Ron C.

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My heart went out to Ron last night when I listened to his Mother talk on NG. She actually had me in tears, listening to her describe his love for his daughter.

I don't know Ron, but I know a lot of men that he reminds me of in my own family. I can't entertain the thought that he knows where Haleigh is and isn't going to get her. Even if he knew she was deceased he would go get her IMHO. I see him as a simple man, not simple in intelligence but simple as in he is what he is, and what you see is what you get no hidden agendas.

Ron is the one that told bio-mom about the pink shirt being found (according to bio-mom on NG interview last night). I think that Ron isn't alienating MC for two reasons possibly: 1. He doesn't know for sure that she had anything to do with it. I'm wondering if his family (Momma) didn't talk to him and tell him not to focus on her but to focus on searching.
2. He is street smart. Very much so in my opinion. He's going to keep her close even so she will eventually tell him what she knows. Another poster said this and I had thought it too, you keep your friends close but your enemies closer. He probably doesn't know at this moment if she is friend or foe, but he's going to keep her close and watch her close for anything that might lead him to Haleigh. Including watching her give interviews, he might just be waiting for her to slip up enough.

That's just my own opinion as of right now, it could change of course.
My heart went out to Ron last night when I listened to his Mother talk on NG. She actually had me in tears, listening to her describe his love for his daughter.

I don't know Ron, but I know a lot of men that he reminds me of in my own family. I can't entertain the thought that he knows where Haleigh is and isn't going to get her. Even if he knew she was deceased he would go get her IMHO. I see him as a simple man, not simple in intelligence but simple as in he is what he is, and what you see is what you get no hidden agendas.

Ron is the one that told bio-mom about the pink shirt being found (according to bio-mom on NG interview last night). I think that Ron isn't alienating MC for two reasons possibly: 1. He doesn't know for sure that she had anything to do with it. I'm wondering if his family (Momma) didn't talk to him and tell him not to focus on her but to focus on searching.
2. He is street smart. Very much so in my opinion. He's going to keep her close even so she will eventually tell him what she knows. Another poster said this and I had thought it too, you keep your friends close but your enemies closer. He probably doesn't know at this moment if she is friend or foe, but he's going to keep her close and watch her close for anything that might lead him to Haleigh. Including watching her give interviews, he might just be waiting for her to slip up enough.

That's just my own opinion as of right now, it could change of course.

I agree with everything you said. It seems to me (and I'm definitely in the minority here), that if Ron had anything to do with this, he wouldn't come out and say he thought LE, FDLE, etc were doing a good job (in the presser yesterday). He would be "balistic" about them not letting him back in his house, or LE coming to get him/family/Misty for interviews over and over again, or the simple fact LE hasn't cleared them. I think his actions since this happened appear to be of a man who wants his daughter found. Period. Even Crystal who seems to be very wary of Misty's statements, seems to be willing to "wait and see" if she's telling the truth because she knows how much her kids loved Misty. So if Crystal is confused on Misty's intentions, I can see where Ron and his family might be also.
I don't think he is involved in her disappearance, and agree with KAT he would bring her home if he knew where she was. I would like to hear what the ex wife said about his treatment of her when married to him and I wish we could have Tim Miller give us his read on him. I was trying to think about what it would be like to have one of my grandchildren go missing on my drive home yesterday and I couldn't even go there in pretend mode. I don't think any one of us that has never gone through this can truthfully say how we would react. I just hope this baby is brought home today.
Ron's and Misti's ages are not on trial at this point. If this turns out to be an issue related to Haleigh's disappearance then we can always open it up for more liberal discussion. but for now calling Ron names and making disparaging remarks about their age difference just isn't going to be tolerated, nor does it advance the discussion.
Name calling in general, calling people druggies, molestors just does not work for us here at WS.

Out of all the players in this tragedy, Ronnie has captured my heart. He is so typical of young men his age, in his anger and outrage over his "baby girl" being missing. How many young fathers have stepped up to the plate and taken custody of not one but two of their children. Not nearly as many as have skipped out, don't pay child support and have very little if any involvement in their child's life. I know Ronnie may not be the clean cut all American boy, but he is in my opinion he's "a diamond in the rough" far from perfect but with great possibility. God help this young man if they find his baby is no longer with us.
I don't think Ron had anything to do with his daughter's disappearance. He is getting a donated camper to stay in today instead of the tent. I think a person who watched the news station is donating it. Misty is suspect to me. She went down to the police station yesterday in the back of a car, seperate from the others. Ron and Crystal were both in the front of different cars, Ron had rode with the detective in his front seat.
I agree with what Momtective said that Ron has went above and beyond to take care and get custody of his children, more so than Crystal had tried.
Ron doesn't want his past judged as it is irrelevant to helping this case, and has said so in the media. It diverts attention from finding Haleigh. I think Misty is key she needs to talk.
Out of all the players in this tragedy, Ronnie has captured my heart. He is so typical of young men his age, in his anger and outrage over his "baby girl" being missing. How many young fathers have stepped up to the plate and taken custody of not one but two of their children. Not nearly as many as have skipped out, don't pay child support and have very little if any involvement in their child's life. I know Ronnie may not be the clean cut all American boy, but he is in my opinion he's "a diamond in the rough" far from perfect but with great possibility. God help this young man if they find his baby is no longer with us.

ITA! I also thought it was telling in one article that Misty's father was angry at first that Ron had lied about his age but wasn't concerned anymore. Since the father had supposedly thrown Misty out of the house for drug use, that statement by him made me think he thought Ron was "clean" or in some way a good or at least a "better" influence on his daughter than she was with.

I also believe Ron isn't sure if the child he "possibly" has with the other girl is his because she apparently hasn't filed for child support which would, I think, trigger a DNA test (like it did in his custody battle with Crystal). I believe I read that he and Crystal were never married either.
Out of all the players in this tragedy, Ronnie has captured my heart. He is so typical of young men his age, in his anger and outrage over his "baby girl" being missing. How many young fathers have stepped up to the plate and taken custody of not one but two of their children. Not nearly as many as have skipped out, don't pay child support and have very little if any involvement in their child's life. I know Ronnie may not be the clean cut all American boy, but he is in my opinion he's "a diamond in the rough" far from perfect but with great possibility. God help this young man if they find his baby is no longer with us.

Yes, thank you :clap:
I just wanted to post my thoughts on Ron this morning. My heart goes out to him and his family, and prayers for his precious daughters return. He has truly shown America his compassion to get his daughter back. He has cried, been angry, cursed, sad, numb, and dedicated every day to finding her, even begging searchers to not stop searching. That is the PROPER way to show grief over having a child disappear! Unlike someone else we all know.
I just wanted to post my thoughts on Ron this morning. My heart goes out to him and his family, and prayers for his precious daughters return. He has truly shown America his compassion to get his daughter back. He has cried, been angry, cursed, sad, numb, and dedicated every day to finding her, even begging searchers to not stop searching. That is the PROPER way to show grief over having a child disappear! Unlike someone else we all know.

I agree releedep with what you've said about his behavior. I also noticed that as time has passed this last week and a half, he looks drawn through his face as if he's losing weight (IMHO) and he face even looked ashen to me (lack of sleep, not eating, anxiety IMHO). His demeanor has changed as well, anger and outbursts to soft spoken and barely moving his mouth when he speaks ( it's so painful to talk about his daughter being missing that it almost hurts to move his mouth IMHO).

That is interesting, but I don't have the same feeling about some of his reactions that this author does. And Ron HAS helped search, on horseback, so he is wrong about that.
I do agree that his behavior during the 911 call was strange, not just the things he said, but his whining and not wanting to talk to the operator. Some of that could be explained by his being in shock and not completely absorbing the reality yet that his little girl is missing. As to falling to his knees at one point, I don't find that odd. He is probably a very emotional person, this reaction is one that immature people might have. Someone not quite grown up and trying to be and appear a loving parent.
But I do not yet suspect Ron as doing anything to hurt Haleigh. Just a feeling, which could change at any moment.
OTOH, Misty is baffling to me, not particularly her body language but just the way she talks and closing her eyes when she is asked a question. That tells me that the person is trying to think, to form their answers, yet she doesn't do a very good job at it. I don't think she is guilty either, other than I don't think she is being totally truthful... I still think she left the home for a few hours and does not want to admit it. But I think her concern for the child is genuine, she does seem to love the kids.
Sorry this is so long.... just my thoughts.
I have made my feelings known about Ron in other threads, but will weigh in. My initial gut instinct on Ron the day the case broke, was that he was guilty. I was on the phone with my sister, playfully scolding her for calling during the first five minutes of Nancy Grace. I was viewing the clip of Ron crying and I told my sister, "Uh, oh, the dad is guilty."

I then allowed myself to be swayed a little by posts claiming how sincere he was, but I knew deep down something was off. I never completely believed his innocense, but knew Misty was lying from the start.

By day 3 or 4 of the case, after reading a few clever posts here, the wheels started turning. The first was a post saying Ron said way too many times "I was at work, I was at work, I was at work." Then there was Lancelotlink's post, and a couple other ones, (I will see if I can find them), and a huge lightbulb went on in my head, knocking Misty out of the main suspect position and moving Ron in, with Misty as something of an accomplice, but not sure as to what extent.

I do not believe Ron's account of the night Haleigh went missing. I believe Ron either left for work later than he says, came home during the shift, or came home from work early. I think he is not crying for his daughter, but is trying to perform. I think he is trying too hard to behave like an innocent person. When he looks at the camera (because he may have read guilty people look down a lot, like he and Misty did in the beginning), he seems to be making too great an effort, (the video where he is walking with his arm around Misty and the Greta interview are examples of this), almost as if he is challenging the camera, staring it down.

And, like the body language expert said, "He is fascinating to watch." To me, he is also terrifying to watch.

I think LE is keeping things close to the vest for many reasons.

Except for the fact that LE has checked him out and confirmed that he WAS at work, and they are satisfied that he was working the whole time. If this were not the case, they would not have made that statement several times, that his alibi is solid... he was working and not at home at the time of the disappearance.
Except for the fact that LE has checked him out and confirmed that he WAS at work, and they are satisfied that he was working the whole time. If this were not the case, they would not have made that statement several times, that his alibi is solid... he was working and not at home at the time of the disappearance.

The only statement by LE that I know of involving Ron being at work, was at a presser, and even that left questions. Do you know of others? TIA.
Except for the fact that LE has checked him out and confirmed that he WAS at work, and they are satisfied that he was working the whole time. If this were not the case, they would not have made that statement several times, that his alibi is solid... he was working and not at home at the time of the disappearance.

Since we don't know the exact time that Haleigh disappeared, it is possible that something happened before he went to work and he went to work to create an alibi when the story came out. He kept emphasizing that he was at work, and maybe he was. But, then, maybe he wasn't when it happened, only later.
The first was a post saying Ron said way too many times "I was at work, I was at work, I was at work."

I do not believe Ron's account of the night Haleigh went missing. I believe Ron either left for work later than he says, came home during the shift, or came home from work early. I think he is not crying for his daughter, but is trying to perform. I think he is trying too hard to behave like an innocent person. When he looks at the camera (because he may have read guilty people look down a lot, like he and Misty did in the beginning), he seems to be making too great an effort, (the video where he is walking with his arm around Misty and the Greta interview are examples of this), almost as if he is challenging the camera, staring it down.

And, like the body language expert said, "He is fascinating to watch." To me, he is also terrifying to watch.

I think LE is keeping things close to the vest for many reasons.

Snipped your quote just a little! Your take on this is very interesting, very different from mine.

Don't you think it's possible that Ron was saying "I was at work." over and over because the dispatcher was asking him questions he could not possibly know the answers to? Such as "what was she wearing?"

Also, if Ron's arrival time and departure time from work were in dispute, LE would be all over him. That was surely among the first five things they checked out!!

I, too, think his body language is fascinating. He looks to me like a young man trying very, very hard to hold it together, to look macho when that is the opposite of how he feels.

Just a little comment: EyesforLies admits she isn't educated in the area of detecting lies. She just claims to be very talented at this.......but we must admit that her talent is based on subjective observations. Just as a "real" lie detector isn't 100% accurate, just as the results of a "real" lie detectors are based on the subjective opinion of the reader, her results won't be 100% accurate, either. Anytime a person's subjective opinion is involved, there is great room for error.
I think I will write to Geraldo and ask him to refrain from dragging these folks through the mud for his ratings. I read somewhere that Geraldo's teaser for tonight was something about revealing Ron's past brushes with the law.

There is no reason for this.

Geraldo put down the mic, get away from the camera and go search the woods!
Snipped your quote just a little! Your take on this is very interesting, very different from mine.

Don't you think it's possible that Ron was saying "I was at work." over and over because the dispatcher was asking him questions he could not possibly know the answers to? Such as "what was she wearing?" .

I did think that the first few days, but I couldn't stop the wheels turning in my head once I absorbed a few other posts I read here. When those posts made more sense to me, than all the others claiming his sincerity, this is the conclusion I came to, that he was building an alibi and I still believe that.

I am looking at Ron as a total package, all his actions, not a couple things he said here or a couple things he did there. And when I look at that package, I am convinced he had everything to do with Haleigh's disappearance.

Also, if Ron's arrival time and departure time from work were in dispute, LE would be all over him. That was surely among the first five things they checked out!!

Well, how do we know, that behind the scenes, LE does not already know that there is some discrepancy over the hours he worked and perhaps, they are not going to confront Ron until they have a more solid case against him? LE does not need to tell us anything, so while I hope the time he actually was physically at work that night, sure was the first five things they checked out, they know lots of things we don't know and they seem to be keeping everything close to the vest, not just Ron's working hours. There is a reason they are working on Misty and not Ron.

I, too, think his body language is fascinating. He looks to me like a young man trying very, very hard to hold it together, to look macho when that is the opposite of how he feels.

Well, this will sure make for some interesting sleuthing, won't it? We are both fascinated by his body language, yet we both see him on the polar opposite ends of guilty/not guilty.
Since we don't know the exact time that Haleigh disappeared, it is possible that something happened before he went to work and he went to work to create an alibi when the story came out. He kept emphasizing that he was at work, and maybe he was. But, then, maybe he wasn't when it happened, only later.

I thought I read he went to work at 3:45 PM. Misty had the kids out playing with her nephews at 5 - 5:30 (If I remember correctly..).
Except for the fact that LE has checked him out and confirmed that he WAS at work, and they are satisfied that he was working the whole time. If this were not the case, they would not have made that statement several times, that his alibi is solid... he was working and not at home at the time of the disappearance.

Since we don't know the exact time that Haleigh disappeared, it is possible that something happened before he went to work and he went to work to create an alibi when the story came out. He kept emphasizing that he was at work, and maybe he was. But, then, maybe he wasn't when it happened, only later.

Great answer, Annie. :)

I didn't watch the LE presser. I do not believe they would say he was at work the whole time. Didn't they just say, he was at work? Big difference, imo.

I have never once said he was not at work. Of course he was. That was his alibi. Again, along with Annie's reasoning above, I am just saying that he could have left work early or left during mid-shift. LE doesn't need to put all their cards on the table right now.

The only statement by LE that I know of involving Ron being at work, was at a presser, and even that left questions.

*snipped* Yes, I heard the same thing... that LE's response left questions. I guess I'll have to watch the presser. :)
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