Saddam Likely to Be Hanged Before New Year, U.S. Military Officials Say

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Jan 11, 2006
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Saddam Likely to Be Hanged Before New Year, U.S. Military Officials Say

Khalil al-Dulaimi, Saddam Hussein's chief lawyer, told FOX News that U.S. officials have called him and asked to pick up Saddam's personal effects.

Deputy justice minister Busho Ibrahim has disputed claims that Hussein has been handed over to the Iraqi authorities

The Iraqi government is "anxious to get Saddam's execution done" and that it is likely to be carried out before the New Year — perhaps even within the next 24 hours, a U.S. military official said.

This official said American forces are now in the process of finalizing the former Iraqi dictator's transfer to Iraqi custody and to the location where he would be executed. Several U.S. officials said they are not ruling out the possibility that Saddam will be put to death as early as Friday.
Boy, they don't mess around do they?
I am not sure what I feel about this. I think he will be seen as a martyr and all hell is going to break loose.
2sisters said:
I am not sure what I feel about this. I think he will be seen as a martyr and all hell is going to break loose.

Yeah, the country seems to be barely holding together; they don't seem to have the gravitas for serious business like this. I guess I expected a US-style 5 year thrash with appeals and lawyer chicanery galore. Though maybe it’s us (US) who have the flawed system of justice and Iraq has it right.
OTOH, Saddam has to go since alive he is always a threat to the country's stability.
Sadaam Hussein goes to a fortune-teller and asks, "When will I die?" And the fortune-teller replies, "On an Iraqi holiday." Hussein then asks, "How do you know that?" And she replies, "Any day you die will be an Iraqi holiday."
Fox just said he was turned over to the Iraqi's. I imagine this will take place very quickly, if it hasn't been completed already.
2sisters said:
I am not sure what I feel about this. I think he will be seen as a martyr and all hell is going to break loose.
I feel the same way 2sisters...
I think you are right that he will be seen as a martyr by the terrorist groups who supported his actions in the past. And it is a shame for the innocent citizens who were happy to see him lose power. They were celebrating in the streets when he was captured. Such a shame and a no-win situation. If they let him live, there is always a danger from him giving orders from jail or from his supporters who "know" what he would do in situations. If they kill him, then there is going to be an uprising. I feel the same about the war over there. If we do nothing and call our soldiers home, it is a guarantee that we will have another 9/11. If we keep the soldiers there, the people rebel and get all anti-American and tell us to get the frack out of their country and kill our men and take innocents hostage. That is why I often feel the urge to drop a bomb on the countries who support and harbor terrorists and call it a done deal. I know there are those who will cry "but what of the innocent civilians!!!". My answer to that is "what of OUR (America's) innocent children and citizens who were blown up by these monsters? Our charity should begin at home. After we can be sure our own innocents are safe, then we can go save the rest of the world." I feel the same way about our homeless people and our starving people and abandoned children who need homes. And my opinion is every country should do the same thing. I already know which 3-5 posters are going to respond angrily and aloofly to my opinion. We all need to clean up our own backyards. Adopting a rainbow of children ALA Brangelina is fine and dandy but what of our own children who desperately need love and a home? These are the children who will grow up without a role model, being shuffled from foster home to foster home. They will end up being drop outs, druggies, and in jail. Producing children just like them. And the cycle will begin all over again. We and moan about our crime here at home. We call on the government to stop the kidnapping of our children, install tougher penalties on crime, etc. Until we, as Americans, step up and help our own population instead of putting our nose into everyone else's problems, this is how our world will be. Let the attacks begin.

2sisters said:
I am not sure what I feel about this. I think he will be seen as a martyr and all hell is going to break loose.
Good riddance. The sooner the better for the Iraqi people who suffered at his hands and at the hands of his sick and sadistic sons.
Kidz -

It's such a shame you feel you have to say "Let the attacks begin." Regardless of whether or not someone agrees with you, it stinks that people can't just say so without making it personal. :-(

I'm very big on fixing up home first. I have no issue with being chartiable once our boundaries are healthy inside, though.
Yes, It is dark there now, around midnight PST. I know Paris is 9 hours ahead of our time. There must be a time of day when they do their hangings. In Iran is at noon every Friday in the center of the town for all to witness. I'll check that out later, but Saddam is still in US custody, right?
When the Iraqis take him they probably won't have to travel too far to where the hanging will take place.

Off and running Scandi
2sisters said:
I am not sure what I feel about this. I think he will be seen as a martyr and all hell is going to break loose.
Time to pray for our soldiers.
In Baghdad yesterday a senior Iraqi official said the former dictator Saddam Hussein and two aides convicted with him would be executed immediately if an appeals court confirms their sentences.

The former leader may be buried secretly, he said.

The unnamed official said he expected the judicial panel studying the appeal to confirm death sentences on Saddam, his half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti, and a former judge, Awad al-Bandar.

"We are considering the possibility of executing the three, Saddam, Barzan and Bandar, on the same day," he said. "We may bury Saddam at a secret location.

"His body may later be handed over to his relatives [later] … But the Government will ensure is that there is no memorial built for Saddam anywhere in Iraq."
Buzzm1, I also heard a small blurb early on Fox News that they may also wait the full 30 days. They also mentioned that others in the Iraqui government said before the Muslim Holiday. I think they are keeping it a secret. I hope that someone reliable is there to witness the execution and verify his death.

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