Ronald proposes to Misty

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Hi aprilshowers,

I think it was more my fear than pasive agressive. This is not something that i normally speak about, and Not publicly. I was only trying to give another perspective, while at the same time being nervous about sharing my own life with the members of the board.

Please feel free to disagree with my post. That was not my intention when typing that statement.


Awwwwwwwww Robin, I was hoping you'd know I was jokin with ya.

Ouch... If/when Haleigh returns, this would make her feel awful. Seriously! I'm sure it would make her happy but as a little girl don't you think she'd wonder why they couldn't wait and let her be a flower girl? What a coming home celebration that would be - a huge wedding with Haleigh as the flower girl, everyone celebrating her return and the marriage, too. Instead, it will be, "Oh, honey, while you were gone/being abused/tortured/whatever, we got married! Isn't that great? It was so much fun - wish you could've been there...". I understand if this were to happen a year from now, but - a month?!?

I just cannot fathom the idea of thinkiing about marriage at a time like this. If this were my child, I'd still be barely able to function and pumped full of Xanax or something.

The timing just seems off - to think about marriage at a time like this.

I guess I haven't heard enough about their specific plans to form an opinion. For all we know, they could be getting married in front of the Justice of the Peace in the next 60 days, and waiting to do the ceremony/celebration or whatever they plan to do once Haleigh has been found.

I won't pass judgment, having never walked in their shoes...and I pray I never have to!
Person female/male.. FYI Ron has a great job and worked 10-12 hrs daily and Saturdays. Now if my NLRB and state laws tell me right he should have been paid 40hrs at S/T + 10 hrs at 1.5x + 15 hrs for each Sat..Based on 10 hrs a day.... For atotal of 65 hrs per week based on a 6 day week.

I get that you are very very supportive of this family. The point of my post is that when people are thrust into the national spotlight, they are going to be scrutinized by the public. And if they are unhappy with the way the media has presented them, all the more reason to keep a very low profile until the case is resolved, and use a lot of discretion about anything they say or do. None of us know them intimately, not even their neighbors, and their public behavior can possibly hold clues as to what happened to their child. Meaning maybe it would have been better to hold off on some of the things they want to do until they find Haileigh, keep the attention on her and not their personal life. It is human nature for all of us to form opinions, that's what message boards are all about.
I don't follow this case with close attention. But let's say this for Ron. He didn't take out a mortgage he can't afford and go into foreclosure. I grew up in a small town where it was hard to get a mortgage. He holds down a job that pays better than minimum wage and provides a home for his kids. My dad's sister lent him the little bit of money he needed to buy a house, and he worked every day from the time he left the army after WWII until he finally retired at 68. We never had a lot, but it wasn't because my father didn't work hard to rpovide or didn't care about his kids.

Time will tell who took Haleigh. Then we can get out the pitchforks and torches and call for someone's head on a plate. But the fact that people work hard and are living within their means, however modest, should be a plus on the character side. It's not the childrnen's mother who was raising two kids, one with medical issues. It's Ron.

And it is not only the children of the poor or working poor who are put in harm's way by the choices of their parents. Britney Spears comes to mind, as do all the children whose parents allowed them to go to Mexico on spring break this year. Or all the kids whose parents regardless of social class) drink themselves into a stupor after work, have affairs, or abuse their spouses/

WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, There are red flags going up all over the place here. He has a missing daughter and proposes marriage to a minor. This smells of spousal privilege. That is just bizarre. Neither one can be forced to testify against the other. The only two present in the home, aside from a minor. LE has got to be all over this like flies on stink.

bold is mine - should be double/triple bolded.

She's got something on him and he's got something on her, let's get married and none of it comes out.
Even considering nuptials at this point in time, is totally preliminary. Ronald has alot on his plate and wedding planning shouldn't be one of them.

I love how these people just cry and snivel to the media, then when they are off camera they are getting tattoo's and eating at nice restaraunts and making wedding plans.!!! :(

VERY inappropriate to say the least.

Does Ronald even have somewhere to live????? I would think that to be his first priority. Oh yeah, how about finding his stolen daughter.
When one is that close and has raised children you see and sense things differently. Sure I heard reprimands (yelling if you will), but who hasn't yelled at their kids ? I told that in all my interviews with the LE folks and off the record I was told that was normal family. Beatings would be obvious as the children played within 20' of me daily. Haliegh went to school everyday, she was in hermothers hands every other week. In reality do you think, for an instant, that abuse was there ? I am sorry that you may have had worse, but I will say "I don't think any 2 children were loved more than Haliegh and JR". I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Let us get on with finding Haliegh. After she's home we'll go into the personalities. Let us quit the innuendo, casting aspersens (spelling there) and outright accusations. Just because someone doesn't do it my way I have to overlook certain things and get to know that person. Enough lecturing. I just needed to vent a little.

If you missed earlier posts, some of us (including LE evidently) feel examining the lifestyle and environment from which a child is known to have disappeared, including risk factors to which a child was exposed as well as inconsistencies in statements eg IS "getting on w finding Haleigh." Oh and just for the record Haleigh had 12 unexcused absences, 9 excused absences and 6 tardies from school during her abbreviated 1st half-year of school. It's surprising since you live w/in earshot that you've never heard any of the frequent yelling and cursing by dad which his former neighbor AmandaK reports overhearing and characterized as "verbal abuse." JMO

WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, There are red flags going up all over the place here. He has a missing daughter and proposes marriage to a minor. This smells of spousal privilege. That is just bizarre. Neither one can be forced to testify against the other. The only two present in the home, aside from a minor. LE has got to be all over this like flies on stink.

bold is mine - should be double/triple bolded.

She's got something on him and he's got something on her, let's get married and none of it comes out.

Spousal privilege goes out the window if the crime was committed against a child. Someone posted a link of the Florida statute.

I don't think this would stop them from covering for each other. moo
Anna- did you say here earlier that both sides of the camps have separate "people" helping them? Do they each have PR type of people?

I have this feeling ....{Cause I wasnt born yesterday!!!}....wasnt it reported by Anna Fl that "both" families have PR people etc.....just so interesting to me, all this "damage control".
I just have to say this about the players in this case......."you can put lipstick on a Pig, it is still a Pig" .IMO. I won't be swayed here.
Did I miss something? Was this ring Ronald's grandmother's or another relatives? Where was this ring bought and for how much?? Wouldn't this money be far better spent at this time if it were given to organizations who help untirelessly trying to locate missing children.

OMG if my child disappeared in the night, I would not be unable to sleep, eat, barely breath, let alone get engaged and start planning a wedding. Misty apparently said this is what Hayleigh would want -- give me a break -- Hayleigh is still a baby -- not a teenager with the blended family experience.

I just don't get it!!!!, but the above is just my own thoughts and opinion.
Spousal privilege goes out the window if the crime was committed against a child. Someone posted a link of the Florida statute.

I don't think this would stop them from covering for each other. moo

It can be waived, not taken away.
Did I miss something? Was this ring Ronald's grandmother's or another relatives? Where was this ring bought and for how much?? Wouldn't this money be far better spent at this time if it were given to organizations who help untirelessly trying to locate missing children.

OMG if my child disappeared in the night, I would not be unable to sleep, eat, barely breath, let alone get engaged and start planning a wedding. Misty apparently said this is what Hayleigh would want -- give me a break -- Hayleigh is still a baby -- not a teenager with the blended family experience.

I just don't get it!!!!, but the above is just my own thoughts and opinion.

Ring is a family heirloom. ITA
To reply to your post. I am sure happy that Mom never beat you in front of your guests You have to remember that I lived less than 30' from their home and as most know manufactured homes , especially older ones, have very thin walls and almost evrything above normal talking is heard at short distances. So I wasn't a guest and I never saw beatings. I hope yours weren't too painful. the interactions I saw & heard were 24/7. Quit trying to pin the guilt on Ron/Misty as they may not meet up to your/our standards. remember they are both young. I am in agreement that making wedding plans is not the thing that I would be doing at a time like this, but that is not my place. Who is to say that they must be P/C ? Someplace I read something like "let them without sin cast the first stone". I see that many of us out there are sinless. As far as gushing.. A 17 year old gal has to have some immaturity left in her, but happiness is not gushing. I found it a bit over the top on the announcement, but I figured it would be forthcoming at some point. The pressure and insecurity may have been surrounding factors in poor judgement, but not a reason for villification.

We're also instructed, "To everthing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven... a time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to dance, and a time to mourn... a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing... a time to speak, and a time to keep silence..." (ah, the wisdom of Solomon.) JMO

:clap::clap: Even though Ronald has not worked in a month, he can afford a ring, a wedding & say's he is buying a house. Heard the tat was paid for by someone out of the goodness of their heart, whatever. I am so thrilled to know Ron & Misty do not need donations of cash, food, gift certificates. They seem to be doing just fine. I think it's twisted to plan your wedding w/o your child but hey, that's me. It does nothing to give me any warm fuzzies about Ron or Misty. Wonder if they also got a pay day for photos? Seems to be a way to make money these days.
So is what I heard true yesterday on HLN...that LE told "the family" that if they don't move back into the trailer, they'll be asked to leave the area?
Did I miss something? Was this ring Ronald's grandmother's or another relatives? Where was this ring bought and for how much?? Wouldn't this money be far better spent at this time if it were given to organizations who help untirelessly trying to locate missing children.

OMG if my child disappeared in the night, I would not be unable to sleep, eat, barely breath, let alone get engaged and start planning a wedding. Misty apparently said this is what Hayleigh would want -- give me a break -- Hayleigh is still a baby -- not a teenager with the blended family experience.

I just don't get it!!!!, but the above is just my own thoughts and opinion.'s inappropriate in my opinion. And no, I am not without sin in my life, but know there is a time and place for everything. This is neither the time nor the place. Again, JMO.
It can be waived, not taken away.

If the victim is the child of either spouse you cannot claim spousal privilege in Florida. The statute was very specific. It also does not apply to knowledge gained prior to the date of marriage so it is not an issue in this situation either way.
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