Russia - Dyatlov Pass Incident: Mysterious Deaths of 9 Skiers, Feb 1959

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After reading through the threads and the Wikipedia article ( most other links did not work on my computer) I had a few thoughts

I wonder, after 25 +/- days in the weather etc. did they determine that the tent was cut from the inside.
The footprints around the tent site only are probably explained by the tents being sheltered from the wind while further down the pass was not.
I do not see much thought to snow-load regarding the internal injuries suffered by those found under the snow. If the fell through a type of crevasse over a moving stream etc. and the snow collapsed up them? Packed snow and ice can weigh up to 58 lbs more or less per Square foot per foot of depth. At 12 meters, we are talking about nearly 600 lbs falling on top of them.

I think they heard the avalanche ( possibly caused by the military testing parachute bombs etc) and fled the tent. They may have all met up by the tree and either had an argument and split up or agree to split up with those having the least protection staying to start a fire while some went back to retrieve clothing etc. and some( with the most protection against the elements) continuing further in search of help. Unfortunately none survived.

But again, I have not read too deeply into this yet.
IMO, a slab avalanche could explain the cutting of the tents from the inside to rush out, could explain the multitude of crush injuries seen in the bodies not explained by animal predators.

What still can't be explained by a slab avalanche for me are:
Lack of clothing, some only wearing socks, at least one adult male nude in extreme cold.
The radiation found on and near the bodies but not on any other objects in the area-- as far as we know, if other items were tested.

I am a proponent of the 1-2 " punch" ( a devastating blow being the definition of a " punch") when we come upon something which doesn't have a clear cut explanation. Incident 1 disabled and killed, Incident 2 probably " contaminated" the bodies in this case.

I'd expect the avalanche to be the #1 Punch ( incident) that likely killed the students quickly, with the bodies perhaps being far flung into trees and the like.

Incident ( or " punch") #2 would be a detonated bomb trial somewhere in the nearby area, thus rendering the bodies radioactive when found some time later.

The missing soft tissue inside some of the facial cavities is likely due to the fact that mucus membranous tissue and organs ( tongue. eyes) are also easier for a predatory animal to rip out and eat early on after death for the moisture and other factors the bones and muscles would lack.

The first item I ever had to dissect in college was a whole, intact eye. I still remember how it felt under my gloves and scalpel, so many years later.

God bless those students and their families. They suffered greatly from the blast force of the avalanche, likely, but only briefly. This is my hope and my belief, that death was very quick.

Most of us weren't even born then, but we care that others on a camping expedition suffered and died. This is the measure of humanity. Love to all who still care after so very long.
IMO, a slab avalanche could explain the cutting of the tents from the inside to rush out, could explain the multitude of crush injuries seen in the bodies not explained by animal predators.

What still can't be explained by a slab avalanche for me are:
Lack of clothing, some only wearing socks, at least one adult male nude in extreme cold.
The radiation found on and near the bodies but not on any other objects in the area-- as far as we know, if other items were tested.

I am a proponent of the 1-2 " punch" ( a devastating blow being the definition of a " punch") when we come upon something which doesn't have a clear cut explanation. Incident 1 disabled and killed, Incident 2 probably " contaminated" the bodies in this case.

I'd expect the avalanche to be the #1 Punch ( incident) that likely killed the students quickly, with the bodies perhaps being far flung into trees and the like.

Incident ( or " punch") #2 would be a detonated bomb trial somewhere in the nearby area, thus rendering the bodies radioactive when found some time later.

The missing soft tissue inside some of the facial cavities is likely due to the fact that mucus membranous tissue and organs ( tongue. eyes) are also easier for a predatory animal to rip out and eat early on after death for the moisture and other factors the bones and muscles would lack.

The first item I ever had to dissect in college was a whole, intact eye. I still remember how it felt under my gloves and scalpel, so many years later.

God bless those students and their families. They suffered greatly from the blast force of the avalanche, likely, but only briefly. This is my hope and my belief, that death was very quick.

Most of us weren't even born then, but we care that others on a camping expedition suffered and died. This is the measure of humanity. Love to all who still care after so very long.
Hypothermia could explain the missing clothes. Victims of hypothermia often strip off their clothes because they irrationally feel very hot, paradoxical undressing.
Hypothermia could explain the missing clothes. Victims of hypothermia often strip off their clothes because they irrationally feel very hot, paradoxical undressing.

Yes, very familiar with this response as an RN.

After reading the way the "Slab" type avalanche forms, and could have been precipitated by their own cuts into the ice/ snow to pitch their tents, I think the avalanche was upon them and taking their lives immediately.

Maybe someone did live long enough to become severely hypothermic as the snow barreled down upon them. Maybe some, who were younger and not skilled, did die from hypothermia, injuries not fatal under skilled care in the field, and starvation/ dehydration. Possibly also death to some from animal attacks, IDK for certain. I am also interested in the radiation the now- former) USSR reported as being on their remains and clothing, and whatever equipment could be found.

The temperatures were exceedingly low, we know that without a doubt. I'd rather be the one who smothered in the snow cascading down than the one who froze to death, if there are multiple causes of death, which is not out of the window of possibilities.

They were a large and diverse group. It's very possible that the causes of death could have been multiple, and over a period of time for those who survived both an avalanche if one did occur, and slowly died of hypothermia ( dressing in the parkas and so forth of the obviously deceased), starvation, crush injuries not usually fatal ( a broken limb with secondary infection), and dehydration. I think dehydration would be a huge factor for those who lingered and tried to hold on. Renal failure would be compounded by any skeletal muscle injuries from an avalanche ( they would initially have the condition called Rhabdomyolysis if hit by the avalanche but able to dig out).
can slab avalanche theory explain the load-bearing elements (skis, whatever) on one side of the tent still intact?

also elements for tying and tightening tent still upright? (in the red circle of the images below)


I’ve read so many articles and theories, here is a longer, detailed article:

Has an Old Soviet Mystery at Last Been Solved?


The two Swiss researchers believe that the snow slab probably caused the terrible injuries to three of the skiers found at the snow den, but this remains unlikely, given the distance of those bodies from the tent. Kuryakov’s explanation was more ingenious. The nine skiers retreated downhill, taking shelter under the cedar tree and building a fire. Because the young trees nearby were icy and wet, someone climbed the cedar to break branches higher up—hence the skin and scraps of clothing found on the trunk. The fire they built, in these extreme conditions, was not enough to save them, however. The two most poorly dressed of the group died first. The burned skin on their bodies came from their desperate efforts to seek warmth from the fire. This would suggest that the piece of flesh Krivonishchenko bit from his finger was probably a result of the delirium that overtakes someone who’s dying of hypothermia, or perhaps from an attempt to test for sensation in a frostbitten hand.
Holy poops! I have been a bit of a Dyatlov fanatic for a while, and also visiting this board for a while. Somehow never put together until tonight there might actually be a thread here. About to give it a peruse now.
Never mind, couldn't get past page 1. Disappointing.
Since I don't have anyone to talk about it, I'm just going to leave it there.

IMO they got terrified by UFO. Not the kind that belongs to or has aliens inside - object, cause I believe it was real, flyng, cause I believe it was flying, and unidentified cause soviet government had no interest in ever disclosing anything.

I used to be very suspicious about the presence of the older guy that seemingly had no reason to join them, but since I learned that he was living a life that should be impossible in USSR for years, not getting any trouble from officials while constantly moving and hanging around their secret areas of cold war related, top notch guarded secrets I'd put my bet on the simplest explanation.
And for me the simplest explanation is that he joined them, cause such trips are great occasions to befriend people... and that he aimed at gaining trust of the group, especially those two who had acces to some secrets in order to test if they can keep their mouth shut. As an inside spy, not outside spy.

Soviets were doing that and I don't think it was even close to unusual considering the time, location and their area of work.

Avalanche theory is just bizarre for me. They were on the flat surface. Hill wasn't even close to high or steep. Significant distance from the top of that hill.

None of which excludes risk of avalanche completely but lack of trace of an avalanche is pretty convincing to me.

On the other hand I'm not convinced by the vision of eight experienced hikers trying to flee from avalanche, on foot, leaving their shoes and clothes behind cause nobody is going to flee from an avalanche on foot, shoeless, running/walking down almost a mile down to the tree line. Their tracks indicate that they stopped running frantically after first 40ish yards and then slowed down into walking. About the time to get back to the tent and start setting and fixing it back if they weren't hit by an avalanche yet. They didn't so the danger must still be there. And possibly-another-avalanche is less deadly than Siberian winter without winter clothes.

Burned ends of top branches on the trees at the tree line leads me to believe that something burning got pretty close. Likely same thing melted top layer of snow enough that it turned their footprints into ice and cause them to be still visible weeks later.

No signs of explosion cause nothing exploded there, it hit somewhere else - even if that place was located, no way it would be disclosed to the public.

I don't believe that soviet government had any direct involvement in their deaths, cause it couldn't be farther from their ways of killing/disposing of people.

And if they were aware of some "unfortunate event" with soldiers accidentally killing the group, they would start covering it up straight away and we would never know about it. After all rocket science is rocket science and staging a site of tragic, yet mondain tragic accident is not a rocket science, especially if you have full control over everyone who can even touch the case.

I'm torn on the part where they may be tracked, beaten and kept in cold in order to make sure that everyone dies. Some injuries seem to be more consistent with a beating, and even torture than with accidental hits and falls while running from something scary but since their autopsies weren't as detailed as they should be, we will never know.

Missing diary could point at someone possibly being there, but since bunch of people trashed their tent, ramaged their stuff, took some with them, drank their alcohol, returned some items and empty bottle to the tent after messing it in all possible ways BEFORE the pics were taken and before any actual investigator showed up, the list of people that may stole it afterwards is too long to put much weight on a chance that someone may took it on the 1st/2nd of February.

I fail to see a reason why someone else would even be there, not to mention find themselves with a reason to murder those people - all or most of which were in a tent before something scared them.
Cause they saw something weird in the sky? So what even if they spoke about it?
Cause they took a picture of something they shouldn't see? Plenty of easy, effective and not_deadly or deadly_but_not_as_suspicious ways of dealing with that used by soviets on almost daily basics.

So my bet is on consequences of not supernatural UFO exposition.
I tend to assume that they weren't acting irracional or stupid but did the best they could to try to survive something they couldn't predict, wasn't expecting and had no idea what to do.
Vague descriptions of conditions of the bodies are leaving a lot of space for theories that make sense with such vague descriptions pictured in a way that could fit such theories, not so much with more detailed descriptions.

If there were some individuals who showed up to beat them up and force to stay in the frost long enough to make sure they'll die, with an unknovn motive, then I don't see any way anyone could be ever able to prove it more effectively now, after decades of coverups. I'm not completely excluding that possibility, but even if so, the heatwave surely was there (IMO) cause of the burned branches and the way their footprints got preserved... as well as lack of any significant animal predation. Basically none with all five bodies that were barely covered by snow or hidden under not very deep layer of snow. Nothing ate them afterwards cause IMO nothing was there, cause even predators got so scared by same thing that scared hikers that they haven't came back to the area.

I don't want to sound disrespectful, it's just the matter of my limitations and lack of knowledge about other examples, but their inuries sound kinda familiar to injuries of dogs and cats who got so terrified of New Year's fireworks explosions that they ran for their life in panic and before they realised got all sorts of horrible injuries by hitting and falling while trying to escape.
On the other hand that shouldn't happen to all or almost all of them after slowing down and walking in somewhat reasonable speed so...
I told my high school students about this mystery today and wondering if y’all have a particular documentary or video you recommend I share with them?
I told my high school students about this mystery today and wondering if y’all have a particular documentary or video you recommend I share with them?
I would recommend against any I saw so far. Too much of "artistic freedom" with coverage, and in most cases outrageous lack of consideration for USSR's reality.
I told my high school students about this mystery today and wondering if y’all have a particular documentary or video you recommend I share with them?
I don't know if they'd be useful, but there are some good podcasts. Anytime I try to link to podcasts here they get MODified, IYKWIM, but if you are interested send me a message and I'll make some suggestions.

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