Ron C.

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I have not come to any conclusion about who is involved with Haleigh's disappearance. I'm still trying to figure everything out. What I did observe about RC was his (IMO) over the top reaction during the 911 call. His anger did not sit well with me. I ask myself why it appeared to be more anger than worry. Also I had a bad feeling when I saw his first (again IMO) over the top emotions in his first interview. I took notice that his mother was present during that time. His actions reminded me of an abuser. Often an abuser will act in a similar fashion after the fact to manipulate their victim or their enable. I'm not saying I think RC was trying to cover because he did anything to Haleigh, I just got the feeling the dramatics were more for his mother's benefit than just trying to show the media his concern. Whether or not he's involved with Haleigh's disappearance--I don't know. I'm just saying I've seen this type of behavior before and I don't like where I've seen it.
My daughter went to an afterschool program that was at her school, but the lady in charge was the youth pastor for the church here in town. VERY well liked in the community...
The school sent my 5 year old home on the school bus when she should have been at the school. No one was home. When my mother in law went to school at 5:30 pm to pick her up, the church lady said shes not here...Mother in law called me at work. School got out at 2:30. I called church lady and called her every name in the book, dropped MANY F bombs. I told her I didnt care if she had to *advertiser censored*$# walk to my house, she better get her as! to walkin, and FIND MY BABY!!!!! She started crying and I thought she was laughing,and I ripped her a new one. My child had gotten off the bus and went to the next door neighbors. (thank God!!) We had just moved there, didnt know anyone in the neighborhood. Happy ending, but I know I used the worst language I could think of,and screamed at the top of my lungs at this woman for letting my girl get on the bus, when she had never ridden the bus before... I was so angry and scared. I was belligerent, and at the time, I didnt give 2 shi!s who liked me and who didnt...... so I am cutting Ron a break on this one...
I'm not at all comfortable with the statement Ron made:

"I'd give my life for my child's life back."

10 years ago a plumber caught my house on fire with a blow torch. The house started to fill with smoke immediately (house built in 1850, balloon framing, house was ablaze in minutes)... I didn't realize my son had picked up the phone and dialed 911. I picked up the phone (another extension) to dial 911 a split second later but there was no dial tone. I started screaming and swearing every swear word under the sun because I thought one of the kids left the phone off the hook. Well the dispatcher had just picked up from my son's call, heard the swearing and dispatched the police to the "domestic dispute" at my address! So I cut him a break on the swearing too.
I'm not at all comfortable with the statement Ron made:

"I'd give my life for my child's life back."

See, I have to take a step back on this, he was under alot of stress and I took it as he meant " I would give my life for my child back". I could be wrong but I'm not leaning towards him at all at this point.
I believe he is involved, in some way, shape or form! And, I will leave it at that! ;)
I have made my feelings known about Ron in other threads, but will weigh in. My initial gut instinct on Ron the day the case broke, was that he was guilty. I was on the phone with my sister, playfully scolding her for calling during the first five minutes of Nancy Grace. I was viewing the clip of Ron crying and I told my sister, "Uh, oh, the dad is guilty."

I then allowed myself to be swayed a little by posts claiming how sincere he was, but I knew deep down something was off. I never completely believed his innocense, but knew Misty was lying from the start.

By day 3 or 4 of the case, after reading a few clever posts here, the wheels started turning. The first was a post saying Ron said way too many times "I was at work, I was at work, I was at work." Then there was Lancelotlink's post, and a couple other ones, (I will see if I can find them), and a huge lightbulb went on in my head, knocking Misty out of the main suspect position and moving Ron in, with Misty as something of an accomplice, but not sure as to what extent.

I do not believe Ron's account of the night Haleigh went missing. I believe Ron either left for work later than he says, came home during the shift, or came home from work early. I think he is not crying for his daughter, but is trying to perform. I think he is trying too hard to behave like an innocent person. When he looks at the camera (because he may have read guilty people look down a lot, like he and Misty did in the beginning), he seems to be making too great an effort, (the video where he is walking with his arm around Misty and the Greta interview are examples of this), almost as if he is challenging the camera, staring it down.

And, like the body language expert said, "He is fascinating to watch." To me, he is also terrifying to watch.

I think LE is keeping things close to the vest for many reasons.
I have made my feelings known about Ron in other threads, but will weigh in. My initial gut instinct on Ron the day the case broke, was that he was guilty. I was on the phone with my sister, playfully scolding her for calling during the first five minutes of Nancy Grace. I was viewing the clip of Ron crying and I told my sister, "Uh, oh, the dad is guilty."

I then allowed myself to be swayed a little by posts claiming how sincere he was, but I knew deep down something was off. I never completely believed his innocense, but knew Misty was lying from the start.

By day 3 or 4 of the case, after reading a few clever posts here, the wheels started turning. The first was a post saying Ron said way too many times "I was at work, I was at work, I was at work." Then there was Lancelotlink's post, and a couple other ones, (I will see if I can find them), and a huge lightbulb went on in my head, knocking Misty out of the main suspect position and moving Ron in, with Misty as something of an accomplice, but not sure as to what extent.

I do not believe Ron's account of the night Haleigh went missing. I believe Ron either left for work later than he says, came home during the shift, or came home from work early. I think he is not crying for his daughter, but is trying to perform. I think he is trying too hard to behave like an innocent person. When he looks at the camera (because he may have read guilty people look down a lot, like he and Misty did in the beginning), he seems to be making too great an effort, (the video where he is walking with his arm around Misty and the Greta interview are examples of this), almost as if he is challenging the camera, staring it down.

And, like the body language expert said, "He is fascinating to watch." To me, he is also terrifying to watch.

I think LE is keeping things close to the vest for many reasons.

ITA, suzet. I think that Ron puts across terrifying vibes. And this is hard because I'm very sensitive to the fact that if I'm wrong my opinions can be hurtful to the family. I hate this part of sleuthing, but have to be real about what I feel.

It seems to me that with Ron's personality, Misty's story changes would have set him off so badly, I don't believe he would have been able to control his temper. Instead, we see him "coaching" one of the story changes in an interview ( 4 inches to 4 feet...same bed to the next bed) It doesn't fit with his personality. JMO.
ITA, suzet. I think that Ron puts across terrifying vibes. And this is hard because I'm very sensitive to the fact that if I'm wrong my opinions can be hurtful to the family. I hate this part of sleuthing, but have to be real about what I feel.

It seems to me that with Ron's personality, Misty's story changes would have set him off so badly, I don't believe he would have been able to control his temper. Instead, we see him "coaching" one of the story changes in an interview ( 4 inches to 4 feet...same bed to the next bed) It doesn't fit with his personality. JMO.

Bolded by me.

I have made my feelings known about Ron in other threads, but will weigh in. My initial gut instinct on Ron the day the case broke, was that he was guilty. I was on the phone with my sister, playfully scolding her for calling during the first five minutes of Nancy Grace. I was viewing the clip of Ron crying and I told my sister, "Uh, oh, the dad is guilty."

I then allowed myself to be swayed a little by posts claiming how sincere he was, but I knew deep down something was off. I never completely believed his innocense, but knew Misty was lying from the start.

By day 3 or 4 of the case, after reading a few clever posts here, the wheels started turning. The first was a post saying Ron said way too many times "I was at work, I was at work, I was at work." Then there was Lancelotlink's post, and a couple other ones, (I will see if I can find them), and a huge lightbulb went on in my head, knocking Misty out of the main suspect position and moving Ron in, with Misty as something of an accomplice, but not sure as to what extent.

I do not believe Ron's account of the night Haleigh went missing. I believe Ron either left for work later than he says, came home during the shift, or came home from work early. I think he is not crying for his daughter, but is trying to perform. I think he is trying too hard to behave like an innocent person. When he looks at the camera (because he may have read guilty people look down a lot, like he and Misty did in the beginning), he seems to be making too great an effort, (the video where he is walking with his arm around Misty and the Greta interview are examples of this), almost as if he is challenging the camera, staring it down.

And, like the body language expert said, "He is fascinating to watch." To me, he is also terrifying to watch.

I think LE is keeping things close to the vest for many reasons.
(bold mine)

Yes...I think that LE's statement that " a child's life is in danger" could have a dual meaning here. JMO.
ITA, suzet. I think that Ron puts across terrifying vibes. And this is hard because I'm very sensitive to the fact that if I'm wrong my opinions can be hurtful to the family. I hate this part of sleuthing, but have to be real about what I feel.

It seems to me that with Ron's personality, Misty's story changes would have set him off so badly, I don't believe he would have been able to control his temper. Instead, we see him "coaching" one of the story changes in an interview ( 4 inches to 4 feet...same bed to the next bed) It doesn't fit with his personality. JMO.

I know what you mean. I feel bad discussing it this way, but don't know how else to get the theories out.

About Misty's story changes. I agree with you on the coaching. I think Misty's story changes are at Ron's whims when he realizes the old scenarios are not panning out. So she's the one made to look like the bad guy and he is the one gaining sympathy. It is the finger pointing to Misty that is going to be Ron's downfall. When she finally realizes she can go to jail for something she did not directly do, she will turn him in. I am convinced of it. LE needs to separate the two. She needs to know he can't harm her. Granted, even after that, I can see her visiting him in jail and possibly marrying him, unfortunately, but I don't think she is infatuated with him to the point of taking the fall for him.
I think he is not crying for his daughter, but is trying to perform. I think he is trying too hard to behave like an innocent person.
Yes, suzet. You said it better than I did in an earlier post. When I heard him tell the 911 operator, "You can record this", I felt he was trying to act the way he thought a innocent father would act and he wanted to make sure it was on record. And, again, I have seen tears like the ones I saw in his first interview. You'd be surprised how well an abuser can turn tears like that on in front of their victim or their enabler. (mother, grandmother) I may be way off base, but I've seen this behavior before and the outcome was very heartbreaking.
Hi Winter :) Bold is mine.

Is it known for sure that Misty had been gone for three days? The only thing I have heard is her statement on video that she watched the kids 24/7 every day unless they were with their mother.

As per the gun being stolen...I have not heard that it was "the cousin and him" rather that the person who did have an argument over the gun was not yet named publicly and was "missing".

I too think that whomever had the argument with Ron over the gun the night before could very well have done this in retaliation. It would explain Ron's statements on the 911 call about killing "him" and shooting him even if he were in the back of a cop car.

The gun incident happened weeks ago as per a local reporter on Fox News this morning.
Ron's and Misti's ages are not on trial at this point. If this turns out to be an issue related to Haleigh's disappearance then we can always open it up for more liberal discussion. but for now calling Ron names and making disparaging remarks about their age difference just isn't going to be tolerated, nor does it advance the discussion.
Name calling in general, calling people druggies, molestors just does not work for us here at WS.
Yes, suzet. You said it better than I did in an earlier post. When I heard him tell the 911 operator, "You can record this", I felt he was trying to act the way he thought a innocent father would act and he wanted to make sure it was on record. And, again, I have seen tears like the ones I saw in his first interview. You'd be surprised how well an abuser can turn tears like that on in front of their victim or their enabler. (mother, grandmother) I may be way off base, but I've seen this behavior before and the outcome was very heartbreaking.

My bolding
That statement struck me as odd, too, as if he is well aware of the recording of 911 calls (aren't we all now) and was putting on an act. And his rage seemed overdone, even considering the situation and the "someone stole my daughter" was like setting up a scenario. Some people would have just said my daughter is gone, my daughter is missing, I can't find my daughter, etc.

But why, how, who, and why again would he have done anything to her?

I feel bad acting so judgemental, too, and I am making an effort to stop. But these things did stand out at me.
Im not sure how I feel about Ron. I mean, I feel sorry for him and his family for what they are going through BUT I get a weird vibe from him. I hate feeling that way but Ron (and the people around him) remind of my ex BF and his family...they put the FUNC in dysfunctional.

My ex was very charming in the beginning BUT I eventually realized that he was/is very hot headed, he preys on women that he thinks he can control, his family makes excuses for him, has "poor me syndrome", very emotionally & mentally abusive, etc.

Right before I kicked him to the curb, he decided that he wanted custody of his daughter...not because he actually wanted the child BUT because he wanted to "hurt" the mother in some way, shape or form and he "wanted the b*tch to pay child support to him". He had neverpaid child support for this child, never bought her the necessities (clothes, pull ups, food) AND on the weekends that he got visitation, the child was with HIS parents but to hear him talk, you'd think he was the best daddy ever. During the custody fight, him and his mom called DCFS a bunch of times on the mother....making horrible things up...just so it would be brought up in court OR it would finally break the mother down and she'd give up. The only reason I stayed with him for as long as I did was because of that little girl but I couldn't take it anymore...the lies he was telling and I had my own child to think about. He even tried to get me to agree to let him stay here until the Guardian Ad Litem assigned to the case came to visit...NOPE I wasn't playing that game. I had to go to depositions for the case and he eventually gave up when his lawyer told him A) he'd lose if it went to court B) would have to pay her around $400/month in child support and C) he was dropping him as a client for lying and not showing proof of any his claims.

Then it was time for our child support hearing. He had threatened too blow my house up amoung other things. He was a big talker and he knew I wouldn't put up with the crap that the mother of his daughter did (I had kept very detailed notes about everything and he knew it) so he left town...ran from paying for 2 yrs. They finally caught up with him in another state & I've only heard from him 3 times in the 8 1/2 yrs since we've split. He never asked about his was always "can you help me get out of paying child's not fair" Whatever. None of his family has ever called to check on my son during this time either and it all boils down to me not doing what THEY wanted me too...I wasn't weak. The only thing my son knows about this family is when they were on the news. Their other son (my son's uncle) was arrested for the brutal beating and death of a helpless, elderly man in his parent's backyard. Like I said...dysfunctional. They lived by a paper mill too...wonder if its something in the air. :waitasec: (No offense to others that live by paper mills)

Sorry if this has been TMI but all I'm sayin' is that just because Ron has custody of those 2 kids...doesn't necessarily make him a "good man" I hope that he is but the dynamics of this family hits home and I'm having doubts.
I don't think Ron had anything at all to do with Haleigh's disappearance. I can piece things together and understand why he was angry. He seems to be taking advice and doing what he can to find Haleigh. The only thing I might criticize is his allowing someone he hasn't known very long to take care of his kids, especially after he did call Misti a couple of names in the 911. That made it seem like there might have already been quite a bit of trouble in the relationship and if he had been questioning if she was responsible or really what he called her.
Im not sure how I feel about Ron. I mean, I feel sorry for him and his family for what they are going through BUT I get a weird vibe from him. I hate feeling that way but Ron (and the people around him) remind of my ex BF and his family...they put the FUNC in dysfunctional.

My ex was very charming in the beginning BUT I eventually realized that he was/is very hot headed, he preys on women that he thinks he can control, his family makes excuses for him, has "poor me syndrome", very emotionally & mentally abusive, etc.

Right before I kicked him to the curb, he decided that he wanted custody of his daughter...not because he actually wanted the child BUT because he wanted to "hurt" the mother in some way, shape or form and he "wanted the b*tch to pay child support to him". He had neverpaid child support for this child, never bought her the necessities (clothes, pull ups, food) AND on the weekends that he got visitation, the child was with HIS parents but to hear him talk, you'd think he was the best daddy ever. During the custody fight, him and his mom called DCFS a bunch of times on the mother....making horrible things up...just so it would be brought up in court OR it would finally break the mother down and she'd give up. The only reason I stayed with him for as long as I did was because of that little girl but I couldn't take it anymore...the lies he was telling and I had my own child to think about. He even tried to get me to agree to let him stay here until the Guardian Ad Litem assigned to the case came to visit...NOPE I wasn't playing that game. I had to go to depositions for the case and he eventually gave up when his lawyer told him A) he'd lose if it went to court B) would have to pay her around $400/month in child support and C) he was dropping him as a client for lying and not showing proof of any his claims.

Then it was time for our child support hearing. He had threatened too blow my house up amoung other things. He was a big talker and he knew I wouldn't put up with the crap that the mother of his daughter did (I had kept very detailed notes about everything and he knew it) so he left town...ran from paying for 2 yrs. They finally caught up with him in another state & I've only heard from him 3 times in the 8 1/2 yrs since we've split. He never asked about his was always "can you help me get out of paying child's not fair" Whatever. None of his family has ever called to check on my son during this time either and it all boils down to me not doing what THEY wanted me too...I wasn't weak. The only thing my son knows about this family is when they were on the news. Their other son (my son's uncle) was arrested for the brutal beating and death of a helpless, elderly man in his parent's backyard. Like I said...dysfunctional. They lived by a paper mill too...wonder if its something in the air. :waitasec: (No offense to others that live by paper mills)

Sorry if this has been TMI but all I'm sayin' is that just because Ron has custody of those 2 kids...doesn't necessarily make him a "good man" I hope that he is but the dynamics of this family hits home and I'm having doubts.

You have really been through it. I'm sorry for that. I'm glad you had the strength and the wisdom to get away when you did. I worked in DV for 12 years and we had too many clients killed after they came to see us. They never thought it would happen to them. I also saw what you talk about, abusers who got custody of the children just to hurt the mother; he never wanted them. And they were always the ones with the cash to hire an attorney to help them do it. Ugh...bad stuff...glad I am in a new career now.
I truly believe that Ron is innocent in any wrong doing in this instance. I believe his love and desparation to have his daughter back is sincere. I also believe that he is likely abusive to Missi..She seems a bit dim and he shows a mean temper. Being a swear box is no big deal,( I'm one) but he gives me the vibe of being mean if provoked. Maybe he has his girlfriend so scared she is messing up her story. I would be scared of him....
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