RULED OUT: Have we found Anna? Possible match to NamUs case UP 9597 - *NO MATCH*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Wow - a lot has happened while I have been away due to family matters. My thoughts and prayers are with Annasmom, Annasbrothers and all those who care so much about Anna.
Admittedly, I am really starting to get anxious for results. Especially now that we are so close to the 3 month mark.
Admittedly, I am really starting to get anxious for results. Especially now that we are so close to the 3 month mark.

me to i check back everyday for new postings on this board and havent had much activity till today a few posters. pins and needles
I keep checking the NamUs page to see if Anna has been added to the list of rule outs. There has not been any update to the namus profile 9597 since December. Not even to update the inaccuracy regarding the DNA status.

Praying answers come soon.
I keep checking the NamUs page to see if Anna has been added to the list of rule outs. There has not been any update to the namus profile 9597 since December. Not even to update the inaccuracy regarding the DNA status.

Praying answers come soon.

what was the official date that the remains where taken to the lab and the testing against anna began? and from that date what would be three months from then has the date passed or is it coming. can we fire off another email. i know we did earlier and i wouldnt want to keep bugging them but maybe just a quick email. hey its 3 months havent heard anything do you have any updates?
Dr. Doogie would have more information about an exact date. I don't know the official date the clock started ticking.

I do know, not knowing is driving me nuts. I wish we had an estimated date.... or an expected date at which the San Mateo Coroner's office anticipates having an answer.

If I am finding it this hard to keep myself busy to keep my mind off it, I can't imagine how Anna's mom and family are feeling as we approach the expected date.

I'm more anxious about these results than I am during baseball playoff's. It's not going to be long before I have no nails left.

I'm sorry if the bb analogy is a poor one. Baseball, in all honestly, means nothing when compared to these cases. I'd trade a Cubs world series if I could.... but I know I can't negotiate for those answers we so desperately seek.

There is no case here at WS that is closer to my heart than Anna's. Some that come very very close, but Anna will always have the number 1 spot in my heart.
I cannot wait either. I really do not know one way or the other if it could possibly be her. And it will be devastating either way, so it is bittersweet at best. :rose:
I agree @katydid23, I want this to be her to have closure for the family she has been missing for forty decades! But than the hope that she is alive, adopted out, will be shattered. Absolutely bittersweet at best.
at least hoping for an answer by Easter with the news that its not her and the search can continue. the not knowing is whats got me on pins and needles
at least hoping for an answer by Easter with the news that its not her and the search can continue. the not knowing is whats got me on pins and needles
It was Jan. 7 when I first learned of the little bones found near San Gregorio, but we have never had a firm promise of a date by which DNA might be retrieved. In fact, the labs may not be able to get DNA at all from such an old fragment which has been in salt water for so long a time. I thank all of you that you are eager for answers. It makes it a little easier for me to wait, though I fully appreciate that we still may not have an answer. I know Easter would be a good time to hear, but many such "good times" have come and gone before, so I think it is not a good idea to get our hopes up. Doogie is going to decide when it may be a good time to contact the coroner's office again. He doesn't think anything will be gained by pushing them too much. The letter I had about six weeks ago from the coroner called it a "long shot" that the jaw fragment would be a match with Anna. I think we need to keep looking...if we can find any other place to look!
I think we should be cautious with making the presumption the bone fragment was in salt water the entire time. The possibility exists it was unearthed due to the heavy flooding in March/the spring of 2006 and made it's way to the ocean about that time rather than much earlier.

I'm fairly confident they will be able to obtain DNA. DNA has succesfully been obtained on remains hundreds and thousands of years old, so I think it is too soon to make the assumption dna might not be obtainable on something that may be a decade or a few decades old.

I did do a search when we first made this discovery about obtaining dna when submerged in salt water. The info I found only indicated there really haven't been any studies, or enough studies and it is currently unknown how long remains could be in salt water before dna would be unobtainable.

Until we have an official rule out, I'm afraid to assume these may not belong to Anna. I'm hoping for a rule out, but cautious not to get my hopes up to high because the let down will be too great if we are wrong.

In other cases when family is awaiting a possible match, the coroners office is usually good at staying apprised of the status for which the process of obtaining DNA is going and giving the family regular updates. I'm hoping the San Mateo coroner's office will extend the same courtesy here with this possible match, especially knowing a family is waiting in limbo to know if this is their loved one.

I think it was about a week prior to notifying Anna's mom of the possible match, that Doogie had contacted the ME regarding the possible match. So we should be at the 3 month mark now. Hopefully Doogie will make a courtesy check, being at the 3 month mark, just to inquire if the ME's office has any information on when results may be expected, or if there is any additional information they can obtain/share at this time.
There are 50 states Sidekick.

I am also going to request politely, we please stay on topic within this thread. Please utilize the other threads for discussion not related to this possible match and the wait for results.

Thank you! :blowkiss:
Can you move this over then to the idea thread Cubby?

I actually was replying to Annasmom in my post about moving forward as she mentioned this in the above post.

Quote: Annasmom.
I think we need to keep looking...if we can find any other place to look!
I'm not moderating anymore so any requests to move posts have to be sent to the current mods.

I'm not moderating anymore so any requests to move posts have to be sent to the current mods.


Oh! Good to know, do you know who has replaced you Cubby? I don't recall reading a post about this. Actually, I think I'll just remove my post for now.

Best... SK
There are actually 9 moderators currently assigned to this forum. When you open the main forum set up for Anna and see the various threads, if you scroll to the bottom of the page you will see the list of moderators at the bottom right.

Or from the main WS forum page at the very bottom right you will see "forum leaders". By clicking on forum leaders, you will see all of the moderators/admin and which forums they are assigned to.

In the mean time, if you find you've posted in the wrong area, you can always copy and paste to move the post to the appropriate thread, or delete while that few hour window is open.

I know there was some hope that the release of the 1940 census might give us information about George Brody. The web site is
I don't quite know how to go about getting the information, but maybe some of you have an idea what to do.
I don't know why I didn't think of this before... Sometimes the brain works best when winding down before I fall asleep. (Though I was too tired last ngiht to get back out of bed and onto the computer, lol...)

Over the years I've been a member of WS, I've spoken with quite a few ME offices with regards to possible matches. Unlike LE who have to prioritize current cases first, ME's are most often very happy to hear from john q public like ourselves when it comes to their cold case unidentified persons. I've had ME's talk for 10-20 minutes giving me as much information as possible on UID's. Even when the possible match is ruled out, I've had them tell me, at least someone is looking. They fear these UID's have been forgotten.... and are very dedicated and interested in giving these UID's back their name. They welcome input and suggestions from the general public.

The risk of pushing a ME does not exist in the same manner it exists with LE due to LE's finite amount of time to work on cold cases. For that reason we should not be hesitant to request an update at appropriate dates when information should be available. Such as this recent 3 month mark.

In fact, I'd be happy to write a short email for either Dr. Doogie or Annasmom if they would like. Especially since I've done this so many times in the past with other cases. I don't mean to step on any toes, just offering if either would like.

Still hoping answers come soon.
A little OT. I remember the first call I made to a coroner about a possible match. I had to have another WS member talk me through it beforehand as I was terrified to make that first contact, but wanted to get my feet wet and start doing this myself as opposed to relying on another member.

After that first call, I told myself he was SO nice, what was I so worried about?

Now I actually prefer talking to the ME side over LE when I'm submitting or following up on possible matches. I send the match to both sides, but all of my email and phone contact is then on the ME side.

It's really amazing how nice they are and how much time they are willing to spend with you in order to help name the unidentified.

Just thought I'd share for those who don't spend much time in the UID forum here at WS.

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