have came from around my shed. I`m renting. I don`t know if the previous renters had it or what, but I`e never seen it, I
don`t believe.

GRACE: So to your knowledge, you`e never seen it.

This is a good example of why I think Ron can't do anything right in the eyes of people who want to believe he is a monster. Period.

CUMMINGS: Not that I believe. I mean, I may be mistaken and have seen it before, but I know it wasn`t where it`s at now.
You can read the way he operates when questioned. He does this. He twists things up. Master manipulation at work here.

I just don't see this as double speak at all. NG asked RC two totally different questions.
Do you know where it came from? An open ended question he tried to answer. But really a bad question. Even if he had blocks in the yard how on earth was he suppose to KNOW where the perpetrator got the block.
Have you ever seen it? A totally different question. A question she asked to clarify the open ended question she asked first.

All I see is a man who's probably been up a heck of a long time trying to do his best to thoroughly answer, to the best of his knowledge and belief, ridiculous media questions. Was he REALLY supposed to definitely KNOW about the block??? This interview was Feb. 11 at 9 O'Clock. When was the last time he slept? He worked Monday night. Did he even get to sleep Monday during the day because we don't know when Misty returned or how much sleep he got on the weekend. His daughter, his heart even by Crystal's account, is missing, he hasn't slept... would you really expect him to flawlessly answer questions about something he may or may not have walked by in the yard and not noticed, something so inconsequential till Haleigh went missing.. in a yard he rents... off the top of his head, sleep deprived, is he really suppose to recall clearly stuff that may or may not have been laying around???
The above example can be done repeatedly with him.

1. It is repeated with the spanking (I have, never, EVER hit my child), then he goes on to say except when I spank her according to child protection services rules.

2. It is repeated with the bed story. He tells on video that they all three were in one bed; two days later he says a different bed.

3. Two weeks later, he says when asked why is the story so confusing about the beds?..RC responds: "I have no idea Ms Nancy"....

Yet he is the one who told it and told it both ways...this is another example of his speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

1. Again, GR pretty much ambushes RC and asks if he hit his child. OBVIOUSLY to me, and I would assume Ron, GR was NOT talking about spanking. So RC IMO first answers the question he, and certainly I, would think was pretty clear in GR's word and demeanor.... "hit", clearly meaning ABUSE in light of the abuse allegations in the national media at that time. Then Ron goes on to clarify about the spanking. They were insinuating horrible, horrible abuse, he answered HONESTLY. If Ron never mentioned the spanking WE WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT. Since Ron was cleared in a high profile abuse case, probably the most high profile, media blitzed DCF case I've ever seen, I don't understand how this can be an indictment against him on it's own face. "Spanking" statistics were posted in one of the threads the other day... if him admitting he "spanked" was an indictment of his character, the majority of the country would be "child abusers"

2.&3. The only thing I can say is PorcineGranny hit it on the head the other day when she she was talking about CS, but I believe the same applies to an even younger Misty "You must factor in education, learning differences, IQ, and just everyday common sense. I see her as confused, not well socialized in conversation with others.". How can RC be blamed for these inconsistent statements, statements given to him by Misty, he didn't pull this stuff out of thin air just cuz he's a "jerk" which I think is the implication. The confusion comes directly from Misty's account, someone who does not communicate well, leaves clarifying words off, was possibly asleep and might not even know etc. etc. He reiterates what Misty told him, how can this be blamed on him??? And when he answers NG with the "I don't know", I think that's an honest answer by that point considering all the confusion on the issue. What should he have said if that's the true answer??
Anything that comes from your lawyer is from your mouth. That is how it is seen in a court of law. You hire them to speak for you. It is one of the first papers you sign w/ an attorney.So IMO of course Ron said it...:)

I hear what your saying but I specifically wanted examples from his mouth since I don't trust attorneys LOL. Seriously, many times lawyers make public statement of facts that clients haven't provided them with or they don't approve of or they've gotten from witnesses etc. Certainly it's sanctioned by the client theoretically. But we've seen it in many cases where that just isn't the way the real world works.

Did everything that came out of KP's mouth come from Crystal's mouth??? That was why I wanted to exclude this statement. People were saying "out of his mouth" and that's what I wanted to see, not something that could be assumed to be OK with him, but not out of HIS mouth.
What peaks my interest is how RC lets MC crash and burn when asked about her inconsistencies. Their interview on the Today Show, he could've easily helped explain it away with "she was nervous, etc." I'm also interested in his several responses to questions like "what do you think happened?" with his smirky "I don't know, I was at work". Those statements just don't sit right with me.

I have to admit, that was kind of curious. LOL But after the interview early on, when he got slam, bam and thank you mammed and accused of coaching her, etc. (the one where he told her to look at the camera), the only thing I can think of is at that point he knew he couldn't win for losing so went with the simpliest answer... And I know people have a lot of problems with the "I was at work" response but, more credible sources than not have confirmed, he really was at work. Part of the reason I don't "hate" RC is I think he is who he is and I don't think he cares what people think of him, that's been consistent from the beginning. I just don't think he "cottons" to all these reporters with their redundent questions. Especially at the point in time of this interview when he'd been crucified no matter what he does or says.

And before someone rebuts with "well he should extend himself, his daughters MISSING"... I would say the same thing about CS... everytime she left Satsuma to "rest" and "take care of herself" in the early days... or when LE was searching the dumpster for her daughters remains and all she wanted to talk about was how the media made her mad saying she "took off"...

Both of these individuals are human. Sometimes I think we forget that.
If they ever get to question RC again, maybe he can stop talking about the custody long enough to answer questions. He has avoided them and deflected to issues of custody when he is asked a question about Misty's inconsistencies. Can anyone here find an answer he gave when he was asked why are there inconsistencies Ronald regarding the different beds? he has no idea and the he add he he wishes people would stop talking about custody and taking away from the same sentence. Later they have to ask about the custody and he proceeds to toot his horn again, smugly saying, I am the better parent, simple as that.

Oh my, this guy is good, a really good talker and can spin a question before you even know it happened.
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