RULED OUT: Have we found Anna? Possible match to NamUs case UP 9597 - *NO MATCH*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I've been unaware of this case, however it is obvious that many of you have spent a bunch of time and energy on it.

Praying for answers .. and for Anna's friends and family..
I have not contacted the ME/LE regarding Anna's case. I wouldn't jump in and contact the ME/LE on a case someone was actively already working on. I have not followed Anna's case and only became aware of the case after the remains were found. I posted a thread for the remains the day that they were listed in NamUs for the public to view. I did send an email to the ME the day that they were made public regarding a possible match to another case. You were kind enough to let me know that there was a question about the DNA and about Anna's case. I have not done anything other than that and I haven't even posted here other than to let not_my_kids know that the link had been updated and to respond to her post... Sorry if my original post was not clear...

Thank you, I thought so. I didn't mean to single you out Wanting2Help. I added the message so everyone reading would known not to call about Anna's case.

Thank you again and thank you for participating in this thread.
I do not have adequate words to thank all of you for your good wishes, your prayers and support. Especially I want to thank Annasbro and Suza, who were there the day Anna disappeared. I know it was difficult for them to write. As regards agencies, I'm afraid I have not followed Cubby's advice. I have written to the coroner's office twice, to NaMus several times, to a lawyer friend, my parish priest, the editor of Coastsider, and Jerry Brown, governor of California. And NOW I'll put down my pen and wait. Thank you, WSers.

I meant non family members when I posted earlier. Please keep contacting them Annasmom, they need both your and Dr. Doogies involvement to keep this moving.

Just wondering if now would be a good time to re-contact the media.

Annasmom, I know how difficult this would be on you and your family but as Cubby has said, it could take months, even a year to get the DNA results and this time could be used to bring Anna's case back to the public's attention and if, hopefully, this does not turn out to be Anna we could gain new interest in Anna's case.

Just a thought.

Not sure if you saw it, but Annasmom posted recently in the Media thread.

Here's a link to that post:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Media Exposure #2
I'd like to add some information about the possible private lab that the San Mateo County Coroners office may be using.

The University of North Texas has been designated the private lab of choice by NamUs. They provide the DNA sample analysis at no charge to law enforcement and medical examiners by way of winning federal grant money designated to help identify the more than 40,000 unidentified.

Everything LE or ME needs is provided free directly from UNTCHI. ME/LE is responsible for transportation or shipping fees. The information and how to exists somewhere within WS. I will be looking for it and adding it here, so those of Anna's family, close friends and fellow sleuths can have the information as well.

I will also be sure I get this information to Dr. Doogie and request he ask the San Mateo coroner if they will be utilizing UNTCHI as the private lab.

Pages 14-17 of the linked PDF have some info about UNTCHI:

More to follow as time permits and I find the info.

Here is the other link I see posted here at WS regarding UNTCHI from time to time.

This may be of help to Annasmom and the family (and anyone else reading) for a better understanding of the process with the private lab. I'm pretty sure this is the lab San Mateo will be using, but I will ask Dr. Doogie to confirm that with the ME's office.

From the above link:

UNTCHI in collaboration with law enforcement offers families with missing loved ones the opportunity to submit reference samples for DNA testing. The lab is one of only a few facilities that integrates nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for analyses.
Ah, the following is also at the UNTCHI link:

We are asking that each agency, please enter all relevant information into NamUs prior to submission of samples

This leads me to believe the information was entered (into NamUs) by San Mateo at the start of the process to obtain DNA when it was discovered the CA/DOJ lab was unable to obtain a viable sample for analysis/comparison.
Thoughts and prayers to Anna's family and friends. I know this is a difficult time. I hope this leads to finding answers.

Jim Gilletti called me this afternoon to say that San Mateo County had requested all possible speed in the DNA comparisons and that the sample is going to an accredited lab which meets FBI specifications. It will still be a wait, but he will keep us posted. I take it kindly that he is making time for Anna's case, even though officially he is not in the missing persons department any more.
Dear Annasmom. I am praying for you and your other children at this time. I cannot imagine what 41 YEARS of waiting and searching have been like, and now to have to wait even longer.

I know you are a very strong person.. I posted on the case for a long time.. I always wondered if and believed rather strongly that Anna drowned in the creek accidentally.
All in all, I think it would be much more comforting to know that her mentally ill father and his companion didn't take her and expose her to who knows what. Maybe there is some comfort to be found in this, if the bone does match Anna's DNA.
If it doesn't match, we will keep looking for Anna.
God bless you, Annasmom and family.
I discovered Anna's story only a little more than a year ago, but like many of you, her family has touched me. I'm waiting with baited breath for the results. Thank you all for the persistence that has brought the case this far.
After pondering and searching for Purisima Creek photos today, in my heart I find it hard to believe anyone could be swept down along a curvy, snake like and sometimes extremely shallow creek all the way to the ocean. I do realize there was some flooding on the day she disappeared but the entire creek even low areas would have to have been high enough to do so...and without being stuck somewhere in a turn. Joe Ford said he toured the entire creek bed down to the ocean.

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Yes, these pictures are exactly my recollections of the creek. It is really perplexing to imagine how a body could have worked its way all of the way to the ocean. We found the remains of a dead cow at the time,partially decomposed, as well as the rooster Hulkie (thanks Suza). The theory of the body being washed immediately all of the way to the ocean still just seems very remote due to the first hand experience I have. The idea that Anna's body was wedged under a big obstruction, decomposed, and then was washed out on one of the high years during the winter seems a bit more plausible. The scenario of her wandering down the creek and being lost in the woods seems remote. The creek is very thick and overgrown even in the summer there is no clear path next to it. With the rushing waters in the winter it would be especially impassible.
Dr. Doogie I always associate you with this case and hate that you are having difficulties getting online at this time. But it is good to hear that you are still there offline, still working it.

Cubby you too. And all the rest. You guys are awesome. It is an incredible journey. You've been places, found things that I would have thought were impossible.

I have been aware of this, but not as closely involved as others. But even I feel anxious, wanting an answer yet afraid to know. I can't imagine what the rest of you have have spent so much time are feeling.

BBM. I kind of feel this way too. It's almost surreal even having this thread. I can't help but notice the proximity to the anniversary of Anna's disappearance and the 1st anniversary of Joe Ford's passing, which is coming up January 21st. It's almost as if it is a miracle, as the timing is ironic.

I also can't help but feel the absense of those posters who put countless hours on this case, SherlockJr. and raf, who haven't logged in in some time. Those who worked the case but aren't here who have passed on, Joe Ford and mfmangel1. I miss them and wish those who could be here would hop in. Just seems that they should be here as we wait, especially with all their hard work.

I told Dr. Doogie, he and SherlockJr. are among my earliest mentors here at WS.

Tears..... maybe I'm coming to the realization this might be true, this might be Anna.

BBM. I kind of feel this way too. It's almost surreal even having this thread. I can't help but notice the proximity to the anniversary of Anna's disappearance and the 1st anniversary of Joe Ford's passing, which is coming up January 21st. It's almost as if it is a miracle, as the timing is ironic.

I also can't help but feel the absense of those posters who put countless hours on this case, SherlockJr. and raf, who haven't logged in in some time. Those who worked the case but aren't here who have passed on, Joe Ford and mfmangel1. I miss them and wish those who could be here would hop in. Just seems that they should be here as we wait, especially with all their hard work.

I told Dr. Doogie, he and SherlockJr. are among my earliest mentors here at WS.

Tears..... maybe I'm coming to the realization this might be true, this might be Anna.


Oh Cubby,

What a beautiful post. Tears too. Has anyone tried to email Sherlock? I have her email addy if you want me to. :(
Oh Cubby,

What a beautiful post. Tears too. Has anyone tried to email Sherlock? I have her email addy if you want me to. :(

It wouldn't hurt to go ahead and do so OzzieMum. You try SherlockJr and I'll try droping a note to raf to stop in.

thank you. :grouphug:
It wouldn't hurt to go ahead and do so OzzieMum. You try SherlockJr and I'll try droping a note to raf to stop in.

thank you. :grouphug:

~ Sherlock is completely aware of the latest findings, I have spoken with her and she is in touch with those who need her.

~ Sherlock is completely aware of the latest findings, I have spoken with her and she is in touch with those who need her.


That's good to know. Thank you, SideKick.
Yes, these pictures are exactly my recollections of the creek. It is really perplexing to imagine how a body could have worked its way all of the way to the ocean. We found the remains of a dead cow at the time,partially decomposed, as well as the rooster Hulkie (thanks Suza). The theory of the body being washed immediately all of the way to the ocean still just seems very remote due to the first hand experience I have. The idea that Anna's body was wedged under a big obstruction, decomposed, and then was washed out on one of the high years during the winter seems a bit more plausible. The scenario of her wandering down the creek and being lost in the woods seems remote. The creek is very thick and overgrown even in the summer there is no clear path next to it. With the rushing waters in the winter it would be especially impassible.

~ Thanks Annasbro,
I too agree with this theory, I'am having a hard time wrapping my head around the possiblity. Tho I don't want to type this at all... the only other way I can see Anna getting to the ocean is if someone did indeed grab her and take her down to the ocean. We don't know for sure how/if this new finding is Anna, how she got there... No sign of any rubber boots anywhere either....


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