Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #8

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Doubtful they’ve gone overseas. Possibly to one of OS’s or his wife’s families empty family rentals. Or to a big family farm. And they are entitled to their privacy. I imagine there’s a back entrance to the remand centre so they can gain access without MM taking pix of them too.
IMO we should leave them alone. They are going thru their own hell.

It will never be the same for them, feel sorry for their daughters, going through study, friends etc

And living with this forever, being recognised

We don't know what could come out in the courts

"Samantha Murphy's body remains missing -

but crucial clues could help pinpoint where she is.

Former detective and private investigator Duncan McNab suggests that the decision to resume the search was sparked by information from the public and forensic testing.

The seizure of Stephenson's car may have also also provided information to detectives.

'Various pieces of information are coming in, people remembering things, memories being jogged and also possibly from forensic testing'.

'Police are putting these disparate bits together, and they've decided that it's a really good place to search this area, and they hit it pretty hard'.

'They seized his car, and there might be something in it—soil traces, bits of vegetable matter, that sort of stuff'.

'There are a whole range of things that have taken it to that, but importantly, it's always the public coming forward that helps.'

The Missing Persons Squad, Search and Rescue Squad, the Mounted Branch, the Dog Squad and the Public Order Response Team joined the eight-hour search."

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A question for the more experienced and regular sleuthers..
Do you find it strange at all, that PS family has managed to stay clear of any media?
Since the arrest, I am aware of the few articles on the girfriend with the horse pics etc, but has there been anything more about the family that anyone is aware of?
I recall some mention of them fleeing town or something to that effect, around the time of the arrest, but they seem to have done well IMO to avoid the media circus thats not usually so easy to avoid?
Im well aware we are not to sleuth family, and not in anyway trying to encourage anyone to do so, but the media is not usually so...respectful?
Could it be due to the fathers potential position/standing, or another reason?Could, or would, they be/have been given some kind of protection from the media? (Or others?)
I think they moved swiftly to avoid anything like the media circus they had seen that surrounded Mick and family. I think it was quick enough that nobody picked up on where they went. My question would be whether his mum has continued teaching at her regular gig, and whether his sister's have managed to continue to work or study, or whether they've totally gone to ground. Perhaps MSM is just being respectful for once and not trying to find them.

<modsnip - quoted post was removed - sleuthing a person not named POI by LE>

<modsnip - quoted post was discussing rumors/unapproved source>
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Could be ego but maybe he realises the less he says the harder it will be for LE. Why help them convict him? We don't know what evidence the police have but he may know. He may be thinking they don't have her body and what they do have might not be enough to convict him. He might think it in his best interests to keep his mouth shut.
We’ve heard the comment that PS is ’not cooperating’ - but what does that actually mean.

If I put on the Police hat, I’d suggest ‘cooperating’ would be the accused sayings, ‘ yes, I did it and here’s where I hid her body’.

If I put on PS’s hat, maybe he’s said ‘I’ve told you repeatedly that I had nothing to do with it, so from now on all you’ll get is ‘no comment’.

Just my thoughts ..
I’ve been doing some thinking as I read through everyone’s posts, still not a lot to go on but I have an odd feeling about today. I wonder if today is the day that Sam is found.

A few thing going through my mind:

When the accused was arrested, I’m thinking it was between the time he was arrested and the time he was charged for murder (the 30 hours or whatever) that LE found the indisputable evidence of murder, at Mt Clear. A video or photos on his phone, blood in his car, a strand of her hair in his car, maybe even a text message to a friend (I’ve done something wrong, I’ve killed someone, I need your help”). IMO.

The accused not talking has me thinking a lot too. Perhaps he’s a ‘smart donkey’ kid, above the law, I’m better than you type who wants the LE to be part of his fun game of guess who, what, where, why etc. IMO

Or maybe he knows that LE have seen everything on his phone and thinks “well then you don’t need me to tell you where she is, do your job and find her then!” IMO

These two points above then lead me to believe he’s the type of person who likes being on a power trip, narcissistic, better than everyone. Builds an image in my mind then of someone who can easily lash out when annoyed or enraged, or when someone “inferior to him” (an older woman for eg) pulls him up for doing something wrong. IMO

I know a lot of this has probably been mentioned before, just needed to get it out.
I have a question for the folk who know the process of arrests, police work, etc

IF there was another person involved in this (perhaps after the fact), is it possible that they could have ‘handed themselves in’ / presented to LE prior to the accused arrest, and provided a lot of incriminating evidence, in exchange for not being charged as an accomplice / accessory?
I have a question for the folk who know the process of arrests, police work, etc

IF there was another person involved in this (perhaps after the fact), is it possible that they could have ‘handed themselves in’ / presented to LE prior to the accused arrest, and provided a lot of incriminating evidence, in exchange for not being charged as an accomplice / accessory?
I'm not saying that 'someone handed themselves in', not quite in that manner, but at the press conference on , was it Friday?.. Mr Patton repeated, firmly, and clearly, two or three times, that they were very very grateful to 'members of the public', who, apparently, came forward with information. He was quite adamant about it, a signal, it seemed to me, to keep that stuff coming in,, dribbling in, pouring in, strolling in, whatever, he was appreciative.

More than usual expressions of gratitude, , for VICPOL, is what I am trying to convey here... .they are mostly po-faced and unreadable .,
I have a question for the folk who know the process of arrests, police work, etc

IF there was another person involved in this (perhaps after the fact), is it possible that they could have ‘handed themselves in’ / presented to LE prior to the accused arrest, and provided a lot of incriminating evidence, in exchange for not being charged as an accomplice / accessory?

You would need a lawyer to negotiate a deal on your behalf before handing yourself in and proceeding.

Maybe if their role was more minor, say assisting disposing of the body.

If it really helped bring the case together, I'm sure it would count for something. A reduced sentence maybe. Complete immunity... I'm not sure.

While searching the matter, I came across an article that had similarity to the SM case.

The victims body was never found. The accused was tried and acquitted. After being found guilty of perjury at a later inquest, LE used immunity as a bargaining chip in an attempt to find the victims body.

I'm not saying that 'someone handed themselves in', not quite in that manner, but at the press conference on , was it Friday?.. Mr Patton repeated, firmly, and clearly, two or three times, that they were very very grateful to 'members of the public', who, apparently, came forward with information. He was quite adamant about it, a signal, it seemed to me, to keep that stuff coming in,, dribbling in, pouring in, strolling in, whatever, he was appreciative.

More than usual expressions of gratitude, , for VICPOL, is what I am trying to convey here... .they are mostly po-faced and unreadable .,
Thanks @Trooper - yes I’ve wondered this too about the new search area on Wednesday, that LE announced this to the public as having come from new intelligence from several sources. As if to say “see, you (the public) coming and telling us any piece of information will help us narrow down a search area, your information is helping us, keep it coming” IMO
You would need a lawyer to negotiate a deal on your behalf before handing yourself in and proceeding.

Maybe if their role was more minor, say assisting disposing of the body.

If it really helped bring the case together, I'm sure it would count for something. A reduced sentence maybe. Complete immunity... I'm not sure.

While searching the matter, I came across an article that had similarity to the SM case.

The victims body was never found. The accused was tried and acquitted. After being found guilty of perjury at a later inquest, LE used immunity as a bargaining chip in an attempt to find the victims body.

Thanks @Whatson
In a case study of 119 murder cases, they developed some stats ... with the result highlighting how much the police need to know the accused's areas of familiarity, so they can piece this together with other intel and have a better chance of locating a victim.

- a bystander located the corpse (39 percent), followed by police work (33 percent),an offender’s confession (19 percent), a witness (7 percent), or other means (3 percent)

- 72 percent of offenders who were strangers left the victim unconcealed

- bystanders were more likely to discover the body when the offender was a stranger (61 percent)

- offenders who preplanned the body disposal were more likely to dispose of the victim on their own property, while those who did not preplan were more likely to dispose of the corpse not on their property but in the surrounding neighborhood

- offenders more likely will deposit a body in areas for which they have familiarity for legitimate reasons and that these locations primarily surround their residence, neighborhood, or workplace. Such familiar areas could be expanded to include routes of travel between these locations as well

We’ve heard the comment that PS is ’not cooperating’ - but what does that actually mean.

If I put on the Police hat, I’d suggest ‘cooperating’ would be the accused sayings, ‘ yes, I did it and here’s where I hid her body’.

If I put on PS’s hat, maybe he’s said ‘I’ve told you repeatedly that I had nothing to do with it, so from now on all you’ll get is ‘no comment’.

Just my thoughts ..
The interview would have consisted of questions surrounding what he had done that day etc etc. not just did he do it or not. Also scenarios would have been put to him. He could have just said "No comment" to every question.
<modsnip - quoted post was removed for no link/rumor>

It seems entirely reasonable from my perspective that Samantha's husband would be "on edge" regardless - his wife is missing, presumed dead. The pressure which this man must be enduring is way beyond what most of us will ever have to face IMO. Quite apart from the devastation and shock which he must surely be experiencing, he also is seeing the pain which he and Samantha's children (and other loved ones) are enduring.

IIRC when recently asked by a reporter how we was going, a phrase he used was "xxxxx" (expletive) - (unsurprisingly IMO), and then "just trying to be strong for everyone." IMO this is a brave man, doing his best in utterly dreadful circumstances, and thinking of others. The feeling of powerlessness must be immense.

IMO it may be that, seeing his children's continued distress, he's gone out to the search site again, hoping to be able to return with some positive information. Naturally it would be disappointing if the search had been called off early, and he very possibly was distressed. It does not mean however, that his relationship with Vicpol has broken down. JMO
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IMO it may be that, seeing his children's continued distress, he's gone out to the search site again, hoping to be able to return with some positive information. Naturally it would be disappointing if the search had been called off early, and he very possibly was distressed. It does not mean however, that his relationship with Vicpol has broken down. JMO

I think Mick may also have visited the search site, when he knew he was allowed (after the police had stopped the search for the day), because he wanted to feel Sam's vibe, wanted to feel if she was there.

This man has not even had the chance to say goodbye to his wife.

<modsnip - quoted post was removed/no link/rumor>

It seems entirely reasonable from my perspective that Samantha's husband would be "on edge" regardless - his wife is missing, presumed dead. The pressure which this man must be enduring is way beyond what most of us will ever have to face IMO. Quite apart from the devastation and shock which he must surely be experiencing, he also is seeing the pain which he and Samantha's children (and other loved ones) are enduring.

IIRC when recently asked by a reporter how we was going, a phrase he used was "xxxxx" (expletive) - (unsurprisingly IMO), and then "just trying to be strong for everyone." IMO this is a brave man, doing his best in utterly dreadful circumstances, and thinking of others. The feeling of powerlessness must be immense.

IMO it may be that, seeing his children's continued distress, he's gone out to the search site again, hoping to be able to return with some positive information. Naturally it would be disappointing if the search had been called off early, and he very possibly was distressed. It does not mean however, that his relationship with Vicpol has broken down. JMO

Obviously, if VICPOL have come across some intelligence that has come in regarding himself or family, they won't say anything.
I am keeping an open mind on this investigation
We don't know what the police know now, compared to in the beginning
They have an accused murderer facing court in August
but did he act alone ?
Does someone know more and not saying anything ?
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Obviously, if VICPOL have come across some intelligence that has come in regarding himself or family, they won't say anything.
I am keeping an open mind on this investigation
We don't know what the police know now, compared to in the beginning
They have an accused murderer facing court in August
but did he act alone ?
Does someone know more and not saying anything ?
Indeed. I agree Nifty. I suspect that there is a lot happening that we are unaware of but the small pieces of **footage that have appeared provide a glimpse of what has occurred and one can consider that a lot more is to come. The police can't find SM's body; the alleged perp. is not cooperating and the papers will feed us more information from their sources.
Indeed. I agree Nifty. I suspect that there is a lot happening that we are unaware of but the small pieces of **footage that have appeared provide a glimpse of what has occurred and one can consider that a lot more is to come. The police can't find SM's body; the alleged perp. is not cooperating and the papers will feed us more information from their sources.
Just a thought , could the electronic bits be flushed down into the septic system and would the tech dogs be able to detect same ?
Just a thought , could the electronic bits be flushed down into the septic system and would the tech dogs be able to detect same ?
That's a good question. To be quite honest those 2 items that we know SM had could be absolutely anywhere including the clothing and other. I considered smash and random bin disposal. Which septic system, whose house, whose property? 33 days of flushing with toilet cleaners etc. et. al. thrown down but I suspect that that or those systems and any drainage systems would have been checked--wouldn't anybody?? Maybe something has been found. Would the dogs pick it up: when we move our bowels we all pass blood, everyone does, so dogs will pick up scent anywhere to be found. I would find it hard for the dogs to differentiate between SM scent and all the other that the dogs would pick up. I suspect that the police have already located some of SM belongings and these are part of the charges. This assimilates with the silence. MOO
A bit of a random question for more experienced sleuthers regarding court appearances after playing around on the Magistrate's Court of Vic page; when there is a case listed that says it is “to be heard via online Magistrate's Court”, is this publicly accessible?
A bit of a random question for more experienced sleuthers regarding court appearances after playing around on the Magistrate's Court of Vic page; when there is a case listed that says it is “to be heard via online Magistrate's Court”, is this publicly accessible?
I think what you are asking there is, is this hearing available to you , online.. if so, then no. It will not be available to you, online. You can attend the Magistrate's Court in person,, at Ballarat, I think it is.

The suspect will be making his appearance 'online'. .. that is what this announcement means. He is at the remand centre in Melbourne, and the Magistrate's court is in Ballarat, 115 klms away, which is where this crime took place. ,

It is not in the prisoners interest to transport him up from Melbourne, back to Ballarat for a hearing, when it can be done safer, and quicker, and cheaper online. Far less security needed, also. The online part of this is an internal online process, between the Remand Centre and the Court. Not a general online process.

Is this what you were asking?
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