Salute to the troops! 4th of July, 2010 Independence Day

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The Boss sings This Land Is My Land
It is midnight here ,so officially Happy Independence Day friends.

I am sad that Caylee will never learn these songs and watch the fireworks, but relieved that she is with Jesus where every day is Independence day.
I am so PROUD to be an American and grateful to the men and women who have fought to give us the freedoms we enjoy today.


It was a symbol of hope when we saw the huge flag waiving there amongst the destruction and chaos. We were all deeply moved.


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May the Lord bless them and keep them - each and every one of our troops. You are in my heart and mind each and every day.

O/T I thought we could make an exception, and allow an off topic thread, for all of our Troops, parents and friends here that love someone in the military.

On the forth of July I thought we could all express our appreciation for the troops. Those of you that have friends and families serving could print the comments and send them their way.
Please post your thoughts , say a few words to our brave young men and women that are deployed all over the world. May they all come home safely! Some gave all! These are soldiers coming back from Iraq after the ultimate sacrifice. The American flag drapes their coffins. I want to thank all the families of the military. In many ways they serve too.

Thanks for that The World According, It was so moving with Enya, bringing me right back to that moment when I awoke right after the first plane hit.

My nephew who was trained at great expense by the Army in intelligence at the New Mexico base has been in Afghanistan for 2 weeks now. I sent your video to everyone in my family saying let it be the reason we are still there, a part of our family doing his best for our freedoms. To keep them all alive who are so brave to fight in our stead.

G-d bless all our service men and women.
May those who are away from their loved ones return safe and sound.
Happy 4th of July, everyone!!
G-d bless you all for caring so deeply about others.
Iraq-US-troops-5.jpg click on this so you can see it larger, how they dig holes to sleep in the sand.

Copter.jpg Helicopter SEAL insertion training exercise.

coffins soldiers.jpg Some gave all!

TexasFuneral.jpg Texas funeral

Sub-Topeka.jpg Preparing mooring lines as submarine USSD Topeka enters Coronado Naval Base, California.
parashooters.jpg Paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne board a C-130 Hercules at Pope Air Force Base, NC.

F15-Carrier.jpg Preparing an Air Force F-15 for takeoff with KC-135 behind it.

Carrier.jpg US aircraft carrier in Persian Gulf.


Iraq-US-troops-3A.jpg Women are serving too.
LOve my Country an always will..God Bless the Troops..

If it were not for all the men and women who have defended this country - sometimes making the ultimate sacrifice - we would not be where we are and do all the things we are able to do today. With my hand over my heart, I salute everyone who has ever served their country, including all the wives, husbands and children 'who only stand and wait'. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I can't wait to show my husband this thread (he's out with the dog) and play his favorite - Lee Greenwood - song for him when he returns. When he listens to that song, it's one of the rare times I ever notice he cries.

My heart goes out to the wives, moms and dads and children of those who are presently serving our country - especially to those whose loved one is overseas.

My husband and I frequently speak of how difficult it is today for our troops and their families in that some of our troops are on their third rotation to a war zone. We didn't have it that bad although my husband was frequently deployed for various reasons.

The first funeral I went to that involved a Soldier who was known to us from our battalion broke me up so badly I thought I was going to have to have to leave the room (but I had no way out without standing up in the middle of the service for all to see). The Soldier's helmet, boots and rifle are positioned on an empty chair - the visual is so strong and powerful as to his loss. His YOUNG son and wife are sitting nearby and I just lost it (contained within but barely). The widow was numb I think because she remained composed. The Captain of the downed Soldier's company presented the son a unit coin. It was beyond moving to see him kneeling before the small boy, presenting him the coin and speaking to him about how brave and strong his father had been.

My husband just told me 'I can't do this now, this is too real to me.' He walked out of the room all choked up on the verge of tears.

May God Bless America and God Bless Our Troops.
Hi all. I don’t post much but read every day. I hope it’s alright if I jump in with a comment.

I just wanted to say thank you for all the good you do worldwide, and for all the personal sacrifices you make to accomplish this. Happy 4th of July from a Canadian.
the men and women who have kept our Country free.They give it all.
I pray for them every day.I would never leave my Homeland.It was quite a surprise to me the other nigh,reading news from 45th ThunderBird Infantry group I found a picture of my Dad at the Anzio BeachHead.He was the Dearest Dad ever! He died at Grandvilliers France on Oct.1,1944.I was 12 at the time but I still feel the sorrow.My heart goes out to all,they do not fight/die in vain.God Bless them all.
As a daughter, wife and mother of a three generation military family, I cried as I read each one of your posts. Those brave souls that so generously give their lives in order that ours are free are my "forever" heros. Those who have returned are my "everyday" heros ~ They do come back but their lives are forever changed.

Thank you for this thread. I'm sending the link to my son and daughter. Their dad will read it with me. My father, I know, is looking down and smiling in gratitude at all of you who have participated in building this salute. Thank you.

They do it for us. . . Isn't that humbling?
Hi all. I don’t post much but read every day. I hope it’s alright if I jump in with a comment.

I just wanted to say thank you for all the good you do worldwide, and for all the personal sacrifices you make to accomplish this. Happy 4th of July from a Canadian.

Truth Prevails,I just had to tell you ~ my grandfather who was from England died in the Canadian Army during ww1..He is buried here in Pittsburgh Pa....I appreciate your kind words.:angel:
Happy Independence Day America!

My thoughts & prayers go out to all of our Armed Forces currently serving our country and to those who have proudly served our great country!


On 9-11 there were no "Caucasians", no "hispanics", no "African American".....we were all ONE color....RED, WHITE & BLUE!!!!!
Thank you to all the men and women who sacrifice so much to serve our country. You are our true heroes, and we are all so proud of each and every one of you! May you come home safely to your family and friends.. God Bless.
As Independence

day comes to an end

our troops are fighting

fighting for us

fighting for their lives

to continue to maintain our freedom

as our fore fathers intended

I thank them all for that

may tomorrow be safe

and their strength continue

be grateful for what we have as Americans and be grateful

for the men and women who continue to fight for our freedom
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