Roy Kronk suing Casey Anthony

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Can this be considered the official document if it says Pro Memo at the top?

After this hearing denying Defendants Motion for Protective Order and Motion to strike DC's depostion and ordering them to attend mediation the doc was filed.....Followed by the filing of the Deposition of Dominic Casey

I am now assuming that the issue with privilege being waived was cleared up...but I don't know.
AZ, Good to see ya!
And, Thanks for giving us an official ruling on the Pro Memo!

Now, I went by the order number of the PDFs so this is my take on these three orders, but I don't know for sure.
Please feel free to jump back in and help me out.

First one looks like FCA was denied (I love it) the right to object to any of the testimony from DC and that RK can continue the deposition of DC, but he cannot release a transcript of that new testimony to the public? Why not?

Second one looks like FCA was denied (I love it) the right to strike DC's testimony from Sept 18, 2014.

Third one looks like they are directed to attend mediation in PERSON (I love it) with attorneys on matters of discovery with each side paying half of the costs. Is this to try to settle the case or just to hammer out any future problems in discovery?
Back on March 26, 2015, the Judge ordered the two sides to begin mediation.
I wondered how many times, if any, they have even met as ordered or do they argue over the phone or by email trying to agreed on or postpone the first meeting date?

Today, I found this and me thinks the Judge may be wondering too?
Here is an order dated back on April 13, 2015 to reschedule a continued pretrial/status conference to May 26.

In this order, it referred to other documents by numbers. Looking all over the place, I found that the document numbers are right at the very top in the center. I'm so excited - I never knew that! Anyway, this document is Doc 57. The three orders that AZLawyer posted above in post #264 were Doc 53, Doc 54 and Doc 55. Doc 56 is mentioned in the order. Maybe this will be a way to identify the documents that we uncover in the future since they all seem to sound alike with the rescheduling they do over and over and over again.
Oops - I let the date slip by me.
Has anyone heard anything about the pretrial and status conference scheduled for yesterday?
Roy Kronk Update
Hearing in Tampa - Pretrial/Status Only, on 06/09/15

Ruling: Pretrial/Status Only cont'd to 08/18/15, for Motion to Determine Whether Proceeding Core, and Summary Judgment Motion(s)...

There is no mention of settlement negotiations, depositions, or the Mediation.

eta... Motion(s) For Summary Judgement will not be filed until after the Mediation has been completed, so I'm assuming this will just keep getting cont'd until then. And we have no idea where they are at with the Mediation??? I can't imagine fca's team is being too compliant...

All jmo.
It seems all privilege was waived!!
Roy Kronk can now use Dominic Casey's depositions in his case..... he stated that Casey and her agents actively worked to blame others for the death of her daughter.

Geese, I wonder why casey and her agents would try to blame others for her daughter's death when the poor child just accidentally drowned? They mustn't have thought of the drowning accident yet and were going with the murder story. I can hear it now. Hmmm....OK, plan A - We need to find someone to blame for Caylee's murder. Plan B - Let's just say she accidentally drowned and someone (anyone but casey) threw her in the swamp to rot. Yea, good plan - those jurors will definitely believe it.
Anything ever happen with Zenaida's case? Lost track of that too...
Anything ever happen with Zenaida's case? Lost track of that too...

It got thrown out scope months ago then she was arrested for credit card fraud

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Everytime I hear about her lawyers stalling in this case, I get furious at the stupid jurors that let her off on all criminal charges except for four misdemeanors. There is no excuse for that kind of idiocy. Did they honestly think there was a benign reason she covered up her daughter's death, impeded the police investigation, was driving around with her daughter's body in the trunk of her car and that she ultimately dumped poor Caylee in the woods like trash? At the very least, the State presented compelling evidence that Casey was the only one anyone can say with certainty knew exactly what happened to her daughter, Casey was the only one who had the means to dispose of her body and Casey was the only one who could have dumped her there.

There's only so much they can do to her in civil court and she's used to scamming people, stalling and lying her butt off. This is elementary to her. It's how she's lived her entire life up to this point.

How on earth did twelve people that idiotic end up in the same room together tasked with such an important case? Oh wait, I know. Judge Perry rushed jury selection because budget was more important to him than allowing the State to strike jurors when they had perfectly good reasons to and Baez probably did something shady through his internet minions.

It still baffles me that there was someone who was willing to hang the jury to save Jodi Aria's worthless life, but not one member of this jury was willing to hang it so that a murdered little girl could at least have a second chance at justice.
It got thrown out scope months ago then she was arrested for credit card fraud

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Terrible terrible...Terrible she got arrested for that but even more terrible one could get away with such lies.
It got thrown out scope months ago then she was arrested for credit card fraud

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I wish Casey would get arrested for credit card fraud or check fraud again.

It probably won't happen though. The stupid news outlets made her famous so now she has access across the nation to all sorts of suckers, idiots and just plain horrible people who are as greedy as she is.

The really sad part is that, quoting her own mother "she isn't that smart." She's lazy, greedy, selfish, stupid, transparent and not really all that cute. She's only gotten away with most of the stuff she's gotten away with because people keep covering for her and enabling her.

I actually dislike the people who help her more than I dislike her. She has no redeeming qualities, so I expect nothing from her. But without help, she wouldn't be able to do anything close to the extent of the damage she's done. She certainly wouldn't have gotten away with murder if her family hadn't covered for her so much.

On second thought...Never mind. With that crazy jury and their "Clue" boardgame/CSI mentality she probably would have still been acquitted.
It looks like Casey's lawyers want to depose Dominic Casey on May 9, 2016.

Like some of you have already pointed out, his testimony could be pretty damaging to Casey.

5. In October 2008, Casey told me that when Caylee came up missing, the back gate was left ajar. Since Roy Kronk was a meter reader for the house, maybe "we could say that Roy Kronk kidnapped Caylee."

6.I told her I would not do that since Kronk had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance, but she was insistent Kronk be implicated or blamed in some way.

Dominic's affidavit, filed 1/15/2016:
Disgusting, isn't it, how all these bottom feeders came together with one object, to defeat justice for Caylee Anthony. How does he sleep at night?
Disgusting, isn't it, how all these bottom feeders came together with one object, to defeat justice for Caylee Anthony. How does he sleep at night?

I hear ya ZsaZsa, but we can take comfort in knowing they remain bottom feeders. All of this got them nothing but horrible reputations in the end, and no glory, fame or fortune.

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