Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #4

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Killing somebody in relation to Business is so extreme!
And a mother of 3 kids to top it all.

It was obvious that such a killing would cause media circus and bring focus of LE to all aspects of victim's life, including business.

What could be so serious that led to murder?

I would think burning the Business might have been a method of organized criminals.
Or threats/intimidation.

But murdering a woman while she was jogging?

I really don't know what to think :oops:

But it seems to be personal and not business related.

I mean,
Are there deranged gangs(Mafia style) operating in Ballarat?
If yes, then Police surely have some informants, no?

Were there any other extreme business related crimes like this previously?


It's staggering to think a woman / mother can't even go for a run and enjoy herself without something major happening to her
Yes, someone who had a motive and had too much to lose with Sam still around
With a lot of anger /hate
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To those who had access to her app.

It seems she didn't share the tracking publicly.

If she had the app, of course. She may not have. She had only recently got back into running.

A bit off the subject, and probably of little value (and nothing to do with what we are speaking of :) ) ... Sam was an aerobics instructor at a Ballarat gym before she took over office duties at the business. Just another little tidbit about Sam.

Nicely summarised Curiousobserver.

That thread you mention sounds very interesting, I will add to the reading list.

You have jogged my memory on one of Sissy’s contributions to the panel discussion on UI, was that she said there is excellent phone reception all through the area. She runs there and she’s helped in the searches for SM, and she said at no point during searching did her or other searchers phone’s drop out to zero bars of reception (she called it SOS mode). I was surprised to hear this.

Notwithstanding, as you say phones glitch all the time, for all sorts of random reasons.

I still wonder about snake bite, I once stopped to admire a brown snake crossing a path, and was watching mesmerised, when I realised a jogger running up behind me, headphones in, in the “zone”, was on a collision course with it and oblivious due to a shadow on the path. I yelled “snake, watch out!” but he was totally oblivious still and it was all happening too quickly, so without really thinking I pushed him hard on the arm so he stumbled to the side, missing it. At first he thought I was attacking him then he saw the snake, spooked by the commotion scurrying into the long grass, and thanked me profusely.

I believe you can experience strong hallucinations when bitten, if not treated immediately, and can get very trippy and disoriented. Maybe not act like you’ve been told to, maybe forget about your phone in the panic, like Sissy did after her attack?

I’ve also heard it’s possible you don’t always know you’ve been bitten straight away (if you don’t see the snake, perhaps brush past a bush and it’s in the foliage). So potential to get bitten, continue running, experience hallucination, stumble off course and fall down a deep mine shaft, phone and all. Not the most likely scenario at all, a triple down on extraordinarily bad luck, but somewhat plausible.


Would like to believe this but she has lived in AUS all her life- more out in the country as a girl? had horses? and she has dogs and children so she must know all about snakes and believe she would have just called emergency medical. I asked once before- this house is "new" to them...? How new? Is she not that familiar with these trails? Or has she run in this park for years? (I keep thinking of the statement by MM that "people don't just disappear" and I think: read WS and you will see they disappear every day :( )
This theory would work for me, would like to know more of the comings and goings from the house that morning.
I don’t think the police have much idea of the car involved.
Unless they find her body, Or the car, I think the case is stalled.
They must have all the data they are ever going to get from her phone and watch.
they may have phone data from everyone else in the area and that could take a long time to sort through if it is helpful at all
That's a weird turn of phrase.

Full quote from article: “It could well be she has left on her own accord; it could well be misadventure, or she could be involved with a family member of sorts,” he theorised.

That's weirdly worded, right? It's not just me?


For ME,
it sounds like an euphemism of an ex - ex hubby.
Was she divorced before?

Would like to believe this but she has lived in AUS all her life- more out in the country as a girl? had horses? and she has dogs and children so she must know all about snakes and believe she would have just called emergency medical. I asked once before- this house is "new" to them...? How new? Is she not that familiar with these trails? Or has she run in this park for years? (I keep thinking of the statement by MM that "people don't just disappear" and I think: read WS and you will see they disappear every day :( )

This Age article says that they had "recently" moved into Ballarat from a rural property outside Ballarat.

Could he have been hinting at the (distant?) relative with the AVO against them? I'm sure I initially read that the Murphy's had taken out an AVO against a relative.
That's a weird turn of phrase.

Full quote from article: “It could well be she has left on her own accord; it could well be misadventure, or she could be involved with a family member of sorts,” he theorised.

That's weirdly worded, right? It's not just me?
It is strange. My family weren't one to do it, but some people call close family friends "uncle" and "aunty" when they're not really related..maybe it's something like that, or an ex BIL (if MMs sister say had divorced her ex husband as an example)?
Killing somebody in relation to Business is so extreme!
And a mother of 3 kids to top it all.

It was obvious that such a killing would cause media circus and bring focus of LE to all aspects of victim's life, including business.

What could be so serious that led to murder?

I would think burning the Business might have been a method of organized criminals.
Or threats/intimidation.

But murdering a woman while she was jogging?

I really don't know what to think :oops:

But it seems to be personal and not business related.

I mean,
Are there deranged gangs(Mafia style) operating in Ballarat?
If yes, then Police surely have some informants, no?

Were there any other extreme business related crimes like this previously?

There's been some interesting activity in the crash repair industry in Ballarat recently.
The proprietor of the biggest tow truck/crash repair business in Ballarat faced court in December 2023, charged with extensive fraudulent activity.
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There have long been rumours regarding links between outlaw motor cycle gangs and car re-birthing in Ballarat. Maybe there's a motive in there somewhere.

IMO professional disappearances/murders frequently harm the loved ones of their target. IMO MM has possibly been the true target. Purely speculation.

This may be unrelated but its barely a 30 minute drive south of Ballarat. Could perhaps be to incinerate evidence, phone, watch, airpods, clothes and or anything a perp may have been wearing or using at the time of disappearance away from the search areas. Maybe someone taking a car apart bit by bit or how effective that may be in destroying forensically gatherable (probably not a word but, as the kids say "tevs") traces. It doesn't seem to be the smartest choice but someone who is panicking, desperate or under intense pressure about following an order might feel they have no other option.
Or possibly as I recall from an earlier thread it could be a ruse to divert a large contingent of fire fighters and emergency services to this area while they incinerate a vehicle/evidence elsewhere.

Really hoping for closure for Sam's loved ones, especially her children.

The fires look like they are under control, depending on what intelligence the police have got, whether this has any effect on the investigation
Only a few minutes into the tv show & not that interesting or informative . Trying not to be unkind but does Sissy add anything to the discussion.
They doesn’t seem to know anything just pad it . I am wondering if they will actually discuss DV as a possibly - since that is how most women are killed .
I take different view to the program, what is enjoying the program every crime episode always the best information and and theories, again another outstanding show, show indicates she was a loved person in the community and by a family, had to be someone that she knew, why would stranger try to kidnap her, yes it been a lot of murders around there but she never and I quote never hang out when the wrong crowd, there is no evidence of bikes connection or anything to do a criminality, she was like in the community so why would someone target her, my view is she was targeted to get rid of?
Did you see something she was not supposed to see ,did she learn of something that was not supposed to see, good people you mix with , you're not going to get into trouble, so why was this good person who was loved in the community missing maybe it's closer to home than we think
That is the question !

And why not say "BIL" ?
Because he is not allowed to accuse or even imply an individual as a suspect. He knows the law, it would be highly prejudicial, unethical and unfairly target someone through a media platform. Bezzina knows better. It could ruin the chances of prosecution and it could hinder current strategy from legitimate serving LE. He's a FORMER homicide detective. Its not his role to announce suspects and he may be wildly off base and get sued for defamation by a member of the public for mentioning someone who fits that actual role within a family structure. Imagine the media frenzy, that person or there may be several who could fall in that category would have no peace from media, they may even suffer physical threats and violence from citizens going off half-cocked and taking things in to their own hands.
There's been some interesting activity in the crash repair industry in Ballarat recently.
The proprietor of the biggest tow truck/crash repair business in Ballarat faced court in December 2023, charged with extensive fraudulent activity.
Behind a paywall for subscribers

There have long been rumours regarding links between outlaw motor cycle gangs and car re-birthing in Ballarat. Maybe there's a motive in there somewhere.

IMO professional disappearances/murders frequently harm the loved ones of their target. IMO MM has possibly been the true target. Purely speculation.


Is all the money of this world worth it?
Pain and heartache of children?
Despair of family members?

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