Ron C.

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feline,I just went back and read your post about calling it a break in even if door wasn't broken.That's a very good point and I would say that too,didn't think of it.Someone broke in,because they weren't asked,that's so true,thanks.Sometimes I look too deeply.
I wonder if they were upset because he hadn't given them that paper of names on it that he gave them today?It looked like it was very well worn,with something he's went over and over for it to look like that.

Oh, That could well be the case. They maybe asked for it on Sat night when Geraldo's show brought this up. And he's probably been mulling it over very carefully.

For instance, if there is someone Ron might be curious about, think is possibly the abductor, and he doesn't write his name down, it could come back and nip him in the buttinski. If the police already know about someone and ask Ron why he excluded their name it could make Ron look bad, not wanting to give LE the name of a friend who would suddenly be in the hot seat.

Just an example, and not a very good one as it is time to hit the hay! See you tomorrow xox
Maybe he didn't want to turn it over,because it would be names of past drug connections or family,something of that nature.I'm checking out for the night,rest my brain.TAlk tomorrow,night.
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: :clap: :clap::clap: :clap::clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Thank you, TGIRecovered. :eek:
I like to throw out thoughts of anyone that hasn't been cleared.I try to put out a theory if he's,or she's quilty,putting why I might consider that.I don't want to upset anyone,I just want to examine all angles.I'm considering Misty more,but I still like to explore all possibilties without someone being upset with me.It stifles my thought pattern on ideas.
(emphasis mine)
Exactly. :bow:

Sadly, there are myriad elements that make me equally distrustful of all parties in this horrible drama. I swear, I must switch my favorite theory of whodunnit every hour. :crazy:

It's great to have advocates leaning toward various ones, but I'm uncomfortable with bandwagons or unequal protection from accountability and supposition without an objective reason established for it... Like LE saying that one party is no longer a POI.

Another consideration to ponder is that, beyond just searching for clues as to whodunnit, there can also be value in our being forthright as a culture in taking (careful and judicious) stands against negligent parenting when we see it. The Octo-mom case as an example: the "guilt" is a done deal, yet it's still beneficial for everyone to see society stand strong for what is acceptable and against what isn't.

I'm just in a mood lately, with the last year's events - flds, Caylee, Octomom, the 13 y/daddy, and this... We seem to have an epidemic of egregiously irresponsible parents treating children as chattel or worse, and I hate to see us ever be complacent or whitewash it when we see it. :eek:
Thank you, TGIRecovered. :eek:

(emphasis mine)
Exactly. :bow:

Sadly, there are myriad elements that make me equally distrustful of all parties in this horrible drama. I swear, I must switch my favorite theory of whodunnit every hour. :crazy:

It's great to have advocates leaning toward various ones, but I'm uncomfortable with bandwagons or unequal protection from accountability and supposition without an objective reason established for it... Like LE saying that one party is no longer a POI.


<repectfully snipped>

You've just summed up my feelings on this case as well, Jholi. It's difficult for me to get a read on things, because all the players seem to have something about them that's a cause for concern here. What a tragic mess. :(
This is what I mean by the double standard of judgment here I don't understand. These sorts of smears against Haleigh's mother are rampant and unchallenged. But saying the same sorts of things about Ron evokes accusations of "berating a victim" and/or making assumptions without proof.

Seriously, I don't understand why it's seen as "kicking a man when he's down" when it's the daddy, but A-OK when it's the mother?

Well said!!!!!
The longer this drags on the more I am leaning to it being someone that Ron pizzed off...and this person knew the best way to get revenge was to take "his heart". Even in the 911 call it sounds like he has an idea of who it is. I think it was probably someone he ratted out trying to stay out of trouble himself.
The longer this drags on the more I am leaning to it being someone that Ron pizzed off...and this person knew the best way to get revenge was to take "his heart". Even in the 911 call it sounds like he has an idea of who it is. I think it was probably someone he ratted out trying to stay out of trouble himself.

If that's the case then it's probably not good for Haleigh.
If that's the case then it's probably not good for Haleigh.

I have not thought it was good for Haleigh since day 1. I find it very interesting that he gave LE the "paper" yesterday with the info that he has been keeping. Hopefully that will get things moving.
Ok, I was searching around other forums :eek:nline: just trying desperately to learn something NEW. I came across something which is a *rumor* (kinda wish we had a rumor thread) about Ron being on a surveillance tape at a convenience store at 2:00 am on the night Haleigh disappeared. SS have we actually heard for sure he was at work the whole time? Maybe this has already been addressed here and I missed it.

It could be the time wasn't changed on the camera,we fall back in the Fall,time could have actually been 3am,depending where it was,he gets off at 3am.If this is a true finding of LE's,then that means they're really doing a thorough checking on everybody's whereabouts,even cameras at stores in areas.I could see that.

If the camera time hadn't been changed in the Fall, wouldn't RC actually been seen at 1AM ?
This is what I mean by the double standard of judgment here I don't understand. These sorts of smears against Haleigh's mother are rampant and unchallenged. But saying the same sorts of things about Ron evokes accusations of "berating a victim" and/or making assumptions without proof.

Seriously, I don't understand why it's seen as "kicking a man when he's down" when it's the daddy, but A-OK when it's the mother?

Wow, I thought I was the only one noticing a pattern here...

I like to throw out thoughts of anyone that hasn't been cleared.I try to put out a theory if he's,or she's quilty,putting why I might consider that.I don't want to upset anyone,I just want to examine all angles.I'm considering Misty more,but I still like to explore all possibilties without someone being upset with me.It stifles my thought pattern on ideas.

Right, getting :slap: for a differnent opinion or view gets old...
I have not thought it was good for Haleigh since day 1. I find it very interesting that he gave LE the "paper" yesterday with the info that he has been keeping. Hopefully that will get things moving.

Are we sure the paper had info he had been keeping? Maybe it was a limerick or poem... ;) Seriously though, how are we sure what that the paper had on it?
Are we sure the paper had info he had been keeping? Maybe it was a limerick or poem... ;) Seriously though, how are we sure what that the paper had on it?

Oh I don't know I just like to make stuff up...lmao... I kid. There is a link saying that was what it was...let me lookie for it.
Based on the article, I took it that it was a paper with notes Ron has been taking during the investigation. Maybe different things he has heard, things LE has told him, information about where they have searched.

Are we sure the paper had info he had been keeping? Maybe it was a limerick or poem... ;) Seriously though, how are we sure what that the paper had on it?
Ron's Dropped/abandoned Drug Charges

This is how it can be done under Florida law...


Options to Resolve Drug Possession Cases

Pretrial Diversion
Pretrial Diversion is a diversionary program run by the State Attorney's Office and is usually reserved for first time, nonviolent offenders. The diversion program is similar to probation, in that once you are accepted into the program you must report once a month to a supervising officer, undergo random drug testing, complete community service hours, and refrain from being involved in any criminal activity. Additionally, Pretrial Diversion requires the permission of the victim of the crime you are accused of committing. Your charges will be dropped upon successful completion of Pretrial Diversion.


Successful Completion of Pretrial Diversion

"...These procedures should be followed when the defendant successfully completes pretrial
diversion and the state attorney subsequently drops the charge(s):
The Prosecutor Final Decision Date (page 78) should be changed to reflect the date the
paperwork is filed which dismisses the case;
The Final Action by the Prosecutor (page 79) should be changed to reflect code "O"
(nolle prosequi) or "L" (dropped/abandoned) depending upon the type of dismissal filed"
Thank you for this information, that explains alot about what we have been reading on the court documents.

Ron's Dropped/abandoned Drug Charges

This is how it can be done under Florida law...


Options to Resolve Drug Possession Cases

Pretrial Diversion
Pretrial Diversion is a diversionary program run by the State Attorney's Office and is usually reserved for first time, nonviolent offenders. The diversion program is similar to probation, in that once you are accepted into the program you must report once a month to a supervising officer, undergo random drug testing, complete community service hours, and refrain from being involved in any criminal activity. Additionally, Pretrial Diversion requires the permission of the victim of the crime you are accused of committing. Your charges will be dropped upon successful completion of Pretrial Diversion.


Successful Completion of Pretrial Diversion

"...These procedures should be followed when the defendant successfully completes pretrial
diversion and the state attorney subsequently drops the charge(s):
The Prosecutor Final Decision Date (page 78) should be changed to reflect the date the
paperwork is filed which dismisses the case;
The Final Action by the Prosecutor (page 79) should be changed to reflect code "O"
(nolle prosequi) or "L" (dropped/abandoned) depending upon the type of dismissal filed"
is usually reserved for first time

Well that might cover one set of charges, but how about the other one?
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