Ron Cummings Arrested 2009.08.06 RE: Battery involving brother-in-law #2

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Ron uses drugs. Look at his eye for goodness sake. That's a fact to look at. No words or confusion. It's a picture and if you zoom it, you see a dilated eyeball of RC. Everyone should read up on this stuff if you don't know how to spot it. Google it.

Drugs can dilate eyes, true, but just because someone has dilated pupils doesn't ensure that they are on drugs. Speaking from experience: I'm not a drug user, but I do have enlarged pupils where my eyes look far more dilated than the norm. Mother nature just made my eyes that way. Now, I am not saying that Ron has naturally enlarged pupils, but there is that possibility. Instantly assuming he is drugged up, based on his eyes, just doesn't work.
You are right....none of us have proof that RC abused his children.

I can safely say that he is a man not in control of his emotions and lacks emotional maturity. The combination of these two does not lead one down the path that he is able to suddenly be in control of his emotions around little ones.

The latest incident reveals something about his lack of self-control....not shocking or surprising to many.

I really don't see how you say he lacks emotional maturity. He was the primary caregiver for two young children from a very early age, and apparently took the role on knowing that the mother was unfit. I don't know many men his age that would have taken on that responsibility, and IMO, it demonstrates emotional maturity.

The latest "incident" is nothing but an allegation at this stage. Just like the crazy allegations that Kim & Crystal made about him, which were not only never proven, but never even pursued.....note that Crystal NEVER filed for custody of RJ, even though she "alleged" RC was an abusive father on national tv over and over.
, are right! The facts really do keep slipping away.

Ron shoved HC2...RC was the one who initiated contact!!!

Thank you for pointing that out..

Did you witness this incident? How can you say RC initiated contact if you weren't a witness to it???
Good lord in heaven RC is all of 25 years old. When someone threatens him at his home, refuses to leave and then pushes him it is 100% acceptable to strike back. HC2 was trespassing, and committed assault and battery against RC while doing so. RC has the right to defend himself.

RC went into the house after he was punched a few times by HC2. HC2 got into his vehicle but kept running his mouth, trying to entice more fighting. He got what he asked for and I don't see any bruises, red marks, or wounds on him. His sister has asked the authorities to keep him away from her and bailed out her husband.

How does RC get the bully reputation here? All the men I know would have taken a few teeth as souvenirs from someone like HC2 when they were young.

HC2 should be charged as well as HC1, they both threw punches while trespassing.

And as far as GMS "controlling" anyone, I don't buy it. She offered them a place to live. She is a good grandma and she loves RC.

I guess we live in different worlds. None of the men in my life would have reacted that way. They talk to solve problems. I have been married to my husband for a very long time, and he has never been in a physical fight the whole time I have known him. I grew up with a father who would have fought , especially if he was drinking. You never knew what was going to happen next. It isn't easy on children. It was much harder at home in privacy than it was in public. But I am not in that world any more. Words are so much better than fists.
Ron is the one that offered up the info that he initiated contact by pushing HC2 out of the way, because he thought HC2 was about to hit him. That is when the physical fight started:,0,2838890.story

"He said that he asked Hank Jr to get out of his face and he then came closer. He thought he was going to hit him so he pushed him out of the way. He said that Hank Jr then hit him after Ronald pushed him and the physical altercation began. He said that Hank Sr then entered the fight and held him while Hank Jr hit him. Ronald completed a sworn written statement in reference to the incident and also signed charging affidavits against Hank Croslin Jr and Sr for battery."

That is the quote from the arrest report, apparently from RC's statement. If RC is to be believed, it seems the Croslins were trespassing, and the "in the face" business can be an "assault" all by itself (at least where I come from). It seems RC felt threatened, and rightfully so....two uninvited men and a woman confronting him on his own property and refusing to leave when asked to do so. It seems he felt threatened and was within his rights to push Jr. Croslin, and if Jr. was a normal person, he would have left the property when asked. They obviously know the number for LE and there is no reason they couldn't have called earlier, rather than showing up and trespassing and punching RC, if they believed Misty was genuinely being held against her will (which she obviously wasn't!).

I'd be surprised if the prosecution proceeds with the case against RC and hope they take action to stop the Croslins from trespassing and assaulting Ron again.
I guess we live in different worlds. None of the men in my life would have reacted that way. They talk to solve problems. I have been married to my husband for a very long time, and he has never been in a physical fight the whole time I have known him. I grew up with a father who would have fought , especially if he was drinking. You never knew what was going to happen next. It isn't easy on children. It was much harder at home in privacy than it was in public. But I am not in that world any more. Words are so much better than fists.

Are you saying that if 2 drunk men showed up at your house, on your property, in the middle of the night, and were trying to take you away against your will, your husband would just try to "talk" to the intruders? What if he felt physically threatened by them, and at the same time they were trying to shove you in a van? No disrespect intended, but in the circumstances in which RC found himself, I think many honourable men would react the same way RC did to someone trying to remove their wife from her home against her will. And if my husband just let the men take me after not having any success "talking" to them, I'd get myself a divorce!! I guess we all do live in different worlds.
Ron is the one that offered up the info that he initiated contact by pushing HC2 out of the way, because he thought HC2 was about to hit him. That is when the physical fight started:,0,2838890.story

if sombody comes on my property and gets in my face, im going to push
that was not invited in the first place

so, i can go to my sister in law house in fl. go on her property get in her face, she pushes me away, I punch her, then i can run to the gas station and call le, and she going to jail.
that does not make any sence to me
Are you saying that if 2 drunk men showed up at your house, on your property, in the middle of the night, and were trying to take you away against your will, your husband would just try to "talk" to the intruders? What if he felt physically threatened by them, and at the same time they were trying to shove you in a van? No disrespect intended, but in the circumstances in which RC found himself, I think many honourable men would react the same way RC did to someone trying to remove their wife from her home against her will. And if my husband just let the men take me after not having any success "talking" to them, I'd get myself a divorce!! I guess we all do live in different worlds.

If two men showed up on our property truly uninvited and their intent was to take me against my will, my husband wouldn't have me out in the driveway in the middle of the chaos. He would have told me to stay in the house and to call the police while he made sure no one came in the house. One can protect your family members without a family brawl in the yard. If they attempted to kick in the door to my house before the cops could get there, they would be shot. That is not what happened here. Nothing rose to that level. Hank has no bruises, Ron has no bruises, Misty has no injuries from being drug about the yard and physically forced into a vehicle.

The longer I read this thread the more obvious it becomes to me that everyone (myself included) are taking sides about who is "right" in this situation. None of them are right. Every single one of them, Misty included, has actively contributed to this situation.

Neither Ron or Hank Jr are angels. Their records and run ins with the law speak for themselves. We don't know who was justified in what, we don't know why Hank Jr went there- to argue with Ron and win some dumb *advertiser censored* arguement, or to help his sister. We don't know whether Ron was shoved first or if he came out of the house charging like a bull because he was going to finish some dumb *advertiser censored* arguement with Hank.

I would guess the blame falls pretty equally among the players.

This is a drama loving crowd with a lllllloooooonnnnnggg history of events like this occuring with multiple variations of the players involved. This probably won't be the last one.

If Ron truly had nothing to do with Haleigh disappearing he should get himself away from this crowd ASAP before he ends up doing some serious time. He really can't afford the drama that Misty and her family bring with them, not when he has plenty of his own and bad temper to top it off with. But he won't. And this won't end well. For any of them.
If two men showed up on our property truly uninvited and their intent was to take me against my will, my husband wouldn't have me out in the driveway in the middle of the chaos. He would have told me to stay in the house and to call the police while he made sure no one came in the house. One can protect your family members without a family brawl in the yard. If they attempted to kick in the door to my house before the cops could get there, they would be shot. That is not what happened here. Nothing rose to that level. Hank has no bruises, Ron has no bruises, Misty has no injuries from being drug about the yard and physically forced into a vehicle.

The longer I read this thread the more obvious it becomes to me that everyone (myself included) are taking sides about who is "right" in this situation. None of them are right. Every single one of them, Misty included, has actively contributed to this situation.

Neither Ron or Hank Jr are angels. Their records and run ins with the law speak for themselves. We don't know who was justified in what, we don't know why Hank Jr went there- to argue with Ron and win some dumb *advertiser censored* arguement, or to help his sister. We don't know whether Ron was shoved first or if he came out of the house charging like a bull because he was going to finish some dumb *advertiser censored* arguement with Hank.

I would guess the blame falls pretty equally among the players.

This is a drama loving crowd with a lllllloooooonnnnnggg history of events like this occuring with multiple variations of the players involved. This probably won't be the last one.

If Ron truly had nothing to do with Haleigh disappearing he should get himself away from this crowd ASAP before he ends up doing some serious time. He really can't afford the drama that Misty and her family bring with them, not when he has plenty of his own and bad temper to top it off with. But he won't. And this won't end well. For any of them.

ITA re Ron should get away from the craziness....but unfortunately we can't choose our family, and Misty's family is now also his family and he is kind of stuck with them.

But I don't agree that the fault is at all Ron's, at least from what I've read and heard. Ron was at home, minding his own business, and had these people not shown up in the middle of the night, this would not have happened. When they became aware they were not welcome, they should have left immediately, and if they were truly concerned for Misty, they could have called LE. I don't believe Misty called them, as she had the perfect opportunity to get away from Ron when he was taken into custody, and she did the exact opposite by bailing him out.
If the Croslins would have called LE, then people would be jumping all over that fact. People would be asking why the Croslin's just did not go over there instead of calling LE.

I seriously doubt that. Showing up at someone's home uninvited, for a confrontation with a family member, in the middle of the night, knowing that a child and grandmother live there, is just not right, and I think all the posters here know that. If they were truly concerned for Misty, I believe they would have called LE rather than heading over there for a confrontation with Ron.
The question seems to be What is the reason the Croslins came over?

No matter what you believe, it revolves around Misty....AGAIN!
1. Croslins wanted her to go with them
2. Ron believes they were trying to abduct her..

Which one is it?..........hmmmmm...not very difficult when you think about it, is it?

Your mind has to go to the place of "Why did they want Misty to go with them?
1...because they are kidnappers w/o a reason
2...they are a cult and want her to join
3...they are in fear for their daughter/sister

hmmmmm....not a difficult story to figure out for me.

I'd add these as possibilities...
4. they were drunk
5. they think Misty can make some money from this and they want a piece of it
6. they are craving attention and want their 15 minutes.

I'd guess that 4-6 apply.
ITA re Ron should get away from the craziness....but unfortunately we can't choose our family, and Misty's family is now also his family and he is kind of stuck with them.

But I don't agree that the fault is at all Ron's, at least from what I've read and heard. Ron was at home, minding his own business, and had these people not shown up in the middle of the night, this would not have happened. When they became aware they were not welcome, they should have left immediately, and if they were truly concerned for Misty, they could have called LE. I don't believe Misty called them, as she had the perfect opportunity to get away from Ron when he was taken into custody, and she did the exact opposite by bailing him out.

There are several assumptions in your post. We have no idea if Misty called or what Ron was doing or had done.

Ron has choices in life just like everyone else.

And you can't choose who you are related to but when your family is toxic and destroying your life you can choose (there's that word again) to not be around them. Been there done that.

Ron could have chosen to call 911 before charging out the door.
And if that call existed he probably wouldn't be up on charges even if the rest of the story went down exactly the same.

Ron can choose to not be involved with Misty anymore.

The Croslins had choices too and depending on what the prosecutor says they may be facing charges too. Nobody in this situation is without fault, except for the kids.

And I am sorry anyone that thinks Misty bailing Ron out of jail is proof that she is not in an abusive situation (and I am not saying she is, just commenting on the logic) needs to read up on battered spouses. I would be willing to bet my house that the vast majority of domestic abusers are bailed out by the battered spouse. It is a complicated dynamic, if it wasn't you wouldn't see the battered person hanging around for so long.
I'd add these as possibilities...
4. they were drunk
5. they think Misty can make some money from this and they want a piece of it
6. they are craving attention and want their 15 minutes.

I'd guess that 4-6 apply.


I don't remember this detail - can you please provide a link to where you read or heard it ? tia
There are several assumptions in your post. We have no idea if Misty called or what Ron was doing or had done.

Ron has choices in life just like everyone else.

And you can't choose who you are related to but when your family is toxic and destroying your life you can choose (there's that word again) to not be around them. Been there done that.
Ron could have chosen to call 911 before charging out the door.
And if that call existed he probably wouldn't be up on charges even if the rest of the story went down exactly the same.

Ron can choose to not be involved with Misty anymore.

The Croslins had choices too and depending on what the prosecutor says they may be facing charges too. Nobody in this situation is without fault, except for the kids.

And I am sorry anyone that thinks Misty bailing Ron out of jail is proof that she is not in an abusive situation (and I am not saying she is, just commenting on the logic) needs to read up on battered spouses. I would be willing to bet my house that the vast majority of domestic abusers are bailed out by the battered spouse. It is a complicated dynamic, if it wasn't you wouldn't see the battered person hanging around for so long.

ITA with the bolded part....I've also removed myself from toxic family. But, thankfully they don't show up at my door in numbers in the middle of the night wanting a confrontation with me. It's not Ron who went to their home, they went to his home, uninvited and unwelcome by all accounts.

Yes, he could have called 911, but I can understand someone hesitating before calling 911 on their own in-laws....perhaps he was hoping it could be settled without LE, and wasn't expecting them to physically threaten him (which he says they did "in my face").

I also agree that some abused women stand by their men....but I see zero, zip, zilch, evidence that Misty is or has been abused in any way by Ron. I get the feeling she's got a lot more power in the relationship than you give her credit for. And, I think she's doing exactly what you suggested....cutting herself off from her toxic family by taking out the RO, which I think is best for her and Ron and RJ and grandma.
ITA with the bolded part....I've also removed myself from toxic family. But, thankfully they don't show up at my door in numbers in the middle of the night wanting a confrontation with me. It's not Ron who went to their home, they went to his home, uninvited and unwelcome by all accounts.

Yes, he could have called 911, but I can understand someone hesitating before calling 911 on their own in-laws....perhaps he was hoping it could be settled without LE, and wasn't expecting them to physically threaten him (which he says they did "in my face").
I also agree that some abused women stand by their men....but I see zero, zip, zilch, evidence that Misty is or has been abused in any way by Ron. I get the feeling she's got a lot more power in the relationship than you give her credit for. And, I think she's doing exactly what you suggested....cutting herself off from her toxic family by taking out the RO, which I think is best for her and Ron and RJ and grandma.


And still they "hesitated" as the altercation escalated and as Ron went indoors and then back out to punch the other guy as he was trying to leave ? And they never called LE after the Croslins left ?

No, he did not. The LE Report clearly states that the deputy was not able to obtain any useful information from Haleigh's father at the scene of her alleged abduction. He was taken to LE HQ for questioning and perhaps he answered questions there. We do not have copies of those LE inteviews. However, at the crime scene, he did not provide answers to LE's questions about the his missing child and/or her disappearance.

Just as at this crime scene, he did not respond to LE's questions. Neither AS nor Misty called LE during the incident - and both Misty and AS were available to call 911. None of the residents of the home called LE after the incident to report it and ask to press charges.

This is very odd, IMO. The Cummings are not hesistant to involve LE. There are multiple recorded claims filed by one family member against another. And Ron's first response to Geraldo when he confronted him with allegations of drug use was that he would get criminal charges filed against the individuals who had provided Geraldo with that information. And yet, here we are with a fight occuring on the front yard of Ron's temporary home and no call to LE. The Cummings did not want LE at their residence that night.

The Cummings didn't want unwelcome and uninvited people showing up in the middle of the night. Who would??? A child lives in that house....the Croslins ought to know better than to show up in the middle of the night like that.

As for your suggestion the Cummings have multiple recorded claims filed by one family member against another, do you have a link? I've not seen any evidence of Ron or his mother having any claim let alone "multiple" claims against each other.
ITA with the bolded part....I've also removed myself from toxic family. But, thankfully they don't show up at my door in numbers in the middle of the night wanting a confrontation with me. It's not Ron who went to their home, they went to his home, uninvited and unwelcome by all accounts.

Yes, he could have called 911, but I can understand someone hesitating before calling 911 on their own in-laws....perhaps he was hoping it could be settled without LE, and wasn't expecting them to physically threaten him (which he says they did "in my face").

I also agree that some abused women stand by their men....but I see zero, zip, zilch, evidence that Misty is or has been abused in any way by Ron. I get the feeling she's got a lot more power in the relationship than you give her credit for. And, I think she's doing exactly what you suggested....cutting herself off from her toxic family by taking out the RO, which I think is best for her and Ron and RJ and grandma.

So Ron doesn't have to call 911 when according to you "two drunk men intent on taking his wife against her will" arrive uninvited in the middle of the night because he is hesitant to call the police on his in laws.

But the Croslin's going to check on their daughter's welfare not wanting to inflame an already rocky relationship by bringing the police to their in-law's home is ridiculous? Perhaps they were hoping it could be settled with involving the police. Perhaps they didn't expect Ron to come charging out of the house like a rabid pitbull?

This all goes back to my point that NONE of us know what occured that night and taking a position and stating it as fact does not make it true.

And I think Misty has a ton of power in this relationship. I think she is pushing a lot of people's buttons. I hope someday she does grow up and remove the toxicity from her life, I don't think she is remotely close to that at the moment.

I don't remember this detail - can you please provide a link to where you read or heard it ? tia

I added them as "possibilities". I find it hard to believe that sober middle aged people would trespass on a property where a child and grandmother resided in the middle of the night, uninvited. I don't know any sober person who'd pull a stunt like that. That's why I think it's a possibility.

And still they "hesitated" as the altercation escalated and as Ron went indoors and then back out to punch the other guy as he was trying to leave ? And they never called LE after the Croslins left ?

Not everyone would want their own family charged and put in jail and I can understand why RC didn't call LE on his own family, the immediate family of his own wife.

The Croslins on the other hand, with Hanks' weird "mistake" about RC supplying him drugs....they seem to me to be really wanting some attention and want their 15 minutes, IMO.
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