Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #7

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It’s possible he is telling his parents he didn’t do it. He’s being set up. Everyone hates him.

Some parents are completly blind when it comes to their offspring.


Yes, I think that, for some, it is hard to think that a loved one is an alleged killer.

Karen Ristevski's daughter never seemed to come to terms with the fact that her dad killed her mum. She chose to "not think about it" (as per a TV interview where she stated this).

Who knows what this accused has said to his parents. Presumably they have visited with him at the prison. But I do expect a barrister or Legal Aid to be in the picture by now, with legal advice and direction.

I tend to agree Wulfmoon - as I said myself left field and not probable. I’m just trying to think of a plausible theory for the lack of IMO what would be normal standard procedure for a missing body.

Have you got a theory why police haven’t bothered with divers, cadaver dogs, stopped searching mines and forest so early, and aren’t interested in public reporting sightings of the accused vehicle? And yet they believe they have enough to prosecute a murder charge.

I’m really perplexed by this. I think if we could work out why these seemingly standard things are not being done to help find SM, despite the big show of putting a huge team of experts on the case, there might be something interesting there.
Certainly mystery from police. They have until August to get their ducks in a row. Otherwise the case will be thrown out before it starts. The DPP must think they have enough now to charge with murder. I can't believe police haven't had divers and dogs in for a thorough search. But when I think about it, police have never really been searching for SM. Maybe they did find her very early on. Can't imagine why it wasn't disclosed. Am hoping police know a lot more than they are disclosing, or they are clutching at straws. MOO
Certainly mystery from police. They have until August to get their ducks in a row. Otherwise the case will be thrown out before it starts. The DPP must think they have enough now to charge with murder. I can't believe police haven't had divers and dogs in for a thorough search. But when I think about it, police have never really been searching for SM. Maybe they did find her very early on. Can't imagine why it wasn't disclosed. Am hoping police know a lot more than they are disclosing, or they are clutching at straws. MOO

Charlie Bezzina stated, when the police seemed to scale back their physical search, that he ...

".. believes police must have a specific line of inquiry to justify scaling back the physical land search for the 51-year-old.
The search, which involved police, SES and fire brigade volunteers was scaled back at the weekend, which Mr Bezzina described as "unusual"."

Certainly mystery from police. They have until August to get their ducks in a row. Otherwise the case will be thrown out before it starts. The DPP must think they have enough now to charge with murder. I can't believe police haven't had divers and dogs in for a thorough search. But when I think about it, police have never really been searching for SM. Maybe they did find her very early on. Can't imagine why it wasn't disclosed. Am hoping police know a lot more than they are disclosing, or they are clutching at straws. MOO
does anyone know of any cases where police have infact found the body and not disclosed that information to the public in a case with as much attention? As someone mentioned upthread there are people out looking for Samantha potentially putting themselves at risk going down mineshafts etc..
OK, so PS liked tinkering with cars and was interested in climate change, wanting to make cars more environmentally friendly. Wonder if he tinkered on cars at the panel beaters, or pitched his ideas to them and he was shut down on this idea and got offended. Held onto his disappointment and rage and plotted his revenge. I know it has been said that there was connection between PS and SM but I wonder...

Charlie Bezzina stated, when the police seemed to scale back their physical search, that he ...

".. believes police must have a specific line of inquiry to justify scaling back the physical land search for the 51-year-old.
The search, which involved police, SES and fire brigade volunteers was scaled back at the weekend, which Mr Bezzina described as "unusual"."

A lot of things about this crime seem , to the amateur eye, unusual. Certainly, to my amateur eye.

Irrevocably stating that Mrs Murphy is dead was one thing, calling it murder was another, and this without any sighting of the body whatsoever, by any person qualified to pronounce death, and manner of death. ... I can't recall a similar situation, certainly not when she was only missing, at that point, for a fortnight. Years maybe... but that was mighty quick, and since I have a lot of reasons to take VICPOL at their word, I do not doubt that both these things are true.

She is dead, and she was murdered, and in the opinion if VICPOL , based on hard evidence they hold, Mr S did it. . On that Sunday morning, at Mt. Clear.

The search parameters seemed just another working hypothesis, and while the heat was a factor in searchers safety, plus bushfires, and the threat of bushfires, that had logic in it.....

His silence is the big mystery to me. It does not assist him. His solicitor and his ( no doubt funded ) barrister would be advising him of this in no uncertain terms, because they know the score only too well. His silence is a real disadvantage to him, and to no one else. No one else is going to pay the piper here, They would be be telling him this every day, in as many ways as possible.
does anyone know of any cases where police have infact found the body and not disclosed that information to the public in a case with as much attention? As someone mentioned upthread there are people out looking for Samantha potentially putting themselves at risk going down mineshafts etc..
No. It is not in the VICPOL purview to keep that secret. not for any longer than a matter of hours, because, you know, they have to tell the family, and they can't make the family lay low. It would be kept secret if family members were difficult to find, like they are overseas or something like that, that has happened before. But in this instance. no. I do not think VICPOL has the power to do that, as it would over ride the DPP .
For anyone interested in Apple watch alerts I heard from a friend of mine yesterday - who received a text message stating "(insert relatives name) has been in a HIGH COLLISION ACCIDENT and here is the location."

She thought the message was odd, possibly a joke and tried calling the relative... The phone was ringing out. Given it was late at night and the location was in a rural area, she decided to drive to the location. It took her 10 minutes to arrive and she was met with a horrific scene and no one else in sight! She proceeded to call an ambulance who said they were already notified by the watch and would be there as soon as possible, they were having a busy night and needed help from a town further away. 40 minutes later the ambulance arrived!

I thought I would share as I didn't realise the watches could differentiate between impact, being a fall, accident etc.
It's interesting to me that people can't seem to believe someone would randomly attack a woman not known to them. To me this falls into the same vein as the 'he looks too normal to be a killer!' comments.
It happens all the time, to varying degrees. No motive or prior relationship is needed. He does not need to have been plotting to kill her and staking out her running routine. Yes, it's the more 'boring' outcome. But if you're speculating pigs ate her (???) then I think you're barking up the wrong tree.
Chances that he just decided to run a stranger down, dumped her body in the bush and it's pure luck that it hasn't been discovered yet - like Karen Ristevski. Yes, not as exciting to discuss, but this is real life - not a crime novel.
It's interesting to me that people can't seem to believe someone would randomly attack a woman not known to them. To me this falls into the same vein as the 'he looks too normal to be a killer!' comments.
It happens all the time, to varying degrees. No motive or prior relationship is needed. He does not need to have been plotting to kill her and staking out her running routine. Yes, it's the more 'boring' outcome. But if you're speculating pigs ate her (???) then I think you're barking up the wrong tree.
Chances that he just decided to run a stranger down, dumped her body in the bush and it's pure luck that it hasn't been discovered yet - like Karen Ristevski. Yes, not as exciting to discuss, but this is real life - not a crime novel.
As a parent, I find it more confronting than anything and don't want to believe it.

It appears the parents have done their best to raise their children well, and this is the end result.

Now their lives change for the worse, forever.

There may be sound reasons why the parents didn't support him at court appearance... A nervous breakdown after learning of the news comes to mind.
My 'true detective' question is why did a seemingly normal guy, living a pretty normal life suddenly change into an alleged monster overnight?
The dualism is an exaggeration I think. It's normal to have strong emotions and society expects that we manage them without harming others. In effect we all have a monster inside. If we can get safe through our twenties he's less expensive to control.
The parents left town on the first hour of his arrest. And have remained incognito since, as is their perfect right,... they certainly have not come out at a press conference to proclaim their boy's innocence , loudly and clearly. Don't know as yet if they are stumping up for headache inducing cost of one of Melbourne's best and brightest barristers , or if he is going to take his chances with one chosen by the court..
Collectively, from your two postings:
That quick: 'The parents left town on the first hour of his arrest...' One would assume in doing so that it was to immediately protect the alleged perp. siblings and themselves. This needs further examination.
'In Au law, and in Victorian law, keeping quiet about where the body is of a someone you killed is not the bargaining chip it might seem at first glance to be. It is a negative , in the overall makeup of the crimes...' It is what the alleged perp. has done to SM and then with SM body. Also by admission comes the full force of consequences.
'There seems, in respect of this long silence, a clear pointer to some hugely dysfunctional dynamic in this family that they have not been able to persuade him of his best interests, considering his situation. Of a long standing nature, or, on the other hand he might be particularly stubborn and stupid, and that is always a possibility' My initial (very first) posting was removed here by a moderator whom I suspect has/d legal rank. You have to go back to the alleged perp. childhood and establish if there are dynamics there that were developed over a short period of time. This will all come out. The alleged perp. by general nature is sensitive and I suspect has talked about his troubles and concerns about what he has been through to others. I suspect that the alleged perp. has deep seated conflicting issues that he has not been able to handle and has had no one to talk to them about. If you can offload issues in general one can manage to cope better with the surroundings. MOO
haunting story, actually. thanks for sharing.

It does sound as if the mine shafts have a whole life of their own.
Are these mine shafts scattered EVERYWHERE in Australia, or more specific to this area of the country?
I'm not sure how prolific mine shafts are over Victoria, or Australia, but Ballarat (and Bendigo) were major locations during the gold rush period, with every man and their dog trying their luck. So yes, I'd say this area has far more than most. Just ask anyone interested in prospecting and I dare say Ballarat and Bendigo are the hot spots for searching.
Please bear with me as I ramble through my own personal brain f*&ts:

We heard very early on that Samantha & Mick had dinner with friends the night before she went missing.

We don’t know where that was, but there was a question from a reporter at a police presser, asking were they looking at her movements at a hospitality venue the previous night ( maybe just a harmless random question)

Did S & M only go to dinner, then home early or did they kick on for awhile afterwards, maybe listen to a band, have a dance, play the pokies, go to a show ( I don’t know what was on that night in Ballarat )

We heard that was also out that same night - on a bender it was said (although reports have since stated that the ‘partying’ video of him was not of that Saturday night 3rd Feb)

Maybe they were at the same venue, maybe their paths crossed, maybe he heard her saying about her running plans, maybe he’s just someone who should’ve been locked up earlier!!

Sorry, I’m really at a loss to figure out any of this horrible situation.
I'm not supposing PS and the Murphys were at the same venue or that their paths crossed during the night. My idea was that something happened at a venue that police needed to follow up on, which led to them talking to PS (as the person who caused the disturbance, or as a witness) in the days after Sam's disappearance. They might even have made a pretext of the disturbance to have a conversation with PS. Alternatively he might have come forward to say he was in the area and saw nothing, filmed nothing; but something about him triggered eyebrows. My point is that just because they did some covert work, and wanted him unsuspicious until they were ready to jump, it doesn't mean they hadn't chatted with him already.
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