Ron Cummings Arrested 2009.08.06 RE: Battery involving brother-in-law #2

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I think when it all comes out about why the Croslins went over there in the first place (imo, it wasn't to save Misty) then we will get a better look at this scenario. I also believe it will play into the bigger picture of Haleigh being missing. This is what I think we have all been missing for the past few months.

People are overjoyed that Ronald was arrested and went to jail. I understand some obviously hate him, but for the life of me I cannot understand why the same people who were ready to hang Misty are now rushing to her defense. I am baffled. :confused: Is the hatred for Ronald so strong that she has now become this poor and defenseless girl who needs to be rescued?

What IS the real reason they went over there in the first place, in your opinion, if it wasn't to "save" or "rescue" Misty?
I cannot speak for everyone, but I don't hate Ronald, and I wouldn't call it being overjoyed because he was arrested. I'm also not rushing to Misty's defense... just using some common sense when looking at the whole picture. Truth is, Misty was the real cause of this fight... she apparently convinced her family that she was in trouble and needed help and they rushed to her defense. It could have been planned, or she could have changed her mind, or was threatened, we don't know. But to imply that the Croslins had some other motive is just wrong, IMO. You do not know what their reasons were, unless you were there. They wanted to see for themselves if Misty was alright and there had to be a reason that they worried for her safety.
Why isn't Ron sporting some cuts and bruises, maybe a black eye? He doesn't have any visible injuries, yet Hank, Jr. is wearing a neck brace. Last time I checked, they don't sell those in Wal Mart.
I hear you. But by the same token, what in the world was Misty "screaming and crying" to her parents having to do with wanting to leave Ron? Did Ron not fix the right brand of Macaroni and Cheese for dinner? It is not illogical to assume it was something rather serious to result in screaming and crying.
I don't buy their story that she called "screaming and crying", but all couples argue at some point. It does not automatically mean she was being abused nor does it mean they were going to split up over it. If Misty did in fact call them upset, it may be that she was just that...upset and blowing off some steam after an argument. It did not have to be anything serious at all. Many newlyweds...especially younger ones...find themselves arguing and to them at that time it seems like a big deal only to realize later they made a mountain out of a mole hill. They kiss and make up.
I don't buy their story that she called "screaming and crying", but all couples argue at some point. It does not automatically mean she was being abused nor does it mean they were going to split up over it. If Misty did in fact call them upset, it may be that she was just that...upset and blowing off some steam after an argument. It did not have to be anything serious at all. Many newlyweds...especially younger ones...find themselves arguing and to them at that time it seems like a big deal only to realize later they made a mountain out of a mole hill. They kiss and make up.

Okay, I'll bite. :) Let's say that she called one of the Croslins (while she was crying) to blow off some steam. She must have said something to them (even if no abuse was mentioned) that caused enough concern for them to clan up and go over there en masse. If I tell something private to a relative (let's say a female relative) she's not going to get the whole gang to come over and see me because of some silly argument with my spouse.

One has to wonder what took this family from supporting her marriage to RC to being willing to "rescue" her from him. There's a missing link here and I'm not sure what it is.
Who really knows. It could even have been a set up on Misty and Ron's part. I suspect the Croslins may have some idea as to what happened to Haleigh and may know Ron is the one responsible. They may also know Misty is covering for him. Maybe they want her out of that house.

Hank Croslin, from what I detected, seems to believe she is in grave danger. He said he is now sorry he ever let Misty marry Ron. There has to be a reason for that statement other than just a little tiff between a husband and a wife..
Just thinking out loud.. JMO..
Who really knows. It could even have been a set up on Misty and Ron's part. I suspect the Croslins may have some idea as to what happened to Haleigh and may know Ron is the one responsible. They may also know Misty is covering for him. Maybe they want her out of that house.

Hank Croslin, from what I detected, seems to believe she is in grave danger. He said he is now sorry he ever let Misty marry Ron. There has to be a reason for that statement other than just a little tiff between a husband and a wife..
Just thinking out loud.. JMO..
Perhaps they fear that Misty will disappear without trace like HaLeigh . . .
I think there is a missing link and it is the point I keep trying to make here. I am not certain what that missing link is yet.

I am wondering now since Hank Sr. made the statement he was against the marriage to begin with...if there was some bad blood between him and Ronald long before the "pills incident" or Haleigh going missing. I also wonder if this is the first time tempers flared between Hank Jr. and Ronald. This may have nothing to do with Misty and more to do with their past history in some way.
Seriously Searching Posted:
I think when it all comes out about why the Croslins went over there in the first place (imo, it wasn't to save Misty) then we will get a better look at this scenario. I also believe it will play into the bigger picture of Haleigh being missing. This is what I think we have all been missing for the past few months.

People are overjoyed that Ronald was arrested and went to jail. I understand some obviously hate him, but for the life of me I cannot understand why the same people who were ready to hang Misty are now rushing to her defense. I am baffled. Is the hatred for Ronald so strong that she has now become this poor and defenseless girl who needs to be rescued?

What IS the real reason they went over there in the first place, in your opinion, if it wasn't to "save" or "rescue" Misty?
I cannot speak for everyone, but I don't hate Ronald, and I wouldn't call it being overjoyed because he was arrested. I'm also not rushing to Misty's defense... just using some common sense when looking at the whole picture. Truth is, Misty was the real cause of this fight... she apparently convinced her family that she was in trouble and needed help and they rushed to her defense. It could have been planned, or she could have changed her mind, or was threatened, we don't know. But to imply that the Croslins had some other motive is just wrong, IMO. You do not know what their reasons were, unless you were there. They wanted to see for themselves if Misty was alright and there had to be a reason that they worried for her safety.
Why isn't Ron sporting some cuts and bruises, maybe a black eye? He doesn't have any visible injuries, yet Hank, Jr. is wearing a neck brace. Last time I checked, they don't sell those in Wal Mart.

I don't think I'm understanding your post Txlady. The post you quoted said "I think" and "IMO" but you state, in what I bolded above, that "the truth is Misty was the real cause of this fight". But by your own logic how could you really "know" unless you were there as you stated in response to the post you were quoting. I can think of many possible scenarios which would have brought them there for other reasons.

Not to mention GGS said she was sleeping. If they really were fighting, GGM just "went to bed"?? Possible, but if it was that bad, would she really go to bed?
I think there is a missing link and it is the point I keep trying to make here. I am not certain what that missing link is yet.

I am wondering now since Hank Sr. made the statement he was against the marriage to begin with...if there was some bad blood between him and Ronald long before the "pills incident" or Haleigh going missing. I also wonder if this is the first time tempers flared between Hank Jr. and Ronald. This may have nothing to do with Misty and more to do with their past history in some way.
Now, I couldn't agree more. I'm curious as to what's been going on...if anything. Thank you, SS.
I don't buy their story that she called "screaming and crying", but all couples argue at some point. It does not automatically mean she was being abused nor does it mean they were going to split up over it. If Misty did in fact call them upset, it may be that she was just that...upset and blowing off some steam after an argument. It did not have to be anything serious at all. Many newlyweds...especially younger ones...find themselves arguing and to them at that time it seems like a big deal only to realize later they made a mountain out of a mole hill. They kiss and make up.

bolded by me, I don't either
I can understand the SPECULATION Ron abused Misty, but as of yet there is not a shred of fact to support it. Hank Jr. and his mom both gave statements to LE stating Misty called saying she didn't want to be at the residence anymore and to come get her. While they said she was screaming and crying, neither of them claim she stated Ron had abused her. Misty's statement to LE contains no allegations of being abused by Ron. Ron's grandmother's statement has nothing alluding to any abuse before the Croslins showed up. The officers on the scene arrested Ron for assault of his BIL, but not for any assault on Misty. Officers can arrest someone they suspect of domestic abuse whether the victim alleges it or not. There is not even anything in the officer's report alleging even a suspicion Ron abused Misty in any way.
And just for the record, there are a lot of cases of women being in abusive relationships who can and do leave, very easily. It just doesn't have the drama of those who stay for years and years, so it doesn't get much attention. "I got involved with this guy, he was very sweet, then one day he got mad and beat the carp out of me. I kicked his @ss to the curb and never looked back." End of story, and not very interesting.
I think it's a very interesting story!

IMO the underlying question least in my mind...why is this 17 year old with this guy? You're right, it's drama...and it's sad that it detracts from the really important story-Haleigh.
What IS the real reason they went over there in the first place, in your opinion, if it wasn't to "save" or "rescue" Misty?
I cannot speak for everyone, but I don't hate Ronald, and I wouldn't call it being overjoyed because he was arrested. I'm also not rushing to Misty's defense... just using some common sense when looking at the whole picture. Truth is, Misty was the real cause of this fight... she apparently convinced her family that she was in trouble and needed help and they rushed to her defense. It could have been planned, or she could have changed her mind, or was threatened, we don't know. But to imply that the Croslins had some other motive is just wrong, IMO. You do not know what their reasons were, unless you were there. They wanted to see for themselves if Misty was alright and there had to be a reason that they worried for her safety.
Why isn't Ron sporting some cuts and bruises, maybe a black eye? He doesn't have any visible injuries, yet Hank, Jr. is wearing a neck brace. Last time I checked, they don't sell those in Wal Mart.

bolded by me, truth is, we do NOT know what the cause of the fight was

As you said, we weren't there

Hank Jr also does not show visible injuries, not every fight ends up with facial injuries

Neck braces are reusable, and can be purchased
In all fairness I find fault with both sides of the family in this recent event.

First off, if Misty's family felt Misty was in danger they could have called LE and asked them to do a Welfare check. I understand a father and son running to rescue Misty, but they should have included the LE.

On the other hand, when the group showed up at GGM's house, Ron & Misty should have called the LE to report a disturbance on the property and stayed out of it.

I don't know if we'll ever get the true facts in this incident, it's a "he said, she said" situation. None of us were there, and can only speculate from reading the incident report from the Media.

It will be up to the SA to make heads or tails of it.
On HLN I just say a silent video of Misty and Ron leaving the jail?
She was in charge walking ahead of him, car keys in her hand.......
Looks like she handles herself well now! Full of confidence.......I was shocked. IMO

I got the very same impression from the bailout video. From what I've observed, Misty can be a very manipulative person. It is a control and confidence mechanism. This is the form of abuse that occurred in my family, the abuser was female, and it's a very insideous form of abuse. By calling her family and involving them in a dispute with Ron, she may have been garnering sympathy but didn't expect them to take the action they did. Then she tried to stop them.

Misty may be the one who is calling the shots in this relationship, behind the scenes. It looks like she ends up always being the one who gets her way.
In all fairness I find fault with both sides of the family in this recent event.

First off, if Misty's family felt Misty was in danger they could have called LE and asked them to do a Welfare check. I understand a father and son running to rescue Misty, but they should have included the LE.

On the other hand, when the group showed up at GGM's house, Ron & Misty should have called the LE to report a disturbance on the property and stayed out of it.

I don't know if we'll ever get the true facts in this incident, it's a "he said, she said" situation. None of us were there, and can only speculate from reading the incident report from the Media.

It will be up to the SA to make heads or tails of it.
I think it's a wash as well. It'll probably be least I hope it is. Misty has made her choice.
Have those photos surfaced yet that were supposed to be posted with the "injuries" of both Hank Jr. and Ronald? If so, I haven't seen them.

Neck braces remind me of people who are wanting to cash in on some accident or professed injury. It is almost impossible for a doctor to tell if there is a whiplash type of injury unless it involves the spine, imo. They cannot see the injury in an x-ray. This is one reason they are used so often for bogus cases, imo, as it is difficult to prove the injury does or does not exist.
File Date: 2009-08-06 Judge: TERRY J LARUE
Defense Atty:


Date # Docket Description

2009-08-06 1 BOOKING NUMBER: 09-3225





2009-08-06 2 $12,5004.00 SECURED BOND SET


File Date: 2009-08-06 Judge: TERRY J LARUE
Defense Atty:


Date # Docket Description

2009-08-06 1 BOOKING NUMBER: 09-3225





2009-08-06 2 $12,5004.00 SECURED BOND SET



Three questions:

1. Wouldn't receipt and/or anticipated receipt of the $12K in back child support negate a claim of insolvency ?

2. If he is not actually insolvent, why is FL providing a PD ?

3. Is this PD the "family attorney" AS claims advised her not to talk to the media ?
In all fairness I find fault with both sides of the family in this recent event.

First off, if Misty's family felt Misty was in danger they could have called LE and asked them to do a Welfare check. I understand a father and son running to rescue Misty, but they should have included the LE.

On the other hand, when the group showed up at GGM's house, Ron & Misty should have called the LE to report a disturbance on the property and stayed out of it.

I don't know if we'll ever get the true facts in this incident, it's a "he said, she said" situation. None of us were there, and can only speculate from reading the incident report from the Media.

It will be up to the SA to make heads or tails of it.

You are correct that none of us were there, but we do know it is a fact that Ron reached into the van and assaulted HC2, which is called burglary with battery according to Florida law. Not only did the Croslins say he did the above, but his own Grandmother did as well.
I am pretty sure that GGM Sykes wouldn't make something up that painted her own grandson in such a negative light unless it was in fact true.
Okay, I'll bite. :) Let's say that she called one of the Croslins (while she was crying) to blow off some steam. She must have said something to them (even if no abuse was mentioned) that caused enough concern for them to clan up and go over there en masse. If I tell something private to a relative (let's say a female relative) she's not going to get the whole gang to come over and see me because of some silly argument with my spouse.

One has to wonder what took this family from supporting her marriage to RC to being willing to "rescue" her from him. There's a missing link here and I'm not sure what it is.
You're right, but I wonder if the previous disagreement between Hank Sr and Ron contributed to this situation. That was the one where Hank Sr claimed that Ron gave him pills that landed him back in the hospital. It was resolved and diffused, but maybe distrust has settled in. I'm sure there is enormous stress in the Cummings household so Misty may have gone over the top in her call to her family. So it's possible that Hank Sr may have felt he needed to go see for himself what was going on and the rest of his family joined him.
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