Ron C. #9

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It makes no sense to me, either, Busy. Six months should be sufficient time to clear family members, at least. Imagine how frustrating that is on both sides, not just one or the other. Look at the confusion over the hours he worked. For months we were told it was a 10 hour shift, now we're told it was 8 hours, ending at midnight. Where was he for those 3 hours?
It should not be too difficult for LE to talk to management and find out if he worked his entire shift, what time he got there and what time he left.

Bolded by me

Who said that???

(I am sure LE knows what hours he worked.)
Just curious here, what do you think about his statement that he has not questioned nor spoke to Misty about Haleigh's disappearance. I ask you this because it just boggles my mind that a father of a missing five year old little girl would not question the "babysitter" of the little girl about her disappearance. This is just so strange and just so very wrong.

Doesn't bother me that he didn't question her as much as it bothers me that he married her.
It was very apparent to me that Ron was orchestrating the whole scenario. That in my opinion is why Misty became so confused and had a problem answering questions. The questions were not part of the rehearsed scenario that Ron had practiced with her. Even Ron saw through the story about Misty sleeping with Jr. and Misty. He realized too late that it would have been impossible for a kidnapper to reach across an adult and another child to reach Misty, sleeping on the far side of the bed, against a wall. Arms too short!!!!!!
So, conveniently, Haleigh had to be moved to the toddler's bed at the doorway. Way too convenient IMO.

I wonder what the original story to LE was. Somehow the toddler's mattress needed to be in the right spot.

And even more important, didn't they take "sheets" from one of the beds for the dogs to get a scent. Just whose scent were they trailing?

You're right, there is no comparison. They may not be following him "openly", but I would bet they, or undercovers, are watching him and Misty as well as Crystal and all of the family members on both sides very closely.

My opinion only.
PCSO doesn't have the manpower or the interest in this case to go undercover to follow Ronald or his family members around all day. LOL They couldn't even be bothered to test the evidence until the task force called them on it!
Originally Posted by TxLady2
It makes no sense to me, either, Busy. Six months should be sufficient time to clear family members, at least. Imagine how frustrating that is on both sides, not just one or the other. Look at the confusion over the hours he worked. For months we were told it was a 10 hour shift, now we're told it was 8 hours, ending at midnight. Where was he for those 3 hours?
It should not be too difficult for LE to talk to management and find out if he worked his entire shift, what time he got there and what time he left.
Please tell me where you found this information as I have not seen it yet. I definitely need a link for this one!!!
Originally Posted by TxLady2
I agree, it's frustrating. As for the AC guy, I would think that would be obvious. He either had other units to check out or was seen by a number of other people after his visit there at that MH, and then probably went home, had dinner and watched t.v., went to bed, and that's that. Neighbors could have seen him mowing the lawn, wife testifies that he was right beside her all night, and yada, yada. Not too difficult with innocent and upstanding citizens to provide a solid alibi.
So this would indicate that NO ONE else in Satsuma or in relation to this case has a firm alibi?! I don't believe that for a second.

Personally, I think AC man must have connections because his job would depend on him being cleared of such a crime. Are you going to allow this man in your home around your family to work on your AC if he wasn't cleared? Not a chance. He had to have help to become the ONLY person cleared, imo. It would be nice if they cleared the mailman, too. Perhaps the bus driver and teachers would be another good section to clear. Funny, they simply haven't done it yet. Wonder why?! It makes absolutely no sense.
WELAKA, Fla. -– 24 hours after making bail at the Putnam County Jail for a burglary with assault charge, Ronald Cummings invited Action News to his home to speak about what the next few weeks will hold for him and his family. Monday will mark six months since his daughter disappeared from their Satsuma home. One week later is Haleigh’s 6th birthday.
Cummings says the bottom line is that the focus needs to stay on finding his missing daughter. He says all of the drama behind family squabbles doesn’t mean a thing until his daughter is back home.

“Thank you anyone who is helping find my daughter, I appreciate it. And if you have my daughter please return her, and if you’re watching -- baby I love you,” said Cummings.
Does anyone know if there is a video of the interview. I would love to see it and I thank Ronald for allowing news crews into his home. It brings perspective back where it should be.
I don't blame him for being upset because he feels they are not doing anything! They aren't doing anything...except supposedly meeting once a month (which we know they have only met once and said there was no reason for a second meeting of the task force)!! Also, they do not mention any new tips coming in which says it IS a cold case.

Cummings says there are several things bothering him about the investigation into who took his daughter from his home. He says the thing that bothers him the most is that Sheriff’s Officers are not giving him weekly updates on how the investigation is going.

“They don’t contact me to let me know what’s going on. You’d think once a week, or once every two weeks they’d contact me and let me know what they’re doing to try and find her. They act like they don’t do anything,” said Cummings.

“It would make me feel better that they’re letting me know what they’re doing to find my daughter. It’s not going to make me feel great until my daughter comes home.”


Action News confirmed with the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office that the investigation into Haleigh’s disappearance has not gone cold. Investigators say once a month they meet to discuss any and all leads, and compare notes. We have also learned the chief investigator has changed, and is now being headed up by a deputy who was one of the first on the scene of the disappearance back on February 10th.
“They don’t contact me to let me know what’s going on. You’d think once a week, or once every two weeks they’d contact me and let me know what they’re doing to try and find her. They act like they don’t do anything,” said Cummings.

“It would make me feel better that they’re letting me know what they’re doing to find my daughter. It’s not going to make me feel great until my daughter comes home.”

I guess that answers the questions from awhile back whether he was keeping in touch with LE. He's been waiting for them to contact him. Ronald, the phone goes both ways, son. G'head. Dial 'em up.
Why are they saying that once a month they meet to compare notes. I have read about only one meeting and thats it. Who's notes are they comparing? Didn't they put out a statement that they had no reason to meet in July? Now, it's August....I can't for one second imagine the frustration.
Why are they saying that once a month they meet to compare notes. I have read about only one meeting and thats it. Who's notes are they comparing? Didn't they put out a statement that they had no reason to meet in July? Now, it's August....I can't for one second imagine the frustration.
I guess they are still going through the 4,000 leads? Sure is taking them long enough!

They said they were not going to schedule another meeting. Nothing is a good guess as to what is going on with this case, imo. Since there is no meeting planned and all they are doing is meeting to compare notes...doesn't that say they have nothing to compare and they are not doing anything?
Awwww, the video is so sad. Those are real tears from a father missing his daughter and in agony. :( I am glad he spoke today and is trying to put the focus back on finding Haleigh where it belongs. The next couple of weeks are going to be so very difficult. I cannot imagine how heartwrenching it will be on her birthday.
I think it's time for both Ronald and Crystal to pick up the phone and start demanding some answers from LE...6 months.....way to long!!

Thanks for the video. I'm glad to see a reporter putting the focus back where it needs to be ~ Haleigh is still missing after six months.

Does Ron still have the lawyers? If so I wonder why they wouldn't be interfacing between Ron and LE if there are communication issues?

At any rate, I do like the suggestion that Ron continue to try to contact the LE himself for updates.

Sorry for the questions I haven't read Haleigh's threads in a very long time.
From last reported information neither of them have lawyers Kat.
Thanks for the video. I'm glad to see a reporter putting the focus back where it needs to be ~ Haleigh is still missing after six months.

Does Ron still have the lawyers? If so I wonder why they wouldn't be interfacing between Ron and LE if there are communication issues?

At any rate, I do like the suggestion that Ron continue to try to contact the LE himself for updates.

Sorry for the questions I haven't read Haleigh's threads in a very long time.

Why not his child is missing, he says “It would make me feel better that they’re letting me know what they’re doing to find my daughter." MOO if my child was missing I would be at the LE office everyday..
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