S.B.T.C ... The real meaning ?

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I'm of the opinion it has no meaning. Over-the-top Patsy had to sign the note, but, of course, kidnappers wouldn't leave their names. As an above poster noted, fanatical groups were known by initials- such as PLO, IRA, INLA and so forth. She was smart enough to know she couldn't use a well known organization, as it would fall apart under scrutiny; but a nonexistent terrorist group couldn't be easily ruled out. She may have taken the letters from the phone book, or simply written 4 random letters, but I don't think there was any actual meaning to her behind the 4 letters she used.
Although I think the letters are likely just random or a bible quote, I notice the note says to "follow our instructions to the letter". That's not usually meant literally, but could SBTC be a hidden message or instruction rather than a quote or sign off?
I still think S.B.T.C was written as a forgiveness-type gesture and was taken from the open Bible on JR's desk that displayed Psalm 35:

Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me.
Take up shield and armor; arise and come to my aid.
Brandish spear and javelin; against those who pursue me.
Say to me, "I am your salvation."

IMO, it's too much of a coincidence that those letters are arranged in that way in the NIV version of the Bible only once, and that page was the one that happened to be opened.
I still think S.B.T.C was written as a forgiveness-type gesture and was taken from the open Bible on JR's desk that displayed Psalm 35:

Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me.
Take up shield and armor; arise and come to my aid.
Brandish spear and javelin; against those who pursue me.
Say to me, "I am your salvation."

IMO, it's too much of a coincidence that those letters are arranged in that way in the NIV version of the Bible only once, and that page was the one that happened to be opened.

That is a good clue, but why write it backwards?
That is a good clue, but why write it backwards?

No idea. Maybe to keep the origin of the letters of the signature less obvious? It's still pretty obvious, but less than it would've been had the letters been C.T.B.S. Keeping the Bible open might've been another beg for forgiveness (done by PR, IMO).
maybe this has been mentioned before, but i was just reading some background about JR belonging to Theta Chi fraternity in college. they originated in a building call the Old South Barracks. probably means nothing but SBTC; South Barracks Theta Chi?

anyone remember this being mentioned before? or see some connection?
Search By The Cellar......Victory

I thought this at first. My crazy tin hat conspiracy theory was that PR, if caught as the writer, could say she wss forced to write the note under duress, and added this secret acronym for the police to show she was on their side.

This theory I admit is too outlandish. However, I have wondered, maybe PR was forced to write this note. Could be!

(Edit, by John I mean, not some gang of terrorists)

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PR may have just signed it P.T.C for Patsy. She was into that carp. BTC would be for Betsy, etc. When JR read the note, he realized that PR was not the one that should have written it. She even signed her own name! I think she changed the P to a B and put the S. in front of it. Nothing more, nothing less. The "first draft" may have actually been PR trying to write a new note to please JR before LE got there. He was likely saying 'this is the stupidest note I have ever seen! What were you thinking?" And I will be he was pretty mad that she wrote such a stupid RN with all sorts of clues in it.

He even suggested that there are clues in the note because there are and he noticed them right away. It was his WTF moment. But, he was military, a pilot and a successful businessman in the early tech community with a massive contract with Boeing (?) so he is the type of guy that can hold it together and go upstairs and dress for the day, mentally noting all the flight issues, the days plans, the calls to make, etc.

It could also mean "Singing, Beauty, Tap and Charm". A motto for a future Miss Americas to follow? Like a recipe for success in pageants. But, I have come to believe it was just Patsy being Patsy and signing the note P.T.C originally. She thought no one would know. Really.
Search By The Cellar

In the 20 years and thousands of attempts by thousands of people trying to figure out the meaning of SBTC, IMO this is about as close as it gets.

Maybe 'She's By The Cellar' as she may have literally been by the cellar and not in it when the note was being written.

For many years I considered it a red herring but after diving into that note again after all these years and observing its dysfunctional complexities, I assume SBTC meant something.

The key to the mystery is patterns.

In a nutshell....absolutely.

What intrigues me about the SBTC Victory thing is -

The signoff on the note read


but when the 911 operator asked her who wrote the note, she said "SBTC, Victory".

If I had no clue who SBTC is, how would I know that "victory SBTC" wasnt the correct name?

You would read it just as it's written, wouldn't you?

"it says, "victory SBTC"" would be the correct way to answer if you honestly had no clue who'd written the note.

You wouldnt say Benz, Mercedes if it's written Mercedes Benz would you?

But no, Patsy seemed to already know that SBTC was the group and Victory! was only the sign off.


Because she wrote it in the first place, that's how...MOO


Interesting observation.

Beside the Bible was a greeting card JonBenet had made for her father, on which she had printed, 'The best gift I can give is me.'"
Why is this next to the Bible? Strange. If part of the staging or undoing, I'm surprised it wasn't placed next to that dictionary bookmarked to the word incest.

Makes this picture all the more creepy...


I agree. That is inappropriate to say the least. Don't give a damn who took the photo, why, or the circumstances. Even if this photographer is having the time of their life, the eyes of these two children tell a different story.

This family was so dysfunctional and I guarantee our jaws will hit the floor if the full story ever comes out.
In the 20 years and thousands of attempts by thousands of people trying to figure out the meaning of SBTC, IMO this is about as close as it gets.

Maybe 'She's By The Cellar' as she may have literally been by the cellar and not in it when the note was being written.

For many years I considered it a red herring but after diving into that note again after all these years and observing its dysfunctional complexities, I assume SBTC meant something.

In a nutshell....absolutely.

Interesting observation.

Why is this next to the Bible? Strange. If part of the staging or undoing, I'm surprised it wasn't placed next to that dictionary bookmarked to the word incest.

I agree. That is inappropriate to say the least. Don't give a damn who took the photo, why, or the circumstances. Even if this photographer is having the time of their life, the eyes of these two children tell a different story.

This family was so dysfunctional and I guarantee our jaws will hit the floor if the full story ever comes out.


I like SapphireSteel's observation where Patsy transposes SBTC and Victory. Since the RN is staged it has no real evidential value, other than to suggest PR wrote it, but then we know from her fibers found in the wine-cellar that she was involved.

If interpreting the RN I would take it at face value and consider SBTC meant Saved By The Cross and that the Foreign Faction were evangelical in nature?

This family was so dysfunctional and I guarantee our jaws will hit the floor if the full story ever comes out.
For me LHP's anecdote regarding her walking in on JonBenet and BR under the covers in her bedroom, and JonBenet shouting at her to go away, tells you how normalized such behavior must have been?

Also since the parents were charged by the GJ with child abuse, via neglect, this means they must have known something, either another parent had told them, or their doctor had diagnosed some medical condition, what else can we speculate?

This is probably why the rest of the GJ papers have been redacted, they would likely fill in the blanks allowing us to point at other parents or Medics.

Recently I believe it was CorallaroC mentioned the May 1, 1997 private press conference the Ramsey's called after the 4/97 interviews. I read at ACandyRose the Ramsey's PR person (who would that have been then?) invited the 7 select media people from TV, radio and newspaper top secret ,etc. And told them to call for the password for where the Q & A would be held. The password was "subtract". subtract minus (-) sbtc = u rat (!)
Recently I believe it was CorallaroC mentioned the May 1, 1997 private press conference the Ramsey's called after the 4/97 interviews. I read at ACandyRose the Ramsey's PR person (who would that have been then?) invited the 7 select media people from TV, radio and newspaper top secret ,etc. And told them to call for the password for where the Q & A would be held. The password was "subtract". subtract minus (-) sbtc = u rat (!)

LOL! That public relations person was Pat Korten, I believe.
What would be the point of she's by the cellar? Nobody in the world would look at the Ransom Note that morning and decipher that.
LOL! That public relations person was Pat Korten, I believe.

Hey SuperDave and BOESP, I read the article again and it said 'family spokesperson'. And found this re:pat Korten dated March 29,1997:
[h=2]Ramseys fire media consultant[/h][h=3]Boulder resident hired[/h][h=4]By ALLI KRUPSKI
Camera Staff Writer[/h]March 29, 1997
To simplify and reduce the cost of handling press requests, the Ramsey family dismissed spokesman Pat Korten and hired a new, local media consultant Friday.
Rachelle Zimmer, a 30-year-old Boulder resident with a journalism background, will replace Korten on Monday and work for Haddon, Morgan & Foreman, the Denver-based law firm representing John Ramsey.
"It's relatively simple - when we started out in January, we thought this was going to be a one- or two-month thing, and it's clear that isn't the case," Korten said. "This is one of the adjustments they decided to make, and that's fine with me. And there is also considerable value to being able to be physically there (in Boulder)."
Hey SuperDave and BOESP, I read the article again and it said 'family spokesperson'. And found this re:pat Korten dated March 29,1997:
[h=2]Ramseys fire media consultant[/h][h=3]Boulder resident hired[/h][h=4]By ALLI KRUPSKI
Camera Staff Writer[/h]March 29, 1997
To simplify and reduce the cost of handling press requests, the Ramsey family dismissed spokesman Pat Korten and hired a new, local media consultant Friday.
Rachelle Zimmer, a 30-year-old Boulder resident with a journalism background, will replace Korten on Monday and work for Haddon, Morgan & Foreman, the Denver-based law firm representing John Ramsey.
"It's relatively simple - when we started out in January, we thought this was going to be a one- or two-month thing, and it's clear that isn't the case," Korten said. "This is one of the adjustments they decided to make, and that's fine with me. And there is also considerable value to being able to be physically there (in Boulder)."

Much obliged, Cranberry. Pat Korten was just the first name I could think of.
What would be the point of she's by the cellar? Nobody in the world would look at the Ransom Note that morning and decipher that.

Hmm what about Save Burke Through Christ....(SBTC) - opinion. I pretty much subscribe to "Saved By The Cross" meaning P in her own mind could do whatever she wanted because she believed she would be forgiven by God and all is well and fine. That really seems like her thought process. JMO.
Or Stun, Bind, Torture, Choke.

If it was this or similar, the S would probably be Strangle...
I've heard Strangle, Bondage, Tie, Choke somewhere before...usually by those that subscribe to the theory there must be a tie to Pedo rings or that under belly. JMO.
Hmm what about Save Burke Through Christ....(SBTC) - opinion. I pretty much subscribe to "Saved By The Cross" meaning P in her own mind could do whatever she wanted because she believed she would be forgiven by God and all is well and fine. That really seems like her thought process. JMO.

VERY interesting thought, webweaved! I too lean toward Saved By The Cross, especially since it's preceded by "Victory!" But something like Saving Burke Through Christ still has the religious implication.
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