Ron C.

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Aug 27, 2008
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Misty and bio-mom have their own threads, so I thought Ron deserved one too.

Do you think Ron is involved? Why or why not?
Don't forget this is a victim friendly forum. Just be careful in your discussions.
No, I don't. When I saw the first TV interview with him and saw him drop to his knees,the tears and sobbing that was real. Ron, to me, is the type of man that would think a man crying is a wuss or weak and for him to do that, he is heartbroken. I just don't think there is any faking going on with him, it was raw emotion from the 911 call to the first interview..
No,except for the fight the day before and I think it is related to Misty being gone three days and the cousin and him stealing Ron's gun.I imagine that was why he was more angry,because maybe he felt this was in retaliation for the fight and not thinking someone would actually keep her.So,when we saw him the next day in the interview it was starting to sink in,she's not been brought back already.If this is what we're starting to think it is,but I feel that the root of it all is because of his involvement with Misty and that family of hers.Maybe he just thought pay back,okay,just drop her off somewhere.
I personally believe Ron. I am wondering if her disappearance has any link to the fight Ron had over a gun the night before, however and if this person could have anything to do with this.
I feel broken hearted for him.The first thing he needs to do when he gets her back is let the grandma help watch the babies and get away from the gf's family.
Yes,static,exactly.I've watched the bio Mom and him and too bad they didn't get themselves together and raise those babies,this will definitely make them grow up.Her bf seems to really care for her.
No,except for the fight the day before and I think it is related to Misty being gone three days and the cousin and him stealing Ron's gun.I imagine that was why he was more angry,because maybe he felt this was in retaliation for the fight and not thinking someone would actually keep her.So,when we saw him the next day in the interview it was starting to sink in,she's not been brought back already.If this is what we're starting to think it is,but I feel that the root of it all is because of his involvement with Misty and that family of hers.Maybe he just thought pay back,okay,just drop her off somewhere.
Hi Winter :) Bold is mine.

Is it known for sure that Misty had been gone for three days? The only thing I have heard is her statement on video that she watched the kids 24/7 every day unless they were with their mother.

As per the gun being stolen...I have not heard that it was "the cousin and him" rather that the person who did have an argument over the gun was not yet named publicly and was "missing".

I too think that whomever had the argument with Ron over the gun the night before could very well have done this in retaliation. It would explain Ron's statements on the 911 call about killing "him" and shooting him even if he were in the back of a cop car.
No,except for the fight the day before and I think it is related to Misty being gone three days and the cousin and him stealing Ron's gun.I imagine that was why he was more angry,because maybe he felt this was in retaliation for the fight and not thinking someone would actually keep her.So,when we saw him the next day in the interview it was starting to sink in,she's not been brought back already.If this is what we're starting to think it is,but I feel that the root of it all is because of his involvement with Misty and that family of hers.Maybe he just thought pay back,okay,just drop her off somewhere.

I think that makes sense. I had wondered about his automatic decision that someone stole his daughter and he was going to kill him. Rather than "my daughter wandered off and she is lost." Clearly he thought he knew what had happened initially.
I don't think he had anything to do with what happened to Haleigh. But I wonder why he left his children alone with Misty with all these thugs running around stealing his things and him fighting with them. His mom should have been babysitting. IMO
Hey,You know,I'm am just going by what the media has said is going around,so I don't really know anything.LOL I think the gf has totally confused everyone.:confused:
lol winter :)
I was just wondering where you heard (media link) about Misty being gone for three days and that it was the cousin who had the altercation over the gone (link).. There has been so much out there but I hadn't seen either of those things covered in the media...just kind of rumors online. TIA if you have any links :) This case has made my head into a brainshake!
I think that makes sense. I had wondered about his automatic decision that someone stole his daughter and he was going to kill him. Rather than "my daughter wandered off and she is lost." Clearly he thought he knew what had happened initially.

Misty told him that someone stole his daughter when he came home. He did not assume it.
Don't forget this is a victim friendly forum. Just be careful in your discussions.

Let me know if you think I should change the wording in the starter post. I really wanted to start the thread as I think Ron is a very interesting character, whether he is involved or not.

That was a great read. As per the Greta interview with Ron and Misty, if I may be allowed to show this quote from the article by the body language expert that is linked above,

"Look at Cummings' eyes when Croslin talks. They are plastered towards Croslin though he doesn't turn his head. It's very controlling behavior. He is fascinating to watch."

It was this statement that summed up what I had been thinking about Ron. I didn't want to say he was entertaining in the Greta interview as there is a missing child involved here, but when he stated he wasn't doing any more media interviews, I was disappointed because he is so fascinating to watch. That said, I haven't been able to watch that Greta interview a second time.
My heart was breaking for Ron when I read that he was asking Equusearch not to leave. He appears to love Haleigh very much. The family is in my thoughts and prayers.
Ron is heartbroken! Somewhere I heard that Haleigh was a "daddy's girl". I am sure she was extra special to him! I pray she comes home to her daddy's arms alive and well very very soon!
Misty and bio-mom have their own threads, so I thought Ron deserved one too.

Do you think Ron is involved? Why or why not?

I do not believe Ron's story. As I said in another thread, I think his mannerisms and body language remind me of Susan Smith.
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